Listen to the hare and the bear fairy tale

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Russian folk audio tales

Audio tales of the peoples of the world

audio stories by age:

audio stories based on interests:

A therapeutic fairy tale about a capricious, dirty girl. About how she understood the importance of obedience to parents and the importance of hygiene.

A fairy tale about how a chicken hatched from an egg after a duckling and began to imitate him in everything. And he even jumped into the water, but began to drown. Fortunately, the duckling saved his friend...

A short tale about three brothers who loved each other so much that even the question of inheritance did not quarrel between them...

Gotcha biting

An interesting story about a brave and resourceful mouse who alone was able to cope with a fox. And the beaver and the raccoon wanted to help him, but the fox was afraid and chickened out.

Short stories about the little boy Alyosha, his childhood, his family. Alyosha describes his childhood impressions of traveling by rail, of huge Moscow, of visiting the zoo...

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

A story about a mischievous, resourceful, cheerful twelve-year-old orphan boy Tom Sawyer, his friend Huckleberry Finn and other residents of the town of St. Petersburg.

The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends

A fairy tale about the cheerful, mischievous, cheerful Dunno and other little residents of the Flower City, who, under the leadership of Znayka, built a hot air balloon and set off on a journey.

These were war years. The brother and sister, left orphans, took care of the household themselves. In the spring they went to the swamp to get last year's cranberries, and many incidents happened to them there.

Listen to the audio poem “The Barrel of the Little Dog” by B. Zakhoder online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “The Termite Diet” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Rain” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Kiskino Grief” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

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Russian fairy tale

Have you ever heard about a hare who had extraordinary, magical ears? They were fastened to the hare's head with pretty silver buttons. And if our Hare wanted to take a break from the noise and din of the forest, he could unfasten his wonderful ears as easily and quickly as you do your knitted hat.

Why do you think the Little Bunny needed such comfortable and also magical ears? Yes, very simple! After all, with these ears he could listen to everything, everything that was happening in the huge forest, and very interesting events were happening there every minute. He could always sleep peacefully, because he knew in advance where, along which path, a cunning fox or a greedy wolf was sneaking in his wake. He managed to escape to a safe place, and even warn all his friends about the danger, and the Hare had them in sight and invisibly, as is always the case with good animals and people...

With wonderful ears you can learn not only today's, but even tomorrow's news. Here, let's say, an old, wise Raven is sitting on a branch. He sees everything, knows everything, but even the Raven cannot predict what will happen tomorrow. But the Drummer Hare, the heroes of our musical fairy tale, knows everything in advance.

And now the Hare is in danger... You may ask why the magic ears didn’t warn him this time too? That's the trouble: there is a limit to every magic. You haven’t forgotten that the Little Hare had enemies - evil, cunning and insidious. And if they were up to something, then it was a deep secret and no ears, even the most magical ones, could hear about their plan...

These terrible and dangerous forest sorcerers decided to take possession of the wonderful ears on silver buttons. Can you imagine what they can do if they know all the forest news in advance?

But anger, envy and deceit are not even aware of their most important opponents - kindness, friendship and courage, which can unravel the most terrible and mysterious spells, ridicule the most terrible witchcraft spells into curses...

Let's listen to everything in order. The fairy tale begins - and not just a magical one, but also a musical one! The forest is waking up... Do you hear the drumming and the ringing song? This is the dawn of our little cheerful Bunny, who has just fastened his wonderful ears:

"Hey! Wake up, animals and birds. The sun has already climbed into the sky. We need to jump, we need to wash ourselves, so that life can be more fun!”

The forest woke up, birds began to sing, animals went hunting. The forest kids jumped on the lawns, and the Little Bunny ran about his business... And no one in the whole forest knows that terrible plans have already been conceived, that evil, cautious, cunning foxes - the faithful servants of Amanita Mukhomorovich himself - are already gearing up in pursuit of the cheerful Little Bunny. who can’t even sleep because of envy and malice, who hates everyone and doesn’t wish anyone well...

Will he be able to carry out all his plans, and what will happen to the Little Hare and his friends, to the entire forest, and who will get the magic ears?

When the fairy tale ends, you will find out that you are stronger than the most terrible, evil magic!

