Theatrical performance “Visiting the Traffic Light”

Lesson on traffic rules “Visiting the Traffic Light”

Traffic rules lesson


Traffic light"

Prepared and conducted by: mini-center teacher

Group "Balapan" Berkut T.A

Traffic rules lesson in the Balapan group

"Visiting the Traffic Light"

Goal: developing skills for safe behavior on the roads.

Program content:

-To consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights.


“Safety” - expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights, enrich children’s vocabulary, develop children’s play activities, introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules for relationships with peers, expand their vocabulary with riddles, improve the ability to use scissors when cutting out circles, cultivate independence, develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned application methods.

Forms of delivery: integrated lesson.

Techniques: surprise moment - traffic light, "flying carpet".

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Material: Traffic light, flying carpet.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher -What's your mood?

Children: - Good!

Educator: - Let's give this good mood to each other. (Children blow on their palms).

2. Main part.

Educator: - Guys, today we will go on an unusual journey to the country of Traffic Lights! Before us is a magic flying carpet. Let's stand on the magic carpet, close our eyes and go on a journey. (Music sounds). The music stops, the children open their eyes.

Educator: - Guys, can you solve riddles? Then guess mine.

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

The eyes have a certain color:

Red, yellow and green.

If the light turns red, it’s dangerous to move!

For whom the color green is drive through, there is no prohibition!

Children: - Traffic light!

A traffic light appears.

Traffic light: - Hello, my dears, do you recognize me?

Educator: - Guys, the traffic light is kind of sad. Is he sick? Look at it well, is there something missing on it?

Children: - Ogonkov!

Educator: - Yes, guys, indeed, our traffic light has lost all its signals. And he can’t do it without signals. Let's help the Traffic Light - collect signals! Traffic light signals are arranged in a certain sequence. Which signal is at the top?

Children: - Red!

Educator: - That's right! Red is the color of fire. When people see him, they know that there is anxiety and danger ahead.

What signal is located in the middle?

Children: - Yellow!

Educator: - That's right! Yellow is the color of the sun. And it can be both friend and enemy. Therefore, the yellow color warns - be careful! Attention! Do not rush!

-What signal is located below?

Children: - Green!

Educator: - That's right! And green is the color of grass, forest, leaves. It reminds everyone of safety and calm.

The teacher attaches colored circles to the Traffic Light.

Traffic light: - Well done, guys! You completed the task!

Educator: - Our Traffic Light has a lot of work to do on the road! Guys, let's give our friend the Traffic Light some help.

3. Practical part. (Manufacture of traffic lights).

The teacher distributes blank traffic lights.

Educator: - Look, what's missing?

Children: - Ogonkov!

Educator: - And they will light up when you cut out beautiful circles from the squares and paste them in a certain sequence. And for your fingers to work better, you need to stretch them. Finger gymnastics is performed:

-One two three four five

(Unclench your fingers from your fist one at a time, starting with the thumb)

The fingers went out for a walk.

(Rhythmically open and close all fingers together)

One two three four five

(We clench our widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger)

They hid in the house again.

(Rhythmically squeeze all fingers together)

Educator: “You have stretched your fingers, you can start working.” I remind you, friends, that you can’t play around with scissors! Guys, you need to use glue carefully: spread it in a thin layer on the back side of the figure to be glued; Apply with the side coated with glue and press tightly with a napkin. Children cut out and glue traffic lights. The teacher makes sure that the children glue in a certain sequence.

Educator: - Well done, guys! Look what beautiful traffic lights we made! Now let's give them to our friend Traffic Light!

Traffic light: - Thank you guys for making the traffic lights! Thanks to you, I now have roadside assistants! Well, I have to go, goodbye!

He takes the stand with traffic lights and leaves.

Educator: - Today we took a trip to the magical land of Traffic Lights, helped our friend Traffic Lights find traffic signals, and made assistants for the traffic lights. Did you enjoy our trip? Unfortunately, it's time for us to return. Let's stand on our magic carpet, close our eyes and go home. Children close their eyes, music sounds.

