Speech at the seminar “Lapbook - as a means of developing environmental ideas”

Download ready-made templates for environmental laptops.

In the lapbook: natural resources, living and inanimate nature, environmental game “What you can and cannot do in nature,” environmental proverbs

Print out a lapbook on the topic “Garbage”

In the lapbook: sorting waste for subsequent recycling, the time frame for decomposition of waste in pictures.

Photos of homemade lapbooks in author’s blogs on the MAAM portal

Contained in sections:

  • Lapbook. Lapbooks on all topics 7462
  • Garbage. Let's protect nature from garbage 949
  • Ecology for children. Ecolates, nature defenders 4215
  • Ecology, nature protection. Didactic games and aids 80

Includes sections:

  • Red Book. Lapbooks, homemade manuals 46

Showing publications 1-10 of 249. All sections | Ecological lapbooks



The best

Lapbook “Ecology” Today, one of the most important problems in the world is the problem of ecology . The purpose of the manual: to create conditions for the educational process that ensure the environmental development of preschool children, the formation of the foundations of environmental culture and creative thinking in children...

Lapbook “Ecology” (senior group)

1. Lapbook Ecology

2. Didactic manual
Ecology is intended for middle, as well as senior preschool age, if the content
of the lapbook is expanded and complicated. 3. Purpose of the work: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of preschool children about ecology and rules...

Lapbook “Love and protect nature”

Participants of the exhibition and competition:

Amirova Nailya Rinatovna - teacher,

Abdurazakova Asiyat Sharapudinovna - teacher of the 1st category,

Makalovich Natalya Aleksandrovna - teacher of the 1st category.

MBDOU d/s "Snezhinka"

Surgut district, Nizhnesortymsky village

«Love and protect nature"

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention an ecological laptop book “Love and Protect Nature”. He

is a folder in which there are pockets with collected information on the topic.

The didactic manual “Lapbook “Love and Protect Nature” is intended for children 4-5 years old. If the content of the lapbook is expanded and complicated, it can be used with children of older preschool age.

This manual is a means of developmental learning and involves the use of modern technologies: technologies for organizing collective creative activity, communication technologies, technology for project activities, gaming technologies.

The purpose of this manual:

consolidate and expand children's knowledge about animals and

flora, about living and inanimate nature, rules of behavior in the forest.


- Clarify and expand children’s understanding of the plant world, its inhabitants, and rules of behavior.

-To consolidate children’s knowledge about trees and their external differences from each other.

-Systematize children’s knowledge about birds, animals, and insects of the park.

-Enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech, interest in artistic expression.

To cultivate a culture of behavior in the forest, attention, love for nature, a caring attitude towards animals and birds, positive character traits, interest and love for the nature of the native land.

Lapbook contents:

The didactic game “Living and Inanimate Nature” for studying objects of living and inanimate nature consists of pictures of living and inanimate nature, which must be divided into two groups.

Pocket with riddles.

Pocket “Medicinal plants” for securing and studying useful plants.

Pocket with poems about nature.

Didactic game “Rules of behavior in nature” with pictures depicting correct and incorrect behavior in the park, for the development of speech.

Pocket “Finger games” for the development of fine motor skills.

Puzzles “Environmental assortment” - cut-out pictures depicting birds and nature.

Ecological tales.

Coloring pages and games on the topic.

Recommendations for use.

The didactic manual “Lapbook “Love and Protect Nature” is recommended for use by preschool teachers in individual work with children 4-5 years old, in independent and play activities.

Designed for subgroup and individual work in a kindergarten group. This is a good way to consolidate the topic of studying the rules of behavior in the forest, systematize knowledge about trees and forest animals, comprehend the content, and conduct research work, during which the child participates in searching, analyzing and sorting information.

The manual is multifunctional, transformable,

mobile, convenient for both children and teachers.

The material is selected taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children.

The value of a lapbook for preschoolers:

-promotes understanding and memorization of information on the topic,

-promotes the child’s acquisition of skills for independently collecting and organizing information on a topic,

-promotes repetition and consolidation of material on the topic.

Ecological lapbooks – Ecological lapbook “Eco-preschool children” for the middle group

Publication “Ecological lapbook “Eco-preschool children” for secondary…”

[Goal: To convey to children the idea that they need to take care of nature. Objectives: To give children an initial understanding of ecology; Develop cognitive interest; Expand children's knowledge; Strengthen children's knowledge about animals, plants, trees; Cultivate respectful and...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Double-sided lapbook on ecology “Ecological assortment”

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Lapbook “Butterflies” in environmental education for preschoolers

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Lapbook on environmental education through didactic games

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Speech at the seminar “Lapbook - as a means of developing environmental ideas”

Speech at the seminar

“Lapbook as a means of developing environmental knowledge”

Nowadays, when the world is on the verge of an environmental disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the pressing problems of our time. Her fate will depend on them. And the first foundations of ecological culture should be laid in preschool childhood.