M. Babaeva

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Russian folk audio tales

Audio tales of the peoples of the world

audio stories by age:

audio stories based on interests:

A therapeutic fairy tale about a capricious, dirty girl. About how she understood the importance of obedience to parents and the importance of hygiene.

A fairy tale about how a chicken hatched from an egg after a duckling and began to imitate him in everything. And he even jumped into the water, but began to drown. Fortunately, the duckling saved his friend...

A short tale about three brothers who loved each other so much that even the question of inheritance did not quarrel between them...

Gotcha biting

An interesting story about a brave and resourceful mouse who alone was able to cope with a fox. And the beaver and the raccoon wanted to help him, but the fox was afraid and chickened out.

Short stories about the little boy Alyosha, his childhood, his family. Alyosha describes his childhood impressions of traveling by rail, of huge Moscow, of visiting the zoo...

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

A story about a mischievous, resourceful, cheerful twelve-year-old orphan boy Tom Sawyer, his friend Huckleberry Finn and other residents of the town of St. Petersburg.

The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends

A fairy tale about the cheerful, mischievous, cheerful Dunno and other little residents of the Flower City, who, under the leadership of Znayka, built a hot air balloon and set off on a journey.

These were war years. The brother and sister, left orphans, took care of the household themselves. In the spring they went to the swamp to get last year's cranberries, and many incidents happened to them there.

Listen to the audio poem “The Barrel of the Little Dog” by B. Zakhoder online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “The Termite Diet” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Rain” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Kiskino Grief” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

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A bedtime story about a hare and a bear. Read and listen

A bedtime story will tell you this: one day the hare Khariton was given a tempting offer, such that he could not refuse.
The proposal was indeed practically a royal one! But he faced such difficulties... Listen to the story (5min56sec)

A bedtime story about the hare Khariton and the bear Terenty Author: Iris Review

Once upon a time there lived a bear named Terenty. In the Emerald Forest, everyone knew him as the king of beasts. His crown was beautiful and rich. But the king rarely wore it. But the inhabitants of the Emerald Forest already understood who their king was, so even without a crown they treated the bear with respect.

Tsar Terenty I was respected. He resolved controversial issues and made important decisions. All residents of the Emerald Forest obeyed the royal person unquestioningly.

But one day Terenty I had to leave the Emerald Forest for several days. The king of the neighboring Azure Forest, Theophanes I, invited him to stay for a while.

Who replaced the king in the Emerald Forest? No one showed any desire to become king.

They decided to make... the hare Khariton king for a while. And that’s because the hare was absent when they were looking for a replacement for the king. He was on Hare Island on vacation.

One sunny day, Terenty I came to Khariton and said that he was leaving, and the hare would remain for the king. Khariton trembled with fear, but did not dare to object to the king. The bear noticed that from the next morning the hare should sit on the royal throne, which stands near the Transparent River.

The next morning, at the appointed time, the hare Khariton was already in place. His paws trembled, his soul sank into his heels, but he held his ears proudly. In the afternoon, the fox Alice came to Khariton and began to complain about the wolf Semyon.

- Dear King Hare! - she said. - The wolf Semyon stole my prey and ate it. Not only is stealing wrong, but he also left me hungry.

The hare Khariton sits, listens to the fox, trembles with fear, but tries not to show that he is afraid of the fox.

- Come tomorrow, Alice the fox. I will answer your question tomorrow.

And the hare began to look at the tip of his own nose.

An hour later, the frogs came to the hare, and they said that the herons in the swamp had completely lost their conscience, and were eating them, frogs, in large quantities.

“This is outrageous,” croaked the frogs.

The hare asked the frogs to come the next day too.

Before the frogs had time to gallop away, a hedgehog arrived, his head wrapped.

- King Hare! Find the council for forty, they are making so much noise that I have an incredible headache.

“I’ll think about what to do with the magpies,” said Khariton, “come back tomorrow.”

When everyone left, the hare grabbed his head himself.

- Talk to the wolf? Yes, this is terrible! – Khariton was seething. - Talk to herons? Who will listen to me? Stop the chatter of forty? I can't do it! Poor me, poor, unhappy, how can I solve all these issues? I wish Tsar Terenty would come sooner.

And the hare went wherever his eyes looked. He walks, and a learned owl flies nearby. She says to the hare:

“I’ve been flying recently, and a bear meets me.” I thought that our Terenty I had returned, but no. I look, and this is his brother, Potap, who has returned from the distant forests.

