Physical education leisure in the middle group “Snowflake visiting the guys”

Physical education leisure “Winter-winter.” lesson plan (middle group)

Physical education leisure for the middle group “Zimushka-winter.”

Goal: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, creating a positive emotional mood

Objectives: - to create a desire to participate in games and relay races; - develop motor activity, the ability to act on a signal, coordination of movements, dexterity, speed, accuracy; - cultivate a friendly attitude towards the character.

Equipment: trays (2 pcs.), baskets (2 pcs.), plastic snowflakes and real or made of thick paper icicles (according to the number of competitions and relay races), snowballs or white stuffed balls (according to the number of participants), inflatable pools (2 pcs.), small rubber balls (according to the number of children), clubs (2 pcs.), goals (2 pcs.), skittles (8-10 pcs.), sweets: cookies and candies, medals (for each participant)

Leisure participants: presenter, Snowman, children.

Progress of the event: Children, together with the presenter, enter the hall. On the children’s chests are the emblems “Snowflakes” and “Icicles.” Instructor: Guys, winter has come. Snowy, frosty. Look how much snow there is. So that we don't get bored, let's build a friend - a snowman. Guys, stand in a circle.

Game "Snowman"

Winter has come, hurray! (clap their hands) Children are glad to see the snow! Oh! The work is not easy - (grab your head, shake your head) We are making a snowman! (roll a lump of snow) Let's put a lump on someone, (bend forward with arms out) Let's close the eyes, (make movements with hands near the face to the right and left) We'll insert a carrot nose, (attach both fists in turn to the face) Let's find a hat. (make a “house” with their hands above their head) Look, what a snowman, (spring movement) Snowy white fatty! A Snowman enters the hall accompanied by music. Snowman I am a cheerful Snowman. I am neither small nor great. Instead of eyes there are potatoes, a nose made of carrots.

Thank you guys for blinding me. Aren't you afraid of the cold?

Presenter No. Snowman, the guys and I run and play, we’re not afraid to freeze. Our guys are fast, strong, and agile.

Snowman But we'll check this now. I brought snowballs for you. The leader helps the children line up in 2 columns. Teams “Snowflakes” and “Icicles”

  1. Relay “One snowball, two snowballs”

/teams line up in 2 columns one after another, in front of them, at a distance of 6-8 m, there are snowballs in hoops. There is a basket next to each team. On the command “One – two – three! Bring the snowballs!” Team members take turns running to the pile, picking up a snowball, returning to the team, putting the snowball in the basket and standing at the end of the column. The team that completes the task faster is considered the winner.

Presenter: You see, Snowman, how fast the guys are! Let's see how accurate they are?

  1. Competition "Hit the Target"

Teams of participants remain standing in columns. Each team has a basket of snowballs in front of them. In front of the teams, at a distance of 2 m, there are large diameter baskets. At the signal “One - two! Do not snooze! And throw snowballs quickly!” One by one, participants take a snowball from the basket, throw it at the target, and stand at the end of the column. The competition is not about speed, but about efficiency. Whoever has the most snowballs in the basket is the team and the winner. Presenter: Well done! Sharp guys!

Host: Snowman, we want to play with you. Will you play the game “I’ll Freeze” with the guys?

Snowman: With pleasure.

  1. Outdoor game "I'll freeze"

The children are sitting on a bench, the Snowman is on the opposite side. Children sneak up to him on their tiptoes and then clap their hands loudly. The snowman wakes up and says the words: Snowman: I, a cheerful Snowman, have been accustomed to the cold since childhood. Whoever I catch up with, I turn into an icicle.

The children run away to the bench and the Snowman catches up with them.

Presenter: Well done, guys and you, Snowman. We had a lot of fun playing.

Presenter: Snowman, now let the guys and I come up with a task for you. For example, let's see if you know winter fun.

  1. Outdoor game “Guess the winter fun”

The children and the leader stand in a circle and hold hands. The snowman stands outside the circle, turning away from the guys. Participants agree on what movement they will show, then walk in a circle, saying the words: In an even circle, One after another We go step by step. Stay where you are! Together, let's do this... Children show some kind of movement, for example, imitating playing snowballs, skating, skiing, sledding, building a snowman. The snowman turns to the children and guesses a winter fun. The game is repeated again 3-4 times.

Leading Snowman, you are great! Snowman: Well done guys. I had fun with you. Here are some gifts for you from me. It's time for me to go. Goodbye.

The children thank the Snowman and say goodbye to him.

The Snowman enters the hall to the music.

