Summary of regime moments in the senior group: elements of the regime, organization, conduct and activities

In kindergarten, children’s life activities proceed in accordance with a scientifically based regime. It accustoms little pupils to a certain rhythm, promotes the development of useful habits, and protects the child’s nervous system from overwork. A well-written outline of routine moments will help make washing, dressing, walking and eating educational. In the senior group, as in others, the age characteristics of the pupils are taken into account when compiling it.

Daily routine at preschool educational institution

One of the main tasks of the kindergarten is to satisfy all the needs of the body of preschool children, strengthen their health, and also develop useful cultural and hygienic skills. When compiling a summary of routine moments in the senior group, you can rely on the following table.

ActivityTime frame (according to the “Origins” program)
Reception of children, their examination, free games7.00 — 8.20
Charger8.20 — 8.30
Breakfast8.30 — 9.00
Educational activities along with preparation and breaks9.00 — 10.30
Walk10.30 — 12.20
Returning to the group, undressing12.20 — 12.35
Dinner12.35 — 13.00
Quiet hour13.00 — 15.00
Lifting and hardening15.00 — 15.30
Afternoon snack15.30 — 15.50
Free games15.50 — 17.00
Walk, children go home17.00 — 19.00

The teacher should encourage the activity and independence of pupils, organizing their activities at scheduled moments. In the older group, children already know how to wash and dress, and eat food carefully. It is necessary to consolidate the achieved results, and also gradually complicate the tasks.

Setting goals

Before drawing up a summary of the routine issues in the senior group, the teacher should familiarize themselves with the educational program. It indicates what hygiene skills should be developed at this age.

So, when washing, children should act quickly and independently and dry themselves with a personal towel. The habit of washing hands with soap before eating, after visiting the toilet and when dirty is established.

During lunch, children should eat quietly and carefully. They are taught how to properly handle a fork and knife and use a napkin. When sitting at a table, you need to remember about your posture. Coming out from behind him, the children push up their chair and thank the adults, as well as those on duty.

Children should dress and undress quickly, without the help of adults. Things and shoes are neatly put away in a locker in a certain order. The teacher creates in children the need to monitor the cleanliness of their clothes, pay attention to problems in their appearance, and eliminate them.

At the beginning of the school year, children are monitored. The identified “problem areas” are taken into account when organizing activities at critical times. In the older group, children are already familiar with the sequence of actions; a reminder from an adult is enough for them. Praise and encouragement are also actively used.

Preparation of a summary of routine moments in the senior group

The teacher must plan in advance his actions aimed at developing the necessary self-care skills in children. For this purpose, a summary of the regime moments is drawn up. In the older group, special attention is paid to “problem areas”, as well as children’s conscious attitude towards hygiene procedures.

When planning, the following structure is observed:

  • Indication of the topic of the event (“Duty in the dining room”, “Preparing for naps”, “Washing”), as well as the group for which it is designed.
  • Target. It is usually defined as strengthening self-care skills during dressing, eating, washing, etc.
  • Tasks. They explain how the teacher is going to achieve the goals. Tasks are divided into developmental, educational and educational. The first are aimed at teaching children practical skills (tying shoelaces, using a fork and knife). Educational tasks form the need for order and cleanliness, introduce them to the rules of behavior and polite communication. Educational objectives expand our understanding of the world around us. So, while washing your face, you can have a conversation with your children about germs, and at lunch you can learn more about the profession of a cook.
  • Methods. The teacher can use a verbal explanation, visual aids with action algorithms, or a demonstration of a practical skill.
  • Equipment. If it happens in the dining room, then it will be dishes, tablecloth, napkins. In the bathroom, this role is played by soap and towel. Sometimes visual aids are used that illustrate the sequence of washing or dressing.
  • Progress of the event. All the actions of the teacher, the explanations he gives to the children, poems, riddles, fairy tales, etc. are described in detail here.

Summary of an open review of a routine moment: the ritual of going to bed for a nap in the middle group

Venera Yakhibbaeva

Summary of an open review of a routine moment: the ritual of going to bed for a nap in the middle group

Summary of an open review of a routine moment : the ritual of going to bed for a nap in the middle group

Educator: 1st category Yakhibbaeva V.D.

Goals: Create a favorable, calm atmosphere in the room;

Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills (neatly fold clothes; hang them on a chair, do not jostle near chairs, ensure a restful sleep); undressing algorithm;

Develop speech (fix the names of clothes, actions)


cultivate neatness, independence, and calm behavior in the bedroom.

Equipment: squirrel toy, box, undressing algorithm-cards, tso.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, we had lunch, let's pat our bellies so that the food settles down and we are healthy and strong.

