New Year's party based on the fairy tale "12 months" material (preparatory group) on the topic

New Year's party in the preparatory group based on the fairy tale “12 months”. Scenario

Scenario of the New Year's party "12 months" for children of the preparatory group based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak.
Author: Averina Elena Sergeevna, music director of the MKDOU BGO Kindergarten No. 20 of a combined type.

Description of the material: this summary can be useful and used by music directors and teachers of preschool educational institutions. The holiday scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age. During the holiday, children consolidate their knowledge of the fairy tale “12 months”, meet the months and Santa Claus. Goal: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about good and evil, to create a festive mood. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the skills acquired in music classes. 2. Develop the ability to convey the characters of fairy tale characters in theatricalization, communication skills. 3. Systematize knowledge about good and evil. 4. Summarize children’s ideas about months. 5. Create a festive mood in children. 12 MONTHS Presenter - It’s so good when guests come. Music and laughter are heard everywhere. We are opening the New Year’s holiday. We invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the Christmas tree! Children run into the hall. Child - Good afternoon to everyone who is in the hall today, We welcome both friends and guests! So let's start our New Year's holiday, the most fabulous holiday of winter! Child - Put aside your worries for a while and forget your sorrows for an hour. On a wonderful day, New Year's Eve, we sincerely congratulate you all. Child - May your wishes come true, And may everyone find happiness! May the New Year come to you with luck and without delay with a smile! Child - At the holiday we will dance from the heart, we will sing our favorite songs. Let's do a little magic with Santa Claus and invite him into a fairy tale. Child - In that fairy tale, a New Year's miracle awaits us, There we will meet new friends. And a good wizard will come out of nowhere and make the children’s wishes come true. Child - Happy New Year to everyone who came to this hall. Let's begin, let's begin (in chorus) New Year's carnival! SONG Child - A holiday comes to every home With a green splintered Christmas tree, With a frosty creaking outside the window, Comes with a ringing song. Child - The holiday is coming - it’s no secret, With the rustling of gifts And with the wonderful smell of sweets, And with bright tinsel. Child - We have been waiting for him for a whole year, and now he is at the doorstep. Friends, welcome the New Year, get up in round dances! Round dance. (children sit down) Presenter - But what kind of holiday is New Year - without a good old fairy tale. After all, everyone is waiting for this fairy tale, The masks are already ready. I hear a quiet light ringing and the ringing does not end, it flies towards us from all sides! This is how the fairy tale begins. Child - In an old fairy tale, in a Russian fairy tale, there is a Snowy Tower, and in it the Snow Maiden Princess sleeps in an uninterrupted sound sleep. She is sleeping, but today, Awakening from sleep, she will appear as a guest for our New Year's holiday. We are all waiting for our elegant favorite for the holiday. Let's invite our dear Snow Maiden to the holiday! The Snow Maiden enters. SONG OF THE SNOW MAIDEN. Snow Maiden - Hello, children! Hello adults! Winter is not a threat, I am not afraid of snowstorms. Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, I am called Snegurochka!! Children, a fairy tale hurried to our Christmas tree on a sled. You sit quietly. Just don’t scare away the fairy tale. If you believe fairy tales, what miracles can happen on New Year’s Eve in a dense forest. Like a magic book it opens its snowy pages. On this night, animals and birds speak in human voices. The hare jumps out. Hare - Cold, cold! The frost is breathtaking, your paws freeze in the snow as you run. The squirrels run out. Hare - Squirrels, squirrels, let's play burners, click on the sun and invite spring. Belka - Come on, who will burn first? Hare - Whoever gets it - we will be considered Squirrel - Considered, so considered. Oblique, oblique. Don’t go barefoot, but go with shoes on, wrap up your little paws. If you wear shoes, the wolves will not find the hare. The bear won't find you, come out and burn. Hare - For me? Or maybe we'd better dance? DANCE. The Girl comes out, laughs, and the Soldier comes out to meet her. Soldier - I wish you good health, beauty. What are you happy about? Found a treasure or heard good news? Tell me why you laugh, maybe I’ll laugh with you too? Girl - You won't believe me! Soldier - Why? We soldiers have heard enough of everything in our time, seen enough of everything. Girl - Here now the hares and squirrels were playing with burners, right in this very place. Soldier - Come on! Girl - Yes, it’s true. He is behind them, and they are from him. Through the snow and straight onto a tree! And the Soldiers - Well, pray tell! Girl - So you don’t believe me. Soldier - I don’t believe it! Today is such a day, the end of the old year, the beginning of a new one. And I also heard from my grandfather that on such a day anything in the world can happen, you just know how to lie in wait and spy. Is it any wonder that squirrels and hares play with burners? This doesn’t happen on New Year’s Eve. Girl - what happens? Soldier - Yes, isn’t it, but my grandfather said that on the very eve of the New Year his grandfather had the opportunity to meet all 12 months. Girl - Is this really possible? Soldier - Well, what I know, that’s what I say, but what I don’t know, I won’t say. Why did you come here in such cold weather? Girl - I didn’t come of my own free will. My stepmother sent me to gather firewood. Soldier - So, what's the matter. Well, let me help you. And then I’ll get down to my business. Girl - What is your business? Soldier - Yes, I need to find the best Christmas tree in the forest. Girl - Who is this Christmas tree for? Soldier - For whom? For the princess herself. Collecting brushwood