Goal: to introduce children to the rules of the road, rules of safe behavior on the street, and road signs. Objectives: 1. To strengthen children's understanding of road signs , traffic lights, sidewalks and other attributes related to traffic rules . 2. Teach children the rules of safe behavior on the road . 3. Develop a culture of communication, enrich the vocabulary. 4. Foster a conscious position as a pedestrian and road . 5. Correct the basic cognitive processes of children (fine and gross motor skills, memory, attention, etc.) Equipment and materials: painting “City Street”, traffic light circles, “Pedestrian crossing” road signs cut into pieces. Methods and techniques: Practical: analysis of situations “City Street”; d/game “Collect a road sign”; d/game “Traffic Signals”; Application "Traffic light". Visual: looking at pictures on a topic. Verbal: analysis of situations, conversation, solving riddles. Ways of organizing educational activities: conversation, creating a game situation, a problematic issue, the use of artistic words (riddles, poems), didactic game with a character, outdoor play, questions, encouragement, artistic activity. Dictionary activation: traffic light, street, road sign, pedestrian crossing, roadway, transport. Progress of the NOD The teacher and the children gather in a circle: Teacher: Guys, come over, look at each other, say hello with your palms, Smile a little. Warm-up is carried out (poems by S. Mikhalkov). I'm rolling on two wheels, (They walk in a circle, one after another.) I'm spinning two pedals, (They're walking, raising their knees high.) I'm holding on to the steering wheel, looking forward, (They're holding an imaginary steering wheel with their hands.) I know: a turn is coming. (They turn and go the other way.) When finished, they sit on the mat. Educator: What is your mood? Children: Good. Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of “Road Rules”. Educator: Let's imagine that you and I are walking around this unusual country. There are many streets in this big beautiful country. Many cars and trucks, buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To maintain our health and life, we must strictly follow traffic rules. And our friend today, who invited us to this country, will help us remember them. But in order to recognize this friend, we need to solve the riddle. Three multi-colored circles Flashing one after another. They light up and blink - they help people. Children: Traffic light. Educator: Correct! This is a traffic light. “Traffic Light” enters the group. Traffic light: Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to the land of traffic rules. Only now I’ve forgotten a little what I’m needed for. Can you help me remember? Children: To regulate movement. Educator: The traffic light has three signals, three lights. Let's ask the traffic light to tell us about them. Traffic light: Listen carefully to my story! Red light - The strictest, Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone! Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move. Green light - says: “Come on, the way is open!” Educator: Children, let's say together what traffic light signal you can cross the road at? Children: On the green light. Educator: Which traffic light prohibits movement? Children: Red. Traffic light: Children, do you like to play? Let's play with you a little now. I will show you my signals, and you will perform movements according to them. Red - sit down, yellow - stand, green - walk. The game "Traffic Signals" is played. Educator: Guys, tell me, what is on the road next to the traffic light and helps us cross the street? Children: Pedestrian crossing. Traffic light: But how can I cross the road where my friends don’t have traffic lights? Children: Also along the pedestrian crossing. Educator: Our children know a poem about how to cross the road even in places where there is no traffic light. Child: There is a road on the children’s way, There is a lot of transport. There is no traffic light nearby, the road sign will give advice. We need to go a little forward, Where there is a zebra crossing on the way. "Pedestrian crossing" You can move forward. Traffic light: Exactly, guys, I even brought you “Pedestrian Crossing” road signs as a gift. (Takes out pieces of cut signs). Only trouble happened to them: they broke. Help me finish them. The game “Collect a road sign” is played. Physical exercise “We are drivers”: (children must demonstrate movements) I’m rolling, I’m flying At full speed (children are walking) I am the driver myself (they imitate steering the steering wheel) And I myself am the motor (circular movements with the shoulders) I press the pedal (they bend the leg at the knee) And the car rushes into the distance. (running in place) Traffic light: Guys, I have prepared riddles for you. Do you want to guess them? He's lucky, not a horse, He's wearing galoshes, He looks at the red one - He gets up immediately (Car). What a miracle this house is, There are bright windows all around, He wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline (Bus). A house is driving along the asphalt, There are a lot of kids in it, And there are reins on the roof, He can’t walk without them (Trolleybus). Early in the morning outside the window There is knocking, and ringing, and chaos: Red houses walk along straight steel paths (Tram). In cities, late at night, buses and trams sleep. If you need transport urgently, call a car. She will come: “I’m free! I'll take you anywhere! "(Taxi) Educator: Well done, you know how to solve riddles. All the riddles of our traffic light have been solved. Traffic light: Where does all the transport go, about which we were just guessing riddles? Children: Along the city streets. Educator: Traffic light, look. We even have a painting of a city street. Traffic light: Then maybe you can show me which part of the street the traffic uses? Children: roadway. Traffic light : Which part of the street do pedestrians move along? Children: Sidewalk. Educator: Children, look what happened to our traffic light? Children: He's sad! Educator: Let's ask the traffic light why he was sad? Traffic light: My brothers traffic lights have all run out of signal. And everyone in our city is confused about how to move around the streets correctly now. Could you help me fix them? Educator: Guys, what needs to be done to fix the traffic lights? Children: Stick it! Educator: Do you remember in what order the traffic lights are located? (Children's answers). Children: That's right ! Red, yellow, green. Finger gymnastics. Quickly inflate the balloon. (First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly move them apart) It becomes large. (The fingertips of both hands touch each other - the balloon is inflated) Suddenly the balloon burst, the air escaped - (We touch our palms completely with each other) He became thin and thin! (We close our fingers together) Educator: Let's start fixing the traffic lights. (Children take mugs, apply glue and glue them onto traffic light models). Educator: The traffic lights have been fixed! Let's give them to the traffic lights, and in the fairy-tale city all the traffic lights will be in order again. Traffic light: Children, you helped me a lot. I'm glad you came to visit me. But now I need to say goodbye to you, because important things await me on the streets of the city. Come to my country again. And for your help I will give you a sweet treat. (Gives the children cookies) Traffic light: Goodbye, children! (Leaves). Educator : You and I are returning to kindergarten. Let's check how you remember the traffic lights and play a game of "Guessing Games". You need to answer the questions quickly: 1. How many signals does the traffic light have? 2. Is it possible to cross the street when the traffic light is yellow? 3. What does a red traffic light mean? 4. At what signal can you cross the street? Educator : Well done, guys, you remember well the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the street and in public transport. All this will help you become an exemplary pedestrian. Be careful on the roads and city streets.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Educational field: "Security".