The teacher used the technique of bringing toys into class and lunch.

Educator: Children, remember how Squirrel came to us when we were playing, going for a walk, watching you have lunch, and now she wants to see how you get ready for bed and know how to undress. And she brought cards with her. What do you think these cards mean?

Children: The cards indicate how to undress correctly.

Squirrel: Because you children are such good fellows, squirrel says she has an unusual surprise for you in the bedroom. And which one you will find out when you come to the bedroom. She's waiting for you all in the bedroom.

Squirrel goes into the bedroom.

The teacher leads the conversation.

Educator: Children, why do people need to rest?

So as not to get tired, so that your hands can rest, your eyes can be healthy, etc.)

That's right, children, we did a lot of things: we played a lot, talked a lot, went outside, studied, ate. And, of course, we are very tired, we need to rest. Therefore, we will now get ready for bed and go to the bedroom to rest. Your cribs are already waiting for you, soft pillows and a warm blanket.

Admission of children

This is where the outline of routine moments begins. With children of the older group, the teacher works to solve the following problems:

  • Obtaining information about the health status of pupils.
  • Creating a good mood.
  • Strengthening hygiene skills in children, including a neat appearance and neatness.
  • Formation of polite behavior towards peers and adults.

Older preschoolers usually happily run into the group and share news with their friends. Particular attention should be paid to new students, as well as shy children. If the child is in a bad mood, the teacher should distract him with an interesting activity, a work assignment (watering flowers, wiping leaves).

In the summer, pupils meet outside. Children can be offered games with soap bubbles and pinwheels. At this age, it is recommended to conduct psycho-gymnastics, when children stand in a circle, enjoy the morning together, smile at each other, and say kind words.

Outline of an open lesson “Student’s daily routine”

  • January 28, 2016

“Only the person himself can achieve and maintain health” (N. Amosov)
Purpose of the lesson : to form in students the concept of a daily routine that ensures human health.


1. Develop healthy lifestyle skills.

2. Familiarize students with the concept of daily routine.

3. Promote the development of responsibility for your health and the health of others.

Equipment: Laptop, presentation about daily routine, visual materials.

Progress of the lesson

Early in the morning someone strange looked into my window. A bright red spot appeared on the palm. This sun looked in, as if it had extended its hand, a thin golden ray. And like with your first best friend, you greeted me! Teacher: The sun greets each of us with warmth and a smile, giving us a good mood. Let's smile at each other, give a good mood and start our lesson. Today in class we will talk about health. What rules should each of you follow to maintain your health for many years?

Game "Clap"

Teacher: Clap your hands if you hear a word that characterizes a healthy person: handsome, stooped, strong, agile, pale, ruddy, slender, fat, strong, clumsy, fit.

What is health? How do you think? In Ozhegov’s “Explanatory Dictionary,” the definition of health is given as follows: “Health is the correct, normal activity of the body, its complete physical and mental well-being.”

In our age, the age of technical progress and high technology, the most important value of a person is his health. You can learn about diseases and methods of treating them here.

What do you think it means to be healthy?

Probably, each of you wants to be strong, cheerful, energetic in order to do any work. A healthy person rarely thinks about what health is. It seems that you are healthy, you will always be this way, and there is no need to worry about it. Meanwhile, health is one of the main values ​​of human life, a source of joy. Everyone should take care of their health from a young age.

Now we will check, do you know what is good for you and what is harmful?

  • Read while lying down...
  • Look at the bright light...
  • Rinse your eyes in the morning...
  • Watch TV close...
  • Protect your eyes from impacts...
  • Eat carrots, parsley...
  • Rubbing your eyes with dirty hands...
  • Listen to very loud music...
  • Do physical education…

Health largely depends on ourselves. What can affect your health? (Adherence to the daily routine; proper nutrition; hardening, physical education, exercises; compliance with hygiene rules; no bad habits; good attitude towards nature, people; proper organization of rest and work).

Daily regime

You are already familiar with the concept of “daily routine”. What does it mean? Should it be followed and why?

A daily routine is a certain rhythm of life, when different types of your activities alternate: study; rest; work; nutrition; dream. It helps the student become strong-willed and disciplined. Now we will analyze some regime moments.

Where does our day begin?

Now let's turn to the cat and ask her for advice. How does a cat wake up? First of all, it will stretch so much that the bones will crunch. Then he will straighten his front legs, then his hind legs, and arch his back. This is her doing her gymnastics.

And in order to quickly integrate the body into the day’s work in the morning, you need to do several exercises. They will make the blood vessels flow faster, the joints - straighten, the muscles - fill with strength, the lungs - inhale air more strongly, the stomach - get ready to digest food.

