Quest game for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Development of creative abilities of preschool children through creative activities in working with teachers”

Psychological quest game “Immersion in childhood” for educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions

Section No. 5

Psychological quest game “Immersion in childhood” for teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions.


Teacher-psychologist, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 52 “Malinka”,

Russia, Moscow region,

G. o. Balashikha, Balashikha highway.

E - mail :
malinka [email protected] list . Common crawl en
The profession of a teacher requires certain strength, energy, and dedication. If a teacher experiences emotional stress for a long time, then irritability or apathy increases, and the result is stress. In such a state, it is difficult to maintain composure and not transfer it to your work or children. Therefore, it is very important that only a positive, positive emotional state prevails in the teacher.


awareness and processing of one’s internal states and experiences; reconnecting with your inner, open and emotional part of your personality.


revive childhood memories; process your childhood impressions and experiences; realize personal qualities, internal reserves and develop behavioral characteristics; to unite the team, create a favorable psychological climate aimed at joint creativity and interaction.


bibs; printed on A4 sheet – baby pacifiers; photographs of quest game participants as children; riddle about the bow; satin ribbons/bows; psychological test “My inner world”; pencils; recording light, calm music; envelopes with the task; two “magic” baskets.

Progress of the lesson

- Dear colleagues! Today we have to go through a difficult, but exciting and interesting path. There are three states within us: Child, Parent and Adult. Each of the states is responsible for its manifestations in a person. And each state must be in its place. The Inner Child is the brightest, most emotional part of our personality. It is thanks to him that we can create, love, enjoy life, be surprised, admire, but also grieve and be sad. In short, everything related to emotions and their expression is associated exclusively with the figure of the Inner Child. His motto is “I want.”

It may seem that over the years this Inner Child ceases to exist. Great uncles and aunts, we clearly know what is good and what is bad, we condemn all kinds of reckless actions and have long stopped believing in miracles. We are reasonable and rational. We forget about the existence of our Inner Child and do not fulfill his deepest desires. Therefore, our emotions are hidden deep inside us [1].

Now I propose to plunge into the world of childhood to find our Inner Child. And our first step in search of a “happy Inner Child” is the “Association” exercise.

1. "Associations".

– What associations do you have with the word “childhood”? (Ice cream, broken knees, holidays with grandma in the village, braids with big bows, affectionate names - Lenochka, Irochka, Svetochka, etc.)

– It’s wonderful, for each of you the word “childhood” means something very positive, warm, joyful and happy. Now we can open our “magic” basket. ( The basket contains bibs, baby pacifiers, toys and an envelope with the next task


Teachers put bibs and baby pacifiers around their necks and turn into children. And already sitting in front of us is not Irina Stepanovna, but Irochka, not Natalya Mikhailovna, but Natasha, not Alla Vladimirovna, but Allochka.

2. “Find out from the photo.”

– How long have you been working together and do you know each other well?

After the participants’ answers, the following instructions are given: “Some people are exact copies of themselves in childhood, and some change so much with age that they are hardly recognized by childhood friends, even relatives. Could you recognize a person you see almost every day by looking at a photograph of his distant childhood? Shall we check?

(For guessing children's photographs, participants receive phrases, from which at the end they must assemble a riddle and guess it in order to move on to the third task

Riddle: A pink butterfly with folded wings, does not fly anywhere, lives on pigtails.
Answer: Bow.) – Bows are a gentle, romantic, elegant and at the same time stylish element of clothing, shoes, bags and accessories. We all know that bows are the first decoration for girls because they can be pinned anywhere, and they will look naive, childish and playful, they are suitable for both a teenage girl and a woman of Balzac’s age.

3. “Tie a bow for your friend.”

- Tell us, girls,

How to develop imagination

Where is the beautiful fashionable bow?

Unusual to apply?

(Participants are divided into pairs and tie beautiful bows to each other: on the leg, head, neck, arm, etc.

After completing the task, the psychologist asks to tell about their feelings (what they felt when they tied bows, and when they tied bows for their partner), or anything additional about themselves (at the request of the participant).

(At the bottom of the basket with satin ribbons and bows there is an envelope with the following task)


– And now you and I will try to find out what our subconscious is hiding and perform the “My Inner World” test.

4. Psychological test “My inner world”.

Figure 1. Psychological test “My inner world”

– The essence is simple: we complete the 6 proposed figures in such a way that in the end we get some complete, solid objects, images – of your choice. Next, we write one adjective for each resulting object/object/image.

– Let’s look at the results: No. 1 is you, man. This is how you see yourself. No. 2 – environment. What you see around you. #3 – Your life in general. No. 4 – spirit, interpretation of your life in spiritual terms. No. 5 – attitude towards family. No. 6 – attitude towards love. Pay attention to those categories where not very pleasant adjectives are mentioned, and draw a conclusion about which of the components of your life does not bring joy, in which area you feel discomfort [2].

– And now I suggest you relax, remember the most pleasant place from your childhood.

5. Meditation “Meeting the child within you.”

– Take a comfortable position. Your body is relaxed. Eyes closed. Take several deep breaths and slow exhalations.

“Imagine yourself in some quiet and comfortable place. Maybe it will be a bright grove on an early sunny morning: can you hear the birds singing loudly? Maybe it will be a small sandy beach on the shore of a gentle blue sea, softly illuminated by the setting sun. The waves roll smoothly one after another, quietly rustling along the sand... Try to remember the most pleasant place from your childhood, the place where you felt comfortable. Now remember yourself as you were as a child - at three, four, five years old...

Imagine this baby standing in front of you. Try to understand how he feels. Does he look happy or sad? Maybe he is angry or offended by someone? Pat the baby on the head, smile at him, hug him. Tell him that you love him, that now you will always be by his side, support him and help him. Say: “I love you. I accept you as you are. You are beautiful! I want you to be happy". After these words, imagine that the baby smiles at you and hugs you tightly - tightly. Kiss him, tell him that your love is unchanging and always remains with him. Now let the baby go and wave goodbye to him” [3].

– Now slowly take a deep breath - exhale, open your eyes. Tell yourself: “I am perfect. I accept and love myself completely. I create my own beautiful world, filled with joy and love.”

6. Summing up.

– A psychological quest always ends with the achievement of the set goal. Congratulations! You are wonderful teachers - you managed to find a real treasure - yourself! Your path was difficult, but interesting, wasn’t it? I would like to wish you not to forget about your Inner Child, live in harmony with him and fulfill his most cherished desires.

List of sources used:

1). Inner Child, Parent, Adult / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://reiki. liveforums. ru/viewtopic. php? id=201. – Access date: 04/06/2017.

2). Psychological test / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://intence. lv/dorisuj_uznaew/. – Access date: 04/06/2017.

3). Relaxation training for teachers “Immersion in childhood” / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://nsportal. ru/detskiy-sad/raznoe/2013/03/05/relaksatsionnyy-trening-dlya-pedagogov. – Access date: 04/06/2017.

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