Lesson summary for the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group) on the topic

Goal: creating a social situation to consolidate children’s knowledge about fairy tales.


  • create conditions for the development of reaction speed, dexterity, attention;
  • create conditions for fostering a sense of collectivism.

Equipment and supplies: prepared fairy tales, music, hoops, large and small balls, cones, 2 brooms, 2 baskets, cubes, 2 chairs. Venue: sports hall. Time: 20 minutes. Progress The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays and they are greeted by the storyteller.

Storyteller: Hello, guys! I'm glad to meet you. I am a storyteller, I know a lot of fairy tales and I like to tell them to children so that they are smart and kind.

Host: And we are very glad to see you. We would listen to some kind of fairy tale, but not now. You see, our guys are all in sports uniform and at the moment they are ready to play and not listen to fairy tales.

Storyteller: Yes! (surprised), so that means I ended up in the wrong place, what should I do? I liked you guys so much that I don’t even want to leave you. Now I’ll come up with something (thinking about it)…I’ve come up with it! And I can not only tell fairy tales, but also make riddles. Do you guys know how to solve riddles? So, I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess what fairy tale or fairy-tale hero it’s talking about. Where is my book of fairy tales? (opens, reads the first riddle).

Riddle 1: Outwitted the evil gray wolf

Friendly, brave three...(PIG).

Presenter: Storyteller, and now the guys and I will dance like those piglets from the fairy tale.

(Children dance to N. Efremov’s song “Neither stake nor yard” as the presenter shows).

Riddle 2: Sister Alyonushka was looking for her brother,

The kind stove helped her,

The river covered it with its banks,

Apple tree treated me to apples.

Ivanushka was taken to Baba Yaga,

Her servants….(GEESE-SWANS)!

Host: Guys, aren’t you afraid of Baba Yaga? (children's answers). Do you want to fly like her on a broom?

Relay game “Yaga flies on a broom”: children stand in two columns. The first one has a broom in his hands. He runs with a broom between his legs, holding it with both hands in front of him to the landmark, and back, passing the “broom” to the next one.

Riddle 3: The grandmother and grandfather appeared, followed by the granddaughter with the bug.

But the cat rushed in to help them a little.

The mouse rushes after her, and is afraid of being late.

Settled down tightly in the garden bed, everyone was pulling together.... (TURNIP)!

Host: And our guys will help you roll the turnips from the garden.

Relay game “Roll a turnip from the garden”:

Children stand in two columns, the first has a yellow physio ball with a diameter of 45 cm, or just a large ball. You need to roll the ball in a straight line to a landmark and back, pass it to the next one.

Riddle 4: Round, tasty, ruddy side,

This, children,….(BONK)!

Presenter: Kolobok is so dexterous and evasive that on his way he overcomes many forest obstacles, and our children are also very dexterous, they can handle all obstacles.

Relay-obstacle course “Nimble Bun”:

Children stand in two columns, in front of each column there is an obstacle course.

jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs or along landmarks 3-4 (jumped over bumps)

Run back to your column.

Riddle 5: The granddaughter loved her grandmother very much,

I brought her pies for the holiday,

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me, what was her name? (LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD)


Relay game “Carry the pies in a basket along the forest path”:

Children stand in two columns, the first one has a basket with small balls in his hands. Run in a straight line, going around the posts (along a winding forest path) with the basket in his hands and pass the basket to the next one.

6 riddle: It is neither low nor high, different people live in it:

Norushka mouse, frog frog,

Runaway bunny, little fox-sister,

Gray wolf clicks with teeth.

This is a tower-…..(TEREMOK)

Host: And the guys and I will now build a house.

Relay game: “Terem-Teremok”.

Children stand in two columns, in front of them is a basket with cubes. The first one takes one cube from the basket, runs to a landmark (chair) and places the cube on the chair, and returns back. The second one does the same, only he places a cube on a cube (or builds a house). The game continues until the cubes in the basket run out

Storyteller: That’s the end of my fairy tales in this book. You guys are great! They guessed all my riddles about fairy tales, and what inventors they were. How much fun I had with you! Well, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, goodbye!

Host: Goodbye, storyteller! Come to us again, we will listen to other fairy tales.

Organized departure of children from the hall.

Thematic planning in the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Elena Palastrova
Thematic planning in the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Duration of the week: January 27 – 31

Topic of the week : Visiting a fairy tale

Goal: Goal: To cultivate in children a love for Russian folk tales as a work of art.