We wash our faces and brush our teeth.


A schoolboy - cheerful and cheerful - sits at the table set. A hearty breakfast before school. Gobbles it up with gusto.

Next, the main meal awaits us - lunch .

Once Grandma Lucy was visited by her granddaughter, a tiny girl, dear Varyusha. Out of joy, grandma bought sweets, cooked delicious soup, and opened fresh juice. - Eat, Varechka, soon you will be stronger and healthier. You will grow up to be so smart and big. Your eyes will be sharp, your teeth will be strong, - Eat soup, cutlets, yogurt and even cheese. “I don’t want to, grandma, I’ll just drink juice.” Again the grandmother is busy, she wants to please the baby: - ​​Cheesecakes, meatballs, pancakes, dumplings. Varya’s nose wrinkles—she doesn’t want to eat. - Don’t be angry, grandma, you cook very tasty, But compote, ice cream candies are the main food. All other products are nonsense!

Teacher: What can you say about the reasoning of the granddaughter and grandmother? Which one is right?


Teacher: How does our day end? Why do people sleep, because they spend a lot of time sleeping? All people and animals on Earth need sleep, why do you think? To replenish the energy that the body has used during the day. What do you guys think, who needs to sleep longer: children or adults?

Small children less than one year old sleep about 16 hours: 3-4 hours during the day, 11-12 hours at night. Younger schoolchildren should sleep approximately 10-11 hours. Adults sleep less: about 8-9 hours.

Growth hormone is produced during sleep, which is why babies sleep much more than adults. If a child of school age does not sleep enough, he will grow slower than his peers. The child should go to bed much earlier than adults, no later than 22 hours.

Finish the proverb

Teacher: Guys, do you think our ancestors were worried about their health? Of course we were worried. And this is reflected in folk proverbs and sayings. Now guys, finish my proverbs.

  • If you are healthy, you will get everything...
  • Sleep is the best... medicine.
  • Cleanliness is the key to... health.
  • I’ll be healthy and I’ll get money...

But the characteristics of a healthy person will be incomplete if we talk only about physical health. There is also spiritual health. We must learn to love ourselves, people, and life. And then you will be truly healthy.

Don’t say rude words, only give kind ones.

Smile at each other, say kind words.

Author: Faina Viktorovna Tatarintseva, social teacher, Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors “Harmony”, Omsk


In the sixth year of life, children are taught to independently perform hygiene procedures based on an understanding of their benefits and necessity. A summary of the regime moment “Washing” in the senior group may include the following tasks:

  • Formation of the need to wash hands after visiting the toilet, if they are dirty and before eating.
  • Consolidating knowledge about various hygiene items (comb, soap, toothbrush, towel, etc.)
  • Conveying awareness of the importance of personal hygiene.
  • Cultivating a positive attitude towards the washing process.

The teacher uses posters with drawings and short captions, poems, and riddles about hygiene items. He makes sure that the children roll up their sleeves, use soap correctly, do not splash water, turn off the tap, dry themselves with individual towels and hang them up. It is better not to use comparisons with other children. It is more useful to notice the personal progress of each student (“Today you yourself remembered that you need to roll up your sleeves”).

