Graduation in kindergarten. How to do it without problems?

Decoration for kindergarten graduation.

You can resort to the help of professional room decorators, or you can think about decorating yourself.

What you may need:

  • Balloons. There should be quite a few of them. By discussing the color scheme with your parents, you can achieve an amazing result.
  • Garlands in the form of butterflies, bells, etc.
  • Satin ribbons.
  • Photos of graduates.
  • Envelopes with wishes.
  • Bouquets of balloons.
  • Tablecloths on the table.

In order for children to remember the “native” walls of their favorite kindergarten, it is better to hold the event there. This will help avoid disappointment and the children will be more comfortable.

Practice shows that a holiday held in a familiar preschool educational institution is remembered better. If you really want to gather the kids somewhere else, you can go to nature or to a children’s entertainment center the next day.

Graduation from the first junior group


Children enter the hall to cheerful music and sit on chairs.

Presenter: Dear guests, today we have a special holiday. Our children finish their stay in the nursery group and move on to kindergarten.

- We gathered in the hall today for a holiday at this hour.

_ Look how beautiful our kids are these days!

_We are starting the fun, opening the holiday with dancing!

_Louder music, play, invite everyone to dance.

Pair dance “My friend and I will take a walk” (sit down)

Presenter: During their stay in the nursery group, all the children grew up and learned a lot.

_After all, we didn’t sit idle:

_They taught poems and sang songs.

(Children recite poems: Dasha, Egor, Denis)

Host: How much fun we have here! How good we are here! What's a holiday without gifts? Very necessary, very bright!

Now I’ll hurry up and bring a gift! (brings a gift box, opens it)

_Yes, here is a surprise for us: magic handkerchiefs. How cute are the handkerchiefs! Let's dance with them from the heart!

Dance with handkerchiefs. (sit down)

Host: I have a riddle in stock for the children. Guess it quickly, guys!

_ A long ear, a ball of fluff. Jumps deftly

loves carrots? Who is this? (bunny)

Host: Guys, do you want to play with the bunny?

Musical game “Bunny, walk around...”

Host: Guys, what does the bunny like to eat? (carrot). Shows a basket with carrots.

“Oh, I scattered it.” Now we’ll go and collect carrots.

Game "Collect the carrots" (

take their seats)

Host: We played so well and we were a little tired. Now we’ll rest and read poetry for the guests.

(Vasilisa, Stas, Lera, Andrey)

Host: The sun is getting warmer and warmer, everyone is enjoying the sun: birds, insects, and plants.

Are you guys happy about the sun? (yes) Let's invite the sun to come to us for a holiday. (name)

(music sounds, the sun comes in)

Sunny: I am always glad to have guests, good little friends.

I give my warmth to everyone, so that everything sings and blooms.

Presenter: Hello, sunshine. We are very glad to see you.

We even learned a song for you. Do you want to listen?

Song "Sunny"

"(sit down)

Sunny: How friendly and skillful you all are! I didn’t come to you alone, I took my friends with me. I won’t tell you who, but I’ll tell you the riddle. What bird is not afraid of people, does not fly high and shouts “ko-ko-ko” (shows) And who is the chicken’s child? This is yellow. . . . . chicken (shows)

Presenter: In May the sun laughs, all the people have fun

And the little guys stood up in a round dance!

Dance "The chicken went out for a walk"

Presenter: Today is a good day, everyone is having fun. They dance, clap their hands, and we don’t lag behind. Everyone go out for a walk, we will continue the holiday.

Kindergarten graduation program.

It is very important to think through the organization of this event. Often, parents want to entertain their children on their own, without the help of professional animators. And this in most cases leads to problems.

No matter how much imagination a parent has, it will be problematic for him to amuse and entertain the children for two hours. In addition, not all parents have acting skills and the ability to communicate with children. But the children should not only find it interesting and exciting, they should remember this bright event for the rest of their lives.

To avoid such problems, we recommend using the experience of professional people. In addition, their programs have already been developed, debugged, and the presence of new faces always intrigues the kids. If the program does not completely satisfy parents, then it can be adjusted.

How we prepared for kindergarten graduation!

