Consultation for teachers “Organization of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten”

Initial acquaintance

The introductory parent meeting in kindergarten can be devoted to informing parents about the organization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

It is most advisable to hold it at the beginning of the school year, so that fathers and mothers have an idea of ​​​​the work of the kindergarten and have the opportunity to take an active part in the educational process.

Methodology for organizing and holding parent meetings

Speech at the methodological association of class teachers

Methodology for organizing and holding parent meetings

One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the educational system is the creation of a unified educational space in the family-school connection. The interaction of the teacher with the parents of students is aimed at creating a unified educational space. The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child are successful only if they become allies. Thanks to this interaction, the teacher gets to know the child better, comes closer to understanding his individual characteristics, develops the right approach to developing abilities, forming life guidelines, and correcting negative manifestations in the student’s behavior.

It is important for teachers to establish partnerships with the family of each student, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and community of interests. The successful work of an educational institution is possible only when all participants in the educational process - teachers, children, parents - become one, large and cohesive team. Forms of interaction between the class teacher and students’ parents can be both traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional ones include:

  • parent meetings;
  • school-wide and class conferences;
  • individual teacher consultations;
  • home visits.

Non-traditional ones include:

  • thematic consultations;
  • parent readings;
  • parent evenings

It is important to inform parents in advance about the timing of parent-teacher meetings, and already during the first meeting to familiarize them with the schedule of general events for the school year. Such foresight of teachers greatly disciplines parents and makes it clear that the school is interested in family problems and pays great attention to cooperation with them.

Cool parent meetings.

Class parent meetings are held once every quarter, but can be held more often if necessary. The parents' meeting should become a school for educating parents, expanding their pedagogical horizons, and stimulating the desire to become good parents. At the parent meeting, there is a discussion of students' achievements in academic and extracurricular activities. However, the discussion at the meeting should not be about student grades, but about the quality of knowledge and the degree of intellectual effort that the student demonstrates. It is necessary to prepare exhibitions of students’ creative works for the meeting.

Recommendations for holding parent meetings.

-The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state mistakes and failures in their studies.

-The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

-The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

The meeting should not engage in discussion or judgment of the student's personality. Individual conversations between the teacher and parents, consultations, help to establish direct contact between the teacher and the student’s family members, to achieve greater mutual understanding in finding ways to jointly influence the child. But in the life of a class, there are often cases when a teacher calls parents to school for a conversation, but they do not always make contact. The main thing here is not to give up, continue to fulfill your duties with soul and warmth, and the result will not be long in coming.

You need to speak with parents simply, accessiblely, convincingly and reasonably, but always with a feeling of caring for the child. Remarks that hurt their pride, constant complaints about the child, focusing on his shortcomings - this can only alienate parents and delay the achievement of the desired goal. We must try to ensure that conversations for parents become a natural form of communication with the school and are not preceded by the expectation of an unpleasant meeting with the teacher, so that the student’s parents feel that they are invited to school not only to receive edifications and reprimands, but for specific help in raising their child. It is difficult for a class teacher to imagine his work without the regular, friendly help of parents. The main purpose of the parent meeting is to enrich parents with new knowledge and experience, and to help in organizing family education. But at the same time, turn the parent meeting into the joy of worrying about the successes and achievements of your child.

Functions of parent meetings

1) familiarizing parents with the content and methodology of the educational process at school (characteristics of the curriculum used, teaching methods, a story about extracurricular activities, electives, clubs, etc.);

2) psychological and pedagogical education of fathers and mothers, which can be expressed in informing parents about the characteristics of a particular age, the conditions for successful interaction with children, etc.;

3) involving parents in joint activities with children (extracurricular activities - competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.);

4) joint resolution of organizational issues (food, duty, discipline and other problems)

Parent meetings must meet the following pedagogical requirements:

  • promote the formation of a cohesive parent team, fostering the social and legal responsibility of parents for raising children;
  • be carried out systematically, to ensure the future in solving educational tasks;
  • to help ensure the unity of educational influences of school and family on students;
  • contribute to increasing the authority of teachers, schools and parents;

show parents the successes of their children in education and upbringing as a result of the activities of teachers.

Advice from psychologists to the class teacher:

  • Before starting a meeting, it is better to “leave” a bad mood at the door.
  • Allow no more than 1-2 hours for the meeting.
  • The most pleasant sound for a person is his name. Place a list with your parents' names and patronymics in front of you.
  • Before the parent meeting begins, announce the issues you plan to discuss.
  • Don’t forget the “golden rule” of pedagogical analysis: start with the positive, then talk about the negative, and end the conversation with suggestions for the future.
  • Warn parents that not all information may be shared with children.
  • Thank everyone who took the time to come (especially fathers).
  • Let parents know that you understand how difficult it is for your child to learn.
  • In a personal conversation, evaluate your children's progress relative to their potential.
  • Make parents aware that “bad student” does not mean “bad person.”
  • The parent should leave the meeting feeling that they can help their child.