Summary of a valeological lesson for preschoolers 5-6 years old

Seeds of health. Your daily routine

A valeological lesson for students (5-6 years old) and parents of the early development studio “Solnyshko”
Author : Dulina Natalya Aleksandrovna, deputy director, methodologist of MKU DO – DDT “Master”, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, Krasnoobsk. Description: I bring to your attention a scenario for a valeological lesson for children 5-6 years old. This material will be useful for additional education teachers and preschool teachers. Purpose of the lesson: developing ideas about the daily routine, parts of the day and the need for a healthy lifestyle. objectives : - consolidate students’ knowledge about the parts of the day; — reveal the interdependence of a healthy lifestyle and adherence to a daily routine. Educational: - formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s health; — cultivate the ability to listen to each other, communicate, respect other people’s opinions; - foster a sense of collectivism. Developmental: - development of memory, attentiveness, coordination of movements; — development of the need for active manifestation of one’s “I” in communication with peers and adults. Materials: multimedia presentation, screen, projector, laptop, recordings of the musical game “The Giraffe Has Spots, Spots...”, funny children's songs. Vocabulary work: valeology, daily routine, lullaby. Preliminary work: - analysis of proverbs and sayings about parts of the day. Methods, techniques: playful, visual, practical, verbal, artistic expression. (Slide No. 1. A picture depicting a drawn daily routine is projected onto the screen) Presenter: Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers! Good morning, dear children! We are glad to see you in our hall for a lesson on valeology. Let's get acquainted with this word - valeology. Translated from Latin it means “to be healthy.” Health Science. The science of healthy living. To be healthy, you need to take care of the correct daily routine from childhood. What is a daily routine? (Answers from children and parents) Daily routine is the distribution of time of day into types of activities, rest and entertainment. To correctly create your daily routine, you need to know the parts of the day and correctly plan the time for sleep, personal hygiene, nutrition, sports and rest. Let's review the parts of the day, and you tell us what you do in the morning, afternoon and evening. Presenter: The cockerel greets the dawn, The mother washes the children, It’s not difficult for us to get up early, This time of day... (Morning) (Slide No. 2. A picture is projected onto the screen depicting children waking up and washing themselves) That’s right, guys. It's morning. What do you do in the morning? Children's answers (we wash our faces, brush our teeth, do exercises, make the bed, have breakfast, study). (Slide No. 3. A picture of children doing exercises and having breakfast is projected onto the screen.) One of the children recites a poem by A. Barto (Slide No. 4) A picture of children doing exercises is projected onto the screen. Line up in order! Charge everything! Left! Right! Running, swimming, We grow brave, Tanned in the sun. Host: I suggest you go in the morning and do exercises. (Musical game “The giraffe has spots, spots...” or exercises to the monkey’s song “Exercise” from the cartoon “Exercise for the Tail”). Presenter: Next riddle: The sun is high in the sky, And the night is far away, The shadow of the trees is short. What time of day is it? (Day) (Slide No. 5) A picture of children reading is projected onto the screen. What do you do during the day? (Slide No. 6) A picture is projected onto the screen depicting children studying, walking, and having lunch. Children's answers (we draw, walk, have lunch, sleep) (Slide No. 7) A picture of children sleeping during the day is projected onto the screen. Game “Day-Night” (To cheerful music) A spacious area is required for the game. At the beginning of the game, a driver is selected. He turns away from the other participants in the game and loudly announces: “Day!” The players are having fun, jumping and running around the court. After some time, the driver says: “Night!” At this moment, the participants in the game must instantly “fall asleep” - freeze in the position in which they were caught by the “night” command. The driver looks around, and if he notices a player who did not have time to “fall asleep,” he loudly announces this, indicating what kind of movement he noticed. The loser becomes the driver... (repeat 2-3 times) After the game, the children sit in their seats. Host: The day has passed. The sun is setting. Dusk creeps in slowly. Light lamps, candles - It’s getting dark... (evening) (Slide No. 8) A picture of children walking in the evening is projected onto the screen) What do you do in the evening? Answers from children and parents. (Slide No. 9, 10) A picture of children having dinner and reading before bed is projected onto the screen. Game Throwing the ball in various ways (hitting the ball on the floor, rolling, passing the ball in a circle), children answer the facilitator’s questions. Sample questions: What must be done in the morning? Early in the morning we woke up and each other... (smiled) What did you do in the evening? Name the “neighbors” of the morning. Name the missing word: We have breakfast in the morning, and lunch... (in the evening) Morning in the evening... (wiser) What wakes us up in the morning? First evening, and then..? Host: Guys, help me solve the last riddle. It's dark outside, the moon is looking out the window. The son and daughter are sleeping in their cribs - So it’s come... (night) (Slide No. 11) A picture of children sleeping is projected onto the screen. What do we do at night? Children answer (sleeping) Host: We spend a third of our lives sleeping. What is the role of sleep? What is sleep for? Answers from children and parents Presenter: Sleep serves to restore strength. Sleep creates a favorable basis for normal growth and development. Preschool children should sleep at least 11 hours a day. Sleep reconciles us with the difficulties that occurred during the day. Let's remember the well-known sayings and proverbs. (Address to the audience) Answers of children and parents: (Slide No. 12) A picture is projected onto the screen depicting proverbs that appear one after another. The morning is wiser than the evening. The best medicine is sleep. Sleep is better than any medicine. Sleep is dearer than father and mother. Cute girlfriend pillow. Lie down and sleep; wake up and be healthy! Host: What should you remember before going to bed? Answers from children and parents (brush your teeth, ventilate the room) What kind of clothes should you wear for sleeping? (loose, made of soft natural fabrics) The bedroom should be ventilated. Our and foreign psychologists are unanimous in their opinion: before going to bed, a child must be caressed, stroked on the back, and hugged. The child reads a poem by A. Blok (Slide No. 13) A picture depicting night nature is projected onto the screen. The meadows are sleeping, the forests are sleeping, fresh dew has fallen. The stars are shining in the sky, the streams are talking in the river. The moon looks through our window and tells the little children to sleep. What are the names of the songs that mothers and grandmothers sing to their children before bed? Lullabies Let's light up the stars in our night sky together to the lullaby song from the cartoon "Umka". Children attach stars to the night sky. Presenter: You must follow a daily routine in order to be healthy, cheerful, and joyful! To consolidate the knowledge we received in class, guess the riddles. Riddles about the daily routine (Slide No. 14-15) A picture is projected onto the screen depicting an alarm clock, a family, a shower, a baby having breakfast, children playing, a smiling sun, the moon. You decided to become healthy, so follow... (regime); In the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently... (alarm clock); Our whole friendly... (family) got up to exercise; Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash myself in a cold... (shower); After a shower and exercise, a hot drink awaits me... (breakfast); After lunch you can have a nice sleep, or you can go in the yard... (play); After dinner there is fun - we take dumbbells in our hands, play sports, each other... (smile); It’s high time for the children to go to bed, he looks out the window at us... (moon). Well done. Let's remember what kind of science we are talking about? If you want to be healthy, forget about doctors, wash your face, toughen up, do physical exercise! VALEOLOGY teaches this, friends! We wish you good health! Have a great mood! Goodbye! (Slide No. 16) A picture of children rejoicing is projected onto the screen. References 1. Nepomnyashchaya R.L.
Development of ideas about time in preschool children - M.: “Prosveshcheniye”, 2008. 2. Richterman T.D. Formation of ideas about time in preschool children" - M.: "Prosveshchenie", 1991. - 46 p. 3. Electronic resources /blogs/vera-janchenko/puteshestvie-v-stranu-zdorovja-vospitatelnoe-zanjatie-v-ramkah-nedeli-zozh.html Presentation on the topic: Daily routine