Girl - And here is a suitable Christmas tree. Snow Maiden - Come into a circle, guys, stand at the Christmas tree, the music is calling! Hold hands tightly, Let's start the round dance! ROUND DANCE. Snow Maiden - And at this time in the palace the king and princess were preparing for the New Year's ball... DANCE OF THE PRINCESS AND PROFESSOR. Professor - Your Highness, it's time to get down to science. Princess - I don't want to. You will ask again and again. Better tell yourself something New Year’s Eve, because today is New Year’s Eve. Professor - New Year's... The year, Your Highness, consists of 12 months. Princess - Is that so? Indeed? Professor - Yes, Your Highness, the months are January, February, March... Princess - There are so many of them! And you know them all by heart? Professor - Yes, Your Highness. Princess - What a wonderful memory you have, professor. Professor - Thank you, Your Highness. Months follow one after another. As soon as one month ends, another begins immediately. And it has never happened before that February came before January. Princess - What if I wanted it to be March now? Professor - this is impossible Princess - Just think, what if I issue such a decree and put my big seal? Professor - I'm afraid this won't help. Princess - And I want to have snowdrops for the New Year! The curtain closes. The Heralds come out. Herald - On New Year's Eve, we issued an order from afar: Let our snowdrops bloom today. Streams are running into the valley, winter is over. Carry the basket of snowdrops to the palace. Herald - Pick simple snowdrops before dawn and they will give you a basket of gold for it. The curtain opens. Hut, stove. Daughter - Oh, mom, how I want to go to the royal holiday. I’ll go and pick snowdrops in the forest and get to the palace. Stepmother - Where are you going? You'll freeze! Daughter - Then let the sister go. Here she comes from the forest, you send her. Stepmother - Correct. She has nothing to do - she runs away. A girl comes in. Girl - Oh, it’s cold outside. Stepmother - Don’t rush to undress, you should run into the forest again. Girl - Why is this? Stepmother - Behind the snowdrops. Girl - what are snowdrops like in December? Snow all around. Daughter - Look under the snow, that’s why they are snowdrops. The curtain closes. Snow Maiden - The girl began to cry, wrapped herself in a torn scarf and walked away. She walks, barely pulling her legs out of the snowdrift. It's getting darker all around. And suddenly a light flashed far between the trees, as if a star had become entangled among the branches. The girl got up and went towards this light. “If only,” he thinks, “the light doesn’t go out!” But it doesn’t go out, it burns more and more brightly, there’s already a smell of warm smoke, and you can hear the brushwood crackling in the fire. DANCE WITH CANDLES. At the end, Santa Claus comes out. Santa Claus - Hello, my friends! Happy New Year! Here I am! I am a real Santa Claus, from the deep dense thicket, where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts, where there are snowstorms and blizzards, where the forests are dense, where the snow is loose. Happy New Year, I congratulate both the owners and the guests, I wish you happiness and goodness, and nice winter days! Hello girl. What are you looking for in the winter forest? Girl - I need to collect snowdrops in this basket. Santa Claus - Is it snowdrops in winter? That's what I came up with! Girl - I didn’t make it up, but my stepmother sent me here and didn’t tell me to come back with an empty basket. Santa Claus - what will you do if you don’t find snowdrops? After all, they won’t appear before March. Girl , I’ll stay in the forest. It’s better to freeze in the forest than to return home without snowdrops. March - Santa Claus, can I help? Santa Claus - It’s possible, but March shouldn’t come before February and January. January - Okay, I won’t argue. February - And I feel sorry for her too. Santa Claus - Well, have it your way! Over to you, month of January. January - Don't crack the frosts in the protected forest Don't gnaw the bark of pine and birch trees! It’s enough for you to freeze crows and cool human habitation! Now it’s your turn, brother February. February – Winds, storms, hurricanes, blow as hard as you can! Whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards will break out by night! Trumpet loudly in the clouds, soar above the earth! Let the drifting snow run in the fields like a white snake! Now it's your turn, brother Mart. March - Run away, streams! Spread out, puddles! Come out, ants, after the winter cold! The bear makes its way through the thick dead wood, the birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop blossomed. The sound of birds singing. March gives the girl a basket of snowdrops! Girl - Thank you, Grandfather Frost and you, brothers, months. Santa Claus - Be happy, girl! It's time for us to return winter and continue the holiday again! Frost and snow are back, everyone around the Christmas tree have fun! Snow Maiden - Do you hear? Are the needles on our Christmas tree suddenly ringing? Maybe they are ringing for us to turn on the lights? Santa Claus - Our Christmas tree cannot be without lights today! So that the tree will perk up and look more cheerful, Smile at all the children, Let's light the lights on it! Together, let's say together: Christmas tree, light up! Children repeat. The tree doesn't light up. Santa Claus - Speak very quietly! Come on, guests, help! Let's say loudly, with full force: Become beautiful, Christmas tree! Parents repeat, the Christmas tree does not light up. Santa Claus - Still quiet, still weak. We all need to shout together, I just say: “One-two-three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn! Children and guests repeat. The tree lights up. Snow Maiden - Grandfather, what to do with the evil stepmother? Santa Claus - I know only one remedy, it has always helped me. Quickly get up in a round dance, sing a song together, The song, if you wish, will help everyone become good. ROUND DANCE. Santa Claus - aren't you tired? Children - We are not at all tired, we could play a little! Game “Thread and Needle” Snow Maiden - Grandfather, are you a master at painting patterns on windows? Santa Claus is a Master, and what a master! Snow Maiden - Can you get the boys out of the circle by drawing a fancy pattern? Santa Claus - How is this? Snow Maiden - And just like that, look, I’m a needle, and all the girls follow me with a thread. The Snow Maiden leads the girls out of the circle. Snow Maiden - That's it, grandfather! Santa Claus meanders and leads the boys out of the circle. Snow Maiden - Oh, grandfather, what a good pattern you turned out! Santa Claus - Snegurochka, call the Snowmen of your friends and dance with them quickly. DANCE OF THE SNOW MAID AND SNOWMEN. Santa Claus - Although almost completely gray, I dance like a young man. Together with you, even now, I am ready to dance. SANTA'S DANCE Santa Claus - How I danced merrily and got a little tired. And now I’ll sit and look at the kids. Well, who will tell the poems? Let me see who is brave here! READING POEMS. Snow Maiden - Grandfather, if you could come up with a game, it would amuse the kids! GAME WITH SANTA CLAUS “SNOW FIGURE FREEZE” “WILL NOT LET OUT” Santa Claus - we played nicely with you, but aren’t you tired of dancing? Child - From dawn to dusk, bullfinches sing according to notes. We dance - one, two, three - we don’t lose count. Child - Everyone around started dancing, the stars are looking at us through the window, Oh, how fun it is here - and they are a little envious. Child - Either the blizzard or the winter composed this song, But when it sounds, we cannot sit still. DANCE Santa Claus - How many years have I lived in the world and seen a lot, But I have never seen such a wonderful Christmas tree! But it’s time to say goodbye, kids! Guys, I just have to do this little thing - give gifts to the children, reward them for songs and dances! Snow Maiden - Grandfather, where is your big bag of gifts? Santa Claus - What have I done, old man!!! I forgot my bag somewhere! Now, now, guys! I have a miracle device! I just need to call. (Looks for the phone in the bag.)
(Calling) : Hello!
My miracle device! Hurry to kindergarten, I forgot gifts for the kids! Device: I'm coming! I'm coming! ( A shiny box without a back wall or bottom, entwined with tinsel and garlands. An adult brings it in. But he is not visible! He sits down and puts down the device. There is a table covered with a cloth in advance. There are gifts behind it) Santa Claus - How quickly you appeared, instantly in the hall I found myself! Apparatus: How forgetful you are, grandpa! Santa Claus - What do you want from me, dear? I'm already many years old! Let's not waste time, friends are waiting for gifts! Come on, granddaughter, give me a snowball, we’ll get presents! Look, guys! We throw a snowball here and get a gift! (
Throws a snowball into the hole. Valenok flies out from there) Santa Claus knocks on the device)
Device: Oh! You, wait! Maybe the battery is dead. Get me in the mood, warm me up! Santa Claus - (stroking the device)
Okay, okay, don't be angry with grandfather, I'll warm you up now!
LET'S CONNECT! (The device lights up with multi-colored lights)
AND WE RECEIVE GIFTS!!! (Calls the children one by one, the child throws a snowball into the hole and a gift appears on top, which GRANDFATHER Frost takes and gives it to the child. Santa Claus - I wish you to grow up and not get bored, don’t upset the teachers too much. And always ask for forgiveness for any upsets. Well and next year the Snow Maiden - May goodness win in every fairy tale, May there be joyful faces everywhere. And if you are sad, magic will knock on your door with a new fairy tale. Presenter - May fairy tales come to you more often. After all, goodness wins in them! We wish you always be lucky in the new year. May everything go well at work, and at home, peace and comfort. Come to us for the holidays. Surprises are always waiting for you here.

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