The relevance is due to the crisis state of nature and the decline in value guidelines in society. The crisis situation in society led to a distortion of man's relationship with the natural environment as the environment for his life, which ultimately changed the natural social and cultural environment.

The environmental problem is one of the most pressing problems of our time. The future of humanity depends on the level of environmental culture of each person, his competent participation in their solution. In these conditions, environmental education at all its levels takes on priority importance.

We were looking for forms of work with children that would be more interesting in forming environmental knowledge. One of these forms was the use of lapbook technology.


— an interesting teaching aid or interactive book. After all, a lapbook is, first and foremost, a learning tool! From constant contact with a book, a child learns the material simply perfectly and without any effort. Moreover, without effort, both on the part of the child and on the part of the parent/teacher - everything happens by itself.

The laptop also meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education for a spatial subject-development environment. He:

- multifunctional: promotes the development of creativity and imagination.

-suitable for use by a group of children at the same time (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner);

-has didactic properties, contains ways to become familiar with color, shape, etc.;

-is a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, introduces him to the world of art;

-variable (there are several options for using each part);

-its structure and content are accessible to preschool children;

- provides playful, educational, research and creative activity for all pupils.

The use of innovative gaming technology “lapbook” is a successful step towards the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. After all, it allows us to use innovative methods and forms of work, and implement the basic principles: to be open to the family, to cooperate with parents in raising children, to create a unified developmental environment, to ensure the same approaches to child development in the family and kindergarten.

Goal of the work:

To consolidate the knowledge of preschool children about ecology and rules of behavior in nature.


1. Give preschoolers an initial idea of ​​ecology and nature in general; mastering the basics of environmental literacy and basic rules of behavior in nature.

2. Mastery of the logical actions of comparison, analysis, generalization, establishing cause-and-effect relationships; teach to classify objects made from different materials into groups;

3. In a playful way, expand knowledge about food chains in nature; To consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants, animals, birds listed in the Red Book of Adygea.

4. Develop children's cognitive interest;

5. Foster children’s respectful, caring attitude towards nature.

6. Develop skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations.

The result of our work was the formation of the idea that man is a part of nature, that life without water and air is not possible, and we must appreciate and see the beauty of nature and take care of it.

On the first spread of our lapbook, we introduce children to the concept of “ecology.” Ecology is the science of the laws of life of nature. The main law of ecology is that everything is connected to everything.”

Contents of the manual:

1. Game “Rules of conduct in the forest.” or “Be nature’s friend!”

2. Game “Living and non-living nature” 3. Ecological game “What is destroying our land? What helps preserve the earth? 4. Didactic game “Garbage sorting”

5. Poems about nature conservation.

6. Proverbs about ecology.

7. Ecological tales 8. Ecosystem. 9. Red Book of Adygea.

10.Riddles about nature.

The laptop
was made for children of the senior group "Smeshariki". A laptop
as a form of organizing educational activities helps to better understand and remember material on a given topic, an excellent way to repeat the material covered, the child learns to independently collect and organize information, develops thinking, attentiveness, speech, and fine motor skills. In this way, in a playful way, they unobtrusively learn and reinforce information.

Our lapbook contains riddles about nature, poems about nature conservation, environmental fairy tales, and proverbs about nature in the form of little books. All this helps children discover the essence of the topic being studied.

The game “Sorting Garbage” will help children develop the concept that garbage can not only be thrown away, but also recycled. Purpose of the game:

develop the ability to distribute objects made from different materials into groups.

Ecological game “What is destroying our land? What helps preserve the earth? - will help children understand information about factors that harm our planet and help it preserve its beauty. The Ecosystem spread introduces children to the concept of ecosystem and teaches them to make connections in nature.

The game “Living and Inanimate Nature” helps clarify ideas about natural objects.

The Red Book of Adygea will introduce children to rare animals and plants of Adygea.

This is the “Ecology” lapbook we made for our children. Developing pedagogy, based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, has significantly changed the approach to organizing educational activities. A modern child needs not so much to know a lot, but to think consistently and convincingly, and to show mental effort. The content and methods of teaching preschoolers are aimed at developing attention, memory, creative imagination, developing the ability to compare, highlight the characteristic properties of objects, generalize them according to a certain criterion, and receive satisfaction from the solution found. When a child acts with objects himself, he understands the world around him better, so priority in working with children should be given to practical teaching methods.


