Summary of educational activities for speech development on the topic: “We compose a fairy tale ourselves”

Have you tried writing fairy tales with your children ? Today I want to share my secrets of writing fairy tales with kids. Writing fairy tales develops not only fantasy, but also the child’s speech, thinking, imagination, helps to consolidate the child’s existing knowledge in a creative form, prepares for successful schooling, unites the family and brings a lot of positive emotions, and forms in the child a sense of success.

Writing fairy tales with your mother is a type of creativity that was very common in the families of the intelligentsia in the nineteenth century. Home magazines and newspapers were even published back then. Now this type of speech creativity is almost forgotten. Let's try to revive it and see what comes of it?

Surely, all the adults, walking with the baby in the fall, answered his endless “whys” - why the leaves are falling and spinning, why the fog, why the aspen leaves are trembling, why the birds fly away and hundreds of other different whys. Of course, you spent autumn games with him. Surely your baby can already name the signs of autumn and knows how autumn differs from other seasons. And today, based on your child’s existing knowledge and experience, we will compose with him his first author’s fairy tale about nature - an autumn fairy tale. He will be a real writer and artist in it!

And this autumn song about autumn in pictures will help you and your baby plunge into the autumn fairytale mood!

Where to begin

You can compose fairy tales casually, on the go. After all, when your hands are busy with housework, your head is free for creativity. The child will be happy to participate in the development of a fairy tale plot and in the game, quietly expand his vocabulary, consolidate the grammatical structure of speech, and, most importantly, practice the art of storytelling (oral monologue speech).

You can write fairy tales about anything, even about vegetables and household utensils, but first practice on “simple” material. There are different “recipes” for organizing such creative training. How you use them depends on the age of the child. A child over 4 years old can compose together with an adult, and a 5-6 year old can already compose quite freely on his own, and the adult’s task is to give impetus to composing. Much depends on his and your creative capabilities, the conditions in which you will start writing (whether it will be in a specially allotted time or you will have to write while doing other things, or maybe while on the road).

Thesis 6. Place of action

Where should the fairy tale take place? Yes, anywhere. Starting from an unknown remote island and even another planet and ending with your own home, where every little thing is familiar. This will further arouse the interest of the child, who will suddenly look at his own things from a different angle.

What’s good about the second option is that you don’t need to go into detail describing the situation. A child will understand what we are talking about after a couple of hints, since he knows the situation down to the smallest detail. The more interesting it is.

If events occur outside a familiar environment, then there can be many variations. Immerse the main characters in the most incredible circumstances:

  • The sun scorches with light, low heavy clouds literally press travelers to the ground;
  • The heat dries you down to the bones, and the deadly cold turns you into a lifeless block of ice;
  • A hurricane wind carries you into the distance, and the depths of the sea drag you into the abyss.

Well, the living fairy-tale world can be completely shocking: water talks, trees run, mirrors turn inside out, showing the past, and local animals not only walk on their heads, but also make a bunch of incomprehensible sounds. At the same time, the main character understands them perfectly, and this makes the fairy tale even funnier.

Important: But having the opportunity to come up with anything, you should not pile up a lot of different and colorful things in one fairy tale. This will blur the overall picture, and behind the kaleidoscope of diversity, the child will lose the main educational line of the fairy tale. Therefore, if, for example, in a fairy tale there are talking objects (a briefcase), then all events should happen around it and with it.

"Finish the fairy tale"

We need to give the child a task - to come up with an ending for the fairy tale. Your goal will be to develop the ability to logically complete a story, the ability to comprehend what is perceived and correctly complete a thought, and to activate your vocabulary. So, you offer your child a simple plot of several sentences. For example: “Once a boy Styopa went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Styopa met a squirrel in the forest - it waved its fluffy tail at him and galloped off along the tree branches. He also came across a hare, but the little cowardly hare immediately hid in the bushes - he got scared. Styopa collected a lot of mushrooms and ate a lot of strawberries. So he walked through the forest, walked and wandered into a place completely unfamiliar to him. At first the boy was a little scared, but then he remembered that he was very brave (otherwise how could he go into the forest alone?) and began to look around. Styopa looks around to understand where he ended up, and suddenly sees... "

Here you turn to the child with a request to finish the fairy tale in accordance with its meaning. If difficulties arise, you can help him with leading questions: “What did the boy see? What was he collecting? What could have happened to him in the forest? Who could help Styopa get out of the forest? It is very important to react emotionally to every answer the child finds (surprise, joy, fear, etc.), thus developing an emotional attitude towards what is being written and the skill of conveying emotions in speech.

You can organize a competition of different options for ending a fairy tale: each of you can offer several options, and then you will discuss them together. The last stage plays an important role in the development of logical thinking and the ability to perceive and continue a started thought. In the future, the child can tell someone the fairy tale he has written and illustrate it with drawings. After creating several such endings for your simple stories (don’t try to come up with a complex beginning, it should be very simple), you will see that your child is capable of independently composing the ending of a fairy tale, without leading questions.

