Teachers' Council Topic: "Development of speech activity through the use of all components of oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities"

Pedagogical advice on the topic: “Speech development in preschoolers: problems, solutions”

Recommendations: clearly and accurately formulate questions for children; include literary examples in the teacher’s speech (proverbs, sayings, poems)

2. Checking the documentation of teaching staff (Appendix 4.)

Analysis of the calendar planning of work on speech development indicates compliance with the requirements of the program, taking into account age characteristics, and the systematic nature of the material being studied. Teachers are always ready for classes and conduct them regularly. In the morning, teachers plan conversations, articulation, finger, breathing exercises, lexical exercises, word games aimed at expanding and activating the children’s vocabulary, individual work is planned, but vocabulary work with children is not always planned. In order for children to express their creativity, role-playing games, theatrical activities are systematically planned, and riddle evenings are organized.

An analysis of planning in preparatory groups for school showed that mainly traditional types of role-playing games are planned, which are characterized by an undeveloped plot, poor in content, and often have the nature of a game for only one day. Few dramatization games, director's games, or fantasy games are planned.

Plans for working with families of pupils include individual and group consultations, conversations, visual information in the parent corner, and exhibitions of special literature on children’s speech development.

Recommendations: Plan daily vocabulary work with children, individual work on the sound culture of speech, pay attention to speech education, setting and practicing the necessary sounds.

When planning role-playing games, plan the preceding and subsequent work (conversations, looking at paintings and pictures, etc.). Actively manage the role-playing game: teach role-playing actions, help carry out dialogues in the process of developing games, etc.

It is necessary to talk with parents, explaining to them the importance of children’s speech development and finding a timely solution to correct speech disorders. Organize thematic exhibitions for students and parents aimed at improving children’s speech. Show great creative initiative in working with parents on the speech development of pupils.

Duration - permanent, responsible - group educators.

3. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in groups (Appendix 2.)

In the groups, book corners have been formed in which literature is appropriately placed in accordance with the age of the children. Children love to look at illustrations and “read” books in the corners. The groups have didactic and printed board games. Card files of subject pictures for automation and differentiation of sounds; card index of articulation and finger gymnastics; There are manuals for developing fine motor skills, copywriting, lacing, finger games. The teachers have done a lot of work to create a play and theatrical area in the groups, and have selected attributes and masks for staging fairy tales. In groups No. 11, 10, 12 there are flannelographs and screens for acting out and showing theatrical productions.

TEACHING COUNCIL 4. Topic: “Speech development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”


1 TEACHING COUNCIL 4 Topic: “Speech development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard” Form of implementation: business game Purpose: to improve work in preschool educational institutions on the speech development of preschool children. Objectives: 1) to make teachers aware of the need to expand their knowledge in the field of speech development in children; 2) develop the ability to design and construct speech development processes in preschoolers; 3) create an atmosphere in the team for a creative search for the most effective forms and methods in working with children; Deputy Head of HE and MR Proceedings of the teachers' council. I am glad to welcome you to the next meeting of the Pedagogical Council. The topic of our meeting is “Speech development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.” Agenda: 1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous Pedagogical Council 2. Relevance of the problem of speech development of preschool children 3. Main directions and means of speech development of preschool children 4. Results of thematic control 1

2 5. Business game 1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous Pedagogical Council. 1. Teachers should constantly monitor the implementation of legislative acts relating to the organization of the educational process in children's associations; plan and conduct classes in accordance with the principles of health conservation, and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards of the educational process. Responsible: teachers of all groups. Deadline: constantly 2. Continue to promote a healthy lifestyle among parents through parent meetings and information stands, using traditional and non-traditional forms of interaction with the families of pupils. Responsible: educators. Date: constantly throughout the year 3. Carry out physical education activities together with parents for children of all groups on Child Protection Day. Responsible: educators, music. leaders Date: June 1. 2. The relevance of the problem of speech development in preschool children: Everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying human functions. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as an individual. It is impossible to judge the beginning of the personality development of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. Speech development is the main indicator of mental development. The main goal of speech development is to bring it to the norm defined for each age stage, although individual differences in the speech level of children can be extremely large. Soshnina A.S. Children who did not receive appropriate speech development in preschool age have great difficulty catching up; in the future, this gap in development affects their further development. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and subsequent successful learning at school. The main tasks of speech development are the education of the sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, its coherence when constructing a detailed statement - are solved at each age stage. 2

