Abstract of OOD on drawing in the junior group on the topic: “The sun is shining”

Entertainment in the younger group on the theme “Visiting the Sun”

Summary of an integrated lesson in the first junior group on the spring theme “Visiting the Sun”


formation in children of elementary ideas about changes in nature, involving children in joint play activities for the development of cognitive activity.


— Strengthen children’s perception of color and shape.
— Develop fine motor skills of the hands. — Learn to convey the image of the sun in a drawing. — Cultivate interest in the game, creating an emotionally positive background. — Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the surrounding nature. Equipment:
a panel with a spring landscape, an image of the sun without rays, cubes and balls of different colors, yellow gouache, a sponge, wet wipes, toys of a hare, a hedgehog and a fox, Christmas trees or bushes, a laptop, speakers.

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1. Organizational moment.

A minute to enter the day.
The children come in and say hello. Educator:
- Invented by someone wisely and simply When meeting, say hello: “Good morning!”
Good morning to the sun and birds Good morning to smiling faces! -Guys, give me your smile. Now give a smile to your neighbor. Give your guests a smile. Get your ears and eyes ready, Let's begin our fairy tale. I went to kindergarten today and found something. Educator:
What are these guys?
That's right, basket. Do you want to see what’s in it? (ball) Look at the contents of the basket.

Progress of the lesson


- Today we will go to a magical clearing.
And the ball will help us find the way - the road. You roll, roll, ball, from the ravine to the bridge, just don’t rush too much, show the way, show the way, lead to the clearing! (walking after each other) - So you and I have come to the magical clearing. (felt spring wall panel) -What do you see in the clearing? (Beautiful flowers, Christmas tree, tree, clouds, birds). Spring has come to us and brought warmth, the birds began to sing, the streams rang! Listen to the birds singing in the spring. (a soundtrack with a recording of birds singing sounds) - Guys, what do you think is missing in our clearing? (Sunny) - Where did the sun go? Let's go look for him. - We will go to visit the sun on a clear spring day! Let's call the sun (narration of the Russian folk chant) - Sunshine is a bucket! Come up as soon as possible, Light up and warm the calves and lambs More little children! (children repeat together with the teacher) Teacher:
- White in winter, and gray in summer, Doesn’t offend anyone, but is he afraid of everyone?
(bunny) - That's right, bunny. - Look, the bunny is sitting on a stump and moving its ears. - Hello, little bunny, have you seen the sun? Bunny:
- Play with me, then I’ll tell you.
I love games with cubes. You guys don’t rush, put the cubes in your houses - baskets. (Children take the cubes, name the color and put them in their baskets by color) Bunny:
Well done!
I haven’t seen the sun, you go further along the path, maybe someone will find the sun for you! Educator:
— A pillow with needles lay between the Christmas trees.
She lay quietly, Then suddenly she ran away. (hedgehog) - Hello, hedgehog! Have you seen the sun? Hedgehog:
- Play with me, then I’ll tell you.

Finger game "Prickly Ball"

A gray hedgehog, covered in needles, walks and wanders along the paths, So that the wolf does not drag him away, the hedgehog will turn into a ball.


Look at this one - Everything is burning like gold, She walks around in an expensive fur coat, Her tail is fluffy and big.
Who is this, guys? (fox) - Of course, the fox. Educator:
- Hello, little fox, have you seen the sun?
dance with me, then I’ll tell you.

Physical education session with musical accompaniment.
“Waking up the sun”
This is how the sun rises, Higher, higher, higher (sitting on their haunches, slowly stand up, hands up) By night the sun will set, Lower, lower, lower (slowly squat) Good, good The sun laughs (claps hands, turns to the right -left) And life is so much more fun under the sun!
(spin around) Fox:
I had fun with you.
I'll tell you where the sun hid. It hid in a small forest, under a green bush. Educator: (shows the sun without rays) - Here comes the sun, bringing joy and warmth. What sun? Educator:
That's right, the sun is warm and gentle.
What does it look like? Children:
on a pancake, on a plate, on a ball, on a wheel.
Educator: What color is it? Children:
- I love you very much, children, and I want to shine for you.
Only I was very tired, the rays were all lost. Help me now, find my rays! Educator:
- Guys, let's help the sun, draw rays with our palms.
Thank you guys, you helped me, you drew my rays!
And I want to thank you and give you gifts! Let my little suns light your way and warm you. (little suns are given out - medals) Teacher:
- Thank you, honey!
The sun has come out and is shining in the meadow. I'm running towards the sun along the grass. - Guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. (Children go one after another) Lesson summary: Teacher:
- Where did we go? What were you looking for? Who did you meet? Who helped you find the sun? What color is the sun? What did we draw? Did you enjoy your visit to the sun?