“How to teach children to write fairy tales?” consultation on speech development (senior group) on the topic

How to teach children to write fairy tales?

A fairy tale enters a person’s life from early childhood and remains with him throughout his life. A fairy tale begins a child’s acquaintance with the world of literature, with the world of relationships and with the entire surrounding world in general. The influence of the magic of fairy tale storytelling on the formation of a child’s personality cannot be overestimated. After all, fairy tales teach children to distinguish between fiction and reality, set moral standards, present multifaceted images of their heroes, leaving room for imagination and fantasy.

In preschool pedagogy, great importance is attached to teaching children of senior preschool age to compose creative stories; composing fairy tales and stories is considered as a manifestation of children’s independent artistic activity. The process of teaching preschoolers to invent fairy tales and stories is a very important stage in the development of monologue speech skills in children. Creative storytelling is built on a special psychological basis - children's imagination. When writing a fairy tale, a child needs to mentally analyze the fairy-tale plots known to him, and then creatively synthesize a new phenomenon: a new composition, images of fairy-tale characters, the circumstances of their lives. And in order to convey a fairy tale story to the viewer, a child must have a rich vocabulary and the ability to construct a contextual statement.

But as the practice of recent years shows, many preschool children, unfortunately, have an extremely low level of speech development. After all, in order to talk about something well and coherently, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story, be able to plan, analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena.

It is very important that parents and educators, after reading a fairy tale, discuss with their children the life problems raised in it, and the children learn to think and express their thoughts creatively. Questions, games and creative tasks develop imagination and intuition, dexterity and eye; teach communication and observation skills; foster a sense of mutual assistance; help the child deeply and actively comprehend the basics of their native language, mathematics, and art.

All work takes place in the form of a game, but at the same time elements of cognitive and educational communication are preserved. The role of the teacher in joint adult-child activities when working with fairy tales is to move away from traditional methods and techniques of working with fairy tales (reading, telling, retelling, watching plays, cartoons and films based on fairy tales) and approach the use of fairy tale material in an unconventional way. This means initiating in children the ability to perceive the content of fairy tales in a non-standard, original way, to reflect it in all types of activities, and also to create the prerequisites for the child to compose his own fairy tale. At the same time, we take into account the individual psychophysiological characteristics of children; We follow the principle “From simple to complex”; We create a comfortable subject-spatial development environment in the group.

It is important not to give the child a ready-made answer, but to help find this answer together; want to listen to the child; smile and use soft intonations; be in the position of the eye - in - the eye.

Let's consider individual methods and techniques for working with a fairy tale.

Modeling fairy tales.

Using models to compose a fairy tale allows children to better understand the sequence of actions of the characters in the fairy tale and the course of fairy-tale events; develops creative imagination and abstract logical thinking, the ability to operate with symbols and signs; enriches vocabulary, activates speech; affects all senses.

In our work, we propose to use various geometric shapes as substitutes. Replacement is carried out based on the color and size ratio of the heroes. For example, in the fairy tale “Three Bears” these are three brown circles of different diameters, and in the fairy tale “Teremok” - stripes of different heights and colors (corresponds to the color of the character: frog - green; fox - orange, etc.).

Expressive movements.

The main task when using expressive movements in working with a fairy tale is the development of children's creative abilities. The assimilation of one or another expressive movement or gesture occurs in specially selected exercises, as well as in free games. Words and music are auxiliary means of mastering expressive movements. For example, when conveying the psycho-emotional state “Sadness,” the play “Doll’s Disease” from “Children’s Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Depicting the flaring “Fire” to “Sabre Dance” by A. Khachaturian, children convey this image with sharp movements and facial expressions.

Problem situations are situations for which an individual or a team must find new means and methods of activity to master them; teach you to think and creatively absorb knowledge. The way out of a problematic situation is the discovery of new, still unknown knowledge. Problem situations activate the cognitive, speech, and creative activity of children and are built on materials from the development of action, on the event side of the work. Creating a problematic situation requires asking a problematic question:

Why did little Gerda turn out to be more powerful than the Snow Queen? (H.-H. Andersen “The Snow Queen?”).

Why didn’t anyone want to be friends with Shapoklyak? (E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena”).

Why did the fox and the hare quarrel? (“The Fox and the Hare.” Russian folk tale).

Creative tasks can be individual and collective. The result of performing creative tasks is the appearance of a product that is distinguished by novelty, originality, uniqueness (a new image, drawing, fairy tale)

Let us give examples of children performing creative tasks based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

· Tell a familiar fairy tale in a circle.

· Act out a fairy tale. Children distribute roles.

· Talk about the benefits of turnips and what dishes can be prepared from them.

· Inventing your own fairy tale “Carrot” (by analogy).

· Design of the book “Useful Tales” (cover, illustrations).

· Production of suits-bibs “Vegetables” (fabric, paper).

