Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group on the topic: “Rings” (Multi-colored soap bubbles).

Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group on the topic: “Rings” (Multi-colored soap bubbles).


drawing classes in the younger group on the topic: “Rings” (Multi-colored soap bubbles).


Convey a round shape in the drawing.

Educational objectives:

Teach children to hold a pencil correctly. Practice circular motion of your hand. Learn to use pencils of different colors in the drawing process.

Developmental tasks


Develop color perception.

Strengthen knowledge of colors.

Educational tasks:

Induce a feeling of joy from contemplating colorful drawings.

Materials and equipment:

A bear toy, an image of a soap bubble, pencils of different colors, a board, landscape paper.

Preliminary work:

playing with soap bubbles and watching them.


Surprise moment


Children, a bear came to visit us today.

And did he bring us something? (A box, inside the box there is a picture with soap bubbles)

Children's answers.


(shows a picture of soap bubbles) Children, what is drawn in the picture? That's right, soap bubbles. Soap bubbles are very light and airy, and if you blow on them, they can fly up or in the other direction. Soap bubbles also shimmer in different colors, like a rainbow, but these bubbles are so thin that they can burst when touched with the palm.

Children, remember, we played with soap bubbles on the street, looked at how round they were, different sizes, big and small, they were also different colors, and then we caught them, they burst. Let's show Mishka, he didn't see us playing with soap bubbles.

Creating a problematic situation.


Children, soap bubbles burst so quickly that we don’t have time to admire them. What to do?

(With leading questions, the teacher prompts the children to think that bubbles need to be drawn.)

Drawing "Multi-colored soap bubbles."


Children, tell me, what shape are soap bubbles? (round)

- Now let's raise our hands and first draw bubbles in the air. Well done! This is how we can draw.

Children with a teacher draw a circle in the air (perform circular movements)

— If you want, kids, I’ll show you how to draw soap bubbles correctly. How will we draw our soap bubbles? (children's answers). But today we will draw with colored pencils.

Children, a pencil has a tail and a spout, we need to hold the pencil by the spout.

First, we hold the pencil by the tail with three fingers, with the thumb, index and middle. And we roll down from the tail, as if down a hill, to the nose, there is no need to hold the nose of the pencil, if we hold it by the nose, then we will not be able to draw, we need to leave a little space from the nose of the pencil. This is how you need to hold it correctly, the pencil lies on the middle finger, the index finger holds the pencil on top, and the thumb on the left side.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of an art lesson in the 2nd junior group “Olympic rings” Objectives: -Continue to introduce children to the history of the origin of Olympic symbols (flag, fire, Olympic rings, etc.). — Activate vocabulary on the topic “Olympic Games.” -Promote the development of curiosity - Cultivate strong-willed qualities - patience, the ability to complete work. Goals: - Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints; -Develop attention, memory, sensory perception, eye; — Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Introduce unconventional working techniques. - Cultivate strong-willed qualities - patience, the ability to complete work. Preliminary work: Viewing the presentation, illustrations depicting Olympic symbols, conversation “where the Olympic Games came from”, introduction to winter sports, cut-out pictures on the topic “Sochi Olympics 2014” Materials, equipment: A4 sheets depicting the Olympic rings and a polar bear with medals , chest, “letter”, gouache (red, blue, yellow, black and green), brushes, napkins, PVA glue, wax crayons, foam balls. Contents. -The teacher addresses the children: Guys, this morning I received a letter from the city of Sochi , where the Olympics are taking place. But before opening it, let's remember what symbols of the Olympics we know? Children's answers. Well done guys, you know all the symbols! A torch, rings, medals, a flag. And also a white leopard, a bunny, a white bear. The teacher takes out and shows the symbols of the Olympiad (art illustration). Now let's open the letter and read what is written in it and who sent it to us. The teacher opens the “letter”. Reads. And the letter was sent to us by a bear, a bunny and a leopard. They ask for help. There was such a strong blizzard at night that all the colors on the rings and medal ribbons disappeared! The leopard, the bunny and the bear gave us a chest, which contains everything we need to fix this trouble, but you can open it by solving riddles: Every evening I go Draw circles on the ice. Not with pencils, but with shiny ones (skates). There was a game in the yard in the morning, The kids played out. Shouts: “Puck! ", "past! ", "Hit! “So there’s a game there –…. (Hockey) Well done, you guessed all the riddles! Now the chest has opened! The teacher takes out A4 sheets from the chest with images of Olympic rings, medals and a bear. He distributes them to the children and shows them in what order they need to work. What to use for work. After this, he invites the children to start working. Today you helped the bear because you were attentive and tried very hard. Well done boys!
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Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group “Sunshine, sunshine, scatter your rings”

Author: Gulnara Ravisovna Valieva Position: teacher Place of work: MBDOU No. 77 “Altynchech” Location: Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Program content:

*Teach to find similarities and differences between a circle and a ring (by type and method of representation.