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Preschoolers are taught to independently monitor their appearance, adjust their collar in a timely manner, tuck their shirt into their trousers, and comb their hair.

In the summary of the regime moment “Dressing” in the senior group, you can indicate the following tasks:

  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards your things and neatness.
  • Reinforce the correct dressing algorithm.
  • Improve skills in fastening buttons, zippers, and tying shoelaces.
  • Repeat the name and purpose of clothing, color, the concepts of “left” and “right”.

Before getting ready for a walk, the teacher and the children tidy up the group and put the toys in their places. Each child gets dressed near their locker. It is important that pupils do not throw their clothes around, carefully fold their things, and put away their spare shoes. In winter, you can hang in a visible place the algorithm for dressing and undressing in pictures. If necessary, individual work is carried out with children, practical techniques are demonstrated on dolls.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The summary presents one of the options for introducing older preschoolers to “Digestive Gymnastics” (author: A.S. Rudenko), as well as a method of generalization with children of older preschool age.

Tell the children what “soap” is for.

Progress of the regime moment Lunch.

I compiled a summary of hardening back in 2005. Goal: to ensure training of the body’s defenses to the effects of constantly changing environmental factors.


Canteen duty

Setting tables for lunch and cleaning them after meals teaches children to quickly and efficiently carry out important tasks. It is advisable that quick and slow children be paired up, so that they will not return too early from a walk or be late for naptime.

The outline plan for routine moments in the senior group may contain the following tasks:

  • Teach children to conscientiously perform their duties.
  • Cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards joint work.
  • Learn to set the table according to the dishes being served.
  • Develop memory and logic.
  • Improve communication skills, the ability to negotiate, and act together.
  • Learn to evaluate the results of work performed.

First, those on duty wash their hands and put on aprons and scarves. The teacher tells them the lunch menu. Children independently distribute responsibilities, set tables, lay tablecloths, and arrange cutlery. Invention is encouraged (for example, the idea of ​​​​using flowers for decorations, unusual ways of folding napkins). The teacher can suggest rational methods for performing this or that action.

After lunch, the attendants sweep up the crumbs, remove empty dishes, bread bins and napkin holders from the tables, and fold the tablecloth. The teacher must evaluate the children’s actions and express gratitude to them for their help.


When compiling a summary of the “Nutrition” regime in the senior group, the teacher can set himself the following tasks:

  • Continue to familiarize yourself with table manners (the ability to use a napkin, cutlery, neatness, chewing food thoroughly with your mouth closed).
  • Form healthy habits (correct posture, washing hands before eating).
  • Develop fine motor skills.
  • Develop a polite attitude towards kindergarten staff and attendants, as well as a habit of cleanliness.