· Acting out imaginary fairy tales. And so on.

There may be other creative tasks: Fairy tales, but in a new way - children endow familiar fairy tale characters with qualities that are opposite to them.

Tales about everyday objects - the beginning of a fairy tale is a story about any everyday object.

A real beginning, a fabulous continuation.

Find out the fairy tale by the heroes' song:

***Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie (“Masha and the Bear”)

***Creak, leg, creak, fake! (“Bear is a fake leg”)

*** Little goats, guys!

Open up, unlock! ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Continue the fairy tale - instead of the well-known ending of the fairy tale, you need to come up with your own. Children learn to fantasize and think.

Draw a fairy tale - children draw illustrations for familiar or their own fairy tales using unconventional methods (finger painting, wet watercolor painting).

You can also use the following methods to develop creative imagination: “Finishing a fairy tale” - the essence of the method is for the child to come up with an ending to the fairy tale that you tell him.

Goal: to develop creative and logical thinking, the ability to correctly finish a thought and comprehend what is heard.

To do this, it is necessary to voice the beginning of the invented fairy tale to the child. For example: “The girl Tanyusha went to visit her grandmother to give gifts from her mother. She walked for a long time through the forest. And suddenly it turned out that she had forgotten the way - she got lost. Tanyusha wandered through the forest for a long time until she met a hare. So the hare says to Tanyusha...” Let the child continue the tale himself in accordance with the meaning. If difficulties arise, you can ask your child clarifying questions, observing the child’s reaction and encouraging him to think about his answer. At the end, you can even ask your child to illustrate the continuation of the story.

“A story about a specific character” is the essence of the method in inventing a character in a fairy tale, determining his character, actions, goals and actions. The purpose of the method: the development of creative imagination, the formation of the child’s moral education, as well as interpersonal communication skills with adults and peers.

Any fairy tale is built according to a certain structure. It has the main character, other people, the obstacles he overcomes, and the life lessons the character ultimately learns. We invite the child to come up with his own character and give him thoughts and feelings. Let him create difficulties for the hero, and the people around him with whom he will interact. The child must describe the actions of the main character, and the result to which the hero will ultimately come. The child must learn to talk about how the character has changed at the end of his fairy tale, what conclusions he has drawn. And then, come up with the name of your own fairy tale.

“Tale with pictures” is the essence of the method: using a series of pictures, the child can not only talk about the characters depicted in the pictures, but also think about what is happening around.

The purpose of the method: to develop creative imagination, teach the child the skills of correctly selecting verbs and adjectives to characterize characters, teach the child to build a plot in a logical sequence, and evaluate the location of the action. These exercises will help prepare your child well for school, since most often they cause difficulties for children when enrolling.

Pictures from children's books, manuals or primers are suitable for this. We show the child a picture and ask him to examine the image in detail, and then describe what he sees. You can help your child with leading questions, or pay attention to details that the baby did not notice. You can ask the child where the hero in the picture is going, what he thinks, whether he is good or bad, what indicates this, etc.

“Staging a fairy tale” is the essence of the method: embodying the plot of a read or composed fairy tale, inventing images and costumes for specific fairy-tale characters in accordance with their characters.

The purpose of the method: to activate a creative attitude to words, to develop skills to combine a fairy-tale image with a dramatic one.

In order to dramatize a fairy tale, it is necessary to involve a group of children. Prepare the necessary costumes or dolls. And give children the opportunity to think for themselves about the character of this or that character, about the scenery and staging of the fairy tale. It is necessary to distribute roles taking into account the individual characteristics of the children and the nature of the characters in the fairy tale themselves.

When working on fairy tales with children, an adult’s sincere interest in the growth of children’s creative potential, a smile and praise are necessary. It is advisable to involve the child himself in the assessment: What did you achieve today? What didn't quite work out?

It is necessary to alternate different types of tasks, do not play one game many times in a row. An adult should be nearby, but there is no need to complete the task for the child. You need to start with obviously easy tasks, take into account the temperament of each child, and think through variations of the same exercise.

There is no need to offer many games and tasks at once. In one lesson, take several games, different in nature. Taking into account the imaginative nature of the preschooler’s thinking, animate different game situations.

Stages of work when teaching preschoolers to write fairy tales

There are several stages of working on composing fairy tales.

Stage 1. Introducing children to fairy tales (reading, storytelling, conversations, looking at illustrations). While reading, several plots of one work help children better feel the content of a work of art and think about the actions of the characters.

During the conversation, the following tasks are offered:

— exercises to develop children’s vocabulary;

- come up with new names for famous fairy tales, for example, new names were invented for the fairy tale “The Mitten”: “Friendly House for Animals”, “How Grandfather Lost His Mitten”.

- posing a problematic question of a search nature: “Why, what for, what if, always?”, for example, “And if the cannibal had not turned into a mouse, how would the cat in boots have turned out to be the winner?”