*To consolidate the skills of drawing round objects and painting a picture. Strengthen the execution of dance movements (stomping one foot, half-squats).

*Practice drawing with a brush and paints.

*Create conditions for independent selection of materials and means of artistic expression.

*Develop a sense of shape and color, fine motor skills, hearing, thinking, imagination, aesthetic perception.

*Develop the ability to move to music with objects rhythmically, according to the text and nature of the musical work.

*Create a joyful mood and satisfaction from the work received.

*Cultivate interest in artistic and aesthetic art.

Previous work:

Examination of images of the sun in children's books and on objects of decorative and applied art. Watching the sun while walking. Reading poems, chants. Learning “Dances with Rings” (Russian folk melody “Oh, you canopy, my canopy!”)

Didactic support for the lesson:

For children (handouts): blue sheets (A4 format), gouache paints, napkins, glasses of water, brushes, cotton swabs, rings.

For the teacher (demonstration material): sample drawing

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part (duration 1-2 minutes) Purpose: to create interest and emotional mood for the lesson. Reading poetry, solving riddles.

2. Main part (duration 10-12 minutes) Purpose: implementation of program content tasks. Methodological techniques: demonstration, explanation, questions (of a problematic nature), surprise moment, lesson analysis, artistic expression

3. Final part (duration 1-2 minutes) Purpose: to summarize the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, look carefully at the tables, what activity are we preparing for? That's right, to drawing. And to find out what we will draw today, you must guess the riddle: “It’s hot, it’s hot, does it have rays?”

What is this? (sun) That's right, it's the sun!

(showing a sample drawing “sun with rays”)

“Sunny, sunshine! Take a walk by the river!

Sunshine, sunshine! Scatter the rings!

We'll collect the rings, we'll take the gold ones!

We’ll take you for a ride, play and give it back to you!”

Educator: Children, today we will draw not just a cheerful sun, but a sun that plays with rings! So I take a brush and draw a circle, I paint over the inside. Look what a beautiful circle I made! And to make him look like the sun, what needs to be added to him?? That's right, rays! What rays can you draw for the sun? (red, yellow, orange) Well done! And the rays also come in different shapes and can be drawn in different ways. Look, on our tables, in addition to brushes, we also have cotton swabs. A brush will help us draw straight and wavy rays (shown on the sample), and we will draw rays from dots using cotton swabs (shown on the sample). Oh, what a beautiful sun we have! And now the brush will draw colorful circles! (show) Look, guys, we have a hole inside the rings, we won’t paint the middle.

Educator: What a beautiful drawing it turned out “Sunny, sunshine!” scatter the rings!”

FISMINUTE: (finger play)

“And the sun is already clear (we raise our hands up)

It's hot, it's hot (we wave our hands)

And gold spilled everywhere, spilled (we slowly let go)

Streams on the street, everyone is babbling, everyone is babbling (fingers are moving)

The cranes are crowing (playing the pipe)

And they fly, and they fly” (hands cross)

Educator: Children, look carefully, where will we draw the sun with you at the top of the sheet or at the bottom? It’s right at the top, because the sun is shining high here, and the sun scattered the rings below. Let's take a brush-assistant in our hands. Show us how to hold it correctly. (fingers only touch the piece of wood, we don’t touch the iron skirt. When we pick up paint, we don’t dirty the skirt of the brush, we squeeze out the excess paint onto a napkin, and if the brush doesn’t want to paint, what we do is correct, we “give it something to drink” and dip the brush into the water. And now we start drawing. You will all get beautiful drawings! (calm music turns on)

(During independent work, the teacher helps the children with advice, showing on a separate sheet of techniques images of rays with cotton swabs. Reminds that rings come in different sizes and colors.)

Educator: Children, let's finish drawing. Everyone did their best and drew a beautiful, radiant sun! (music sounds, “Sunny” enters)

Educator: Children, look who came to visit us? ( Sun)

Sunny: Hello kids! Girls and boys! I saw how hard you tried to draw me and decided to come and visit you!