Abstract of OD on plasticineography in kindergarten in the senior group. Theme "Sun"

Abstract of OD on plasticineography in the senior group on the topic “Radiant Sun”
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of OD on plasticineography for children of the senior group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Radiant Sun.” The material will be useful to teachers of the senior group of preschool educational institutions. This is a summary of an artistic and aesthetic activity aimed at developing the creative abilities of preschool children through plasticineography. Abstract of OD on plasticineography in the senior group on the topic “Radiant Sun” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic and aesthetic creativity”, “Reading fiction”. Goal: To teach children to convey the image of the sun in a plastic way, using the technique of smoothing plasticine along the contour. Objectives: Educational: • To consolidate the ability to roll out plasticine with straight movements, creating rays. • Teach children to convey an image in a plastic way, using the technique of smoothing plasticine along the contour. • Introduce a new method of depiction - plasticineography, leading children to create an expressive image through volume and color. • Learn to analyze the properties of materials used in work and apply them in your work. • Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work. Developmental:
• To develop children's interest in visual and artistic activities.
• Develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, eye control. • Develop children's visual activity. • — Learn to convey the simplest image of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world through plasticineography. • — Learn the basic techniques of plasticineography (pinching, rolling, pressing, smearing). Educational:
• — To develop skills of careful work with plasticine.
• Create in children an emotional relationship to the poetic image. Demonstration material: • — Illustration or slide with the image of the sun; Handouts: • Thick colored cardboard with a sun drawn on it;
• — Yellow plasticine; • — Wet wipe, modeling board; Progress of OD
1. Organizational part Educator: - What time of year is it outside? (autumn) And the month? (november). Educator: - Look, it’s so cloudy and gray outside the window today. And to make it light and warm, who will we call? (Sun) The teacher recites the poem “Sun.”
It’s raining outside the window, The day is creeping by the minute.
I'm tired of waiting for a long time - I'll draw the sun. I’ll draw a sun - I’ll glue it on the window, The room will become brighter, It will immediately become more cheerful. I'll tell you without hiding - You can't live without the sun! Imagine, it’s hot outside, the kids are wearing panama hats, and everyone is squinting from the sun, and it’s time to sunbathe! A ray of sun wanders across your skin, but you don’t leave the river again until dark... Educator: We told the poem, but there’s still no sun. I suggest using the “plasticineography” technique to make your own suns, fill the whole group with joy, light and warmth, but first we’ll talk a little about the sun (we’ll look at an illustration or slide with a picture of the sun); Educator: Let's look at it. What shape is the sun? What parts does it consist of? Children : Circle, ray sticks. Educator: Tell me what color is Sunshine? Why is the Sun yellow? (children's answers) Educator: That's right, yellow is a warm color and therefore warms everyone up. I suggest you go play with the sun for a while. Physical education This is how the sun rises, Higher, higher, higher. (Raise your hands up. Stretch) By night the sun will set Lower, lower, lower. (Squat down. Place your hands on the floor) Okay, okay, Sunny is laughing. And we live happily under the sun. (Clap your hands. Smile)

Practical work. Educator: - I will now show you how we will work with plasticine, take a small piece of plasticine and smooth it evenly from the contour to the center, so that our Sun does not lose the shape of a circle; you cannot go beyond the contour line with your finger. Educator: Look at the shape of our Sunshine? Children: Round. Educator : Well done. What is our Sunshine missing? Children: Luchikov. Educator : That's right, how smart you are. Let us remember how to roll out plasticine so that we can get rays. Children : With straight movements like sausages. I help during the work process, suggest the sequence of work, and praise). Educator. — We had so many bright suns, it became hot even in the group. What a good job you did. It even became warmer outside.

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