— tasks: “Compare fairy-tale characters”, “Tell about your favorite fairy-tale character” teach preschoolers to describe the appearance and character of fairy-tale characters.

— exercises: “Fairytale Village”, “Far Away Kingdom”, “Enchanted Forest” form the ability to talk about the place and time where the plot of a fairy tale unfolds.

Stage 2. Reflection of the child’s emotional attitude to works of art through modeling, drawing, design, and making attributes for dramatization.

After getting acquainted with the fairy tale, you should invite the children to do something: cut out, glue, draw a diagram, show an episode from the fairy tale using facial expressions, gestures, make illustrations for the fairy tale on the theme “My favorite hero”, “Who did Kolobok meet”.

Use of schematic images.

Stage 3. Writing a fairy tale.

To the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”: “Let’s come up with a continuation of the fairy tale - a kind hen laid a golden egg, but it was magical...”

To the fairy tale “The Three Bears”: “Let’s make up a fairy tale in reverse - three bears got lost and ended up at a girl’s house. There was no one at home, how did the bears behave?

Use of diagrams and pictures.

Stage 4. Acting out the plot of a fairy tale.

In the game exercises “Interview with a fairy-tale hero”, “Conversation of wonderful friends”, it is necessary to teach children to build a grammatically correct dialogue.

Exercises to develop attention, imagination, movement:

— carry a very “heavy” suitcase;

- reach for a high-hanging apple, pick it, bite it, it’s sour;

- pass the rope to each other, saying the word “snake”;

- “met a friend” (smiled);

- “surprised” (raise their eyebrows, open their eyes wide);

- “we know how to be disingenuous” (they blink either their right or their left eye).

These exercises allow children to learn how to switch from one movement to another, understand the shades in the facial expression of the hero of a fairy tale, better convey his character, and contribute to the development of creativity and imagination.

Preschoolers made illustrated homemade books based on their own fairy tales, wrote down fairy tales, and staged performances for kids and parents.

Types of work on teaching preschoolers to write fairy tales

Finish the story.

Goal: developing the ability to logically complete a story, the ability to comprehend what is perceived and correctly complete a thought, and activate vocabulary.

The teacher offers the child a simple plot of several sentences. For example: how the boy Styopa went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. Then the teacher asks to finish the fairy tale in accordance with its meaning. If difficulties arise, you can help him with leading questions: “What did the boy see? What was he collecting? What could have happened to him in the forest? Who could help Styopa get out of the forest?

You can organize a competition of different endings to a fairy tale.

Essay based on a series of pictures

The purpose of this task is to help you see the colorfulness and brightness of the images created in the picture; develop the ability to correctly select verbs and adjectives to characterize characters; teaching the child to build a plot in a logically correct sequence, to characterize the place and time of action - this should contribute to the development of the child’s imagination and creative thinking.

Group essay

Children propose a theme, heroes of a fairy tale, an adult deals with the plot, involving the children in its development. The presence of several participants at once makes the composition of a fairy tale more diverse, interesting, and its content complete and deep. Involving other adults will only enrich the game. In the process of joint activity, the child gets a clear idea of ​​what it means to come up with a fairy tale step by step. The game teaches him to compose phrases more clearly and thoughtfully, because the other participant must understand him in order to come up with his own continuation. First, offer to come up with a name for the fairy tale, characters, tell what they will be like, describe their appearance, mood. Then the fairy tale is “assembled” from the children’s answers to your questions: “Where does the fairy tale begin? How will events develop? (what happens next?) What will be the most poignant moment? Which one is the most interesting, funniest? How will the fairy tale end? Participants express their continuation answers in a chain, one after another. Changing questions during the process of composing a fairy tale activates children's attention.


Invite your child to “revive” the fairy tale: come up with costumes, develop the behavior of the characters in accordance with their personalities, think through the facial expressions, gestures, and intonation of each character. The purpose of such a task is to activate a creative attitude towards words. Creative comprehension should manifest itself in the ability to transform a verbal fairy-tale image into a dramatic one.

A tale about a specific character

The plot of many fairy tales is built on the basis of the various actions of a character who goes through a path (performs actions) with a specific goal. At the same time, he interacts with other objects: overcomes obstacles, solves problems, changing himself and changing the environment. If, according to the plot of a fairy tale, the hero solves creative problems when interacting with the environment, has a specific goal, changes himself, draws conclusions from life lessons, then his actions lead to a positive result. The child tells the story in the first person as a made-up character. First, an adult can offer the child his own version of a fairy tale or its approximate plan: you need to think about which hero to choose (good or evil, lazy or hardworking, etc.); determine his character, motives and goals of actions; decide in what situation to place it (choice of location); describe the actions of the main character to achieve the goal (the hero wanted to achieve something and as a result...). Then it is summed up: how has the hero changed? A name is invented for the resulting fairy tale.