Half an hour before meals, the teacher stops noisy games and invites the children to read a book or do another quiet activity. In small groups, children wash their hands. It is useful to introduce them to the menu, tell them in more detail about the dishes served and the work of the cooks. With the help of fairy tales and poems, you can remind about the rules of behavior at the table.

Meals take place in a friendly atmosphere, without rush. The teacher praises neat kids, monitors the posture of the students, and conducts individual work. If one of the children refuses to eat, it is necessary to find out the reason and calm them down. Sometimes the problem is related to illness, so carefully monitor the condition of such a baby. At the end of lunch, the children wipe their lips with a napkin, thank the staff and those on duty for their work, and move their chairs back. Everyone cleans up their own cup and saucer, rinses their mouth and washes their hands.

Summary of the regime moment “Walk” in the senior group

In preschool institutions, much attention is paid to improving the health of pupils, their physical development, and preventing fatigue. The walk takes place twice a day: after educational classes, and also after afternoon tea. At this time, kids breathe fresh air and play outdoor games. They are allowed to make noise and run freely around the site. The walk may be canceled if there is strong wind, rain or temperatures below -15 °C.

In the older group, the implementation of routine moments is necessarily associated with the time of year and the topics of the educational program. The structure of the walk includes the following elements:

  • Observation. It can last from 15 to 25 minutes, is carried out daily and is associated with seasonal changes. Preschoolers observe the work of adults, various natural phenomena, insects and birds, and study plants.
  • Outdoor games. The optimal number of them during a walk is 3-4. Older preschoolers love competitions and relay races. They can be introduced to sports games: volleyball, football, hockey, badminton, basketball.
  • Work. Children can work with rakes, watering cans and shovels. They are involved in caring for flower beds and vegetable gardens, harvesting autumn leaves, and clearing snow.
  • Independent games. Kids can go on an imaginary journey, turn into pilots, pirates or sailors. The teacher creates conditions for the development of story-based and construction games. Sand, pebbles, water or snow can be used as materials.
  • Individual work with children to develop lagging skills.

Senior group. Regime processes in the first half of the day. Admission of children



Admission of children

· Communication between the teacher and children: individual conversations, games for communication and creating a mood in children.

· Organization of independent activities for children: different types of games, work in a corner of nature, visual arts.

· Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: use of a handkerchief, control over appearance, neatness of hairstyle.

· Formation of a culture of behavior: greetings, polite relationships with peers and adults.

· Preparation for morning exercises.

Morning exercises

Hygiene procedures

· Reinforcement of hand washing rules; competition games, teacher conversations about cleanliness; self-control of children; positive assessment of children's activities.


· Table setting: determination of those on duty; familiarization with the menu; selection of cutlery; attracting children's attention to the aesthetic design of tables.

· Attracting children's attention to food; individual work to educate food culture; rules of etiquette; performance assessment.

Preparation for classes

· Cleaning toys; switching children's attention to another type of activity; assessment of children's activities.


Preparing for the walk

· Creating interest in the walk; individual conversations with children; selection of play material for a walk; motivation for children's activities during a walk.

· Dressing: sequence, going for a walk.


· Observation while walking.

· Outdoor games: 2-3 games of great mobility; 2-3 games of low and medium mobility; games of children's choice.

· Work on the site: motivation of children’s activities; determining the scope of work; distribution of duties; preparation of equipment; performing labor operations; equipment cleaning; assistance in caring for plants; performance assessment.

· Individual work on the development of movements and physical qualities.

· Independent gaming activity: creating conditions for the development of role-playing games; games with natural materials; didactic games with children; other activities; individual work on speech development, development of elementary mathematical concepts, artistic activities, dramatization of short excerpts from folk tales.

· Returning from a walk: sequence of undressing; monitoring and evaluation of children's activities; games; free activity of children.

Hygiene procedures

· Reinforcement of hand washing rules; competition games, teacher conversations about cleanliness; self-control of children; positive assessment of children's activities.


· Table setting: determination of those on duty; familiarization with the menu; selection of cutlery; attracting children's attention to the aesthetic design of tables.

· Attracting children's attention to food; individual work to educate food culture; rules of etiquette; assessment of children's neatness.

Preparation for sleep

· Getting ready for bed: hygiene procedures; creating conditions for organizing sleep; going to bed.

Daytime nap


Raising children

· Gradual rise, communication between the teacher and the children.

· Awakening gymnastics: preparation for awakening gymnastics, attracting the attention of children.

· Tempering activities: hardening, self-massage, walking on massage mats.

· Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: attracting children's attention to hygienic procedures; hygiene procedures; strengthening hand washing rules; teacher's story about cleanliness; self-control techniques; assessment of children's activities; hand washing sequence; dressing sequence; control over appearance, neatness of hairstyle.