Entertainment for middle-aged children “Journey to the Winter Forest”

"Walk in the Winter Forest"


Program content Objectives: Educational
To consolidate ideas about the characteristic signs of winter, about the state of living and inanimate nature, broaden the horizons of children, stimulate cognitive interest.
Develop communication skills, dialogical speech.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature
Vocabulary work:
light, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter.
Preliminary work:
conversation about the signs of winter, looking at illustrations.
Materials and equipment:
illustrations of winter landscapes, reference diagrams of winter signs, models for generalizing external signs, living conditions of a hare, educational game “animals”, snowflakes, a hoop (lined with tinsel), snowballs.
laptop, musical compositions. Methodology
Stages Contents Note
Introductory part Educator:
- Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky, Hello, free breeze, Hello, little white snow! Hello, kids: girls and boys, Hello, I’ll tell you a riddle! - It's getting cold. The water turned into ice. The long-eared gray bunny turned into a white bunny. The bear stopped roaring: The bear fell into hibernation in the forest. Who can say, who knows, When this happens? Children:
In winter - That's right, in winter. Here I am, Winter Winter, I have come to visit you. And I brought snow with me. A teacher in a winter suit enters the group (establishing emotional contact). Main part - Now I will share with you particles of snow

- Let's stand in a circle and turn into snowflakes. And we’ll spin around as if we were light, fluffy, weightless. Educator:

- Guys, have you heard what a beautiful, magical, wonderful melody sounded just now, but how else can you say about it?
What is she like? Children:
Winter, snowy
That's right, and it's also light and joyful - Guys, sit down in your seats.
What joys does winter bring you? What do you like to do in winter? Children:
Walk, build a snowman, sledding.
- And now I invite you to the winter forest.
And this magical cloud will help us get there. Educator:
Let's all stand around our cloud together and go into the winter forest, and this magic wand will help us transport ourselves to a forest clearing.
Let's fly Teacher:
- Here we are in a forest clearing.
- Sit down in the clearing Guys, tell me what happens in nature in winter?
What changed? I have these magical pictures that will help you. Educator:
- Does snow fall in winter?
What do we see in this picture? What happens in nature? Children:
it’s snowing
- The rivers are covered with ice.
What happened to the river in this picture? - The sun is shining, but it does not warm. What kind of sun do we have in winter? The sun is shining, but the snow is not melting, why? Educator:
The sun doesn’t heat as much as in summer and that’s why the snow doesn’t melt in winter - Trees without leaves.
There are fewer birds. Educator:
Birds fly to warm countries for the winter, and arrive only when winter recedes and the snow melts
- What good fellows you are!
You know so much about winter. Now put the snowflakes in a magic box and let's see what happens to them. One, two, three - look, our snowflakes have turned into snowballs. Let's collect them all into one big snowdrift Educator:
Well done, look at what a beautiful snow-white snowdrift we have, and now we need to sit down at the tables. Guess the riddle, who was hiding under the tree?
- In summer, a gray fur coat, and in winter, white. He wears a timid little jumper....... Children: hare Teacher:
- Now let’s tell you about the hare, and the pictures will help us.
-Where does the hare live? And Seryozha will choose the right picture and show the children - What does a hare look like? -What does it eat? — How does it adapt to winter? DIDACTIC GAME “BEASTS” Educator:
- Now we will play a game.
What forest animals do you know? (children's answers) - Pick up only the animal of the forest. And show it to me How did you guess that this animal lives in the forest? Educator:
Well done, the guys all completed the task. I hand out snowflakes. The children stand in a circle and spin around. The audio recording “Silver snowflakes” plays. I listen to all the children’s answers. On the carpet lies a cloud cut out of whatman paper. Children stand around it. I wave a magic wand, music sounds. Children sit on the carpet.
I talk with the children. I show the children one by one pictures for the correct answers. I give snowflakes. I quietly change the boxes. In the box there is cotton wool in the form of snowballs. Children take turns putting snowballs (cotton wool) into one large snowdrift. Children sit at the tables. Make a riddle. Show me a toy - a hare. Children go out and show the desired picture. I conduct a didactic game. On the table, each child has 2 pictures: one of a forest animal, one of a domestic one. The children are prompted to answer by the image of an animal and the forest around it. Final part. Educator:
This is where our journey ends. Let’s stand around the cloud again and find ourselves in kindergarten
- Today, we visited the winter forest, remembered what happens in winter, talked about the bunny and helped the forest inhabitants.
- For me Zimushka - it’s time for winter to leave. As a parting gift, I will give you snowflakes. So that you do not forget winter and remember its signs. I summarize the lesson
I give snowflakes to the children Children stand around the cloud and return to the group

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