A fairy tale on a given topic

The child is invited to compose a fairy tale on the proposed topic. This will require him to be able to act according to a given plan, to act within the framework of the proposed circumstances. Sometimes this approach makes the task easier: you just need to substitute words or sentences that are appropriate in meaning, but sometimes it can be very difficult to match someone else’s plan. An approximate algorithm for composing a fairy tale “The Adventures of a Kitten.” The adult asks the child questions leading to the description of the main character: “What kind of kitten is this? What words can you say about him? What kind of fur does the kitten have? What kind of ears and paws does he have? You can make a riddle about him. Then the child completes the following tasks: “Come up with a sentence about a kitten so that it contains the word fluffy (cowardly, cautious). Think of something to compare our hero with. Tell me what he can do. Come up with a sentence so that it contains the words “jumping”, “little white”, etc.” Thus, the baby is gradually preparing material for a fairy tale on the theme “The Adventures of a Kitten.” Now he can, using the sentences and phrases he invented, describe the character of the hero, tell how the kitten was getting ready for a walk, what interesting things he saw, what happened to him, how it all ended. When setting the theme of a fairy tale, formulate it in such a way that it emotionally prepares the child to write a fairy tale (the theme itself can already specify a fairy-tale character or suggest a fairy-tale situation). The result can be interesting if inanimate objects are used as a hero - for example, a bed or a bag.

The Tale of Toys

Choose toys for the fairy tale, for example, a cat and a mouse, and start telling the story, accompanying the words with a display of actions: “Once upon a time there was a fluffy cat (you must stroke the pussy, showing its fluffy fur), the cat found out that the mouse had made a hole for itself in her house ( show an imaginary house of a cat and a mouse in a hole). So she began to watch over her. The cat steps quietly with its fluffy paws, you can’t hear her at all. The mouse ran out for a walk and ran far from the hole. And suddenly I saw a cat. The cat wanted to grab her. No such luck! The clever mouse darted into its hole.” Then invite your child to think about what toys he would like to talk about. In the process of performing such a task, the child’s vocabulary is activated (he more actively uses those words that he already knows, but does not yet use in his speech), coherent speech develops: the child selects the necessary definitions, forming the appropriate grammatical form of the adjective, and builds on the same vocabulary material coherent statement. When answering questions, he pays attention to the characteristic features of the appearance of toys (color, shape, material), selects comparisons and definitions.

Fairy tale on a free theme

This genre is the pinnacle of a child’s verbal creativity. He must independently come up with the name of the fairy tale, the characters, the conditions for the action of the heroes, the action itself: the beginning, the climax, the ending. The child learns to use his life experience and convey it in a coherent narrative. He develops the ability to clearly, clearly, and consistently express his thoughts. The teacher’s task is to create an emotional mood and give impetus to creative imagination.

4. Working with parents

Work on composing fairy tales for children takes place in close contact with parents. Educators conduct consultations on the topics: “Features of the development of coherent speech in preschool children”, “We compose fairy tales with children”, “Education with fairy tales”, organize exhibitions of joint creativity of parents and children, for example, “Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess” , “Illustrations for a favorite fairy tale”, book design together with parents.

For the conscious and successful assimilation of educational material, the development of the communicative abilities of pupils, teachers suggest that parents write children's stories in the form of colorful essays, which are the final stage of work on the text, requiring close cooperation between the teacher and parents.

An essay is a story recorded at home by parents from the words of a child, compiled in a lesson with a kindergarten teacher.

Composing essays includes several stages based on visual, verbal and practical teaching methods.

1. Preparatory work is carried out by the teacher or parents on the instructions of the teacher. Includes a conversation on the topic, vocabulary work, looking at an object or painting (series of paintings) and familiarizing yourself with them, familiarizing yourself with works of art, and excursions.

2. Compiling a fairy tale by children in class under the guidance of a teacher.

3. Correction and consolidation of material in an individual lesson.

4. Consultation for parents, at which the objectives of this work are explained in detail and recommendations are given (carried out for each specific essay).

5. Homework on composing and decorating a fairy tale by a child together with his parents.

6. Checking homework.

Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only learns, but also responds to events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude towards good and evil. The first ideas about justice and injustice are drawn from the fairy tale. A fairy tale activates the child’s imagination, makes him empathize and internally contribute to the characters. As a result of this empathy, the child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, a new emotional attitude towards the environment: people, objects, phenomena. Fairy tales allow you to develop creative abilities, i.e. the ability to be surprised and learn, the ability to find solutions in non-standard situations. The main indicators of creative abilities are fluency and flexibility of thought, originality, curiosity, accuracy and courage. The very nature of fairy tales provides opportunities for developing flexibility and originality of thinking. Fairy tales help develop a child’s imagination, make learning attractive, interesting, and creative.


1. Arkin E. A. Parents about education - M, 1957

2. Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers (Manual for kindergarten teachers) Edited by A. M. Vinogradova - M, 1980

3. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - St. Petersburg, 1997

4. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1986.