· Formation of a culture of behavior; friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Organization of independent play activities for children

· Communication with children, individual work, games.

Hygiene procedures

· Reinforcement of hand washing rules; competition games, teacher conversations about cleanliness; self-control of children; positive assessment of children's activities.

Afternoon snack

· Preparing for afternoon tea, setting the table; conversation with duty officers; familiarization with the menu, announcing it to children; attracting children's attention to the aesthetics of table design.

· Attracting children's attention to food; individual work to develop food culture skills; rules of etiquette; assessment of children's activities; cleaning tables.

Free play activity for children

· Creating conditions for children’s independent play activities.

Preparing for the walk

· Creating interest in the walk; individual conversations with children; selection of play material for a walk; motivation for children's activities during a walk.

· Dressing: sequence, going for a walk.


· Outdoor games: 2-3 games of great mobility; 2-3 games of low and medium mobility; for children's choice.

· Individual work on the development of movements and physical qualities: independent play activities; creating conditions for the development of role-playing games; games with natural materials; individual work on the development of speech, artistic activities, dramatization of short excerpts from folk tales.

· Returning from a walk; a game; self-control; monitoring and evaluation of children's activities; sequence of undressing; free activity of children.

The following activities are conducted with children:


9.00 HOUR. – 9.25 HOUR.


10.00 HOUR. – 10.25 HOUR.


9.00 HOUR. – 9.25 HOUR.


10.00 HOUR. – 10.25 HOUR.


15.45 HOUR. – 16.05 HOUR.


9.00 HOUR. – 9.25 HOUR.


9.35 HOUR. – 10.00 HOUR.


10.10 HOUR. – 10.35 HOUR.


9.00 HOUR. – 9.25 HOUR.


9.35 HOUR. – 10.00 HOUR.


10.10 HOUR. – 10.40 HOUR.


9.00 HOUR. – 9.25 HOUR.


9.35 HOUR. – 10.00 HOUR.



Lesson duration is 25 minutes.

Indicators of educational success for older children

By the end of the school year, your child may:

Cultural and hygienic skills

· Monitor body cleanliness, neatness of clothing and hairstyle. Brush your teeth yourself, keep your nails clean, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing, and turn away to the side.

· Dress quickly and neatly, keep your closet in order (put clothes in certain places), make your bed neatly.

· Correctly use cutlery (fork, knife), eat carefully, quietly, maintaining correct posture at the table.

· Set the table, clear dishes after meals.

Physical education

· Walk on your toes (hands behind your head), on your heels, on the outer sides of your feet, with high knee (hip) lifts, heel-to-toe rolls, side steps to the right and left sides.

· Walk on a gymnastic bench, on an inclined board straight and sideways, on your toes, squatting in the middle, laying out and collecting objects, rolling the ball in front of you with both hands.

· Run on toes with high knee (hip) lifts, small and wide steps, snake, with obstacles.

· Run at speed – 30 meters in 8.5 – 7.5 seconds.

· Jump in length from a place of at least 80 cm, from a run - about 100 cm, in height from a run - 30-40 cm.

· Throw the ball up onto the ground and catch it with both hands (at least 10 times in a row), with one hand (right, left at least 4 - 6 times), throw the ball up and catch it with clapping.

· Throw the ball from one hand to another from different starting positions, in different ways (from below, from behind the head, from the chest, with a rebound from the ground).

· Hit the ball on the ground on the spot, moving forward in steps (at a distance of 5 - 6 m).

· Throw objects at a distance (at least 5–9 m), at a horizontal and vertical target (the center of the target at a height of 1 m) from a distance of 3–4 m.

· Ride a two-wheeler and scooter.

· Participate in exercises with elements of sports games: small towns, badminton, football, hockey.

Sensory education, familiarization with the environment

· Determine the size, color, shape, “weight”, material of objects and, based on this, describe the object.

· Select pairs or groups of objects that match a given characteristic, choosing them from other objects.

· Compare objects with each other (by purpose, color, shape, material), classify them (dishes - porcelain, glass, ceramic, plastic)

· Distinguish and name types of transport, objects that facilitate human work in everyday life, and objects that create comfort.

· Have constant responsibilities around the house, respect the work and activities of other family members. It's good to know your home address. Know the name of your hometown (village), country (Russian Federation - Russia), its main city (Moscow).

· Distinguish between some types of troops; know the rules of the road (cross the street in special places, you only need to cross when the traffic light is green).