3 However, from age to age there is a gradual complication of each task, and teaching methods change. The specific weight of a particular task also changes when moving from group to group. The teacher needs to imagine the main lines of continuity of speech development tasks that are solved in the previous and subsequent age groups and the complex nature of solving each problem. In addition, the development of speech and verbal communication of preschoolers in kindergarten should be carried out in all types of activities, in different forms, both in special speech classes and in partner and independent activities. 3. Game “Smart Men and Clever Girls” Now I offer you the game “Smart Men and Clever Girls”. Rules of the game: - all teachers play - time to think about one question is no more than 10 seconds. - if the teacher believes that he knows the answer to a question, he raises a signal. - if the answer is incorrect, other teachers can give their answer, but also on a signal. - for each correct answer to a question, the teacher receives a medal - if the teacher collects 5 medals, an exchange is made for 1 order - in the end, whoever collects the most orders will become the “Wise Teacher”. The theme of our game is “Methods of speech development for preschool children.” Questions: 1. Name the main tasks for the development of speech in preschool children. 1. Vocabulary development. 2. Formation of the grammatical aspect of speech. 3. Nurturing the sound culture of speech. 4. Formation of conversational (dialogical) speech. 5. Teaching storytelling (monologue speech). 6. Familiarization with fiction. 7. Preparing children to learn to read and write. 2.Name the types of coherent speech. (monologue and dialogic speech) 3. What forms of dialogic speech do you know? (conversation, conversation) 3

4 4. Name the methods of developing speaking skills - Unplanned short conversations during routine moments - Specially organized scheduled conversations: individual and collective - Verbal instructions - Joint examination of pictures, children's drawings, books - Uniting children of different ages - Organizing a visit to another group - Role-playing games - Work activity 5. Name the structural components of the conversation. Structural components: 1. Beginning 2. Main part 3. Ending 6. What technique is considered leading when organizing a conversation? (question) 7. What types of questions does the teacher use when organizing a conversation? - Questions of a search and problematic nature (Why? Why? For what? How are they similar? How to find out? How? For what?) - Generalizing questions - Reproductive questions (What? Where? How many?) 8. What types of monologue speech exist? 1. Retelling 2. Storytelling based on a picture 3. Storytelling about a toy 4. Children’s storytelling from experience 5. Creative stories 10. Name the means of speech development. 1. Communication between adults and children; 2. Cultural language environment, teacher’s speech; 3. Developmental subject environment; 4. Teaching native speech and language in the classroom; 5. Fiction; 6.Various types of art (fine, music, theater); 7. Labor activity; 4

5 8. Children's parties 12. Which means of speech development is the leading one? (communication) 13. What techniques are aimed at developing communication? 1. Role-playing game 2. Household activities 3. Verbal instructions 4. Conversation 5. Interview about paintings, drawings, books. 16. Name practical methods for developing speech - Didactic game - Dramatization game - Labor activity 20. Name the main methodological methods for developing speech in young children. 1. Show with naming 2. “Roll call” 3. Request “say” and “repeat” 4. Prompting the right word 5. Instructions 6. Questions 6. “Live” pictures 7. “Children’s cinema” 8. Shadow theater 9. Story adult without reinforcement by demonstration (from 2 years old 6 months to 3 years) (At the end of the game, medals are counted, exchanged for orders, and the winner is determined) Well done. So, I became a “wise teacher.” Congratulations! (we present a certificate). The game showed your knowledge of the methods of speech development for preschool children. You have the theory. Now let's see how things work in practice. In our kindergarten, a thematic control was carried out “Speech development in a kindergarten” 5

6 Deputy Head of HE and MR Results of thematic control (reference). Thus, we see that for our kindergarten this problem of speech development is relevant. I propose to discuss this problem and find ways to solve it. Brainstorm Think and say what problems in the field of speech development should be noted. (Practical part) (Ineffective organization of the developmental environment for speech development Lack of a methodological base Ineffective system of work for kindergarten teachers to develop phonemic perception and pronunciation of phonemes) I propose to unite in pairs, choose one of the directions and determine ways to solve the tasks. You are given 5 minutes to work. Practical part (making a plan) Time has come to an end. Let's finish. And I will ask you to present your work. Presentation of the plan Each pair of teachers tells those present what ways of improvement they have found. Our meeting of the Pedagogical Council is coming to an end. Today we recalled the methodology for developing the speech of preschool children, and outlined the main ways of speech development for the children of our kindergarten. In conclusion, I would like to know: - What will you personally change in your work to improve the speech development of the children in your group? 6

7 Write down your answer. And the second question: - What forms of work need to be introduced into the kindergarten system for the effective development of pupils’ speech? Draft decision of the Pedagogical Council (discussed and approved). 1.Improving the subject-specific developmental environment in groups in accordance with the age of the children Responsible: educators 2.Organization of consultation for educators “Creating a speech center in the group” to the city Responsible: Deputy Head of HE and MR 3.Optimization of methodological support for the speech development of pupils until September 2022 A) Replenishment of methodological literature B) Creation of a library of children's fiction C) Selection of didactic games for speech development D) Update of visual material Responsible Deputy Head of HE and MR 4. Organization of a master class “Game exercises for the development of the grammatical structure of speech of preschoolers”, “Development of phonemic awareness in children”, “Activation of children’s vocabulary”. 7

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