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” - Formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening one’s horizons in terms of ideas about possible dangers, ways to avoid them, ways to preserve health and life. “Artistic creativity” - Using the means of fine art and children’s productive activities to enrich the content of the area “Safety” “Socialization” - Forming ideas about the rules of behavior and communication in various situations, developing moral qualities, encouraging children to self-esteem and evaluate the actions and behavior of their peers. “Reading fiction” - Works of fiction are used to form ideas about the rules of the road, children’s ideas about the world around them are expanded and enriched. Age of children: mixed age group. Forms of direct educational activities: combined lesson. Form of organization: group. Objectives: 1. Reinforce the rules of the road, teach how to apply knowledge previously acquired in practical activities. 2. Activate children’s thinking through: - developing the ability to define tasks based on the problem posed, - developing in children the ability to create a conceived product, - improving the level of accumulated practical skills (creating a street model, adding details to it). 3. Activate children’s speech through developing the ability to organize their actions and the actions of others. 4. Develop independence and the ability to interact with peers. Preliminary work: In kindergarten with teachers - observation of parked cars and traffic during a walk; viewing illustrations depicting city streets and different types of transport; work with didactic material “Road Safety”; reading poetry on the topic “Road Rules”; compiling and solving riddles on the topics: “Transport”, “Road signs”; production: traffic lights, traffic signs. Equipment and materials: road signs, traffic light model, envelope with cards, colored paper, glue, scissors, Course of educational activities: Presenter: Guys, today we will go to an unusual city - the City of Traffic Rules! But to get there, you need to buy train tickets. (Children approach the makeshift ticket office and “buy tickets”) Host: Well, does everyone have tickets? Then let's go! (Children line up one after another like a train and walk quickly to the song “We are going, going, going...) Presenter: Here we are! But what happened here?! (He offers to get off the train, draws attention to the roads, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, etc. The traffic light enters the hall to the music. The traffic light: Good afternoon, dear friends! I’ve been helping for a long time. I’m your friend, traffic light! I’ll explain the rules to the children without stress movements. Listen and remember And always follow them. The RED light came on, Stop, baby, there is no way. The YELLOW light, look, it's on. Get ready, he says. And the GREEN light came on, come on in, my scientist friend. Remember the rules of the movement, Like the multiplication table! Educator: Hello, Traffic Light! The guys and I decided to visit your town today. Traffic light: I’m very glad to see you! And I think it’s not easy for you to come here? Educator: You’re right! Suddenly (to the music) Dunno “enters” the hall. In his hands steering wheel and he drives haphazardly. He rushes past the guys, accelerating them. The traffic light blows his whistle and raises his hand: What's going on here?! Dunno: Hello everyone! Look what a car I have! Isn't it beautiful? Get in quickly, I'll give you a ride with the breeze! Traffic light: Are you familiar with the traffic rules? After all, this is the alphabet of our town. What are you doing in our city with signs? Dunno: Just think, what kind of teacher was found! I'm fine as it is! Again he offers the guys a ride. Educator: No way! I won’t let the guys ride around the city, where everything is topsy-turvy. Let's first put things in order here, and then go for a ride. And we will teach you to follow the rules of the road! We are warning everyone! Learn the traffic rules immediately! So that parents don’t worry every day! So that drivers can be calm behind the wheel! Traffic light: Indeed, something strange is going on in our city... On my assistants, the colors are located incorrectly... (they approach the Traffic light template and rearrange the colors correctly). Traffic light: Cross the road You will always be on the street And they will tell you and help you with