Forms of kindergarten work with families
MADOOU d/s "Ivushka"
teacher Kharkovskaya L.N.
Forms of kindergarten work with families
The forms of work of preschool institutions with parents are varied: live speech, demonstration of educational work, organization of exhibitions, pedagogical libraries, involving parents in active participation in the life of the kindergarten, etc. This work is carried out in two directions: individually and with a team of parents.
Traditional forms of work:
Traditional forms are those forms that are time-tested and standard for all preschool institutions not only in the city, but also in the country. These include:
1. Presentation of kindergarten
A child’s admission to kindergarten is a very important moment for every family. The presentation of the kindergarten is a celebration of introducing new children and their parents to the kindergarten, staff, premises, and programs under which the kindergarten operates. The main task is to arouse joy in the child from the first minutes of communication, to form a positive image of the kindergarten in the minds of parents, and to demonstrate a spirit of interaction and mutual insight into each other’s problems. This event requires a lot of preparation, but brings huge returns, facilitates the process of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, reduces the level of parental anxiety and fears about the child’s stay in kindergarten.
2.Parent meetings
One of the most traditional forms of working with parents. Their goal is to increase the level of educational skills and pedagogical culture of parents.
Rules for holding parent meetings:
1. The parent meeting must be thoroughly prepared. Two weeks before the meeting, post a notice in the group lobby indicating the topic, date and time of the meeting, and prepare booklets for parents with a summary of the meeting. Think through all organizational aspects: from furniture arrangement to possible questions from parents. You can’t put parents in highchairs, and teachers and administration in regular ones. Communication should take place on the same level.
2. Invite parents to prepare a speech on a certain topic. Organize the presence of the head and teachers working with children at the meeting to give the event significance; establish emotional contact with parents, demonstrate the administration’s interested attitude to the problems of raising and educating children.
3. Communication should be informal and friendly. Parents at the meeting are active participants and partners in discussing the problem. Dialogue is encouraged, not a monologue by the teacher, voicing the rules necessary for parents to follow.
4. Teachers of the group must treat parents with respect, take into account the authority of the family and the experience of family education.
5. It is mandatory to provide feedback, discuss the results of the meeting with parents, agree on measures to overcome difficulties and implement the child’s development plans.
3. Seminars and consultations for parents
The purpose of the seminar and consultation is to increase the pedagogical literacy of parents on the issues of raising and educating a child, solving problematic issues, and enhancing the pedagogical skills of parents. Their topics can be determined by analyzing parental needs and interests, for example, through a survey. Consultations and seminars can be conducted face-to-face for a group of parents who are interested in a particular issue, or individually. Their goal is to help parents resolve difficult pedagogical situations and inform them about the child’s successes and achievements.
4. Visual material
The most important thing in outreach work with parents is the design of visual materials for parents. These can be information stands, booklets, leaflets, memos, an internal kindergarten newspaper, a wall newspaper.
Information stand for parents “Visiting card of the kindergarten”, which presents the following information:
- License to carry out educational activities;
- Last name, first name, patronymic of the head, reception hours for parents;
- Name and telephone number of the parent organization;
- Areas of activity of the kindergarten: brief description of groups, programs, list of additional services;
- Information about personnel;
- Kindergarten diplomas and certificates.
Information stands in groups are designed to exchange information on issues of raising and educating children, introducing parents to work plans for the near future, and disseminating pedagogical knowledge.
The design is done in such a way as to attract the attention of parents;
The content of the proposed material should be truly interesting to most parents.
Booklets, leaflets, memos
The advantage of information booklets, leaflets and memos is that they are targeted, that is, each parent receives the information personally and can read it at a convenient time.
The booklets can provide information about the kindergarten, group, specific area of work of the kindergarten, for example, artistic and aesthetic education, additional services, etc. You can use photographs of children and teachers, poems about kindergarten.
Leaflets are short information about a specific event, an invitation to an open lesson, etc. It is advisable that the information leaflet be printed on colored paper to attract the attention of parents.
The leaflets will introduce parents to a set of certain rules in order to implement a unified educational approach between family and kindergarten, for example, in matters of adapting a child to kindergarten.
The internal newspaper of the kindergarten is dedicated to a specific topic, for example, children's health, play activities, literacy, development of creative abilities, etc.
The newspaper has regular columns:
- Adults about children;
- Specialist consultations;
- Children's News;
- The kids say;
- Our achievements (about the successes of the kindergarten).
