Organization and conduct of regime processes of the first and second half of the day in the preparatory group

Regime according to the program “from birth to school”

Daily routine in groups. Program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraks, T.S. Komarov, M.A. Vasiliev

Daily routine for children of the 1st junior group

7.30-8.00 – reception of children, independent activities

8.00-8.20 – preparation for breakfast, breakfast

8.20-9.00 – independent activity

8.30-9.00 – organized educational activities (by subgroups)

9.00-9.20 – preparation for the walk

9.20-11.20 – walk, second breakfast

11.20-11.45 – return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for lunch.

11.50-12.20 – lunch

12.20-12.30 – quiet games, getting ready for bed

12.30-15.00 – sleep

15.00-15.15 – gradual rise, independent activity

15.15-15.25 – afternoon tea

15.25-16.15 – independent activity

15.45-16.15 – organized educational activities (by subgroups)

16.15-16.30 – preparation for the walk

16.30-19.00 – walk, gradual departure of children home

Daily routine for children of the 2nd junior group

7.00-8.20 – reception, examination, games, morning exercises

8.20-9.00 – preparation for breakfast, breakfast

9.00-10.00 – organized educational activities

10.00-12.00 – preparation for the walk, walk (games, observations, work), second breakfast

12.00-12.20 – return from a walk, game

12.20-12.50 – preparation for lunch, lunch

12.50-15.00 – getting ready for bed, napping

15.00-15.25 – gradual ascent, air and water procedures

15.25-15.50 – preparation for afternoon tea, afternoon snack

15.50-16.20 – games, independent activities

16.20-16.35 – reading fiction

16.40-19.00 – preparation for the walk, walk, gradual departure of children home

Daily routine for middle group children

7.00-8.25 – reception and examination of children, games, duty, morning exercises

8.25-8.55 – preparation for breakfast, breakfast

8.55-9.10 – games, independent activities

9.10-10.00 – organized educational activities

10.00-12.10 - games, preparation for the walk, walk, second breakfast

12.10-12.30 – return from a walk, game

12.10-13.00 – preparation for lunch, lunch

13.00-15.00 – afternoon nap

15.00-15.25 – rise, air and water procedures

15.25-15.50 – preparation for afternoon tea, afternoon snack

15.50-16.15 – games, independent and organized activities for children

16.15-16.30 – reading fiction

16.30-19.00 – preparation for the walk, walk, gradual departure of children home

Daily routine for older children

7.00-8.30 – reception and examination, games, duty, morning exercises

8.30-8.55 – preparation for breakfast, breakfast

8.55-9.15 – games, independent activities

9.15-10.15 – organized educational activities

10.15-12.25 – games, preparation for the walk, walk (games, observations, work), second breakfast

12.25-12.40 – return from a walk, game

12.20-13.10 – preparation for lunch, lunch

13.10-15.00 – getting ready for bed, nap

15.00-15.25 – gradual ascent, air and water procedures

15.25-15.40 – preparation for afternoon tea, afternoon snack

15.40-16.20 – games, independent and organized educational activities for children

16.20-16.40 – reading fiction

16.40-19.00 – preparation for the walk, walk, gradual departure home

Daily routine for children in the preparatory group

7.00-8.30 – reception and examination, games, duty, morning exercises

8.30-8.50 – preparation for breakfast, breakfast

8.50-9.00 – games

9.00-10.50 – organized educational activities

10.50-12.35 – games, preparation for the walk, walk (games, observations, work), second breakfast

12.35-12.45 – return from a walk, game

12.45-13.15 – preparation for lunch, lunch

13.15-15.00 – getting ready for bed, nap

15.00-15.25 – gradual rise, air and water procedures, games

15.25-15.40 – preparation for afternoon tea, afternoon snack

15.40-16.20 – games, independent and organized educational activities

16.20-16.40 – reading fiction

16.40-19.00 - preparation for the walk, walk, gradual departure home

Lesson summary “Daily routine”