Not worth it:

  • Compare the progress of individual students and different classes.
  • Give negative feedback to the entire class.
  • Overestimate the importance of individual objects.
  • Choose an edifying tone for communication.

Stages of holding a parent meeting

Stage 1. Organizing a parent meeting.

This stage, of course, begins with setting the agenda for the meeting and inviting all participants to it. Experience shows that it is further reasonable to conduct an interview between the class teacher and subject teachers. The purpose of this meeting is a personal discussion of educational achievements and behavioral characteristics of students in the classroom. The information obtained can be used to analyze and summarize the main trends in the participation of schoolchildren in the educational process, otherwise any reasoning by the class teacher on this topic will be in the nature of private comments.

When preparing the meeting, you should also consider organizing the attendance of parents. Practice shows that this part of the work is much more important than monitoring entries in the students’ diary. It is very important to create an atmosphere of anticipation for the parent meeting: invite parents in advance, send out personalized invitations, prepare albums and video materials covering the extracurricular life of children, and prepare letters of thanks in advance to those parents whose children took part in competitions and Olympiads. The organizational part of the preparation stage is completed by decorating the classroom for holding a parent meeting there.

Stage 2. Preparing the script and holding the meeting.

The script and conduct of the meeting is the subject of the teacher’s creativity. The class teacher knows the parents of his class well and is sensitive to their mood. However, any meeting should, in our opinion, include 5 mandatory components:

1. Analysis of the educational achievements of class students.

In this part of the parent meeting, the class teacher introduces parents to the general results of the class’s educational activities; From the very beginning, it is worth warning parents that they will receive answers to private questions only during a personal meeting.

2. Familiarizing parents with the state of the social-emotional climate in the classroom.

The class teacher shares observations about the behavior of children in situations that are significant to them (in class, during breaks, in the cafeteria, on excursions, etc.). The topic of conversation can be relationships, speech, the appearance of students, and other issues. It is obvious that parents, just like teachers, must understand the mission of the school as an institution of socialization, in which the child receives the most valuable experience of interacting with other people, no less important than the sum of scientific knowledge.

3. Psychological and pedagogical education.

This component of the parent meeting does not need to be a separate meeting item; it can be naturally incorporated into the structure of other components.

4. Discussion of organizational issues

(excursions, class evenings, purchase of teaching aids, etc.) consists of two components: a report on the work done and information about upcoming activities: note that it is best to discuss financial problems in advance with the parent committee.

5. Personal conversations with parents.

At this stage, the number one object of attention should be parents of children with learning and development problems. The difficulty is that very often these parents, fearing criticism, avoid meetings, and the class teacher should strive to provide them with a sense of security, to make it clear that they are not being judged here, but are trying to help.

Stage 3. Understanding the results of the parent meeting.

Summing up the results of the meeting begins at the meeting itself: it is necessary to draw conclusions, formulate the necessary decisions, provide information on preparations for the next meeting. It is important to find out the attitude of the parents towards the meeting, it is reasonable to prepare in advance the necessary questionnaires for the assessments and wishes of the parents; all this will subsequently become a subject of reflection for the class teacher. The subject of the analysis will also have to be the personal composition of parents who remained for a personal conversation, questions from parents during the meeting, the attendance of parents, reasons for absence, participation of parents in the discussion, etc. Information about the results of the parent meeting should be communicated to the school administration and fellow teachers.

Objectives of the organized meeting

The first parent meeting in kindergarten involves solving the following important tasks:

  • strengthening contact between the family and the preschool educational institution by modeling the prospects for interaction for the school year;
  • development of parents' pedagogical competence;
  • improving the quality of the educational and educational process;
  • stimulating the interest of family representatives in the development and upbringing of their children.

Such a parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten is held with the participation of the head of the preschool educational institution, deputies for administrative and administrative affairs, medical assistants, a nurse, and parents.

First, the teacher talks about how a good tradition has developed in the kindergarten - holding a general meeting.

Minutes of parent meetings must be kept. The younger group of the kindergarten, representatives of the preparatory and senior groups are offered a surprise. The children were first asked the question: “Why do you love your mother, father, grandfather, grandmother.” Those present listen carefully to the children’s answers; some manage to recognize the voice of their son or daughter.

The teacher who leads the meeting notes that the most beloved and dear people for any child are his parents. The child needs their support and understanding. Without a relationship between the kindergarten and the family, it is impossible to create a joyful and comfortable environment for the child. What should such a union be? What can moms and dads do? How can a kindergarten help? The parent meeting, a sample of which is offered to readers, is aimed at introducing the activities of the preschool educational institution.

