Summary of a walk in the first junior group "Autumn" lesson plan on the world around us (junior group) on the topic


1. Observation of leaves.

Draw children's attention to the colorful leaves, they are small and large. Offer to wander through the fallen leaves, listen to how they rustle under your feet.


"Lay out the leaves."


give basic ideas about trees.

3. Outdoor game

"Let's spin around like leaves."


promote the development in children of the ability to imitate movements, induce a joyful mood.

4. Labor:

offer to collect fallen leaves into a bouquet.


cultivate a desire to help adults.

Outdoor game
“Run to me.”


continue to promote the development of the ability to run in a given direction without bumping into each other.

6. Remote material:

sand sets.

Summary of a walk in the second junior group “Autumn Time”

Summary of a walk in the second junior group “Autumn Time”

Prepared by:

teacher Brovko L.V.


: expand children’s ideas about autumn, its main signs and characteristics; to concretize and reveal children’s ideas about the main changes occurring in autumn nature.


  • Encourage children to work hard and teach them to maintain cleanliness in nature;
  • Continue to teach children to listen intently to the teacher and perform all actions in accordance with the teacher’s instructions. Learn to navigate in space, find your place. Learn to throw a ball, develop dexterity and enrich your vocabulary.
  • Teach children independence.


Buckets, brooms, rakes, toys: fox, “Autumn” doll.

Progress of the walk

  1. Observation of autumn nature.

On a sunny autumn day, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that golden autumn has arrived.

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch tree are burning golden. Do not hear the cheerful Songs of the nightingale. The birds flew away to distant lands.


“Children, look how beautiful it is around!
Everything around is covered in gold, the weather is warm outside, the sun warms us with its warm rays. Please tell me what has changed on our site? What happened to the trees? What happens to the weed? Look at the sky, what is it like? Are the clouds moving fast? Do you hear birds singing? » Children observe nature on the playground and answer questions.
During the observation, the teacher brings the children to the “Golden Autumn” doll.

In a motley-golden dress

Autumn has come to our garden,

Like a beautiful queen

Makes the guys happy.

Hello, autumn! Come into our garden, the dahlias have bloomed magnificently here, the golden apples are hanging and the viburnum berries are turning red. The breeze blew the mischievous aroma of pears and grapes. The linden tree rustled its leaves: “Hello, autumn!” We are so glad to see you!


Guys, autumn is the generous mistress of the year, giving us a variety of vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and nuts.
She skillfully gilds the foliage, embroiders with a thin cobweb and warmly greets us with a ray of autumn sun. Let's see what autumn has given us? Children approach the trees.
Late autumn signs:

This is a maple - completely naked,

Poplar with linden all clothes

They threw it on the tracks.

Everyone unanimously comes to the conclusion that autumn gave yellow leaves.
The teacher and the children collect leaves in baskets.
The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off from branches.

Yellow leaves are flying

Straight into the hands of the guys.


Guys, let's make a golden shower.
Let's all throw leaves and say: “Leaves are falling! Leaf fall! Yellow leaves are flying." Children throw leaves and catch them.
Guys, this is called leaf fall.
You can play with autumn leaves. Kids are playing.

  1. Children's work. Site cleaning.


Children, during leaf fall so many leaves fall that the foliage covers all the paths. Foliage must be removed. Let's remove the leaves so that our site is clean?




Then grab your brooms and buckets and let's start cleaning!
Some of the children sweep the leaves into piles, the rest of the children collect the leaves into their buckets.

Children, look, I found a candy wrapper in the leaves. Tell me, is it possible to throw candy wrappers on the street?




What should you do with the candy wrapper after you eat the candy?


Throw it in the trash!


Well done! Is it okay to do this only with candy wrappers?


No! With all the trash!


. That's right, children! Look how clean it has become! What a great fellow you are! Did you enjoy cleaning?


. Yes!!!


Oh, kids, look, someone is hiding behind a bush, do you see who it is?




Right. What is she like?




. What kind of ponytail does she have?




. Right. Let's take the fox for a walk?


. Yes!


Let's play with the fox. She was probably bored here. Surely the fox really, really wants to play with you.

Outdoor game “Sly Fox”.
4. Individual work:

- Sasha, Lera, look what a beautiful ball I have. — Do you like this ball? — Tell me, what color is the ball? - Well done, that's right, blue. - Let’s play the game “Edible and Inedible” now. You will catch the ball when I name everything that you can eat, and everything that cannot be thrown away and not caught. Let's try to play? Let's play.


Children, let's summarize what we learned about autumn today?
The children answer.
Well done! Now let's quickly go to the group and draw autumn!!!

Summary of the walk for the first junior group “Such different autumn leaves”


- show that autumn is a wonderful time of year;

- develop a caring attitude towards trees;

- develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly, understandably, listen carefully and share knowledge and impressions with peers.

Progress of the walk.

I go out with the children to the area where the Hare (an adult dressed in an appropriate costume) is waiting for us.

Hare: Hello, guys! Look how beautiful it is around. How the trees dressed up! What are the leaves on the trees like? Children answer: yellow, brown, red!

Educator: Multi-colored park!

Multicolored garden.

Leaf fall has begun

The leaves have begun to fall.

Under the guys' feet,

The leaves are spinning merrily!

What is leaf fall? (Children answer; if they find it difficult to answer, I help them answer correctly). Leaf fall is when leaves fall from trees. At what time of year do the leaves fall from the trees?

Children: Autumn!

Educator: Let's walk through the autumn leaves together with the bunny. What are the leaves doing under your feet?

Children: Rustling!

Educator: Correct! Together with Bunny, let’s say “rustling” (everyone repeats the word rustling together). Bunny, what are you holding in your paws?

Hare: In my paws I have a beautiful, multi-colored bouquet of leaves. Here is a leaf for Tanya, and this birch leaf is for Ruslan. (Gives each child a piece of paper)

Educator: Bunny, our children want to know why the leaves fall from the trees in the fall?

Hare: Do you see how many leaves are on the ground? All the trees that we have on our site: birch, poplar, rowan, apple tree - this is how they prepare for the winter cold. The leaves will cover the ground with a continuous carpet and protect the roots of the trees from frost. The ground under the fallen leaves will not freeze deeply, and the snow will not thicken much in winter. In the spring, when the snow melts, the ground under the fallen leaves will retain moisture longer.

Educator: Zainka, look, the children and I will help the tree survive the winter.

Hare: What will you do? (Children answer).

Educator: That's right, let's put the leaves we played with around the trunk of our beautiful birch tree. Why do we cover a birch tree with leaves? (Children answer). You are absolutely right, so that it does not freeze, and in winter we will sizzle the leaves with snow, and when spring comes, the snow will melt and our birch tree will bloom its beautiful leaves. Children, look, while we were caring for our birch tree, the bunny became sad. Bunny, what happened? Why are you so sad?

Hare: I’m sorry that I won’t see leaves on the trees until spring.

Educator: How can we help, Bunny? (Children answer) Don’t be upset, bunny, the guys and I will now collect a lot of different leaves, bring them to the group, dry them, make a herbarium out of them and admire the leaves.

The game is played: One, two, three - bring a beautiful leaf from a birch (rowan, apple) tree!

Hare: I'm playing swami, and it's time for me to run home. But I’m not upset, because we will definitely see each other again. Goodbye! (Runs away, children wave).

Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher.

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