Parent meeting on the topic: “Environmental education of children in kindergarten and at home”

Non-traditional parent meeting in kindergarten. Middle group

Non-traditional parent meeting in the form of KVN on the topic “Friends of Nature” in the middle group

Prepared by: O. I. Grineva, teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 18 JV “Kindergarten “Center for Correction and Development of Children”, Building 3, Novokuibyshevsk, Samara Region
Integration: Cognitive, social-communicative, physical, speech. Goal : Creating conditions for cooperation between parents and children, their emotional and mental rapprochement; increasing the interest of parents in the environmental education of their children and ecology in general. Objectives: To identify the level of environmental culture in the family by surveying children and parents. Material : questionnaires for parents
Meeting progress.

Music is playing from the program “In the Animal World”
Educator1 More and more often we hear and pronounce the word “ecology”. Science is complex, important and necessary. The science is relevant. Environmental education is a continuous process of training, education and development of a child, aimed at the formation of his environmental culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature and the world around him. Educator2 As practice shows, modern preschoolers have a large amount of knowledge about nature. However, this knowledge is often formed spontaneously, under the influence of television programs, advertising, and cartoons. Only in the process of purposeful work of the kindergarten and parents can an ecological culture, ecological thinking, and environmental consciousness be formed in children. Our meeting today is just an attempt to look into the amazingly diverse, unsolved world of nature. An attempt to see and understand that the amazing is always nearby, you just need to be able to see and hear. Educator1 We must instill in children from an early age a clear understanding: man is part of nature. There will be no greenery, no animals - and he will not live on Earth. And vice versa: the richer the world around, the better it will be for a person to live in this world. A child’s knowledge of nature affects not only the area of ​​the mind, but also the area of ​​moral feelings. Therefore, while imparting to children knowledge about the animal and plant world, adults at the same time inform them of the rules of behavior in nature. Educator2 A person who does not see the beauty of nature is worse than a blind person: he has blindness of soul. And from someone whose soul is blind, do not expect kindness or honesty, devotion or courage. Educator 1 : So, we are starting KVN. Now I suggest you split into two teams. The first team will be called “Watercolor Children”, the second - “Watercolor Parents”. Our competitions will be judged by a jury consisting of teachers from the Watercolor group. Educator2 I would like the motto of our today’s KVN to be the words of Vadim Shefner from the poem “Man”: You, man, loving nature, At least sometimes feel sorry for it! On pleasure trips, do not trample its fields! Don’t burn it recklessly and don’t exhaust it to the bottom. And remember the simple truth: There are many of us, but she is one! Child: Let our jury be strict. We are a little timid. But the dream of victory is stronger. We will fight honestly. We will try very hard to make our KVN more fun. Educator 1 : So, the 1st competition. Team presentation. Have the teams introduce themselves (team name, team captain, greeting). “Watercolor children” are nature’s true friends! We are friendly, like one family! They came to play in KVN to know more about nature! “Watercolor Parents”: Each of us will protect nature, Our soul aches for every tree. We are ready to play today, and talk about nature together. Child It will be difficult to defeat us. We know how to be strong friends. We are inquisitive, smart, and we are waiting for an interesting game. 2nd competition. Warm up. "Fun Quiz" Educator1 Questions for the first team: 1.What flower are we talking about? Parachutes swing over the meadow on a twig (dandelion) 2. What bird is called the forest drummer? (woodpecker) 3. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on a tree? (squirrel) 4. What are baby birds called? (chicks) 5.Who builds a hut in the forest without axes, without corners? (Ants). 6.What can be used in the forest to brew tea? (Strawberry, raspberry, currant leaves, rose hips). 7.Why are trees needed in the city? Educator2 Questions for the second team: 1.What flower are we talking about? I am in the field and in the garden, in plain sight of passers-by. My head is white, It has sprouted with petals. (Chamomile). 2. Flower and seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. (Carnation). 3. What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she sleeps in winter) 4. Which bird always carries a bag? (Pelican, pelica is a bag in Greek). 5.Which shrub fruits are rich in vitamin C? (Blackcurrant, rosehip). 6.Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (In penguins). 7. Who has ears on his feet (grasshopper) 3rd competition “I’ll start, and you continue.” Educator1 1st team - The oak tree has acorns, and the pine tree...(cones) - The birch is curly, and the pine...(prickly) - The rowan tree has leaves, and the pine tree...(needles) Educator2 2nd team - In the fall, the birch tree is golden, and the pine tree...( green) - The aspen stands without leaves in winter, and the pine... (in needles) - Apples grow on the apple tree, and on the oak... (acorns) 4th competition. Captains competition. Each captain will be asked 3 questions. The number of points will correspond to the number of correct answers. 1. Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by. (owl) 2. In the summer you will find it in the swamp. Green frog. Who is this? (frog) 1. All four petals of the flower were moving. I wanted to pick it. He fluttered and flew away. (butterfly) 2. Its beak is like a chisel. He is a hard worker and for this reason, he will have a delicious beetle and bark beetle for lunch. (woodpecker) 1. It passes through the nose into the chest and goes back. It is invisible, and yet, we cannot live without it. (air) 2 . No beginning, no end, no back, no face. Everyone, young and old, knows that she is a huge ball (earth) Educator2 5th competition. Game 1 “The sea is agitated 2 “At the bear in the forest...” The game is played first with the first team, and then with the second team. Educator1 6th competition. Homework . Live pantomime. Our teams were given homework. We need to “revive” some of these pictures, without words, with the help of movements. This will be a riddle-pantomime for the opposing team. Team captains draw cards. The jury evaluates not only the correctness of the answers, but also the wit and accuracy of the pantomime. Each team shows a live pantomime, the other team must guess (natural objects: bear, hare, fox, frog, bird, fish). Educator1 : I see that everyone is in a wonderful mood, we can begin the next task. Game “If I come to the woods...” Educator : If I come to the woods and pick a daisy? Children : No! Educator: What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? Children : No! Educator : What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? Children: Yes! Educator : If I tie a branch, will I put a peg? Children : Yes! Educator: What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? Children: No! Educator: What if I mess up a lot and forget to clean it up? Children: No! Educator: If I pick up the trash, will I bury the jar? Children : Yes! Educator: I love my nature, I help it! Educator 2 : Now we will conduct a quick survey with the “Watercolor Parents” team. You need to answer very quickly - Who wears their house? (snail) - Not a bird, but with wings (butterfly) - What animal has a bush on its head? (elk) - Where do insects disappear with the onset of winter? (they hide in the ground) - List the coniferous trees (pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir) - What animals hibernate in winter? (bear, hedgehog) - What animals change color to winter? (squirrel, hare) -What can’t a plant grow without? (light, heat, water) 7th competition. Environmental tasks. Educator2 1. Vova and her mother went into the forest to pick mushrooms. -Look, look, mama bird is flying so low that I can catch her! Let her live at our house. “No, you can’t do that,” said mom. Why did she answer like that? Conclusion . She did not allow her son to take the bird, because she knew it was a chick that was learning to fly. He will grow up in the forest, but in captivity he will die. 2. One day Seryozha and his parents came to the river. There were many small fish swimming close to the shore. “Give me a jar, I’ll catch some fish,” Seryozha asked his parents. “You can’t catch them,” said the father and explained why. What did daddy say? Conclusion. Small fish are the fry of big fish. They need room for growth and development, but in a bank they will quickly die. And if everyone catches fry, there will be few fish in the river. Educator1 3. Kolya and Vitya were playing in the yard and saw a large blue butterfly land on a branch. “Let’s catch her,” Vitya asked. “You can’t catch butterflies,” said Kolya. “They’re of no use anyway,” Vitya answered. Which boy was right? Conclusion. It is impossible to catch and destroy butterflies, since the butterfly is not only a beautiful, but also a useful insect. She catches flies, mosquitoes, and midges in the air, which she feeds on. By killing insects that we think are “unnecessary,” we upset the ecological balance. 4. On Sunday, Katya and her mother went for a walk in the forest. Flowers bloomed on the lawns and birds sang. Katya saw large beautiful bells and wanted to pick a bouquet, but her mother did not allow her. Why? Conclusion. Bluebells are the beauty of the forest. Many people come to the forest and everyone admires them. In addition, small insects hide in the cups of the bell at night and in bad weather; if you pick the flowers, the insects will be left without houses. Educator1 This concludes our competitions Smart, skillful Perky and brave We played in KVN We showed our knowledge Educator2 And now the jury will sum up the results and announce the results of our competitions Educator1 So our KVN is over. You showed excellent knowledge. Therefore, all of you can rightfully be called friends of nature. And, of course, you will pass on all your knowledge and skills to your children. Educator2 Let's take care of the planet, There is nothing like it in the entire Universe, There is all alone in the Universe, What will it do without us? The meeting is over

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Signs about the weather in February

  • In early February it is warm and the snow is melting - a mediocre harvest.
  • If February is cold, it means a favorable summer.
  • February is cold and dry - August is hot.
  • Warm February means a cold spring, and frosty February means a favorable summer.
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  • Bright stars in February indicate frost, dim stars indicate thaw.
  • If February turns out to be rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same. A fine February foreshadows drought in the summer.
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  • Snowless February threatens summer drought.
  • The colder the last week of February, the warmer it will be in March.
  • Thunder in February means strong winds.
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