5. Propp V. Ya. Mythology of fairy tales. Historical roots of fairy tales. (Collected works of V. Ya. Propp). - M., 2000.

6. Propp V. Ya. Russian fairy tale. (Collected works of V. Ya. Propp). - M., 2000.

7. Rodari J. The Grammar of Fantasy. - Kaluga, 1992.

8. Literature and fantasy / Comp. L. Streltsova.- M. 1992

9. Fesyukova L. B. Education with a fairy tale. - Kharkov, 1996.

Teaching preschoolers to write fairy tales.

Essay based on a series of pictures

For such an activity, you will have to select a suitable series of pictures in advance. For example, pictures from manuals on speech development, which make up a series of illustrations on a single subject. For these purposes, it is convenient to use speech therapy albums, various manuals and primers. If a child does not attend kindergarten, he definitely needs such exercises: it is this type of work that causes difficulties for children when entering school. From time to time, didactic material needs to be updated, new options for working with old pictures need to be invented. An essay based on pictures will be indispensable both on a long journey and during a child’s illness, when you need to keep him in a relatively motionless and calm state for some time.

The purpose of this task is to help you see the colorfulness and brightness of the images created in the picture; develop the ability to correctly select verbs and adjectives to describe characters. You have to teach your child to build a plot in a logically correct sequence, to characterize the place and time of action - this should contribute to the development of the child’s imagination and creative thinking. When looking at the first drawing with your child, draw the child’s attention to what kind of area is depicted in the drawing: “Who (what characters) do you see here? What are they doing? Where are they located? What is the situation around them? What time of year (day)? What signs indicate this? When using illustrations for fairy tales, you must definitely draw the child’s attention to the fact that the plot of the pictures is fairy-tale (for example, a mouse is playing with a balloon, etc.).

The beginning of the fairy tale is compiled from the first picture (“Once upon a time...”). The second picture is examined in more detail: the adult draws the child’s attention to smaller objects: “What do you think this is? I wonder why he (she, it) is needed here?” An adult can help come up with names for the characters, ask which character you especially liked and why. In the process of working with pictures, you need to react emotionally to children's remarks, helping in composing a fairy tale and describing the characters, and asking leading questions at a dynamic pace. When the fairy tale is invented, you can invite the child to tell it to one of his relatives, and also tell the listeners about the process of its creation.

Excursion into the history of TRIZ

TRIZ stands for “the theory of inventive problem solving.” It was invented by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller (1926-1998), known not only as an inventor, but also as a science fiction writer. He published his literally and figuratively fantastic works under the pseudonym Genrikh Altov. His “Alpha Eridani” was dearly loved by our mothers and grandmothers, and in general the annals of Russian science fiction were replenished with several dozen of his works [G. Altov, 1960].

Work on the theory of solving inventive problems began after the Second World War. Soon, Rafael Borisovich Shapiro (1926-1993) joined the research activities, who also gained fame not only as an inventor, but also as a writer, writing under the pseudonym Rafail Bakhtamov. His adventure story “The Lord of the Oxy-World” [R. Bakhtamov, 1965].

This symbiosis of writing and invention in working on TRIZ led to an interesting result. First of all, the authors of TRIZ considered it necessary to change the psychology of invention, and only then talk about the technological side of the process. They outlined their views in the work “On the Psychology of Inventive Creativity” [G. Altshuller, R. Shapiro, 1956]. And only later the book “Introduction to TRIZ. Basic concepts and approaches", which went through several reprints [G. Altshuller, 2011].

The authors pay a lot of attention to the need to correctly formulate the problem in order to immediately eliminate solutions that are not very effective and promising. In general, TRIZ is based on several dozen techniques and standard solution templates suitable for a wide range of tasks. All that remains is to choose the most suitable ones. How to choose? But for this you need to work on developing thinking using the TRIZ method, and from early childhood.

Since we are talking about children, and the youngest ones at that, we can’t do without fairy tales. How are fairy tales for children used in TRIZ? In the TRIZ methodology, fairy tales are not only listened to and told. Children themselves become authors, because in TRIZ, writing fairy tales is the same natural process as memorizing poems, letters and numbers in traditional education, only more interesting. How does composing a fairy tale take place in TRIZ?

This, of course, creative process is divided into components understandable to children, from which, like a wall of bricks, a real fairy tale grows. Of course, young writers cannot do without the help of adults. And the most interesting thing about this is that using TRIZ technology, absolutely any child can compose fairy tales!