Consultation for teachers “Organization of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten”

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Ogonyok" of the municipal district of the city of Nerekhta and Nerekhta district of the Kostroma region

Consultation for teachers

Topic: “Organization and holding of parent meetings in preschool educational institutions”

Prepared by: teacher Popova E.E.

p. Kosmynino



Increasing the pedagogical competence of educators in organizing and conducting parent meetings.


  • Introduce teachers to the requirements for holding parent meetings;
  • Introduce teachers to the methods and stages of holding a parent meeting;
  • Introduce teachers to the rights of parent meetings.


preschool teachers.

Materials and equipment:

  • methodological recommendations of N.M. Metenova;
  • examples of parent meeting scripts and minutes;
  • tables and chairs according to the number of teachers;
  • memo for teachers.

Progress of the consultation:

“No matter how wonderful our preschools are, the most important masters who shape the minds and thoughts of children are the mother and father.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

A parent meeting is one of the main forms of working with parents. It discusses the problems of life of children and parents.

A parent meeting is not just a form of communication between a family and a preschool educational institution, it is a university of important pedagogical information.

If you approach parent-teacher meetings informally and creatively, parents will become like-minded people and help make the lives of children in kindergarten brighter, more varied and joyful.

The main goals of parent meetings:

  • increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the field of education and interaction with children;
  • attract parents of pupils to cooperation: jointly solve problems of adaptation, training, development and upbringing of children.

Requirements for holding a parent meeting according to the Federal State Educational Standard

  • Scheduled group parent meetings are held once a quarter. (September, December, March and May or June - final).
  • The topic of the parent meeting should be selected in accordance with the general goals, objectives and priority areas of the preschool educational institution.
  • Carry out preliminary and ongoing preparations for holding parent meetings.
  • Analyze the results of each parent meeting.
  • It is MANDATORY to keep minutes of the parent meeting.
  • Fill out the appearance form.
  • Introduce the governing bodies of the preschool educational institution to the decisions of the group parent meeting.

Recommendations for preparing and holding parent meetings

  • The meeting must begin at a strictly established time.
  • Maximum duration -1 hour (40 minutes with parents and 20 minutes with children).
  • Conducting a parent meeting requires careful preparation from the teacher, a kind of “scenario”, only in this case it will take place in an atmosphere of interest, with the active participation of parents.
  • As a rule, a parent meeting consists of two parts: general (conversation, analysis of a specific situation, planning, discussions, etc.) and individual (at the request of parents).
  • The main method of conducting a meeting should be dialogue. Only he will provide an opportunity to listen and discuss other opinions and proposals.

The main task of parent meetings is to look for joint ways to solve all kinds of problems.

Meetings can be roughly divided:

  • organizational;
  • installation (instructional);
  • introducing analytical materials about morbidity and attendance, medical examination without mentioning the names of children and parents;
  • advisory;
  • meetings convened to address any emergency;
  • joint with children and parents;
  • with assistance to individual families and children;
  • thematic;
  • meetings - debates;
  • informational and educational;
  • reporting (final).

During the meeting, the following methods can be used:

  • lecture;
  • discussion;
  • study;
  • socio-pedagogical training;
  • diagnostics;
  • psychological games;
  • master classes.

Of particular importance is the form of inviting parents to a meeting, indicating the issues that will be considered there. It is advisable to invite parents twice: the first time - 1 - 2 weeks before the meeting, and the second time - no later than 2 - 3 days, in order to confirm information about the date and time of the meeting.

The invitations are made together with the children.

Organizing a parent meeting

  • musical background is selected
  • video presentation, video film
  • sheets of paper and pens
  • photo exhibition
  • exhibition of children's works
  • design of posters, wall newspapers
  • survey
  • Master Class
  • contest
  • reminders for parents (required)
  • tea party

Main stages of holding a parent meeting

  • Opening speech by the leader of the meeting, introduction of guests.
  • Analysis of parents' questionnaires (by a teacher, psychologist, etc.) is carried out to provide a clearer picture of the problem discussed at the meeting.
  • Speech by the presenter on the topic of the meeting. It should be bright, concise, accessible.
  • Speech on the topic of a meeting of a specialist (psychologist, nurse, manager, teacher).
  • Discussion of the problem by parents.
  • Analysis by the teacher of the results of educational work with children on the topic of the meeting.
  • Completion of practical tasks by all parents.
  • Collaboration between parents and children.
  • The final part of the meeting. When concluding the parent meeting, it is advisable to sum up the results and evaluate whether the expectations of its participants were met.

It is important to keep track of time and complete the meeting at the appointed time. If any question remains unanswered, you can postpone its discussion to the next meeting or discuss it in the format of a consultation or training. Set aside specific times for individual communication with parents and between parents.