«Daily regime"

Notes for children 5-6 years old

Description of material

This is a summary of an educational organized activity in which children become familiar with the daily routine and learn to draw logical conclusions. The material is intended for educators, teachers of additional education, and will be useful for children of older preschool age. Goal
: the importance of daily routine in maintaining and promoting health.
To form an idea of ​​the daily routine, the ability to distinguish behavior that promotes health from behavior that is harmful to health. Convince of the need to follow a daily routine to maintain health. Learn to correlate different parts of the day with your own activities. Preliminary work
: Educational games: “Confusion”, “Good - Bad”.
Didactic games: “Learn about sports”, “Regular moments”. Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief”, A. Barto “The grimy girl”, G. Shalaeva “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children”, “The Tale of Lost Time”, riddles, proverbs and sayings about a healthy image life. Role-playing games “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Family”. Equipment
: audio recording, letter, picture diagrams of hand washing, brushing teeth, “Day routine” in the form of a round clock with arrows, game “Place in order”, package: material for applique, book.
Methodological techniques
: creating a game situation, didactic game, surprise moment.


The song “Smile” is played, music by V. Shainsky, words by M. Plyatskovsky.
Emotional tuning
- Guys, what are your mood today? ( Good, joyful, fun
e.) Let's hold hands and convey our good mood to each other.
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other .
-A smile is the key to a good mood. By smiling, we give each other health and joy. What else helps you maintain a good mood? ( Children's answers: kind words, good health
.) A letter came to our kindergarten, it is very strange!
The riddle will help you find the answer! The alarm clock rang.
Time calls everyone: Mom to the workshop, Dad to the factory ... (
clock ). Questions for children
: -Why did people come up with watches?
-It is this question that we will try to answer together today. Let’s get acquainted with the new rule of maintaining health “Keep a daily routine.” -What is the daily routine? -Let's discuss the question, where should the morning begin? -from charging; -water procedures; -roads to kindergarten. Educator
: Is everyone’s morning so organized?
Reading of L. Voronkova’s poem “Masha the Confused One
Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha.
In the morning the sun rose and looked in the window. And Masha is sleeping... -Why was Masha late for kindergarten?
-What can you advise her? -How do you feel about your things? -What is a regime? Educator
: -The daily routine is the schedule of all the tasks and actions that you need to perform during the day.
The human body has one feature that should not be forgotten. He tries to follow his internal schedule and suffers when this order is disrupted. For example, you were playing in the yard and completely forgot that it was already time for lunch. How do you know when you are hungry, what will you feel? ( Children's answers
) - It was your body that gave the signal that it was time for lunch.
He is used to receiving food at a certain time. Dynamic Educator
In our routine, in the morning there is exercise, Everyone without exception, Let's remember the exercises. Hello, hello, brother Chas! Tick-tock, Tick-tock!
(Children shake their hands left and right)
Look at us quickly!
Tick-tock, Tick-tock !
(Turn their hands with their palms towards themselves, wave their palms towards themselves, then swing their hands left and right again) All the guys want to know, Why is the clock knocking
(“Threaten” with the index finger of the right hand) Tick-tock, Tick-tock!
Tick ​​tock, tock !
(Clap their hands rhythmically) Educator
: - How do you know that you are tired?
( Children's answers
-How do you know that you want to sleep? ( Children's answers
-How do you know what you want to drink? ( Children's answers
Guys, why do you think we need a watch? ( in order not to be late, to know what time it is
) - Yes, you are right, we need watches so that we can navigate time, know when to wake up, so as not to be late for kindergarten for morning exercises, in order to know when lunch is coming , walk and sleep time.
So what is a regime? ( Children's expected answers are doing things at the same time.
) - Yes, a routine is when all the things are done during the day according to time, for example, like in kindergarten.
You have time to eat, study, walk, sleep and go home. Your parents are also familiar with this gardening routine, and the clock shows the time the daily regimen is completed. -Guys, why do you think some children have time to: go for a walk with friends, study in a circle, help around the house, and read a book. And others only have promises and complaints that they didn’t have time, they will do it tomorrow. Why is that? What do you think? ( do not follow the daily routine
: If you do not follow the correct daily routine, if you violate your internal routine, your body will get angry and quarrel with you.
You sit down at the table to have dinner, but you have no appetite. Everything seems tasteless. You go to bed later than usual and can’t fall asleep. It's time to get up, but your eyes are stuck together, your arms and legs don't obey, your head leans towards the pillow. Conclusion
: it is necessary to maintain the correct daily routine - sleep, eat, walk outside, play and exercise at certain times.
Then it is easy for the body to work, and you will feel healthy and vigorous. Educator
: This secret is the daily routine.
The regime helps you to be disciplined, helps you improve your health, and complete your work and tasks well and efficiently. A routine is when all your tasks are distributed clearly over time during the day. Educator
: And now I want to know if you follow your daily routine.