Group essay

Why not have fun at a children's party or during family gatherings?
Several children participate at once. Children propose a theme, heroes of a fairy tale, an adult deals with the plot, involving the children in its development. The presence of several participants at once makes the composition of a fairy tale more diverse, interesting, and its content complete and deep. Involving other adults will only enrich the game. In the process of joint activity, the child gets a clear idea of ​​what it means to come up with a fairy tale step by step. The game teaches him to compose phrases more clearly and thoughtfully, because the other participant must understand him in order to come up with his own continuation. First, offer to come up with a name for the fairy tale, characters, tell what they will be like, describe their appearance, mood. Then the fairy tale is “assembled” from the children’s answers to your questions: “Where does the fairy tale begin? How will events develop? (what happens next?) What will be the most poignant moment? Which one is the most interesting, funniest? How will the fairy tale end? Participants express their continuation answers in a chain, one after another. Changing questions during the process of composing a story activates children's attention. If children confidently cope with composing a fairy tale according to the proposed plan, you can offer additional questions, suggesting new directions for imagination. Invite the children to retell what they have already written, and involve them in discussing what others have written. The fairy tale you have written is worth writing down to read it the next day or when you meet friends again. You can invite children to compose a fairy-tale “series”.

Recommendations for adults

You can come up with a short fairy tale about animals together with your child. And then ask the child to draw characters or mold them from plasticine. Such a reminder of joint creativity will delight both the child and the adult. When writing fairy tales, you should follow simple rules.

Piglet Oink goes to kindergarten!

I composed this fairy tale about animals for my 3-year-old child before we went to kindergarten in order to interest him and speed up his adaptation to kindergarten.

This fairy tale is also instructive, as children are introduced to the number of days in a month and days in a week.

Even in the fairy tale, emphasis is placed on the names of the animals of mother and child (pig - piglet, sheep - lamb, horse - foal, cow - calf)

So, I present to your attention an instructive tale about animals that I invented:


Invite your child to “revive” the fairy tale: come up with costumes, develop the behavior of the characters in accordance with their personalities, think through the facial expressions, gestures, and intonation of each character. The purpose of such a task is to activate a creative attitude towards words. Creative comprehension should manifest itself in the ability to transform a verbal fairy-tale image into a dramatic one.

Collective creativity is also assumed here. Not only children, but also toys and dolls can play roles. Puppet theater characters can become irreplaceable helpers (such toys are sold in stores, but if you wish, you can create them yourself). The fairy tale chosen for dramatization can be composed or read earlier - in this case, creativity lies not in the creation, but in the embodiment of the plot. When assigning roles, the individual characteristics and capabilities of the children, as well as the toys used, are taken into account, and the characters’ personalities are discussed. All participants in the performance are involved in the rehearsal, even those who are not involved in a specific scene (they monitor whether the performance corresponds to the text of the role, help to find the most successful embodiment of the image, and participate in its “elaboration”). An important stage of preparation will be the production of scenery, which will attract the attention of little participants to those details that most often elude children's attention: the location of the action and its change, means of conveying the atmosphere of a fairy tale, mood (scary, dark or light, fun). The participation of adults in dramatization allows children to develop the ability to emotionally immerse themselves in a fairy tale, to creatively comprehend it, and the ability to create facial expressions and intonation (based on the embodiment of a verbal fairy tale image).

A tale about a specific character

The plot of many fairy tales is built on the basis of the various actions of a character who goes through a path (performs actions) with a specific goal. At the same time, he interacts with other objects: overcomes obstacles, solves problems, changing himself and changing the environment. If, according to the plot of a fairy tale, the hero solves creative problems when interacting with the environment, has a specific goal, changes himself, draws conclusions from life lessons, then his actions lead to a positive result. Invite your child to choose a character, describe him, come up with a little adventure for him and tell him a fairy tale in the first person as a composed character. First, an adult can offer the child his own version of a fairy tale or its approximate plan: you need to think about which hero to choose (good or evil, lazy or hardworking, etc.); determine his character, motives and goals of actions; decide in what situation to place it (choice of location); describe the actions of the main character to achieve the goal (the hero wanted to achieve something and as a result...). Then it is summed up: how has the hero changed? A name is invented for the resulting fairy tale. Independently determining the hero and the goals of his actions, reasoning about the results he has achieved, formulating conclusions, as well as coming up with the name of a fairy tale - all these are conditions for the moral education of your child, conditions for the formation of his interpersonal communication skills.

The technique of dictating a fairy tale to an adult.

I highly recommend recording the resulting fairy tale from your child’s dictation. This technique of “dictation” by a child to an adult develops speech in a way that no other technique can develop it. And the point here is that the baby is put in a situation where he has to dictate, which means he has to think through his speech and every word he says! With this technique we are preparing the transition from oral to written speech! When a child dictates, he constructs sentences that he would not be able to construct in another situation! That is, dictation of text is like a “bar” for growth for a baby!

If the baby repeats the same word many times, then you can correct it: “Listen, how we did it. The leaf said: “Hello,” Rowan said: “Hello.” The leaf said: “Who are you?” And the rowan said: “I am the rowan. And who are you? You and I repeat the same word “said” all the time. Let's try to replace it. How can you say it differently? (together with the baby, choose the words - whispered, said, exclaimed, answered, asked, was surprised).” By using the technique of your child dictating your fairy tale, you will not only enrich your child’s vocabulary and develop coherent speech, but will also make a significant contribution to the successful preparation of your child for school.