The parent should leave the meeting with the feeling that he must always help his child in everything.

Parent meeting rights

  • select the Parent Committee of the group and institution;
  • demand from the Parent Committee of the group the implementation and (or) control of the implementation of its decisions.

Each member of the parent meeting has the right:

  • require the parent meeting to discuss any issue within its competence if this proposal is supported by at least one third of the members of the meeting;
  • if you disagree with the decision of the parent meeting, express your reasoned opinion, which must be recorded in the minutes.

What should you not do at a meeting?

  • Discuss absent parents for not attending meetings.
  • Compare the progress of individual children by mentioning their last names.
  • Give a negative assessment to a specific child and/or the entire group.
  • Use an edifying tone, not normative vocabulary, to communicate with parents.

After all, teachers themselves are interested in ensuring that parents acquire the minimum pedagogical knowledge that is necessary for effective family education.

Parent meeting

  1. Scenario for holding a parent meeting
  2. Reminders for parents
  3. Memo for the teacher
  4. Progress of the parent meeting
  5. Parent meeting decision
  6. Minutes of parent meeting

If a survey was conducted, then the questionnaires

There should be 4 such sets. per academic year

Memo for the teacher

“Organization and holding of parent meetings in preschool educational institutions”

Requirements for holding a parent meeting according to the Federal State Educational Standard

  • Scheduled group parent meetings are held once a quarter. (September, December, March and May or June - final).
  • The topic of the parent meeting should be selected in accordance with the general goals, objectives and priority areas of the preschool educational institution.
  • Carry out preliminary and ongoing preparations for holding parent meetings.
  • Analyze the results of each parent meeting.
  • It is MANDATORY to keep minutes of the parent meeting.
  • Introduce the governing bodies of the preschool educational institution to the decisions of the group parent meeting.

Main stages of holding a parent meeting

  • Opening speech by the leader of the meeting, introduction of guests.
  • Analysis of parents' questionnaires (by a teacher, psychologist, etc.) is carried out to provide a clearer picture of the problem discussed at the meeting.
  • Speech by the presenter on the topic of the meeting. It should be bright, concise, accessible.
  • Speech on the topic of a meeting of a specialist (psychologist, nurse, manager, teacher).
  • Discussion of the problem by parents.
  • Analysis by the teacher of the results of educational work with children on the topic of the meeting.
  • Completion of practical tasks by all parents.
  • Collaboration between parents and children.
  • The final part of the meeting. When concluding the parent meeting, it is advisable to sum up the results and evaluate whether the expectations of its participants were met.

Parent meeting

  1. Scenario for holding a parent meeting
  2. Reminders for parents
  3. Memo for the teacher
  4. Progress of the parent meeting
  5. Parent meeting decision
  6. Minutes of parent meeting

Speech by the head

It is parents who are the first teachers. They must lay the foundations of intellectual, moral, and physical development in their children from early childhood. A parent meeting in a kindergarten group is an opportunity to get feedback, introduce the direction of the educational activities of the preschool educational institution, and answer the questions that moms and dads have in the process of education. The kindergarten operates according to the basic educational program of additional education in full compliance with the new federal state standards.

Preschool specialists conduct many interesting and educational events not only for students, but also for parents.

Joint activities are necessary, so parents should become advisers and helpers for their children. Next, the head invites parents to disperse into groups and continue conversations with the teacher.

Forms of conducting

You can take different topics for parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers. For example, during the meeting, messages are written to children in which parents talk about the feelings they have for them. The teacher offers to place ready-made materials containing not only texts, but also drawings on the stand so that the kids can see that they are loved by their mothers and fathers.

The teacher sometimes holds parent meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten together with the children, turning the meeting into a real family holiday. Joint activities bring children closer to their parents and form mutual understanding between them. How can you think through such a parent meeting in kindergarten? In the older group, kids enjoy active activities. To meet with parents, they, together with the teacher, can prepare a small concert, demonstrating their artistry and acting skills.

How can you hold a parent meeting in kindergarten? In the older group, in addition to songs and dances, preschoolers can read poetry and show moms and dads a small puppet show. The response from parents will be a fabulous journey through the “land of Pochemuchek”, during which everyone will become familiar with the rules of conduct in a preschool educational institution.

Non-traditional meeting option

Parent meetings in the senior group of kindergarten can be held in an unusual way. For example, a teacher offers an event on the topic “All children are real artists.” In accordance with the standards of the second generation, the priority direction of education is the formation of the child’s personal qualities and early diagnosis of talented children.

The main idea is to promote the establishment, development of cooperation and partnership between the child and his parents.