talking colors! Look, at our traffic light all the lights are mixed up. Let's arrange them correctly! Now we’ll check how attentive you were and whether you know the colors of the traffic lights. The game “Red, yellow, green” is being played. Red - stop! Yellow - wait! And green - come on in! Traffic light: Where is our pedestrian crossing? (Dunno) Do you know how to cross the road? Dunno: I know, I know... As we want, and where we want!!! Children: No! Traffic light: How should you cross the road? Child: Pedestrian, pedestrian! Remember about the transition! Underground, above ground, zebra-like. Know that only the transition will save you from the cars! Educator: And Dunno confused our pedestrian crossing. Let's put it correctly. (Children lay out a zebra). Traffic light: One more question for the violator: Is it possible to play on the roadway? Dunno: It depends! You can't play chess. Traffic light: Why? Dunno: Machines knock down all the pieces. But you can hit the ball. And how! Playing ball on the road. Traffic light: Guys, what do you think, Dunno is right? Children's answers. No! Traffic light: Why? Children's answers. Playing on or near the roadway is dangerous. You might get hit by a car. Traffic light: And now, guys, let's make ourselves comfortable in this trailer and relax a little. Dunno, come with us, we will tell you a lot of new things. Oh guys, look what's under the seat? (Envelope) Let's see? And inside he has riddles... (on bright cards there are riddles about road safety) 1. Riddle competition 1. A pedestrian walks boldly along the black and white stripes... How many of you guys know what the sign warns about? Give the car a quiet ride - ... (pedestrian crossing). 2. Stop! When the barrier is released low, this means that the train is somewhere close, and when the barrier is raised to the top, it means everything is in order, they are allowed to travel. (Moving) 3. Look, what a strong man, On the move with one hand, He’s used to stopping a Five-ton (truck) 4. You’ll notice this sign right away: Three huge colored eyes. The eyes have a specific color: Red, yellow and green. When the light turns red, it is dangerous to move. For those who have a green light, go ahead, there is no prohibition. (Traffic light) 5. In a white triangle With a red border For human schoolchildren Very safe. Everyone in the world knows this road sign: Be careful, On the road... (children). 6. What kind of road sign: Red cross on white? Day and night you can contact us with confidence! The doctor will tie a white scarf around your head and provide first aid. (Medical aid station) Educator: Well done, guys. I think, Svetoforchik, we answered everything correctly. Traffic light: So we have brought order to our city. Do you, Dunno, understand what these signs are for and what they mean? Dunno: Yes, now I understand. I thought it was like this... all sorts of pictures! I won't bully anymore! Forgive me... Traffic light: Look there! (shows on the screen. On the screen is an excerpt from the cartoon “Doctor Aibolit” Hare: Ay, ah! My little bunny Got hit by a tram! My little bunny, my boy Got hit by a tram! He ran along the path, And his legs were cut, And now he’s sick and lame, my little bunny! Aibolit: No problem! Bring him here! I'll sew him new legs, He'll run along the path again. Hare: And the doctor sewed his legs on, And the bunny is jumping again. Bunny: And the bunny is with me - Mom also went to dance. Aibolit: And they laugh and scream. Hare and Bunny: Well, thank you, Aibolit! Traffic light: Today we will learn to provide first aid in case of an accident on the road. The game “Who will bandage the patient faster and take him to the hospital" Educator: That's how much we remembered and learned today. And you, Dunno, remember everything? (The children, together with Dunno, remember what happened to them today and what they did.) Traffic light: Guys, could you help our city? We don’t have enough traffic light assistants. Educator: Guys, let’s help. Let's make traffic lights and place them all over the city so that people like Dunno don't violate traffic rules (shakes his finger). Dunno: I understood everything and will remember. And I will be happy to help you too! (The “Traffic Light” applique is being carried out.) Traffic light: And now, guys, so that you don’t forget, I suggest you fix it. (Viewing the cartoon Smeshariki from the series “The ABC of Traffic” - “Traffic Light”).