- Where is he now? - the hare squeaked.

“Come on, I’ll introduce him,” said the learned owl.

The meeting took place near the Transparent River.

- Dear Mr. Bear, good friend Potap, help me deal with royal affairs. Otherwise I was completely exhausted.

With the help of the bear Potap, the hare Khariton decided a lot. And there Tsar Terenty I returned. He patted brother Potap in a friendly manner and praised the hare Khariton:

- Well done, Khariton, you didn’t lose your head. You found yourself in a difficult situation, but you didn’t make a mistake. I found myself a protector and assistant. Now you will be respected more.

The hare smiled, he was glad that he turned out to be a good fellow!

And here is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

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Amorous Bunny

Beautiful and nimble as the wind, the Hare lived in a huge dense forest. The gray one lived alone in his house and dreamed of how he would meet his beloved.

Every day the Hare left his home in search of food, and on weekends he went for a walk on the lawn, where other hares often gathered to have a fun and interesting time.

It was very beautiful on the lawn. Flowers grew everywhere there, smelling throughout the entire forest, and tall green grass protected the hares from the hot sun.

And then one day the Hare went once again to the Sunday lawn. He lay down under the tall grass, picking a few flowers to enjoy their amazing smell.

The Hare lies and dreams of how he will meet a beautiful Bunny. And suddenly, like thunder from heaven, something soft and warm fell on him. The hare jumped up and saw that the Bunny was lying on the grass.

Are you crazy? Don't you see that decent hares are resting here?

The Hare asked cautiously.

Excuse me please. I was so focused on that flower that I didn’t notice you in the tall grass.

Bunny hurried to ask for forgiveness.

Okay, no big deal. You turned out to be not heavy at all, I’m absolutely intact! Or maybe we’ll admire the flowers on the lawn together and then go for a walk. Because the sun is so hot, I’m afraid that my ears may burn and then it will be very painful.

I don't mind.

Bunny was happy. She clearly liked the Hare. Of course, he was the most beautiful in the whole forest.

Together, the Bunny and the Hare walked along the lawn, admired the flowers, and then went for a walk along the path in the shade so as not to scorch their ears in the sun. And so they walked together every day. The Hare gave Bunny bouquets of carrots and cabbage, but then he made up his mind and admitted that he had fallen in love.

You are the most beautiful Bunny in the world! I love you!

The Hare shouted joyfully at almost every step.

But the Bunny has never said such a thing to the Hare before. She was afraid that the Hare only imagined all this, and he did not fall in love at all.

Well, Hare, you, of course, can say whatever you want. But I’m not entirely sure that you really love me!

The hare was upset and remained silent. He was so offended that he couldn’t even find what to answer. They walked silently along the lawn, stopping near every beautiful flower, and did not notice how the sun turned out to be right above their heads. And when the Hare accompanied the Bunny home, he suddenly saw that her ears had become burgundy, like a cherry.

Bunny, what's wrong with your ears?

The Hare asked in fear.

The bunny wanted to touch her ear with her paw, but it hurt her so much that she screamed.

The Hare touched the Bunny's forehead and his eyes became round, like coins.

Yes, you have a fever! You need immediate treatment and some cream on your ears.

The Bunny was in so much pain that she didn’t even hear what the Hare was saying. Her vision went dark and she fell.

Opening her eyes, Bunny began to remember what happened to her. Now she was lying in her soft, cozy bed, and next to her, on a small table, there was a bouquet of carrots.

The bunny tried to touch her ears and immediately noticed that it didn’t hurt at all. She no longer had a fever and felt very well.

And then she heard neat steps, and the Hare’s head appeared from the door.

Bunny, dear, you’ve finally woken up!

My ears no longer hurt at all, and I don’t seem to have a fever. How did you end up here and where did this wonderful bouquet of carrots on my table come from?

Well, where from! I wanted it so that when you woke up, you would immediately be happy and eat. I love you so much and worry about you.

And the Bunny realized that the Hare really loved her very much. After all, only those who are in love are ready to help and save in difficult times! He saved her, and now they will live happily ever after! And a few weeks later, Bunny and Hare got married, and very soon they had a whole bunch of little fluffy bunnies!

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