Musical fairy tale in a new way for children funny teremok

Teremok in a new way (fairy tale for adults)

Autumn has arrived.
Winter is coming. The mouse has filled its bins with grain. In the cellar, on the shelf, there are crackers. Jars of jam and honey are standing. It seems that she was prepared to spend the winter. She covered up all the cracks so as not to freeze. She seemed to be prepared, but trouble came to Norku, and all her supplies were flooded with water.

The sky became thin, the water poured and poured. Miraculously, the mouse managed to jump out then, a bundle of flour with it, and only grabbed neither clothes nor money. Was it before?

How can she live now, unhappy? How can she cope with trouble? The money was indeed in the bank. But the bank was also under water.

I contacted the trade union. I paid my dues, Help me, this way and that. But that was not the case. What I paid was good. Honor and glory to you, but there is no housing and no money. We can give you poison.

She went to the housing complex, they were greeted cordially. When they learned about the trouble, they became indifferent. Well, what kind of trouble is this, since in your hole you are completely flooded with water. And there is only one office.

Wait, there is a solution: you will be housed in a room with a cat as your neighbor. Will this option work? Don't want to live with a cat? You'll regret it later. Spiridonov's cat Matvey respects you mice.

No, I can’t get along with a cat. I'm afraid for my life. Won't you go? As you wish. Then don't ask anymore and leave the office. We're closing for lunch. I'll give you one more piece of advice. You go to the village council.

Why should I join the village council, you all have the same answer. For retired mice, there is no housing, no money. There is one more point. My document has drowned. Print me a certificate that I am a mouse, not a booger.

You won’t fool us, mouse, maybe you’re not a mouse, but a louse. You’ll take credit for the goods, and then you’ll disappear. And there’s a stamp on the certificate. They will ask: Yours? What to say? And we will have to pay. Stop twirling your mouse's tail.

The mouse almost had a heart attack, there was no more strength to argue. She picked up the bundle and took off running for two hours, ran through the forest, and came across a stump. Wow, a stump, it’s about two meters across.

It’s almost two high, it’s a whole hut. The door and windows are all right, and the chimney is standing on it. No smoke is visible from the chimney, you can see the stump standing empty. There’s a trough lying on the porch, the door is wide open.

The mouse came in, looked at everything, turned its head around. There was dust and cobwebs all around. Unsightly picture It’s okay, I’ll clean everything up and put things in order. There’s furniture, dishes too, and the stove is working.

There was a small pond nearby, she brought a bucket of water, swept the dust away everywhere with her tail, washed all the dishes, wiped the floor, the window too, a stump looked like a house, washed the curtains, it became more fun in the house.

I whitewashed the stove a little, kneaded the dough in a bucket. While the dough was rising, I went into the forest to get firewood. I started the stove and fried the pancakes. But there is no sour cream for the pancakes, what kind of lunch is this?

Suddenly there is a splash and a splash outside the door. This is a terrible lip-slapper. He slaps with his lips, eats small animals. A voice comes from behind the door: Quack! I am your friend, I am not your enemy. Who lives in the stump now? Who bakes pancakes in the oven?

I'm a little mouse, an old pensioner, and I'm a frog, also an old friend. You let me into your house, it's more fun to live together. I have cranberry jelly, we'll pour it on your pancakes.

Maybe you're not a frog? Norushka has doubts. Many different animals are looking for housing for the winter. Look out the window, I’m a frog, not a cat. I looked, yes, a frog. The door was opened by a little mouse.

Oh, thank you, Grand Mercy, the frog croaked and rolled a tub of jelly in front of him. So, let's put it in the corner so that no one drags it away. In the morning we drink a cup, there are a lot of vitamins in it.

How cozy is your stump, like a mansion? Did you build the little house yourself? Or did anyone help? Maybe there is a sponsor? I have no clue about this. I lived in a swamp, and one of my friends is Vodyanoy.

No, the stump was already there. No one lived in it. I asked: “Is there anyone alive?” But no one answered. She entered the house and cleaned up. So here my hole remains under water, how I will live in winter.

The tree frog croaked: “Madhouse.” This is the country we live in. Your hole is flooded, but my pond has dried up. Someone decided to build a house, they drained the entire swamp. That’s the problem for Vodyanoy, without water he’s nowhere.

And then he, like a demon, got into the governor’s room They say he was raging there, he spat on the entire office He got fifteen days, he swept the sidewalks Still, he won’t stop, he’ll get to the president.

And I don’t want to live without my beloved swamp. I had business there. I sold cranberries. The townspeople came, grabbed barrels of cranberries and made jelly, kvass. Sent to the Caucasus.

I began to live well. There is nothing to anger God and what more to desire. But Japan's mother came, and Japan's bandit was local. He kept everyone in fear. Simpler, he was a racketeer, even simpler, he was a bastard.

Yapon’s mother told me that Yapon told her that if I would quickly get away, he would build a house here. How could it be, because there is a swamp here. This is not your concern. In a day people will arrive, in two days it will be dry here.

If you don’t listen to Japan, I’m calling on the phone. He will take out a pistol: “Bang.” To the head. There is no frog. I give you advice, you take a bicycle and pedal faster so that the bandits don’t catch up.