Such topics for parent meetings in kindergarten are relevant, as they allow solving the following problems:

  • expand the possibilities of understanding the baby by his parents;
  • improve reflection of relationships;
  • help develop communication skills with the child.

How are such parent-teacher meetings held in kindergarten? The Federal State Educational Standard allows the use of a round table model with certain practical advice.

The main purpose of the organized meeting is to introduce parents of pupils to the concept of giftedness, to create optimal conditions for the realization of the abilities of talented children, to stimulate and intensify their creative work.

Objectives of the event:

  • involving mothers and fathers in an active discussion of the problem of the influence of adults on the development of giftedness;
  • analysis of society's attitude towards talented children.

The meeting is preceded by serious preparatory work on the part of the teacher. He draws up small recommendations for parents, memos related to the topic of the meeting.

For the meeting itself, the teacher makes a thematic presentation in Power Point. The teacher uses ladybugs made by the children as souvenirs for the meeting participants.

Below is a sample protocol for a parent meeting in kindergarten. It involves indicating the topic of the meeting, the number of participants, options for issues discussed, and decisions made on them.

A meeting is held with tea drinking, parents are seated in a circle. The teacher begins the meeting at the “Talent Academy” with a greeting, presenting letters of gratitude and certificates to those mothers and fathers whose work is invaluable for the functioning of the preschool educational institution.

The teacher notes that within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, in the process of educating and educating preschoolers, the priority is the development of personal qualities, with special attention being paid to the search and development of gifted children.

There are no ungifted children in nature, so the task of the teacher and parents is to timely discover certain talents in preschoolers and help them in self-development and self-improvement. Some are interested in mathematics, others like chemistry, biology, and some children from an early age show interest in sports and various travels.

The responsible task of parents and teachers is patience and love for their children. Some children are quite shy, so you need to find an approach to them and awaken the desire to compete.

During the meeting, the teacher invites moms and dads to become active participants in games that are aimed at developing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

You can hold similar parent meetings in the middle group of kindergarten. As a task, the teacher offers parents the “mirror drawing” exercise. A blank sheet of paper is placed on the table and pencils are handed out. Moms (dads) must simultaneously draw mirror-symmetrical letters and drawings with both hands. In the process of performing such an exercise, relaxation of the hands and eyes should be felt, since the simultaneous work of both hemispheres contributes to the effective activity of the entire brain.

The program of such non-traditional parent meetings in the middle group of kindergarten can also include the game “Ring”. Its essence is that you need to quickly and alternately move your fingers, combining the thumb with the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, and index finger into a ring. During the warm-up, the exercise is performed with one hand, then both hands are turned on.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Development of the structure of a thematic parent meeting

Olga Petrovna Bashkirova, teacher, municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 179”, Samara city district

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Family and preschool institutions are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the comprehensive development of the child. Modern parents are quite literate, have access to pedagogical information, but often they use random literature, unsystematically, and therefore parents’ knowledge is chaotic [1, p. 28].

A positive result can only be achieved by uniting the family and kindergarten into a single educational space, implying interaction and cooperation between preschool teachers and parents throughout the child’s preschool childhood. Based on this, it follows that the issue of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most pressing today.

The purpose of the parent meeting: coordination and unification of the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks of the parent meeting

  1. Establish partnerships between teachers, children and parents.
  2. To help parents understand their educational role in the family, their position in communicating with children within the framework of family education.
  3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering pedagogical knowledge about the development of a preschool child and the ability to apply it in communication.
  4. Select methods of influence on the child that are appropriate to his age and individual characteristics.

Pedagogical theory and practice have developed a large number of different forms of working with families. The main form of work between teachers and parents is parent-teacher meetings. During each school year, kindergarten groups usually hold two or three planned parent meetings. Traditional forms of parent meetings are a meeting at which there is a main speaker - a teacher and several co-speakers, specialized kindergarten specialists or representatives of the parent committee. The teacher can also conduct a survey or a short discussion with parents about any issue in the life of the children’s group [2].

The structure of a thematic parent meeting consists of three stages [3].

Stage I - Preparatory

  1. It is necessary to warn parents in advance about the parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten and about the topic that will be discussed. The teacher should post the date and topic of the parent-teacher conference on the information board. It's even better if each parent receives a personal invitation to a parent-teacher meeting.
  2. It is necessary to prepare well in advance for the parent meeting. Write a plan, prepare visual and information materials, print out the required number of questionnaires for parents.
  3. It is necessary to agree with other kindergarten specialists on the topic of the parent meeting, their role at this meeting and give time for preparation.

Stage II – Basic

The first or introductory part is designed to organize parents, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, and concentrate their attention (topic messages, forms of meetings using short games and activities).

The second part (disclosure of the topic of the meeting) begins with a speech by the group teacher, senior teacher or other preschool specialists, covering the theoretical aspects of the topic under consideration.