1. Based on the content of Russian folk tales respect for the traditions of folk culture.

2. To form and consolidate children’s knowledge about the cultural wealth of the Russian people.

3. Expand children's understanding of fairy tales .

4. Broaden their horizons and enrich children’s vocabulary with terms of family relationships, develop coherent speech.

5. Strengthen friendships in the family.

6. Instill love and interest in Russian folk tales .

Final event: exhibition of children's works

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (replenishment of group corners for children’s activities: bring in, place). Add photographs of children's writers, coloring pages of fairy tales ,

Interaction with parents (inform parents, involve parents, offer to parents)

Recommend parents to make a homemade book “Drawings-
Fairy Tales , Recommend parents to read with their child at home: A. Milne
“Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”
, Conversation with parents on the topic:
“How to teach a child to dress independently”

Interaction with social partners

Types of children's activities:

Organization of educational activities

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Individual work on physical development: Pal. game "On the Hill"

Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands. (Sasha, Seryozha, Rita)


Conversation “Favorite fairy tales ?”

Goal: Develop memory and speech.

Introducing children to the works of S. Ya. Marshak, reading the work “Cat’s House”

goal: To arouse interest in creativity, the desire to memorize texts and analyze actions.

Situational conversation with children on life safety “Dangerous objects”

Goal: To teach children to see that any object can have a good and a bad beginning.

Individual work on cognitive activity:

D/game “Find out the fairy tale from the illustrations

.Goal: To consolidate knowledge of the content of
fairy tales , to develop memory, imagination, thinking, speech. (Andrey, Egor, Kirill)

A conversation about the rules of safe behavior at home and on the street, recalling familiar fairy tales where heroes got into trouble for various reasons: “Geese and Swans”

- You can’t stay on the street alone, it’s dangerous.
“Masha and the Bear”
- you can’t run far from adults, you can get lost.
“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”
- you can’t open the door to anyone if you’re alone at home.

Guessing riddles on the theme “Heroes of fairy tales

Goal: To develop the child’s imagination, the ability to analyze, compare and generalize. Morning

Individual work on communication activities

Games with mosaics “Winter patterns”

Goal: To practice the ability to lay out images of winter patterns according to a sample.
(Makar, Miron, Ira)

Reading lit. "Sister Fox and Gray Wolf"

Goal: To teach to comprehend and evaluate the characters and motives of the heroes’ actions.

Knizhkina Hospital (book repair)

Purpose: Show children how to repair books.

Individual work on learning/repetition of poems. D/games: “Tell a story using a series of pictures

(Andrey, Lev, Sophia)

Conversations: “How friendship helps defeat evil”

"Winter quarters"
“How the good and peace-loving conquer”
“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”
“Evil is punishable”
“The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”
“Zayushkina’s Hut”

Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales .

Game We want to show you one simple

Goal: To promote the unification of children in joint activities.
Teach through facial expressions and gestures to convey the most characteristic features of a fairy tale . Expand the “vocabulary”
of gestures and facial expressions. Morning

Individual work on visual arts:

Conversation “Heroes of fairy tales - what are they ?”

Goal: expanding children's knowledge about the character of heroes. Learn to name the distinctive features of heroes, naming positive and negative qualities;

- learn to describe actions and explain their meaning.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. "Dunno and the Stranger"

. Consider different situations with children, help formulate rules of behavior with strangers.

D/i “Tell me about your favorite fairy-tale hero

Goal: Develop the ability to write a short descriptive
story .
Morning exercises. Complex No. (formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle, preservation of psychophysical health)

Preparing for breakfast: washing, being on duty (education of CGN, formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)

Breakfast, rinsing the mouth after meals (education of CGN, self-care skills, table manners, formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle)

Creating motivation for GCD: organizing a stimulating environment, surprise moments, problematic situations

1. Musical lesson. See the plan .

— Development of fine motor skills.

— Development of all components of children’s oral speech in various forms and types of children’s activities.

— Continue to arouse interest in artistic creativity.

— Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (square, triangle, rectangle)

regardless of their size and color.

— Teach children to create on the same applicative basis (wall - large square, roof - triangle, window - small square)


- Continue to learn to distinguish colors.

— Continue to teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué.

— Continue to develop the ability to hold a brush correctly, use glue carefully, and use napkins when working.

1. Physical culture. See the plan from your physical training instructor.

Sound culture of speech: sound w;

(V.V. Gerbova, p. 44)


1. Musical lesson. See the plan .

• Practice counting objects by touch within 5.

• Explain the meaning of the words yesterday, today, tomorrow.

• Develop the ability to compare objects according to their spatial location (left, right, left, right)


.1. Physical Culture. See the plan from your physical training instructor.

fairy-tale hero in a drawing : to convey the shape of the body, head and other characteristic features. Learn to draw an outline with a simple pencil (do not press too hard, do not trace the lines twice)

. Strengthen the ability to carefully paint over an image (without going beyond the outline, evenly, without gaps, applying strokes in one direction: from top to bottom, or from left to right, or obliquely with a continuous movement of the hand).