And I jumped away, with my tub into the night. I saw a light, it was neither close nor far. I jumped closer, I saw a mansion. Well, you opened the door, you let me in to spend the night.

These are the pies, pies with cabbage. We had some, now it’s empty. Let’s eat and go to bed. You mouse will lie down on the bed. I will pour water into the trough, and I will sleep in the trough.

They went to bed, but they won’t fall asleep. Thoughts are running around in my head about how to get through this winter. How to create comfort, coziness And in the morning, early in the morning, the fog had not yet settled. They knocked on the door as loudly as a drum in an orchestra.

Hey, who lives in the mansion? Who snores like a hippopotamus? For God's sake, open the door. The cold takes me captive. We are a mouse and a frog, but who are you, with a mallet? Show your snout through the window so that we can see everything.

Maybe you've stuck with Tide to dress us in white. You're worse than a radish, tired of watching you on TV. What are you women, I'm a hedgehog. Look, it looks like I will serve you faithfully, I will guard your house.

Shall we let the guy in? Let it warm up until Look, there’s a bag of apples. How did he drag him? Well, come on, curly haired one, crawl under the stove in the corner. Warm up, tell us how you came to us, my dear.

The hedgehog warmed up, came to life, I crossed my legs from the neighboring forest. He lived there in marriage with a hare. Why did he live with a hare? Because I fell in love and she loved me, but I didn’t have children with her.

But we had to part, it was awkward to kiss, they say, needles on the nose. Get a haircut and that's the whole question. You're out of your mind. Think about it a little. I’ll cut my hair, and who will I be? Kolobok on legs.

And the hare screams again. If you wear a wig at night, if you take it off, I will sleep peacefully. Oh, you, lop-eared, oh, you, cross-eyed. Without needles, without protection, because I will die right away.

On the way, as I was walking, I found a bag of apples. Apparently it was no one’s bag. I took it, I am without things. Why should it lie there and fester? We might need it. This will be the first contribution to our public collective farm.

How? Are you hiring a divorced hedgehog as a watchman? Mouse to frog: - Hey, friend, he has a problem with his brain. It is obvious that he is disabled, he suffered from meningitis. Does a hedgehog live with a hare? What nonsense is he talking about?

So what if he is disabled? What is meningitis? But the man on the farm won’t harm you and me. He will chop wood, heat the stove, carry water. Stay, our curly one, the three of us will live here.

So they began to live, walk around the neighborhood. But they didn’t steal, they took what was worthless. They hauled bricks and water pipes. But they took everything honestly, they took what was worthless.

Little by little they began to live, they covered the stump with bricks They installed a water supply system, the people were not lazy They still had to build a fence and strengthen the gates There was no extra labor, they could invite someone.

Ah, tired. Oh, sit down. Relax. But they didn’t have time. On the road, dust was swirling, someone was rushing very quickly. Dust ran up and stood up. Something has become scary for our people. Dust suddenly gives a voice. Who lives in the mansion here?

Hedgehog, frog, mouse, three of us. But what are you? I'm not something. I'm a rooster. Now the dust will settle around. I heard you live together. Maybe you can take me too? I am not lazy at work, and I am not fussy about food.

Where did you run away from? The hedgehog asked him a question. Answer as best you can. The hedgehog repeated to the rooster I served in Japan, among the chickens I was the leader. I had a conversation with each one so that there would be an egg for dinner.

Every day I dealt with a dozen chickens jokingly. But when there were twenty of them, I was at a loss. I began to tell my grandmother, I began to complain loudly: “I can’t talk to such a horde of corydalis.”

You Petrusha, keep quiet, and don’t yell at your grandmother. We feed you well, work off your grub. If you’re old and not fit, then you’ll end up in chicken soup. Soon your son Yapon will come, and he’ll turn your head off.

In order not to end up in the soup, you need to leave urgently. And Japan had already arrived, began to sharpen the ax with a block. I waved it over the fence. How? I still don’t remember. And I rushed quickly towards the forest, like a meteor from the sky.

The hedgehog, the frog, the mouse decided, the three of us didn’t live closely together. We’ll live with the four of us, come Petrusha into the house. There we’ll wash this thing down with very tasty jelly And danced the trepak, but without music for now.

Back to work in the morning. The rooster has built a gate. There is a gate, but no fence. It’s okay, we’ll build it soon. Japan brought a whole cartload for construction. Let’s train it little by little, the bloodsucker won’t notice.

The hedgehog takes mushrooms from the forest, salts them, pickles them. The mouse brings in cabbage and chops it with a knife. And the frog is not idle, he spotted a hive somewhere. Now there is honey for the winter, which will be something to treat a sore throat.

The rooster, in order not to be left behind, began to knock down pine cones from the branches. The mouse helped to choose grains from these cones. And when it got dark, they pulled the boards from Japan onto the fence. They argued about what color to paint, so that it would please the eye.

And the frog is in the pond, catching fish on the lift. Cooked it, salted it, phosphorus is in the fish, strength is in the fish. Found an old accordion, patched up the rooster a little. And now after work, everyone is learning the notes.