Task “Place in order”

The guys go to the board one by one and, in order, lay out pictures depicting children engaged in various activities during the day.
As the game progresses, attention is drawn to the fact that you need to go to bed on time and get up on time, do morning exercises every day, and eat at the same time. You can't watch TV for a long time .
-You agree with me? ( the meaning of all the pictures is explained
) -To be cheerful and healthy, you need to go to bed at the same time.
-Do you know why you need to eat at the same time? -Imagine that you have a little stomach man living inside you. If you feed him at different times, he will be capricious and sick. It will hurt not only him, but also you. Therefore, he must be accustomed to eating at the same time, then you will become friends with him. Now we will meet another friend, but you must guess who he is. I am the cheerful washbasin The head of the washstands And the commander of the washcloths Who is this ... ( Moidodyr ).
-Are you guys familiar with Moidodyr?
Today he sent not only a letter, but also a parcel to the kindergarten address. “Letter to all children on a very important matter”
“Dear, my children! I am writing you a letter. I ask you to wash your hands and face often. It doesn’t matter what kind of water: boiled, spring, from a river or from a well, or just rain. You must wash yourself: morning, evening and afternoon. Before every meal, before bed and after sleep! Rub with a sponge and washcloth, be patient, no problem! Both ink and jam will be washed away by soap and water. Dear ones, my children! I really, really ask you, Wash more often, wash more cleanly, I can’t stand being dirty!
I will give you a task - Pass the test If you solve everything - Wait for me to visit.

-What do you think about it?
-Can you handle it? -Now, guys, don’t yawn, I’ll start, and you finish. 1. Remember firmly that the regime for people... ( is necessary
2. We are accustomed to order, in vain we don’t lie in bed, in the morning we do ... ( charge
), keep our ... (
3. Strengthen your muscles so that you can exercise... ( physical education
4. Dress, shoes and housing should be as ( clean
) as possible.
always help us .
Well done boys! You answered everything correctly and unanimously. Now raise your hands who does exercises in the morning. Wellness break.
- Let’s rest a little, then we’ll start discussing further.
-Show your favorite exercises. Now let's see what we have in the package. ( Material for application
Collective application “Daily routine ”. On a sheet of paper designed in the form of a clock, children are asked to paste ready-made forms of fairy-tale characters and animals performing various routine tasks
(sleeping, eating, walking, reading, playing, doing exercises) to the appropriate place on the clock.


:According to the daily routine, we are now having a second breakfast, and for breakfast today we will have “Vitamin” fruit salad.
. -What new did you learn today? -Which of the tasks did you find most interesting? Why? -You all tried very hard today, were active, attentive, and friendly.

Daily routine for children in the preparatory group

Daily routine for young children.