· Observe safety precautions: do not play with fire, do not use electrical appliances in the absence of adults, do not touch sharp, piercing or cutting objects without permission. If necessary, independently dial the telephone numbers of the fire service, police and ambulance (01, 02, 03).

· Be attentive to peers and take care of young children. Treat kindergarten employees with respect.

· Establish connections between the state of the plant and environmental conditions, identify the reasons for the changes occurring (the leaves are dry - there is not enough water, the leaves are turning pale - there is not enough light, the plant is weak, growing slowly - there is not enough nutrients).

· Know two to three species of herbaceous plants, four to five species of wintering birds.

· Have an idea of ​​the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa.

Speech development

· Know and use nouns denoting objects from the everyday environment, profession, plants, birds; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects, emotions, feelings, experiences (hot-tempered, fair, angry); adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work, characterizing a person’s mood, his rest.

· Select a noun for an adjective (white - snow, sugar, chalk, medical gown), words with a similar meaning (naughty - mischievous - prankster), with the opposite meaning (weak - strong, cloudy - sunny).

· Distinguish by ear and clearly pronounce frequently mixed consonant sounds: s – z, s – c, sh – zh, ch – c, s – sh, zh – z, l – r.

· Coordinate words in sentences: nouns with numerals (five pears, three guys) and adjectives with nouns (frog - green belly).

· Correctly use plural nouns in the nominative and accusative cases; verbs in the imperative mood; adjectives and adverbs in comparative degree; indeclinable nouns.

· Explain the rules of the game, reasonedly evaluate the answer, the statement of a peer.

· Use complex sentences of different types; when retelling, use direct and indirect speech.

· Compose independent stories from experience based on a model, based on a plot picture, based on a set of pictures; write endings to fairy tales; consistently, without significant omissions, retell short literary works.

· Determine the place of sound in a word.

Mathematical representations

· Count (count down) within 10.

· Use cardinal and ordinal numbers correctly.

· Compare adjacent numbers within 10 (based on clarity), establish which number is greater (less) than the other; equalize an unequal number of items.

· Compare objects of different sizes, placing them in a row in ascending (descending) order of length and height. Determine by eye the size of objects: longer (shorter), higher (lower) than the sample and equal to it.

· Measure volume (capacity of vessels, liquid and bulk substances) using conventional measures.

· Distinguish the shape of objects: round, triangular, quadrangular.

· Express in words the location of an object in relation to oneself and other objects.

· Orient yourself on a sheet of paper (left, right, bottom, top, middle), orient yourself according to the plan, diagram.

· Name the days of the week, the sequence of parts of the day (know that morning, afternoon, evening, night make up a day), determine (approximately) the duration of time intervals (1, 3 minutes).

Visual activities

· Identify means of expression in different types of art (shape, color, flavor, composition).

· Know the features of visual materials.

· Create images of objects (based on ideas, from nature); plot images (on themes of surrounding life, natural phenomena, literary works), use a variety of compositional solutions, visual materials.

· Use different colors and shades to create expressive images.

· Make patterns based on folk arts and crafts, use a variety of techniques and elements to create a pattern, select colors in accordance with one or another type of decorative art.

· Sculpt objects of different shapes using previously learned techniques and methods.

· Create small plot compositions, conveying proportions, poses, and movements of figures.

· Create molded images based on folk toys.

· Depict objects and simple plot compositions using the appliqué method, using a variety of cutting techniques, as well as tearing.

Design and manual labor

· Analyze a sample building.

· Plan the stages of creating your own building, find constructive solutions.

· Create a building according to a drawing.

· Bend the sheet four times in different directions, work according to the finished pattern.

· Use scissors correctly.

· Perform simple crafts using the origami method.

· Make toys and souvenirs from natural and waste materials.

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Daytime nap

It takes 2 hours. The outline of the organization of a routine moment in the senior group includes preparation for bed: undressing independently, neatly folding clothes on a high chair, visiting the toilet. The teacher's assistant ventilates the bedroom. Before going to bed, you can read a calm fairy tale to the children or sing a lullaby. Sometimes children fall asleep listening to soft music. The teacher makes sure that the kids lie on their sides and keep their hands on top of the blanket.

They wake up the boys gradually. They are asked to perform simple exercises right in bed (stretching, arm movements, rotation of the feet). Then the children get up, do slight bends, and march in place. Older preschoolers must make their own bed. After this, hardening is usually carried out: walking on massage mats, rubbing with soft mittens. Under the guidance of a teacher, children can perform acupressure massage of the face, ears, and hands.

A summary of routine moments in the senior group helps the teacher plan his work. Thanks to him, everyday activities turn into developmental ones, which enhances their educational effect.

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