In our group we have mostly wealthy families. In September 2015, at a meeting, our rich people offered to chip in from 10 to 15 thousand. We talked and forgot everything. The only thing is that we immediately determined the release date (May 27, 2016) and we immediately staked out this date. It’s already February 2016, there’s little time left before graduation, you need to figure out how much it will cost, announce it to everyone and collect money. In the evening, my mother and I sat down and worked out the costs. Everyone in the group was given a list of costs and how much money they needed to donate. So it turned out that my mother and I had to take care of the graduation entirely. Our rich people didn’t need anything, neither gifts for the children, nor a party in the garden; they didn’t want to thank the staff, teachers, etc. The main thing they wanted was an animator. After such conversations, I did not discuss anything with anyone, but always consulted with one of our teachers. For which I am very grateful to her.

In the end, what we got) We dive under the cat)

We gave all the staff (two teachers, a nanny, two first teachers, a manager, a methodologist, a music director, a speech therapist, physical education, a swimming pool, two nurses), except for the laundress, the caretaker and the cleaning lady (we gave them a bouquet and 1000 rubles each). bouquet and plaque with poems and words of gratitude.

The janitor and the auxiliary worker were given a set of “tea and coffee.”

It’s a pity that I can’t show our plaques, these are samples...

These are the poems that were written on plaques for each individual)

This is for first time educators!

You accepted our children as little ones, who still spoke poorly. Today they came as graduates. Those who attended your junior group. You, like chickens, carefully counted everyone, When you took them under your wing, When you greeted them in the morning. Thank you for the warmth of your heart! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662

This is for our second teachers

Marina Viktorovna Thank you, bow to the ground, accept from all parents, and also carefully, lovingly, teach your other children. Bow for your golden hands, for your faithful hearts. After all, you worked, dear ones, not for the sake of a catchphrase. Thank you for the patience with which each of them was taught, for your worries and worries, for the heart that hurts like for relatives. We all parents want to admit: We love you very much! All you have to do is try not to forget and remember us! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

This is for our second nanny!

Elya Alexandrovna From the clear dawn, until dark, she is in our kindergarten. Who will bring lunch to the kids and tidy up the dishes? The children, of course, helped, they set the tables and learned not to crumble and not to apply sand. Our group is no more beautiful. Clean and bright all around! Maybe our nanny has not two, but ten hands? Let's say thank you to her now for her care and comfort and for devoting her work to the group during this time! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

This is for nurses!

Our restless children gave you trouble: either their knee was torn, or their forehead was slightly broken. You didn’t sit idle: put some drops in your nose, rinse your eyes. With kindness you knew how to heal all their abrasions. The children will not forget this, and our gratitude to you. The best doctor in the world is the one who gives people joy! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

This is a swimming pool for a teacher!

Anna Alexandrovna Under your strict guidance, all our children learned to swim. They ran to the pool with joy and delight when they enlisted your support. They stopped being afraid of water, They began to splash around happily, dive, And they learned to plunge headlong, And swim in crawl, breaststroke, and butterfly. Your children will remember the lessons forever. We sincerely thank you for everything! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

This is for the physical education teacher!

Physical education strengthened the children, introduced them to sports from a young age, taught them how to manage themselves, and there were no comments and no comments. We are very grateful to Yulia Vladimirovna. She invested everything she could into the children. We wish her a life without flaws, full of wealth and goodness. Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

This is for the music director!

It was not in vain that the children attended music lessons - They performed, in the end, despite their embarrassment! You weren’t strict with them, If you made a mistake, - In gratitude to the music teacher, Let’s smile from the bottom of our hearts! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

This is for the speech therapist!

Olga Sergeevna Oh, what torment there was - The children were unable to make sounds! Eternal mistakes: Instead of “fish” - “libka”. “Bowl” instead of “bear”, “Fifka” instead of “bump”! We will tell you a secret: a speech therapist will help everyone! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

This is for the methodologist!

Anna Alexandrovna So that the children would not live sadly, They did not count the crows, - There was a lot of entertainment. Our bow to the Methodist! Class of 2016 Kindergarten No. 2662 Group “Thumbelina”

For the manager, we made a “Letter of Thanks” as in the example.

The second teachers and the nanny also each have a graduation album with photographs and 10,000 rubles.