Lapbook “Ecology”

Environmental education is one of the main directions of preschool educational institutions. The main goal is to form a person who will take care of the environment and understand what consequences certain actions can lead to for the entire planet. Exciting games are considered an effective method of learning and perceiving important information. A lapbook can serve as an environmental manual.

A laptop is a teaching aid or interactive book. Its main goal is to convey the message that we need to take care of nature in order to avoid serious global consequences.


— Strengthen children’s ideas about ecology and nature in general; help to master the basics of environmental literacy and basic rules of behavior in nature.

— Help children master the logical actions of comparison, analysis, generalization, and establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

— To develop the ability to correctly sort objects made from different materials;

— Develop children’s cognitive interest;

— To provide knowledge about the decomposition time of garbage and what harms nature;

— To foster a respectful, caring attitude towards nature in children.

Contents of the manual:

1. Test “Eco-friendly lifestyle”

Goal: to help children determine whether the child is doing the right thing in a given situation, whether he is leading a slightly eco-friendly lifestyle or not.

2. Poems about ecology

Poems about ecology for preschool children contribute to the environmental education of preschoolers, developing in them a caring attitude towards the world around them.

3.Pocket of environmental proverbs

Goal: to familiarize children of senior preschool age with nature using verbal methods

4. Take care of nature


- formation of responsibility and an active life position for “our common home in which we live”,

- attracting children's attention to existing environmental problems,

— education of ecological culture of the younger generation.

5. Game “Garbage sorting”

Goal: to develop the ability to distribute objects made from different materials into groups

6. Game “Why is the planet happy?”, “Why is the planet sad?”

Goal: To form an understanding of senior preschool children about the sources of waste, the impact of waste on the environment and human health.

7.Red Book of Russia


— to form the idea of ​​preschoolers about the Red Book, as a document, about birds and animals listed in the Red Book, which are found on the territory of Russia;

- fostering curiosity and respect for nature.

8. Ecology coloring pages

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Thematic folder (lapbook) “Let's save the wonderful world”

Kemaykina Lyubov Viktorovna, teacher of the joint venture kindergarten "Firefly" GBOU secondary school No. 1 named after. THEM. Kuznetsova s. Big Chernigovka

Every teacher is looking for new approaches and ideas in their teaching activities. So I began to study and use in my work a completely new, interesting teaching aid - a lapbook.

The laptop is very convenient to use in subgroup and individual, independent activities of children. A laptop is interesting and useful because it is made jointly by an adult and children.

For a child, a lapbook is an assistant in:

  • understanding and remembering information on the topic being studied
  • the child acquires the skills to independently collect and organize information on the topic being studied
  • repetition and consolidation of material on the covered topic.

I present to your attention the result of my work.

lapbook on the theme “Let’s save the wonderful world .

Goal: development of cognitive activity and intelligence of children in the process of creating a “lapbook” , through the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

The relevance is that creating a “lapbook” will help consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder in the future will allow you to quickly refresh your memory of the topics covered.

Such an unusual presentation of material always attracts the child’s attention, and he returns to this folder more than once to look through it, play with it, and at the same time, unbeknownst to himself, repeat the material he has covered.

Thus, in the course of working with this manual, I have implemented and continue to implement several tasks:

  1. Increasing the level of intellectual development, developing cognitive interests in children.
  2. Formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening the horizons of children.
  3. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Why do you need a laptop?


I open this voluminous book. This is a folder with pockets in which information is collected.

  • to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and the ability to admire its beauty.

3. Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, name them correctly, know their habitat, the name of their home.

4. Didactic game “What time of year?”

Objectives: to learn to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with a certain time of year; develop auditory attention and quick thinking.

5. Didactic game “What kind of insect?”

Goal: to clarify and expand ideas about the life of insects, to teach how to describe insects by characteristic features, to cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things, and to develop attention.

6. Didactic game “What kind of bird is this?”

Objectives: to clarify and expand ideas about the life of birds in autumn, to learn to describe birds by their characteristic features; develop memory; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

7. Didactic game “There, on unknown paths” (animal tracks) Purpose: to introduce children to the world of wild animals of the forest, to help develop visual memory, and to teach the basics of associative thinking. Studying animals and their tracks helps kids delve deeper into the natural world.

8. Game exercise “Who can find the birch, spruce, oak faster .

Target. Find a tree by name.

9. Didactic game “Game of riddles”

Goal: expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

10. In addition, there is a pocket with coloring books and puzzles.

Results of using a lapbook: quick memorization of poems, finger gymnastics; showing increased interest in the content; demonstrating independence when working with a laptop;

One of the main functions of a developmental environment is to offer the child all kinds of material for his active participation in various activities. This interactive folder—lapbook—performs this function, integrating various types of activities.

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