Still, they got some boards and put up a fence. But what color to paint, a dispute arises. The mouse said, dark gray, it’s very practical. And the frog: - No, green. Green is prettier.

And the rooster crowed: “Red color is the key to success.” The hedgehog settled this dispute. Let the fence be colored. They took brushes, took paints, divided them into sections and painted the fence, everyone was happy, and without quarrels.

While the fence, painted with them, was drying out. For lunch they decided to make stuffed peppers. The rooster stretched its fur: - Eh, play little little girl. And they sang, danced, and we are having a party.

Oh, they didn’t have to have fun loudly. A bear came to them in response to the noise, and knocking on the window. Who lives here in the mansion? And bawling at the top of his lungs? I should know how many of you live there.

What kind of hero are you, a rubber ball with a hole? After all, there are four of them, there are many of them, they all fight for each other. There are exactly twenty-five of them here, call them all robbers. If anyone picks on us, we can tear them to shreds.

I am the owner of the forest, Mishka, I am a big cone in the forest I’m not used to talking, I’ll break the little house in an instant I must know what kind of people live in my area Come out one at a time, let’s figure out what’s what.

Four people left the house, and the bear began to laugh. Is that all? Where are the others? You said twenty-five. I can smash you to smithereens with just one paw. Did you suddenly want to take a bear to scare you?

Come on, citizens, show us your documents and a warrant for a penalty. Who could have moved you here? Look, they tore up the house, not a tree stump, but a little mansion. Everyone stand up in size so that I can see everyone.

We are victims of disaster, drowned, shallow, almost shaved with a razor, almost killed with an ax. We ourselves are all not local, your places are unknown to us. The four of us got together and made a house out of hemp.

The village council didn’t help us, the trade union couldn’t either We don’t have a penny of money, every goal and barefoot We hit you with our foreheads, Uncle Misha, don’t break our roof We can even give a bribe, a jar of honey, or five.

No, I follow the law, there are no certificates, I’m kicking you out. And I’ll attract you for a bribe, I’ll throw you all in prison. To give you a certificate, you go to the City Social Security. Maybe you are terrorists and want to blow up the forest.

I’ll look into the house and turn everything upside down. Maybe there’s a landmine in your basement, or there’s dynamite in a barrel, under cabbage. And there’s a tank disguised as a stove, standing there, ready for war.

Yes! said the hedgehog, dynamite, and the fuse is already burning. Climb, climb, and it will take off with you. I have a button under my arm, and there is a warhead in the hemp. As soon as you go in there, I press the button, and you are in flight.

Don’t be a jerk to me, come on, stand up straighter. The mouse blinked at the frog, and we also have guns. And the rooster agreed too, there’s a blanket put in your den. You won’t leave us, and we’ll blow ourselves up and you too.

Don’t be a fool, or I’ll bruise your sides. Bring the promised honey, and live here for now. I really adore honey, he patted his stomach with his paw. I’ll come back more than once, prepare honey in reserve.

No! Said the businesslike hedgehog. We have to think with our heads. We don't care about this guy. Look, what a gluttonous person Comes next time, we will arrange a dance for him. So the clubfoot will dance and forget us forever.

At night the hedgehog came up with a plan, in the morning he made a trap And put honey in the trap, let the bear now take it. He chained it to an oak tree so that the bear wouldn’t run away. He sharpened his needles on his back so that there were pegs.

The rooster is no fool either, he attached a metal fist to the gate for physical attacks. Yes, he came up with everything cleverly, just pull the rope, like a fist from a hole, fuck. Can you stand on your feet?

They live quietly, create comfort in their home. They cut down firewood for the winter, they won’t freeze here. They insulated the windows, the door, winter is coming now. They remember the bear only in passing, in the evening.

The bear did not forget them, and he paid them a visit. He suddenly appeared at the gate as Small fry growled, drive away the honey, here the owner of the forest is waiting. I’m not used to waiting for a long time, a menacing roar was heard.

Come in, Uncle Misha, don’t growl, we hear you. The rooster pulled the rope, his fist jumped out so deftly, right in the bear’s nose. Get the bloodsucker The bear started to run. He sees a can, grab the can.

Here's the problem, he fell into a trap, a clubfooted giant pulled the chain, but the chain is strong, it doesn't let a stranger in. A frog is in a hurry with boiling water, trying to pour the top of his head. A mouse tickles his heel. The bear danced in a squat.

Let me go, for God’s sake, I’ll forget the way to you. Release your trap, the charlatan begged them. Aren’t you lying? - The hedgehog is torturing. Are you sure you won't come again? Yes, there will be no honey for a century if I come again.

Well, the first time we forgive, the second we don’t promise. The hedgehog helped open the trap, the hooligan rushed off in an instant. Before you could blink an eye, he was gone at once. Rich in inventions, they defeated the adversary.

There is still a tree stump called “Teremok.” Come and look, they don’t hang a lock there. In the evenings there is light in the window, outside the window the sound of an accordion Hedgehog, Rooster, Frog, Mouse, they invite. Why are you standing?

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