Cold period

General daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.20
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.20-8.40
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults8.40-9.00
Organized activities9.00-9.30
Preparing for a walk, walking and returning from a walk9.45-11.50
Preparing for lunch, lunch11.50-12.15
Getting ready for bed, naps12.15-15.00
Getting up as you wake up, hardening procedures15.00-15.25
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.25-15.45
Organized activities15.45-16.15
Games, joint activities of children and adults, independent activities16.15-16.50
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.50-19.00

Gentle daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.20
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.20-8.40
Games, independent and joint activities8.20-9.00
Organized activities9.00-9.25
preparing for a walk, walking and returning from a walk9.45-11.45
Preparing for lunch, lunch11.50-12.10
Preparing for bed, naps12.10-15.10
Getting up as you wake up, hardening procedures15.10-15.25
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.25-15.45
Organized activities15.45-16.15
Games, joint and independent activities16.15-16.50
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.50-19.00

Daily routine for children of the younger group.

Cold period.

General daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.20
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.20-8.50
Games, independent and joint activities8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-9.40
independent activity of children.9.40-9.50
preparing for a walk, walking, returning from a walk10.00-12.00
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.00-12.40
Preparing for bed, naps12.40-15.00
Getting up as you wake up, hardening procedures15.00-15.30
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.30-15.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults15.50-16.50
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.50-19.00

Gentle daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.20
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.20-8.50
Games, independent and joint activities8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-9.35
independent activities of children9.35-9.50
preparing for a walk, walking and returning from a walk10.00-12.00
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.00-12.40
Preparing for bed, naps12.40-15.10
Getting up as you wake up, hardening procedures15.10-15.35
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.35-15.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults15.50-16.50
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.50-19.00

Daily routine for middle group children.

Cold period

General daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.25
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.25-8.50
Games, joint and independent activities of children and adults8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-9.50
Games, preparation for a walk, walk, return from a walk, games10.05-12.00
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.00-12.40
Preparing for bed, naps12.40-15.00
Lifting, air and water procedures15.00-15.25
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.25-15.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults15.50-16.40
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.40-19.00

Gentle daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.25
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.25-8.50
games, joint and independent activities of children and adults8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-9.50
Games, preparation for a walk, walk, return from a walk, games10.05-12.00
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.00-12.40
Preparing for bed, naps12.40-15.10
Lifting, air and water procedures15.10-15.30
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.30-15.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults15.50-16.40
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.40-19.00

Daily routine for older children

Cold period.

General daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.25
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.25-8.45
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults8.45-9.00
Organized activities9.00-10.00
Games, preparation for a walk, walk, return10.20-12.20
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.20-13.00
Preparing for bed, naps13.00-15.00
Getting up as you wake up, hardening procedures15.00-15.20
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.20-15.50
Organized activities15.50-16.15
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults16.15-17.00
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home17.00-19.00

Gentle daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.25
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.25-8.45
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults8.45-9.00
Organized activities9.00-10.00
Games, preparation for a walk, walk, return10.20-12.20
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.20-13.00
Preparing for bed, naps13.00-15.10
Getting up as you wake up, hardening procedures15.10-15.25
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.25-15.40
Organized activities15.40-16.15
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults16.15-17.00
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home17.00-19.00

Daily routine for children in the senior speech therapy group.

Cold period.

General daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.30
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.30-8.50
Games, independent and joint activities8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-10.00
individual speech therapy sessions10.00-12.00
Games, preparation for a walk, walk and return from a walk10.10-12.20
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.20-13.00
Preparing for bed, naps13.00-15.00
Getting up as you wake up, hardening procedures, games15.00-15.30
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.30-15.55
Organized activities15.55-16.20
individual and subgroup lessons of a teacher with children on the instructions of a speech therapist, independent activity16.20-17.00
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home17.00-19.00

Gentle daily routine

Reception, examination, games, joint and independent activities of children and adults, individual work, morning exercises7.00-8.30
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.30-8.50
Games, independent and joint activities8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-10.00
individual lessons with a speech therapist10.10-12.00
Games, preparation for a walk, walk and return from a walk10.10-12.15
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.15-12.55
Getting ready for bed, naps12.55-15.05
Lifting, hardening procedures, games15.05-15.30
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.30-15.55
Organized activities15.55-16.20
individual, subgroup lessons of the teacher with children on the instructions of the speech therapist, independent activity16.20-17.00
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home17.00-19.00

