Summary of routine moments (morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast) for young children

Regular moments in kindergarten. Early age

Summary of routine moments (morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast) for young children (1-2 years old)
Compiled by: Elena Anatolyevna Yanchenko, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 11” in Seversk, Tomsk region. Goal: attracting children to participate in regime processes, developing cultural and hygienic skills. Objectives: • Develop children's ability to perform simple movements, combining their actions with the text of the poem; • Develop children's motor activity; • Continue to develop children's ability to wash their hands with soap before eating; • Develop the ability to find a towel from a picture, remove it from the hook, and wipe your hands dry; • While eating, teach to hold a spoon in your hand, eat carefully, and say thanks after eating. Material: wind-up cat (toy).
The teacher brings a cat (toy) into the group. Educator: guys, look who came to us? (Children's answers.)
- That's right, it's a cat.
The cat is kind, soft, fluffy. Pet the cat. Next, the teacher and the children examine the cat, marking its body parts, and imitate the cat. Educator: Guys, the cat really loves to play with kids, let's play with her and show how big we have grown. The musical and rhythmic exercise “We Learned to Walk” is performed, music and words by E. Makshantseva: We learned to walk, lifting our legs, This is how our kids walk merrily. One, two, the kids are walking merrily, One, two, the kids are raising their legs. The teacher and the children walk around the group to the lyrics of the song, then stop.
The teacher reads a poem, the kids repeat the corresponding movements after him: Like our children’s legs, they knock merrily.
Our people are remote, although very small. As soon as our legs get tired, we clap our hands, clap our hands, little tiny little hands! Now let’s raise our hands higher, higher, higher, clap like this - easy! Educator: Well done, guys, played well. The cat liked it. Now look how the cat walks (the teacher turns on the wind-up cat, she walks on the carpet).
- Guys, come on, you and I will go together with the cat.
The outdoor game “Let's go with the kitty” is played. The kitty praises the guys. And invites them to the washroom. Educator: guys, let's show the kitty how we wash our hands with water. We know, we know, yes, yes, where the water is hiding here. Come out, some water, we came to wash ourselves. To keep it clean, clean, together we wash our hands with soap. It is very important not to forget to rinse off the soap thoroughly. Children wash their hands, then the teacher helps them find their towels from the pictures:
Children wash their hands with warm water, wash, wash.
And then they go, take towels. Remove the towel and wipe your hands dry. Children go to the group. The teacher helps the kids sit down at the tables. Educator: Now it’s time for us to eat. Eating is not a game. You need to sit straight and look at the plate, don’t move around at the table, eat porridge with milk. What a delicious porridge, It was cooked on the stove, It was boiled, it was boiled, so that our children could eat it. “Guys, let’s take a spoon in our hands and show the cat how we can eat porridge with a spoon.” During breakfast, the teacher helps the children eat porridge, feeds the kids:
The porridge is very good, Eat the porridge slowly.
Spoon by spoon, ate a little. After breakfast, the teacher helps the kids push in their chair and thank them. Educator: Everyone has eaten, well done! Let's grow big! Now we’ll go play and take the cat with us. Let's show the cat where our toys live.

We recommend watching:

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Reading: I. Ishchuk “My Palms”

Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed.

Learn to dry and clean your clothes and shoes, strengthen the ability to make your bed

Didactic exercise “How to make the bed.”

Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand.

Reading N. Litvinov “The Kingdom of Cutlery.”

Improve the skills of correctly placing your things in the closet, strengthen the ability to tie shoelaces, and fasten sandals.

Conversation “Every thing has its place.”

Improve your washing skills, wash your face, and dry yourself with an individual towel.

Didactic exercise “Let’s tell the kids how to wash themselves.”

Continue learning how to make the bed: straighten the blanket after adjusting the sheet.

Reading S. Mikhalkov “I myself.”

Strengthen the ability to spread butter on bread with a knife, cut off a piece of meat or sausage.

Didactic exercise “Let’s tell the kids how to use a knife correctly”

Strengthen the ability to dress and undress in a certain sequence, use different types of fasteners.

Reading I. Bursov “Galoshes”, S. Mikhalkov “I Myself”.

Exercise “Who will put the clothes correctly and quickly.”

Continue to teach how to wash yourself properly and use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” (excerpts).

Improve the skills of making the bed, the ability to carefully cover the bed with a blanket.

Didactic exercise “Who will make the bed correctly and quickly.”

Conversation “How to properly eat a second course.”

Strengthen the ability to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair, and dress in a certain sequence.

Exercise “How we can put things in order.”

Improve the skills of proper washing and using an individual towel.

Reading A. Barto, P. Barto “The Dirty Girl”.

Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed.

Continue to teach how to dry and clean your clothes and wipe your shoes

Conversation “How to take care of your clothes.”

Strengthen the ability to eat the second course.

Improve your ability to use a napkin as needed.

Conversation “Culture of behavior while eating.”

Teach children to independently maintain cleanliness and order in their closet.

Conversation “How we clean up our closet”

Improve your ability to wash your face quickly and correctly.