The third part - “miscellaneous” - discusses the issues of keeping a child in kindergarten, spending leisure time, organizing joint events between the family and the preschool educational institution.

The fourth part is the decision; the results of the meeting are summed up, listing the decisions made on each of the issues discussed, recorded in the minutes.

Stage III - Final (reflective)

Summing up, it is important to find out the attitude of the parents towards the meeting, it is wise to prepare in advance the necessary questionnaires for the assessments and wishes of the parents - all this will subsequently become the subject of reflection. The subject of analysis will also have to be the personal composition of parents who remained for a personal conversation, questions from parents during the meeting, the attendance of parents, reasons for absence, participation of parents in the discussion, etc.

When holding a parent meeting, you must follow all stages of its structure. This will help us not only maintain its function, but also convey the theme of the meeting, as well as the comfortable presence of all participants. This way, the parent meeting will be effective.

  1. Arnautova E.P. We are planning to work with our family. // Management of preschool educational institutions 2002, No. 4. – 66 p.
  2. Zvereva O. L., Krotova T. V. Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution: Methodological aspect. — M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005
  3. Syagina N.V. Experience of interaction between family and preschool institution // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 23. — P. 518-521.
Next >

Discussion on the topic of the meeting

The teacher offers parents an interesting story. On distant islands located in the Pacific Ocean, a boy appeared with the makings of a brilliant Mozart. What kind of musical future awaits the child if there are no musical instruments on the island?

Scientists have been able to prove that any activity presupposes the mastery of certain qualities by a person. They help to cope with a specific activity and demonstrate a person’s success in this area.

In psychology, such qualities are called individual psychological characteristics. Capable people are distinguished by the speed of mastering various types of activities and the speedy achievement of their goals.

Specifics of giftedness

Abilities can be considered a complex formation, which includes not only various psychological processes, but also the harmonious development of the individual.

In general, they provide a fairly easy and productive acquisition of knowledge in various fields of activity, which is called giftedness. It can manifest itself in various areas of activity:

  • educational;
  • intellectual;
  • artistic;
  • creative;
  • educational;
  • communicative;
  • artistic.

To develop certain abilities, it is important to create optimal conditions for the child. The sensitive period is a time of maximum opportunities for the better development of some part of the psyche.

Also, to develop talent, you need perseverance and the ability to concentrate as much as possible to achieve your goal.

What else can be included in the parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten. The middle group is an excellent time for developing a positive attitude in children towards their unusual abilities, searching for a mechanism for their development and improvement.

In order to help improve giftedness, it is important to provide the child with freedom in choosing types of activities and alternating them. Adults should provide friendly and unobtrusive help and support, but not limit the independence of children in solving certain problems or resolving existing conflicts.

It is not necessary to include the full text of the conversation in the sample minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten; you can limit yourself to only the abstract version.

How are the minutes of the parent meeting drawn up?

During the meeting, it is necessary to draw up minutes - this is done by the secretary of the event. It can be any preschool teacher. The secretary can develop and use a pre-created minutes template and complete it during the meeting. Templates and samples of protocols for parent meetings in kindergarten are presented at the end of the article.

Minutes of preschool educational institutions meetings:

  • record the progress of the meeting;
  • provide a report to senior management on the implementation of assigned tasks;
  • record existing orders;
  • provide the opportunity to receive a report on the execution of tasks;
  • help in resolving disputes.

The legislation does not oblige the use of certain frameworks for document execution. It can be drawn up on A4 paper and filled out manually or using a computer. The document header should contain:

  • name of the preschool institution;
  • theme of the meeting;
  • date and location;
  • number of participants.

The “Agenda” section should display the issues that will be discussed. They need to be formulated briefly.

The “Reports” section contains:

  • a summary of the participants' speeches;
  • questions from participants;
  • answers to them.

At the end of the meeting, the minutes should contain all the information about the various issues discussed at the meeting, all the reports, as well as the solutions reached.

The minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten must be certified by the chairman and secretary of the meeting. Sometimes the protocol is also signed by members of the parent committee. If the purpose of the meeting was to inform parents about something important (For example: a flu epidemic, the danger from ticks, etc.), you can draw up a “Familiarization Sheet.” It is signed by all those present and added to the minutes of the meeting as an appendix.

Decisions made during the meeting are binding on all children and parents, regardless of their presence at the meeting. If an important decision was made during the meeting, it is necessary to familiarize all parents with it (even those who were absent). To do this, you can call or place an ad in the “parents’ corner.”