I read these poems to everyone - I. I thought I would die on the spot. I was in tears, my arms and legs were shaking, but I survived)

General words of gratitude for everyone:

On behalf of all parents, we would like to thank everyone for the warmth and care with which you surrounded our children every day. For the fact that step by step you helped them overcome first minor obstacles, and then more serious difficulties. Thank you for your patience, understanding and support. Largely thanks to you, our kids learned to be friends, respect the opinions of their elders, boldly move forward and not be afraid of change. You will forever take a place in the hearts of your little pupils. They will very often remember the fun and carefree time they spent next to those who helped them walk along the amazing path of childhood. Our parent team sincerely wishes all employees health, patience, success in their hard work, strength and inspiration in order to rediscover this world every time with their children.

The children were given: a graduation album - 2,750 rubles, an alarm clock, a logical game of multiplication/division, Legos for girls and boys. Of course, the children had the same thing - a personalized graduate ribbon, a medal, a diploma. I tried to discuss gifts for children with my parents, but as usual, someone went to the forest for firewood and didn’t offer anything in particular, and again I took the liberty and, without informing anyone, ordered such gifts.

Our hall decoration was like this, under the ceiling there were 60 balloons, which were then released.

Here's an arch.

Our group was the last of the 4 groups to graduate. They said that we had the most beautiful decoration and that they had never decorated like this before, it was nice to hear that)

At first, our children performed in their outfits, there was a waltz, a square dance, poetry, and games. Then the children went to change into costumes for the play, we had the theme “The Little Fly Goes to School” and while the children were changing clothes, the parents were shown a musical film from a compilation of photographs from five years of life in the kindergarten, I brought all the photographs) But I didn’t bring the film either I watched it because I was helping the teachers change the children’s clothes, but the music director will put the film on a flash drive for us)

After the performance, the teachers presented the children with gifts, ribbons, and medals. I said words of gratitude to the staff and we all went to the group where all the parents were standing...... and one mother and I set the tables for the children, what we had on the tables for the children: fruito-nanny juice, Oreo cookies, nut rolls, biscuit cookies in in the form of Cheburashka with condensed milk, sandwiches, grapes and bananas. The children ate with great pleasure, we parents (who were not proud) drank valerian champagne to relieve tension) The rich birds are proud, maybe they were offended that I took the whole organization of the holiday into my own hands, we didn’t drink, but there was a good valerian “Tsimlyanskoe”, The adults also had sandwiches and fruit. I also forgot to say that I also bought plain water for the hall, since after all, the event lasts a long time and suddenly someone would want to drink. I also supplied water for the staff. The cups are disposable.

Then we went to release the balloons)

In general, the holiday was a great success! Coordinated, calm, the children performed just fine.

After the event, we (my mother and I, my daughter, our godmother, the first teacher and the second teacher) went to the Azerbaijan pub. Our rich people called it a pub))) And the rich people went to the “Estate”, those located in Serebryany Bor on the second beach.

Maybe this is bad….. BUT……. I told them that our rich people didn’t want a graduation party, that it wouldn’t be a holiday for children, but it turns out that we would give gifts to the staff. That teachers and staff receive a salary and there’s no point in giving them gifts, there’s no point in supporting them. But we don’t GIVE gifts to the staff, but THANK the staff for devoting five years to our children. After that, discord began... Of course, the teachers were not pleased. Maybe I was wrong, but what's done is done. It’s just that, in general, all of us, parents and teachers, wanted to go somewhere to sit after the holiday. In my understanding, I wanted to go to a restaurant and just sit down, have a drink, talk, remember the five years of the children’s lives in kindergarten, etc., and the children could be in the children’s room, they could hire an animator. Everyone agreed. Our rich children's club "Hawklive" was found. An animator costs 3,600 rubles for two and a half hours per child, plus a children’s table, plus an adult table, and the prices there are for food……. Mom, don’t worry….. Of course, not everyone could afford it and this club was covered with a copper basin.

Everyone was invited to “Azerbaijan” and I don’t consider this restaurant a pub, there used to be a pub there once, but we have half of Moscow’s former pubs, but this doesn’t mean anything what kind of establishment it is now. I really love this restaurant!!! Yesterday when we arrived, I asked for a lollipop for my daughter, but they ran out of them, what do you think, the restaurant staff went and bought kinder and chupik for my daughter) And before that we celebrated my grandfather’s anniversary and we had a fountain of candles, they this was prohibited and again the staff went and bought candles for our cake! This is the attitude towards visitors)

The teachers and I sat very soulfully from seven in the evening until two in the morning, my daughter was with me! The children's room there is open until 12 at night!

This is how our graduation went, for which we had been preparing since March, I searched, ordered, negotiated) It was very difficult!!! But I don’t regret that everything was in my hands and I was sure that everything would go smoothly.