Educator: “Sunny, sunshine! We meet you! Sunshine, sunshine! We glorify with song! We’ll sing for you now and start a dance!” Come on, guys, let’s all leave the tables and dance with Sunny “Dance with Rings” (the teacher and Sunny hand out multi-colored rings to the children, the phonogram “Dance with Rings” starts playing)

- “We’ll take all the rings, dance and sing with them (they walk around with the rings)

-We’ll stamp our heels and start a merry dance (they stamp their feet)

-We'll look out the window and make everyone around happy. The little ones look at the rings so well (look at the ring, do half squats)

-Look at us all, we are dancing in hats for you (“put” on our heads)

- The guys don’t have rings, they sleep behind their backs! (they hide the rings behind their back)

Sunny: Where are the guys’ rings? (children point) Here they are!

Educator: Did you like the sun, how the kids danced?

Sunny: Well done! Because you all drew me so beautifully and danced so merrily, I prepared some treats for you with me! (hands out dryers) Now it’s time for me to leave! Goodbye!

Author: Gulnara Ravisovna Valieva Position: teacher Place of work: MBDOU No. 77 “Altynchech” Location: Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Date modified: 08/22/2014 Date of publication: 04/23/2014


Drawing “Multi-colored rings”.

Learn to hold a pencil correctly, practice circular movements of your hands; use pencils of different colors; consolidate knowledge about color, the ability to convey a certain shape in a drawing. Develop creativity. Cultivate diligence and attentiveness.

(The teacher has kittens in his hands)

-Meow-meow-meow, hello guys!

- Guys, we have kittens visiting us today.

-And today we will draw rings for our kitten. (Shows the pyramid ring and options for playing with it: rolls it along the floor, rotates it, etc.)

-Look at the multi-colored rings I have. The rings roll on the floor and rotate.

-This is how you can play with such a ring. I think the kitten will really like our gift.

-Now let’s look at the ring carefully.

- What shape does the ring have? The ring is round.

-How will we draw? Show.

(Children draw a circle with their finger in the air with their right hand.)

“Now look at the rings I’ll draw for the kitten: “Here’s a big ring. And this ring is small.”

(Draws small and large rings on the easel).

These are the rings I will give to the kitten so that he can play with them with pleasure. What kind of rings will you draw?

— Our rings will be multi-colored, so each of you will choose the pencil whose color you like best. Tell me what color do you like?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of direct educational activities in fine arts in the second junior group. Topic: “Olympic Multi-colored rings.” Goal: Development of children’s creative abilities and interest in drawing. Assignment.

Introduce them to G. Sapgir’s work “Cat”, teach them how to play with toys, how to hold a pencil correctly.

open drawing lesson 1st junior group “Multi-colored rings”.

Drawing with pencils in the 1st junior group. Topic: “Multi-colored rings” Program content: teach children to draw closed lines similar to circles; learn to hold a pencil in your right hand; strengthen the mind.

Lesson summary for the second junior group on modeling “Multi-colored rings.” Purpose: To arouse interest in modeling as a type of artistic activity that allows you to create three-dimensional images (like real ones.

Objectives: Continue to teach children to depict familiar round-shaped objects, hold the brush freely with three fingers. Strengthen the ability to recognize baby animals in pictures and their names.


Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and greet the guests. They pass and sit at the tables.

— Guys, today the doll Dasha came to our classes.

- Rings . I wanted to give them to my girlfriends, but I have so few left.

- Guys, let's think about how to help Dasha? (children's answers)

What's round? (children's answers)

Let us draw them with paints and we will have a lot of them.

The Dasha doll will be able to give to her girlfriends (looking at the rings )


Guys, look at these rings ? Do they have corners or not? Do they roll? (children's answers)


- Look what I took?

- Rings . What color is Zhenya?

To stretch my arms, I do finger exercises.

Guys, let's all show together now a united, smooth movement in the air.

Abstract of OD on fine art “Colorful rings” in the early development group

Voevodina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Abstract of OD on fine art “Colorful rings” in the early development group

Goals: To teach children to draw round objects with a continuous continuous movement of the brush. Practice your ability to wash your brush. To instill in children accuracy in work and interest in activities.

Materials for the lesson: Paints of different colors , landscape paper, coasters, Dasha doll toy, water in cups, easel, sample drawing, multi-colored rings .

Techniques: verbal techniques - explanation, questions, instructions.

Preliminary work: sculpting rings , drawing with colored pencils, crayons.

GCD move:

2 Organizational part:

Knock on the door! A circus clown with rings

- Hello everyone, my name is Giggle!

- Look what I brought with me. Rings . Only on the way to you I lost a lot and I have very few left. And I need to perform in the circus, show a number with rings . What should I do? (Parsley is crying)

. The children offer him their help.

- Look at my rings , how round they are, they have no corners, they roll (rolls them on the table)

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