Helpful information

The teacher offers an introduction to the individual characteristics of each preschool age in an unusual form. He gives the parents present at the meeting certain cards, which indicate the mental and physical characteristics of the children:

  1. At this age, children love to listen to fairy tales.
  2. By the age of five, children begin to complain that other children do certain tasks and assignments incorrectly.
  3. At 4-5 years of age, a child’s growth stops at 4-5 centimeters per year.
  4. Until the age of 5, it is important to protect a child from serious physical activity that leads to spinal deformation.

It is useful to include a speech by a medical worker or child psychologist at parent meetings in the junior group of kindergarten. They will not only introduce mothers and fathers to the age and physical characteristics of their children, but will also give advice on conducting diagnostic studies.

During a meeting with parents, the teacher can talk about the importance of children doing simple physical work and small errands. For example, a baby can wash the floor, wipe the dust, or vacuum the carpet in the room.

Scientists have found that the first five years of life are the golden time for identifying and improving giftedness. At the age of 4-5, children learn to respect their elders, build relationships with peers, and leaders emerge among them.

Parents should also be informed that the lens of a preschooler's eye is different in shape from that of an adult. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the lighting of the desktop, at which a preschooler reads, draws, and plays.

To teach a child the rules of behavior, it is not enough to simply tell them. It is important that the child periodically performs such actions, that is, practice the received theoretical information. Only through the formation of skills, their development, and gradual complication, can you count on achieving the task.

Parents' meeting "The role of the family in the upbringing of preschool children"

Parent meeting

“The role of the family in the upbringing of preschool children.”
The format of the meeting is a round table.


1. Activate and generalize the educational skills of parents, maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. 2. Bring parents to a correct understanding of their educational role in the family, replenishing their positive experience of relationships with the child. 3. Organize work to educate parents about the development and upbringing of children.

4. Develop value-based content of family education, taking into account cultural and historical traditions.

Meeting plan:

Part 1: “The role of the family in the development and upbringing of a preschool child - a message from a teacher.

Part 2: Discussion - “Which method is more effective - praise or punishment?”

Part 3: The role of the older generation - grandparents in raising children in modern families.

Part 4: Family traditions.

Part 5: Children's holidays in the family.

Part 6: Summing up the meeting; Distribute instructions to parents: “About the rules of a child’s life in the family.”

Progress of the meeting


1 part:

Family -

this is a big word!
is a ringing word!

this .
is the sun shining,
Family is
the stars in the sky,
is all love. Love of sons and fathers, Love of daughters and mothers. We give you our love!... A.V. Sidorova

Hello, dear parents! We have gathered here today to discuss issues of family education and problems in raising children that arise at the present stage among parents.

To form a full-fledged member of society, capable of regulating his emotional life, for him to develop adequate self-esteem, a loving and understanding adult must always be next to the child. Obviously, it is possible to ensure such close, and most importantly constant contact only within the family.

The development of a child, his socialization, transformation into a “social person” begins with communication with people close to him.

All further development of a child depends on what place he occupies in the system of human relations, in the system of communication. A smile, a nod of the head, a word, a gesture or an arrogant look, a cry - replace the feeling of some contacts. The lack of emotional contacts always negatively affects the child’s personality. Parents' inattention to the child's feelings and needs hinders the child's healthy development.

In the first sensations from positive or negative contacts, children begin to pick up messages about themselves, about their value. Children's first feelings about themselves remain the most powerful force in their personal development, significantly influencing the psychological positions that children take and the roles they play. A lack of emotional communication deprives a child of the ability to independently navigate the nature of the emotional relationships of others and can lead to fear of communication.

Statistics show: in those families where there was a close and warm relationship between mother and child, children grow up independent and active. In those families where there is a deficit of emotional contact, children were distinguished by isolation and aggressiveness. In communicating with children and adults, the child masters the norms and rules of behavior and relationships, understands their expediency and necessity.

Relationships between children and adults in the family should be trusting, friendly, but not equal. The child understands: he still doesn’t know much, he doesn’t know how; an adult is educated and experienced, so you need to listen to his advice and words. However, at the same time, the child sees that adults are not always right, that the behavior of many does not at all correspond to moral principles. The child learns to distinguish bad from good. In the family, the child learns to express his opinion, has the right to argue, prove, reason; The family should support any manifestation of creativity, initiative, and independence by the child.

Whatever the child, he needs recognition of his individuality and the support of loving parents.

“Children are the mirror of the family” - this expression surprisingly accurately conveys the meaning of a child’s orientation towards the spiritual and moral values ​​of his family.

Each family has its own ideas about good and evil, its own moral values, and its own views on raising a child.

Part 2:

I offer you a discussion: “Which method is more effective - praise or punishment?”

Exchange of opinions, discussion of theses: “When choosing a punishment, have time to weigh its harm and benefits for the child.”

1 thesis.