Daily routine for children in the preparatory group

Cold period

General daily routine

Reception and examination, games, independent and joint activities of children and adults, individual duty work, morning exercises.7.00-8.30
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast,8.30-8.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-10.50
Games, preparation for a walk, walk and return from a walk, games10.50-12.35
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.35-13.00
Preparing for bed, naps13.00-15.00
Lifting, air and water procedures, games15.00-15.25
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.25-15.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults15.50-16.55
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.55-19.00

Gentle daily routine

Reception and examination, games, independent and joint activities of children and adults, individual duty work, morning exercises.7.00-8.30
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast,8.30-8.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults8.50-9.00
Organized activities9.00-10.45
Games, preparation for a walk, walk and return from a walk, games10.50-12.35
Preparing for lunch, lunch12.35-13.00
Preparing for bed, naps13.00-15.10
Lifting, air and water procedures, games15.10-15.25
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.25-15.50
Games, independent and joint activities of children and adults15.50-16.55
Preparing for a walk, walk, games, going home16.55-19.00

Target. To form in children ideas about the correct daily routine and the health benefits of following it.

Material. Colored pencils (markers).

Organize a conversation

Tell your children that the human body has one feature that should not be forgotten: it tries to follow its internal schedule and suffers when this order is disrupted.

For example, you were playing with friends in the yard and completely forgot that it was already time for lunch. And suddenly something begins to bother you in your stomach, suck in your stomach, and rumble in your intestines. This is your body giving a signal that it is time to have lunch. He is accustomed to receiving food at a certain time, is already ready for digestion and tells you about this with a feeling of hunger. You realize you're hungry and go home for lunch.

In the evening you are looking at an interesting book with pictures and suddenly you yawn, your eyes begin to stick together. What's the matter? And your body again reminded you of its internal schedule. He says: “It’s time to sleep, you’re tired during the day, you need to rest and gain strength.”

If you interfere with your body’s correct daily routine, if you disturb its internal routine, your body will get angry and quarrel with you. You sit down to dinner, but you have no appetite, everything seems tasteless. You go to bed, but you can’t fall asleep. It's time to get up, but your eyes are stuck together, your arms and legs don't obey, your head leans towards the pillow.

You need to follow the correct daily routine: sleep, eat, walk, play and study at certain times. Then it will be easy for the body to work, and you will feel healthy and vigorous.

Ask questions

Do you know the daily routine in your kindergarten?

When do children have breakfast, walk, play, have lunch, and rest?

What is your daily routine on weekends?

How do you know when you are hungry, thirsty, tired, or time to sleep? When does this happen?

Note to the teacher

It is sometimes difficult for children to talk about how they feel, about their sensations of physical discomfort. Help them. Let every child have their say. This is important for the development of self-awareness and the formation of healthy lifestyle values.

Exercise. Ask your child to look at the pictures and talk about the boys' daily routine. Draw the children's attention to the clock. What time do they show in each situation? Let them answer approximately. What is the time to do at this time? Let the children think and answer which boy is doing the right thing. Who has the right daily routine and who has the wrong one? Ask the children to circle the correct actions with a red pencil (felt-tip pen) and explain their choice.

Take this opportunity and when discussing the correct and incorrect daily routine, explain to your children how much time they can spend watching TV: watching programs, playing electronic games with a console. Why is it harmful for children to look at the screen for a long time, neglecting walks, games, rest and sleep? (Vision may deteriorate and posture may be impaired.)


Ask the children to remember if they know anyone who behaves incorrectly or does not follow a daily routine. They don’t go out on time, watch TV for a long time instead of being outdoors or playing, and go to bed late. Have you had similar cases? Tell us about them and discuss together how best to build a daily routine.

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