Summary of a lesson on healthy eating in the preparatory group

Lesson summary for senior preschool children “Eat right - gain health.”
Description of the material: this material will be useful to teachers of senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Objectives: • Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about food and their significance for humans, about the concepts of “nutrients”, “correct”, or “healthy nutrition”.
• Developmental: Develop curiosity, the ability to highlight the rules of healthy eating. • Educational: To instill in children an attitude towards their own health and the health of others. Cultivate a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. NODE PROGRESS:
Q: Hello guys. I am a children's doctor, my name is O.V. Guys, two boys Mitya and Vitya came to see me. They are very sad because their stomachs hurt. Let's figure out why and help them. Q : - Mitya walks like Koschey, doesn’t eat soups, doesn’t eat cabbage soup, falls from weakness, and loves only sweets. Q: There lives a greedy boy in the world. His name is Vitya, he eats everything and a lot. Here's what he says: I always eat whatever I want - Chips, waffles, Chupa Chups. I don’t need your porridge, I’d rather have a cake with lemonade, I don’t want sour cabbage soup, I don’t like vegetables. So as not to bother with lunch - and the sausage will do for me. Dry - well, so what! Why is my lunch not good? And my last whim - Give me Kinder “Surprise”. Q : - Why do you think the boy Mitya is thin and weak? (Because he doesn’t eat anything except sweets). What is Vitya doing wrong? (He eats a lot and powders everything, including junk food). Listen to the poem and tell me, what important things are we going to talk about today? A person needs to eat, To get up and to sit down, To jump, tumble, To sing songs, to make friends, to laugh, To grow and develop, And at the same time not to get sick, You need to eat right, From a very young age you need to be able to. There are foods and drinks that are tasty and healthy, and there are foods that we love, but they are harmful to our body. Children who eat well grow quickly. If you eat only sweets, your teeth and stomachs will hurt. You need to eat in moderation, and you need to eat healthy foods. Q: Vitya and Mitya also give us advice on how to eat properly. And we will see if they are good or not. This is what they wrote to us: I am a famous glutton, Because I am very well-fed. I eat a lot, it’s hard to breathe, But I want to tell you And give you a lot of advice: If my advice is good, Clap your hands. To incorrect advice, say the word “No! " Be sure to wait until the end of the entire advice. Game 1 is being played. You need to eat constantly for your health. More sweets, candies and less porridge. Well, is my advice good? Can you tell me yes or no? (No). 2. Don’t bite vegetables and don’t eat delicious cabbage soup. It’s better to eat chocolate, waffles, sugar, marmalade. Is this the right advice? (No). 3. Remember forever, dear friends, You cannot go to sleep without brushing your teeth. If my advice is good, you clap your hands! (Children do not clap). 4. And when you are tired and want to sleep, take a Sweet bun to bed. Is this the right advice? (No). Q: Let's show Vita and Mitya what foods are best to eat. And to do this, let's go to the store together and choose only healthy products in our basket. Game “Shop” : Game, put healthy products in the basket. Q: Guys, we also need to tell Vita and Mitya about the benefits of vitamins. If we don’t get vitamins, then even the healthiest person will begin to weaken, his teeth will begin to deteriorate, his hair will begin to fall out and his eyesight will deteriorate. He will always feel tired and will start to get sick more often. A person needs all vitamins without exception. All vegetables and fruits contain a lot of useful substances. When we eat them, our body receives a large supply of vitamins so that we are healthy and do not get sick. Game “Vitamins” I have a bag - surprise, it contains fruits and vegetables from which you can make healthy juices, which contain a lot of vitamins. You must find one fruit or vegetable by touch, name it and tell what juice you can make from it. 1. Carrot - carrot 2. Apple - apple 3. Orange - orange 4. Banana - banana 5. Beet - beet 6. Pear - pear Fizminutka. Turnips, beets and carrots cleverly hid in the garden bed. (sit down, cover your eyes with your hands) We’ll pull the tops, we’ll get them out of the ground. (stand up, imitate the movements of “pulling the carrot” with our hands from bottom to top) The kids will have lunch: Borscht, mashed potatoes and vinaigrette. (high jumps with turns in different directions) Q: Guys. let's see what Vitya and Mitya understood? Vitya : There is a lot of vitamin: In beets, pumpkin and potatoes, In onions, garlic, peas, In cucumbers and tomatoes - And in cabbage and beans! Juicy and ripe, Red and white - Everything is good for the guys, All the doctors say so. Mitya : Vegetables and fruits are important products. Eat, grow, as much as you want. Eat apples and carrots to be strong and agile. Sing, play and exercise And be healthy! Forget about illness, cough, runny nose forever. Guys, we helped them buy groceries and told us where the most vitamins were, but Vitya and Mitya were completely confused about them. They do not know a single healthy and tasty dish. Shall we help the guys? Game “Cooks” Task : prepare healthy and tasty dishes (select the products needed to prepare the dish). 1. Borscht. 2. Compote. There are pictures of food on the table. You need to divide them into two parts: - those from which you can make compote - those from which you can make borscht soup Didactic game "Traffic Light". Q: Guys. You have red and green circles on your tables. Imagine that these are traffic lights and you are switching the light. If the rule is correct and you agree with it, then show the green circle. If the rule is incorrect, red should be shown. • Sit at the table with unwashed hands. • Eat at the same time at least three times a day. • Eat quickly, hastily. • Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits. • After eating, rinse your mouth. • Chat at the table, wave your arms. • Chew your food thoroughly. You did a great job, you completed all the tasks. And lastly, I want to write out a prescription for our patients. Eat healthy food, more vegetables. A very tasty and healthy vinaigrette salad. Q: Now sit down at the tables and see what you have. (album sheets, plates cut out of paper, vegetable preparations). You need to glue the vegetables onto the plates. Well done! What a delicious recipe we have!

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