On Monday we will wait to see what the head of the group will say about our group and our graduation) Let's hope that our group will be remembered with a kind word)

PS We also donated a tree for the garden.

Total spent:

6,000 rubles, this amount included the graduation album - 2,750 rubles.

Balloons were ordered: - 11,000 rubles (but for two groups)

Plaques were ordered:

Personalized ribbons, medals:

Flowers were ordered at the Riga market from a girl who always bought bouquets for.

The tree was bought at a nursery in Novaya Riga - 2,650 rubles. The sign cost 1,600 rubles.

Festive table at graduation.

All children love sweets, fruits and pizza! You can make beautiful canapés from fruits and vegetables. Typically, graduation takes place in May, when it is warm outside, so it is better not to buy cakes and pastries. There is nowhere to store a large amount of such food, and while the children are performing, the sweets may spoil.

You can buy cookies and biscuits, they are stored at room temperature. It is better to choose juices, tea, mineral water as drinks, depending on the preferences and health of the children. Pizza can be ordered an hour before tea time. Sandwiches with cheese and boiled smoked sausage may not be amiss.

This menu is quite acceptable and loved by almost all children. Knowing their child’s preferences, parents should definitely discuss all the points in advance so that there are no unpleasant situations later.

Remember, this graduation party is for CHILDREN, not their parents. Therefore, everything should be focused only on kids!

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Graduation party for children of the first junior group. “That’s how big we are.”

Children and parents enter the hall and sit on chairs next to each other. All guests are greeted by adult clowns - Veselushka and Topotushka, dressed in women's costumes.

Veselushka. There are so many guests here! Adults and kids!

Hello boys!

Stomper. Hello girls! Together. Hello, dear guests! Veselushka. I am a cheerful girl, laughing and playful.

Everyone calls me - Ve - se - lush - ka, That's what kind of girl I am. Stomper. And I’m a mischievous To-po-tush-ka, Playful girl.

I don’t stand still, I like to have fun. Veselushka. Stomper, but the guests are bored, And why don’t they dance?

Stomper. And Veselushka and I will cheer everyone up, And we won’t let anyone get bored. Answer, kids, shall we take mommy’s hand? (Yes!) Shall we go dancing with mommy? (Yes!)

Children perform a dance together with their mother, from the collection “Top - clap, kids” . Veselushka. Oh, our kids, We had a lot of fun.

My mother and I danced together, what a great fellow. Stomper. That's right, Veselushka, our kids went to kindergarten.

We learned a lot here. We studied and tried so hard, Veselushka. And what did you learn? Stomper. And we'll tell everyone with a song,

Let us prove it with our movements. Children sing the song “We went to kindergarten . S. Yudina Stomper. Oh yes, kids, they have become very big, and they can do everything themselves.

Veselushka. Yes, they have a lot of knowledge,

They have so many skills. (Shows with hand movements) And children can be invited to visit the Magic Land. Do you want it, kids?

In a magical land, kids, we will need your knowledge. Stomper. Then it’s time for the kids to hit the road, and, of course, moms and dads.

Let's take mom's hand, Let's go to a magical land together.

Perform a musical game exercise “We are going” from the collection by A. Burenina and

T. Sauka “Top - clap, kids . During the second part of the music, children jump and adults clap their hands.

Veselushka. Stop!

We walked along the path together, and finally we arrived. Look, someone is meeting us, And greeting us with music.

The Fairy of a magical land, Igrulichka, comes in to the music. Adult character.

Toy. I am a fairy of a magical land,

Greetings, kids. In my country everyone plays and entertains each other. I also play with them,

And I open the fun to everyone. That's why everyone calls me Igrulichka, friends. Stomper. And you will play with us,

Will you show us some fun? Toy. I’ll show you and make everyone laugh now. Here is a magic chest. Stomper. What's in it?

Toy. It contains toys! The toys are not simple, all the toys are mischievous. It's worth picking them up

They will start reading poetry. Stomper. Oh, how interesting! Katya, Olya, Tolya, Dima, Dasha, Sasha come out, show everyone the magic toys.

Children approach the chest and take the toy in their hands. They tell poems about their toy. The owner abandoned the bunny - The bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn’t get off the bench, I was completely wet. Plush kitten Proshka, Can talk a little.