Punishment should not harm health – neither physical nor mental. Moreover, punishment must be useful. To punish is, rather, to deprive a child of something good than to do something bad to him.

2 thesis.

If there is any doubt whether to punish or not, do not punish, even if you have already realized to yourself that you are usually too soft, trusting and indecisive. No “prevention”, no punishment “just in case!”

3 thesis.

One thing at a time. Even if many actions were committed at once, there is only one punishment, for all at once, and not one by one, for each offense.

4 thesis.

Statute of limitations: it is better not to punish than to punish belatedly, for example, for an offense discovered after a week, a month, or even a year - this is fraught with the risk of delayed mental development.

5 thesis.

No humiliation. Whatever the child’s guilt, punishment should not be perceived by the child as a triumph of our strength over his weakness, as a humiliation of his self-esteem.

6 thesis.

Punished - forgiven. The incident is over. The page is turned over as if nothing had happened. Not a word about old sins. Don't stop me from starting to live again!

7 thesis.

A child should not be afraid of punishment. He should not fear punishment, not your anger, but our chagrin.

8 thesis.

Punishment is not at the expense of love. Whatever happens, do not deprive your child of the care and praise he needs. Punishment should not sow doubt in parental love, but, on the contrary, intensify the child’s experiences. His love for his parents and the feeling of how much he is loved.

Part 3:

Dear parents, what do you think is the role of the older generation in raising your children? Is it possible to get by at the present stage without the help of grandparents? This is not about physical help, but about moral support. Is it possible to manage raising children without their advice and wisdom? I think you will all agree – it’s impossible! In such a family, knowledge and a willingness to show attention and rush to help are spontaneously developed. Remember warm evenings with your grandmother, good fairy tales and delicious tea with jam. This instills care for loved ones and the value of family. We have very rich and long-standing traditions of raising children. They are inherited.

Part 4:

What are family traditions?

Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is gathered and the festive service is taken out of the sideboard - then, after many years, elderly parents will not sit at the Sunday table alone.

If on September 1 you and your child plant a tree, or on New Year’s Eve you go to the forest with your children to decorate the tree with treats for animals and birds, or on May 9 you specially congratulate your grandfather or neighbor, a veteran, all this strengthens family ties and helps in raising children."

Maintaining trust in the family is another good tradition. Trust is the ability to honestly and directly discuss any, even the most complex, topics with each other. Maintaining mutual trust in the family is one of the most important tasks of parents. Imagine that you want to get into a locked house, but the owner of the house did not give you the key. What to do? Break down the door, climb through the window? It's unlikely that the owner will like it. Since he didn’t give you the key, it means he doesn’t want to let you in. The life of a child is a huge world. To enter it, to help the little master of this world, you need to have a magic key called trust.

Young children trust their parents and even adults. If your child is now telling you his secrets, respect it, don’t laugh, understand that this is important for him!

Part 5:

Do you think children's holidays in the family are a good tradition? Do our children need them?

Holidays for children are a good family tradition. Riddles, quizzes, educational games - develop the child’s mind. There is a holiday in the house - you need to prepare gifts, decorate the room, wash everything, clean it - this is how work enters the life of a child. And when we sing, draw, read poetry, dance, put on makeup, listen to music - aren’t we raising our children aesthetically?

What holiday would be complete without fun outdoor games, where dexterity and intelligence contribute to healthy growth?


And one more thing – a family is a team. It may be small, diverse in age, but a team. And the educational richness of collective work is clearly manifested in holiday worries. Family is the basis of everything good and positive, that is, in a child. Respect and love for family traditions is instilled in the family! Love your children, respect their opinions, desires and they will answer you the same! Be friends with children!

I would like to end our parent meeting with the poem “What could be more valuable than family?”

What could be more valuable than family?

What could be more valuable than family? Your father's house greets you with warmth, They always wait for you here with love, And see you off on your journey with kindness! Father and mother and children sit together at the festive table,

And together they are not at all bored, but it is interesting for the five of them. A baby is like a favorite to the elders, Parents are wiser in everything, Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner, And mom is closest to everyone, dearest. Love it! And appreciate happiness! It is born in a family, What could be more precious than it, On this fabulous land. (We distribute reminders to parents)

What is NLP

A separate topic for conversation with parents of preschoolers may be consideration of the mechanism of neurolinguistic programming.

With its help, you can get rid of significant emotional stress, improve performance, develop thinking, and form interhemispheric connections. The teacher invites parents to complete the exercise. They receive a sheet of paper with letters of the Russian alphabet. Under each letter it is indicated: L, P, or V. The upper letter must be pronounced, L - involves raising the left hand to the left, and P - movement of the right hand to the right, V - is the simultaneous raising of the arms up. The difficulty of the exercise lies in the fact that such manipulations must be performed simultaneously.

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