Publishing a newspaper requires serious work from a creative team of kindergarten teachers and certain material and technical costs. The newspaper must be published regularly.
5. Pedagogical conversations with parents
This is the most accessible form of establishing communication between a teacher and a family; it can be used either independently or in combination with other forms: conversation when visiting families, at a parent meeting, consultation.
Goal: to provide parents with timely assistance on this or that issue of education, to contribute to the achievement of a common point of view on these issues.
The leading role here is given to the teacher; he plans the topic and structure of the conversation in advance.
When conducting a conversation, it is recommended to choose the most appropriate conditions and start it with neutral questions, then move directly to the main topics.
6. Visiting family
The teacher of his group must visit the families of his pupils.
The purpose of visiting a pupil’s family may be to support the child’s success, develop contacts with the family, study the experience of family education, or jointly discuss what is significant for the family and kindergarten; this serves as material for designing subsequent interactions with parents and other family members.
7. Open days
is a form of interaction with parents that opens the door to the world of kindergarten. On this day, the kindergarten staff presents their achievements to the families of the pupils. Parents (and other family members) become familiar with the services of the preschool educational institution; the program for its development and educational program, in accordance with which the educational process is carried out; observe specially organized activities with children, and also participate (with the support of teachers) in a variety of joint activities with children. On this day, it is important to introduce families to the system of education and parent education that has developed in kindergarten (goals, content, forms, methods of work) and invite them to interact in various educational areas: physical education and health, artistic and aesthetic, environmental and local history, etc.
“Open Day” is relevant at the beginning of the cycle of interaction between kindergarten and family. As the kindergarten, together with the family, strives to develop interactions and move from one quality level to another, the “Open Day” will transform into permanent open relationships between children, parents and teachers.
9. Questionnaire
One of the active forms of receiving and exchanging information on various issues of kindergarten work. Questioning helps the teaching staff obtain the most complete information on certain issues, analyze it and correctly plan further work in this direction. On the other hand, questionnaires help parents think more seriously about this or that topic, evaluate their teaching capabilities, style of relationship with the child, etc.
Questioning has long been firmly established in the work of kindergartens; this form of interaction with parents has advantages:
- Quickly obtain information on any problem;
- Reliability of information;
- Opportunity to reach all parents.
By analyzing the parents’ responses, teachers receive information about the family, the parents’ requests and expectations in relation to the kindergarten, the child’s characteristics, the parents’ readiness to interact with teachers on certain issues of education, the quality of nutrition, etc.
The questionnaire must include:
- Polite address to parents;
- A brief introduction outlining the purpose of the survey;
- Questions and, if necessary, possible answers to them;
- Thank you for your interaction at the end of the questionnaire.
Non-traditional forms of work are new forms of work that help better assist families in raising and educating a child.
Parents are ready to support the initiatives of teachers aimed at satisfying and developing the interests and needs of children. But modern parents are adults, educated people with life experience who know how to analyze the situation, therefore, in solving a number of problems, the teacher is obliged to use pedagogical innovations and new non-traditional forms of work. These include:
1. Competitions and projects
Holding various competitions makes it possible to strengthen the interaction of the kindergarten with the families of pupils and to intensify pedagogical communication between parents and children. An important aspect of holding competitions is the competitive spirit, which helps parents of the same group unite and increases the initiative of inactive parents.
The content of competitions may vary. These can be traditional competitions or those corresponding to the theme of the work plan. When preparing a competition, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the competition, participants, jury composition, evaluation criteria, and awarding of winners. It is necessary to familiarize parents with the provisions of the competition in advance and give them sufficient time to prepare it.
The results of creative competitions can be presented to parents in the form of a wall newspaper in the hall, an exhibition, etc.
This interesting form of work helps parents of the group get to know each other better, share experiences of family education, and intensify creative communication between parents and children.
The announcement of the competition is posted in the group lobby in advance. Additionally, each family receives a leaflet with the conditions of the competition.
2. Round table with parents
Goal: in a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, discuss current issues of education with parents.
Parents who have expressed in writing or orally a desire to participate in a discussion of a particular topic with specialists are invited to the round table meeting.
3. Business games
A business game gives room for creativity. It brings the game participants as close as possible to the real situation, develops the skills of quickly making pedagogically correct decisions, and the ability to see and correct a mistake in a timely manner.