I press on the tummy - the cat says “Meow” to me. Who doesn't know this doll? You won't find a better doll.

It immediately opens its eyes, and you just pick it up. My car is good, it can drive without gasoline.

As soon as the key turns, the car will start. I took the teddy bear and sat it at the table:

* Help yourself, little bear. Eat honey, it’s very sweet! My cheerful, ringing ball, where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue, Can't keep up with you!

Toy. Now everyone wants toys

Let's dance together with you.

Children and adults perform a dance with toys from the collection “Top - clap, kids” .

Stomper. We danced with the toys, but we didn’t play. Shall we play with them children? We'll go for a walk with our toys,

Let's play hide and seek with them.

The game “Hide and Seek with Toys” . n. m.

Children with their mother and a toy walk scattered around the hall. Adults sing a song to the tune of “I will dispel my grief”, a Russian folk song.

“We walk with toys,

Look at us all.

Let's play together with them,

It'll be fun now."

Adults say: “Kids close your eyes, guess where the toy is.” Adults hide the toy behind their backs. Children call. Adults say: “Yeah, you found the toys, now run away kids . The game is played again.

Toy. All the toys have been played with!

All the toys danced! Back in the chest carefully, We'll put them back. The toys are returned to their place.

Toy. What clever guys you are, How quickly you ran away from the toys. Veselushka. And this is all because Our children were not lazy.

We did physical education. Everyone tried so hard for a whole year. Toy. Show us, children, how you played sports.

Children perform physical exercises to music in a playful way.

Toy. Everyone did their best,

You guys are daredevils.

Stomper. And now, Igrulichka, we are amused,

Show us something.

Toy. I have a magic TV.

I’ll show it to you, and invite you to watch funny cartoons.

On the interactive board there are slides with educational games - tasks for kids to distinguish the size, quantity, size and color of a figure. To determine the name of the animal and the baby.

Toy. These are savvy children, they recognized everyone, they guessed everyone. How big you are.

I will please you now, children. I'll take you on a magical carousel. The magic accordion will play and give all the children a ride.

Children perform dance and motor movements while playing the game "Carousel"

T. I. Suvorova

Stomper. Fairy, Igrulichka, what did you show us, and a magic chest, and an unusual TV, a carousel. What else will you surprise us with?


I'll show you the cockerel and the golden comb. He lives in the house with his grandmother and sings songs for her.

Fairy-tale music sounds and a fairy-tale action begins on the screen.

Toy. I need to call grandma

Show us the cockerel.

Everyone calls “Grandma!” Grandmother!" To the music. "Polyanka" district n. Grandmother and Cockerel come out.

Grandmother. The kids came to visit, but not alone, they brought their moms and dads with them. The cockerel and I are glad to see you, we have grown up and become big.

Oh oh oh! I sigh! Veselushka. Why, granny, are you sighing, shedding tears and crying bitterly? Grandmother. My cockerel is sick

He got wet in the rain. And now he can’t crow on his own in the morning. I'll go to the cow

I'll ask her for milk. Look after the cockerel, you, children, take care of him. Veselushka. Okay, grandma, go!

Come visit us soon. Grandma leaves.

(To the Children) Guys, we need to help Petya out, do you agree with me? (Yes!)

Shall we sing songs for Petya? (Yes!)

Children perform the song “Cockerel” by R. Rustamova with dance and motor movements.


The song was sung very loudly. Are you satisfied with the guests? (Yes!) Oh, look, Grandma is coming here herself.

To the music of "Polyanka" r.n. m. Grandma goes and leads the Cow.


Hello, Buryonushka, Dear little cow! My cockerel fell ill and stopped crowing.

Please help, give me some milk. Gives everyone health, Your fresh milk.

Cow. I’m glad to treat you, I just need to eat some grass. Grandmother. Eat, eat, Burenushka. Veselushka. And we will collect delicious grass,

And we'll bring it to the cow.

The game is played - the attraction “Collect the leaves” . There are green leaves on the floor, and children collect them in a basket while playing music.

Veselushka. Grandma, take some leaves,

Yes, treat Buryonka.

Grandmother gives the leaves to the Cow, the cow eats them and smacks her lips with pleasure.


Moo-moo-moo! Thank you, very tasty! Now I’ll treat you to milk and sing you a song. Veselushka. And we will help you

Let's all sing together.

Children perform the song “Cow” by G. Vikhareva.