A fairy tale on a given topic

The child is asked to compose a fairy tale on the proposed topic. This will require him to be able to act according to a given plan, to act within the framework of the proposed circumstances. Sometimes this approach makes the task easier: you just need to substitute words or sentences that are appropriate in meaning, but sometimes it can be very difficult to match someone else’s plan. Often these are the difficulties that children at home encounter when entering school.

When setting the theme of a fairy tale, formulate it in such a way that it emotionally prepares the child to write a fairy tale (the theme itself can already specify a fairy-tale character or suggest a fairy-tale situation). The result can be interesting if inanimate objects are used as a hero - for example, a bed or a bag. Draw the child’s attention to the interesting, entertaining content of the fairy tale, to its verbal presentation. In the future, watch how the child uses the learned words and expressions in independent creative activities.

In the process of composing a fairy tale, support the child’s initiative, stimulate the manifestation of imagination, and monitor how correctly the child understands your assignments and leading questions.

Do you need a fairy tale hero or heroine?

Write a fairy tale about a person, animal, plant or any object: a toy, a teapot, a spoon, a light bulb, a table, a tablet. About everything that catches your eye or comes to mind. If you wish, you can revive anything, even natural phenomena. But people or animals most often act as the main characters in fairy tales.

What do you think is most important for a hero?

Of course, his character and appearance.

Think about what your hero is like

He's funny? Smart? Brave? Beautiful?

Also don't forget to come up with small flaws

It is small? Shy? Are you often lazy? Stubborn?

Creating a character in a little fairy tale can take some time. But if you get a convincing hero or heroine who evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, then half the battle is done. By the way, an invented character can be made the hero of a variety of stories.

Use these building blocks to create the character of the hero of your fairy tale.

  • Name
  • age
  • what does he do
  • appearance
  • pets, friends
  • hobbies
  • favorite color
  • favorite dish
  • temperament
  • what is he afraid of?
  • who is he friends with?
  • what he doesn't like
  • secrets
  • what he remembers
  • what do you dream about
  • what does he dream about

As you understand, one hero or heroine is not enough for a fairy tale.

The Tale of Toys

Choose toys for the fairy tale, for example, a cat and a mouse, and start telling the story, accompanying the words with a display of actions: “Once upon a time there was a fluffy cat (you must stroke the pussy, showing its fluffy fur), the cat found out that the mouse had made a hole for itself in her house ( show an imaginary house of a cat and a mouse in a hole). So she began to watch over her. The cat steps quietly with its fluffy paws, you can’t hear her at all. The mouse ran out for a walk and ran far from the hole. And suddenly I saw a cat. The cat wanted to grab her. No such luck! The clever mouse darted into its hole.” Then invite your child to think about what toys he would like to talk about. In the process of performing such a task, the child’s vocabulary is activated (he more actively uses those words that he already knows, but does not yet use in his speech), coherent speech develops: the child selects the necessary definitions, forming the appropriate grammatical form of the adjective, and from this vocabulary material constructs a coherent statement. When answering questions, he pays attention to the characteristic features of the appearance of toys (color, shape, material), selects comparisons and definitions. Subsequently, encourage this type of creativity in your child’s play. Offer to make a drawing for a fairy tale, ask to tell (show) a fairy tale about toys to grandma or friends who come to visit.

Make sure that the text of the fairy tale you composed is appropriate for the child’s age.

For children ages 3 to 5, use simple themes.

The hero did not know something and thanks to simple actions he found out. The hero was sad, but became cheerful. Someone was greedy, but thanks to the actions of the hero, he became kind. The hero corrected the injustice, made friends with other characters, saved the character and made him smile. I lost something, but as a result of my actions I found it.

For children aged 5 to 7 years, you can make the topics more complex.

Add villains, let the hero overcome three, not one, difficult situations. Add evil magic to your fairy tale, include the hero’s rebellious actions: disobedience, running away from home for adventure, committing a forbidden act. Weave morality into the story, summarized in proverbs and sayings.

And before we move on to the examples, get your GIFT!

A book with educational games for children 5-7 years old!

Fairy tale on a free theme

This genre is the pinnacle of a child’s verbal creativity. He must independently come up with the name of the fairy tale, the characters, the conditions for the action of the heroes, the action itself: the beginning, the climax, the ending. The child learns to use his life experience and convey it in a coherent narrative. He develops the ability to clearly, clearly, and consistently express his thoughts. The mother’s task is to create an emotional mood and give impetus to the creative imagination. It is important that the child strives to make the plot entertaining, not forgetting about the verbal presentation of the fairy tale.

Create, invent, try! Children's fairy tales have always been a very special genre of folk tales and served not only as a means of amusement for children who write them, but also as one of the most important means of developing children's thinking and mastering the experience of previous generations.

Ekaterina Asonova teacher, philologist

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