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Lesson on traffic rules, 2nd grade

Fun lesson “Visiting the Traffic Light” 2nd grade.
Scenario of an event on traffic rules Author: Noskova Natalya Yuryevna Description. I bring to your attention a lesson that will allow you to repeat the rules of the road with your children. This extracurricular activity is intended for elementary school students. The guys play the role of: Traffic Light, Driver and Entertainer, which attracts the children to participate in a fun lesson. Parents are involved in preparing the lesson. Purpose. I offer this lesson to help primary school teachers. Preliminary preparation: costumes (sewn by parents), musical accompaniment, drawings of road signs and behavior on the street, a film on traffic rules. Goal: to convince children of correct behavior on the street. Objectives: - to involve students in preparing the event;
— repeat and deepen students’ knowledge of traffic rules; — develop thinking, attentiveness: — cultivate a sense of responsibility not only for oneself, but also for others. Progress of the lesson “Visiting the Traffic Light”

The sounds of traffic on the road are heard.
The presenter enters. Leading. — Guys, a letter was brought to our class today. (The text of the letter is shown on the Interactive Whiteboard)
This is what it says: “Before you cross the road.
Find... a (safe) place to cross. Stop at ... (sidewalk). Listen. Look carefully in ... (both) directions to see if there are any cars. Cross the road along ... (straight line). This is how you learn to cross... (the road).” —Who could send such a mysterious letter? - And there is also a mystery here. Presenter (tells a riddle): Tall, slender, with three eyes, standing by the road, not afraid of anyone. (Traffic light) The melody “Cheerful Travelers” sounds: “We are going, going, to distant lands...” music. M. Starokadomsky, lyrics. S. Mikhalkova A child dressed as a traffic light comes in and reads M. Plyatskovsky’s poem “Traffic Light.”

Traffic light. Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly, driver! The red eye looks straight ahead - This is a strict traffic light. He puts on a menacing appearance and forbids us to go any further. The driver waited a little and looked out the window again. This time the traffic light showed a green eye. He winked and said: “You can go, the way is open!” Traffic light: - Hello, guys! I'm glad to meet you. Did you get my letter? Were you able to understand what words are missing to correctly understand its meaning? (Children's response) - Well done! I see you know how to cross the road. — Do you know road signs? (Road signs come out - guys in suits and ask riddles.)
1. The monster’s Emerald Eye flared - So, you can cross the street now.
(Traffic light) 2. A round sign with a window in it. Don’t rush rashly, but think a little: What’s here, a brick dump? (“Entry is prohibited”) 3. I’m in a circle with a red outline, This means it’s dangerous here! Here, understand, there is a ban... (pedestrian traffic). (“Traffic is prohibited”) 4. I walk in a blue circle, And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood, If you think about it a little - ... (pedestrian path). (“Pedestrian path”) 5. We were walking home from school, We see a blue sign on the pavement: Circle, there is a bicycle inside, There is nothing else... (“Bicycle path”) 6. I want to ask about the sign. It is drawn like this: In the triangle, the guys are running as fast as they can somewhere. (“Children”) Traffic light. -Well done boys! Do you know what happens to those who do not follow the traffic rules? Dramatization of a poem. Girl. A rather strange citizen is walking down the street. He is given good advice: Boy. -The traffic light is red. There is no way to cross, There is no way to go now! Citizen. -I don't care about red lights! - Girl. The citizen said in response... He is walking across the street, Not where the sign “Pedestrian” is, Throwing rudely at the year: Citizen. -Wherever I want, I’ll go there! Girl. The driver looks with all his eyes... Razin is ahead! Press the brakes quickly and let the gap pass! What if the driver said: “Chauffeur.” I don't care about traffic lights! Girl. And just like that, I started driving. The guard would leave his post. The tram would go as it wanted. Everyone walked as best they could. Chauffeur. Yes, where the street was, Where you were used to walking, Incredible things would happen in an instant! Citizen. Signals, screams and you know, Cars are straight into the tram, The tram ran into a car, The car crashed into a shop window... Boy. But no: a traffic controller is standing on the pavement. Chauffeur. There is a three-eyed traffic light and the driver knows the rules. Entertainer (girl in a suit). -Guys, do you know the traffic police signs?
Let's check it now. Competition “Visiting Rhyme”
(A poem is written on the interactive board. You need to insert the missing words into this text.)
If the traffic controller..., The path is open for you guys.
And if..., the path is closed! Dangerous! Stop! (Answers: “standing sideways,” “standing with his chest,” “standing with his back.”) The song “Merry Travelers” is performed by the guys. SONG OF FRIENDS We are going, going, going To distant lands, Good neighbors, Happy friends. We live a happy life, We sing a song, And the song sings about how we live. Beauty! Beauty! We are bringing with us a cat, Chizhik, a dog, Petka the Bully, a Monkey, a parrot - what a company! When life is friendly, what could be better! And there is no need to quarrel, And you can love everyone. On a long journey, take your friends with you: They will help you, and it’s more fun with them. Beauty! Beauty! We are bringing with us a cat, Chizhik, a dog, Petka the Bully, a Monkey, a parrot - what a company! We drove, we sang, and with a funny song, all together, as best we could, we arrived home. The sun was shining for us, the wind was blowing around us; It wasn’t boring on the way, and everyone sang: “Beauty!” Beauty! We are bringing with us a cat, Chizhik, a dog, Petka the Bully, a Monkey, a parrot - what a company! Chauffeur. It is announced to the guys that the train is leaving! Go! Let's go! We are going to the station "Stikhovorovo". Children recite S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Walking Carefully.”