Veselushka. The little cow sang a song to us,

Suddenly a sly fox appeared from behind a bush.

A fox walks to the music and sings a song based on the song “Fish” by M. Krasev.

“I sparkle with my red coat, I chase mice and bunnies. I am the most cunning in the forest, and that’s what I sing about.”

Fox. Oh, how I want to eat, Oh, how delicious it smells here. I’ll eat Cockerel and Buryonushka, I’ll be completely full.

The Fox creeps up to the Cow, looking around.

Grandmother. Help! Help!


Oh, little ones, help, and you will scare the fox. Clap your hands, stomp your feet.

The children clap and stomp, the Fox gets scared and shouts “I'm afraid!” runs away.


Thank you, kids, you saved us from the fox. Take the fresh milk, drink, Cockerel, for your health!

The cow gives away a can of milk, the Cockerel drinks and sings loudly


Cockerel. Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm singing loudly!

Thank you little cow

Dance with me, young girl.

Veselushka. You will dance more mischievously

And we'll play on the rattles more fun.

All the characters dance to the music “Oh, you canopy, my canopy,” a Russian folk melody, and the children play rattles to the music.

Grandmother. Thank you children, you helped us like big guys. See you later, kids! All the heroes bow and leave behind the screen to the music.


What brave children you are, you learned to do everything yourself: sing songs and dance, and even read poetry expressively.

They began to show ingenuity, to help out a friend in trouble. Stomper. Moms and dads are happy too: Our kids are big,

They know how to do everything themselves. Toy. Such kids need to be thanked, and something should be given to you. I'll give you some candy. (Shows a large fake candy)

Stomper. One candy for everyone

Yes, it's simple, even laughter!

Toy. No, not simple, but magical.

You need to take it in your hands and say the magic words.

Stomper. Tell them to us quickly!

Toy. Remember, children.

“I’ll spin the candy, wave it right, left. Miracle, miracle, come true, show us what’s inside.”

Stomper. Let's take some candy and let's start the magic.

Performs movements slowly to the text of the spell. At the end he opens a large piece of candy - and there is a treat for the children.

Stomper. What a wonderful candy

Thank you Igrulichka. It was fun to play with you, have fun and dance. But it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Toy. Okay go,

Come visit me again.

See you later, friends!

The children leave the hall in a cheerful march to join the group for refreshments.

Next >

Gifts for kindergarten graduates.

What to give to a little person who will soon begin a new and interesting school life for him? For such a case, there are many offers: a first-grader set, globes, backpacks, intellectual games, alarm clocks, books, etc.

The task of parents is to think, compare financial possibilities and make a decision. The main thing is the desire of the children, remember this. To avoid disappointment from missing the entertainment program, it is better to give gifts at the end of the holiday.

Typically, kindergarten graduations go like this: children perform, then there is a festive table and an entertainment program. It is better to organize the presentation of gifts after the program, then the children will be satisfied with what they saw and will be pleasantly surprised by the gifts!

Don’t forget about those people who taught, helped, supported, educated and invested their best in children. Educators will be pleased if their work is noted with attention.

Treat your teachers with respect. As a gift, you can choose a souvenir, a gift certificate, taking into account their hobbies, or a themed gift - music, sports, etc.

Garden prom clothes.

Every child on this day wants to be the most beautiful. The choice today is huge. Delightful dresses and beautiful costumes will transform every child.

The main thing is to be comfortable. Please take this into account, because the baby will have to wear smart clothes throughout the prom, and if they are not comfortable, the child will be nervous. It wouldn't hurt to have a change of dress, trousers, T-shirt or sweater. After the formal part, the child can be changed.

Photo of kindergarten graduates as a keepsake.

To remember this wonderful holiday with pleasure, it is important to think about organizing photo and video shooting. It’s better to order in advance so that it doesn’t turn out that the holiday is tomorrow, and the photo shoot is delayed for some reason. Usually services are ordered 1-2 months in advance.

Professionals will prepare a small photo story about a child’s life, putting it in a beautiful book. Shooting from ordinary garden life ends up in the graduation album, so it’s better to negotiate with photographers early.

You shouldn't skimp on this. There will never be such moments in life again. The baby will grow up and, flipping through the unforgettable pages of his kindergarten book, will receive magical memories.

Dear parents, remember - your child’s graduation party is a very important and unique event. Try to help your child spend this holiday with positive emotions. And let it pass without problems!

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