1. Construction/The world around us.

from paper " Tales from paper "

Characters from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”

Goal: To teach children to transform the basic form into various crafts, to develop variability of thinking. Develop skills in making precise, neat folds. Practice performing basic “simple triangle”

"double triangle"
. Teach children to use diagrams when making crafts using the origami technique. Learn to work collectively and distribute work among yourself. Learn to compose a general composition, harmoniously placing your craft into it. Develop an interest in origami.

2. Physical education on the street

See the plan from the physical training instructor

Individual work according to Fizeau. I/ex. “Who is more accurate?”

Goal: Practice throwing snowballs at a vertical target with your right and left hands.
(Yana, Maxim, Eldar)

Observation of bird behavior. Purpose: To clarify

children’s ideas about the changing lifestyle of birds in winter; establish a connection between weather, changes

the state of plants and the way of life of birds.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation about safe behavior on the street.

Work. activities Shoveling snow on the site to a certain place.

Goal: To consolidate the ability to use shoulder blades.

Individual work on speech. Conversation “How the curious tongue was punished”

Objectives: To give children knowledge that iron objects are very useful in winter.
dangerous that you should not touch them with your tongue, lips or bare hands; teach you to take care of your safety. (Seryozha, Maxim, Masha)

Observing the weather. Purpose: To develop memory, attention, observation, speech.

Games Ex. "Jump further"

.Goal: To teach running long jump.

P/game “Colored Cars”. Purpose: To teach to follow the rules of the game.

Labor: Clearing the area of ​​snow, collecting it in piles to build slides for dolls sledding. Goal: To foster hard work. Walk

Individual work on Famp. Game "What is round?"

.Goal: expanding children's vocabulary through adjectives, developing imagination, memory, dexterity.
(Denis, Ira, Miron)
Observation of crows.

Goal: continue to introduce the diversity of wintering birds; develop observation and curiosity.

Outdoor game: “One, two, three - run to me”

.Goal: to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.

Labor: sprinkling sand on the paths. Goal: work together.

D\i “What is heard”
(continue to develop auditory attention, speech)
. Walk

Individual work on ecology: D/i “And what color is this?”

Goal: Development of color perception.
(Artem, Vika, Mark)
Labor: construction of buildings from snow. Goal: learn to shovel snow using shovels to a certain place.

P\i "Geese-geese"

.Goal: teach carefully, listen to the teacher’s commands.

D\i “Remember your place”

Goal: to develop motor-auditory memory in children

Situational conversation about the rules of safe behavior while walking: dress for the weather, do not put snow in your mouth, do not touch metal objects with your tongue.

Independent play activity;

Individual work according to Fizeau: “Jump to the flag”

Goal: To practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, crawling up.
(Ruslan, Dasha, Masha)

Labor: clearing paths from snow. Goal: to develop the ability to work together in a team

P\i “Catch-up”
(in fast running)

P\i “At the bear in the forest”
(in a fast run)

D\i “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

Goal: to develop the ability to compare and distinguish a real situation from an unreal one.

Walking on a boom and jumping on both feet;

Situational conversation “How to behave on the street”

.Goal: to establish rules of behavior on the roadway in icy conditions.

Independent play activity;

Games with external material;

Preparation for lunch, lunch (education of CGN, self-care skills, table manners, formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)

Preparation for daytime sleep, daytime sleep (education of CGN, self-care skills, preservation of psychophysical health)

Getting up, hardening, gymnastics after sleep, complex No. (preservation of psychophysical health, formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)

Afternoon snack (education of CGN, self-service skills, table manners, formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)

Reading fiction

Reading N. M. Gribachev’s “Feeding Trough”


Individual work on PHYS: “Jump to the flag”

Goal: To practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, crawling up.
(Ruslan, Dasha, Masha)

Labor: removing snow from the site. Goal: to develop the ability to work together in a team.

P\i “Fox in the chicken coop”
(in a fast run)

P\i “Hide and Seek”
(orientation in space)

D\i “Wind, wind, what are you like”
(practice in selecting adjectives)

Situational conversation “Attention - road sign”


Goal: to update children’s ideas about road signs

Individual work on speech.. Conversation “How a curious tongue was punished”

Objectives: To give children knowledge that iron objects are very useful in winter.
dangerous that you should not touch them with your tongue, lips or bare hands; teach you to take care of your safety. (Seryozha, Maxim, Masha)

Individual work in physical education: I/exercise. “Who is more accurate?”

Goal: Practice throwing snowballs at a vertical target with your right and left hands.
(Yana, Maxim, Eldar)

Individual work in fine art: Modeling from snow “Zayushkina’s hut”

Goal: To develop the ability to sculpt from snow, reinforcing the content of
the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”
(Vanya, Elsa, Denis)

Individual work on Famp. Game "What is round?"

.Goal: expanding children's vocabulary through adjectives, developing imagination, memory, dexterity.
(Denis, Ira, Miron)
Preparation for dinner, dinner (education of CGN, self-care skills, table manners, formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle)

Walking, independent activity of children, interaction with children’s families on the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education

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