Student 1. The city is full of traffic: Cars are running in a row. Colored traffic lights are on both day and night. Student 2. Walking carefully, watch the street - And only where possible, cross it! Student 3. And where during the day trams rush from all sides, you can’t walk yawning! You can't count crows! Student 4. Look: the guard stood on our pavement. He quickly extended his hand and deftly waved his wand. Student 5. Did you see, did you see? All the cars stopped at once, stood together in three rows and didn’t go anywhere. Student 6. People are not worried, they are walking across the street. And he stands on the pavement, Like a wizard, a guard. All machines obey one.

Chauffeur. The blue tram runs, sways, and the car picks up speed. Here our path ends for now, Auntie the entertainer is waiting again. Entertainer (girl in a suit). I’ll hold a competition for you and find winners.
Whoever is more attentive among you, Let him answer me now. -Well done! You know the rules and read poetry well! Now let’s find out that you are actually competent pedestrians. Competition “Literate Pedestrian”
(Words with missing letters are written on the Interactive Board. You need to insert the missing letters. The guys go to the board and insert.)
St...t...for, st...tsa, av...m...bill, tr...mvay, s... drove, sh...fer, sh...sse, tr...toir, pa...fat.
Entertainer. Well done boys! Thank you for your answers, for your enthusiasm, for your ringing laughter, for your passion for competition, which ensured success. Leading. Dear guests, now the guys will perform a song from the muses for you. V. Shainsky, lyrics. A. Timofeeva Blue carriage Slowly the minutes float away into the distance. Don't expect to meet them anymore. And although we feel a little sorry for the past, the best, of course, is yet to come. Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey. And it rests directly on the sky. Everyone, everyone believes in the best. The blue carriage rolls and rolls. Maybe we offended someone in vain, the Calendar will close this sheet. Friends, we are in a hurry to new adventures. Hey, speed up, driver. Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey. And it rests directly on the sky. Everyone, everyone believes in the best. The blue carriage rolls and rolls. The blue carriage runs and sways. The fast train is picking up speed. Well, why does this day end? Let it drag on for a whole year. Good riddance to the long journey. And it rests directly on the sky. Everyone, everyone believes in the best. The blue carriage rolls and rolls. Everyone, everyone believes in the best. The blue carriage rolls and rolls. Leading. And now we will watch a film on traffic rules. (The film is being watched.)
Thank you all for participating in the lesson.
Remember how to behave on the street. Traffic light. Follow the traffic rules and help your friends understand them.

We recommend watching:

The game is a journey through traffic rules for grades 1 - 2 with a presentation. Scenario Extracurricular lesson on traffic rules on the topic “Question and answer on traffic rules”, 2nd grade Test on traffic rules in 2nd grade with answers Lesson summary on the topic “Traffic Rules” 2nd grade

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