There is no specific, narrowly targeted scheme for conducting business games. Everything depends on the competence, abilities and creativity of the leaders.
The approximate structure of the game is as follows:
1. Preparatory stage, which includes determining the goal, objectives of the game, organizational rules governing the course of the game, choosing the character(s) in accordance with the roles, preparing the necessary visual material and equipment
2. The course of the game, which consists in the fulfillment of the necessary rules and actions by all participants in the game.
3. The outcome of the game, expressed in the analysis of its results.
The purpose of business games is to develop and consolidate certain skills and the ability to prevent conflict situations. Roles in business games can be distributed in different ways. Educators, managers, social teachers, parents, members of the parent committee, etc. can participate in it. A referent (there may be several of them) also takes part in the business game, who monitors his object using a special observation card.
The theme of business games can be different conflict situations.
4. “Clubs” (family)
Family clubs are informal associations of parents created to solve practical problems of education. They are usually organized by a group of enthusiasts: teachers and parents. The activities of family clubs are based on voluntary principles. In family clubs, critical parents become aware of not only the shortcomings, but also the advantages of their own children (compared to those of others), and enthusiastic parents see not only the advantages, but also the shortcomings of their children. In family clubs, children gain valuable experience communicating with people of different characters and find themselves in different role positions (for example, older, experienced - for kids).
A family club is one of the effective channels for transmitting, preserving and developing the values of family culture, as well as an interesting and effective form of interaction between a kindergarten and a family. By uniting children of different ages and adults raising them (parents and teachers), the club ensures a living connection between generations, passing on all the best that the older generation has. Being an informal source of education, the club presents the best examples of educating preschool children in families and kindergartens.
5. Questions and answers evenings
A specific type of club meeting. Evenings of questions and answers provide concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of issues, which are often controversial in nature, and the answers to them often turn into heated, interested discussions. The role of question and answer evenings in equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge lies not only in the answers themselves, which in itself is very important, but also in the form of these evenings. They should take place as relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons in pedagogical reflection.
Parents are notified of this evening no later than a month in advance. During this time, methodologists, educators, and social educators must prepare for it: collect questions, group them, distribute them among the teaching team to prepare answers. At the evening of questions and answers, it is desirable for the majority of members of the teaching staff to be present, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, social educators, psychologists, etc., depending on the content of the questions.
How to organize questions from parents? Typically, methodologists and educators use parent meetings, questionnaires, and all kinds of questionnaires for this. At parent meetings, they announce the time for the question and answer evening, provide the opportunity to think through the questions and record them on paper, and parents also have the opportunity to think through the questions at home and present them to the teacher later.
6. “Meetings and acquaintances”
- these are meetings, the purpose of which is to get to know the families of the pupils in a variety of ways and to get acquainted with the teachers raising the child in kindergarten. To do this, you can use special methods:
- “Choose a distance” (the teacher declares an object to be a symbol of the meeting being discussed with parents and places it in the center of the room. Then invites parents to stand at such a distance from the object that could best demonstrate their closeness or distance in relation to the topic of the meeting. Each one of the parents explains the distance he has chosen in one phrase.
- “Associative series” (the teacher writes on a poster hanging in the room a word that serves as a stimulus for parents’ creative thinking. This reference word should be directly related to the topic of the meeting with parents and affect their emotional sphere. A question mark and the second word, which is a parody first, can be written side by side. Parents are invited to continue this series during the time allotted at the meeting, coming up with new associations. As a rule, parents do this willingly, without expecting repeated stimulation from teachers).
- “The language of photographs” (the teacher lays out photographs on the floor that are directly related to the topic of the meeting. Each parent chooses one photograph and, having first named his first and last name, briefly comments on his choice. At the same time, he expresses the associations he has in connection with the photograph , thoughts, feelings and establishes their connection with the topic of the meeting).
- “Mirror of the group” (teachers hang a pre-designed poster on the wall and ask parents to introduce themselves in turn. Each parent briefly talks about himself, and at this time the teachers record his personal data and hobbies on the poster).
- “Family symbols” (teachers invite each parent to draw some drawing, image or symbol on a business card near the surname, with the help of which other participants could better remember the surname. During the task, parents can consult and help each other when drawing. After After each participant draws his symbol, he explains what connection exists between the symbol he drew and the surname (connection), etc. [6; 35]
7. Holidays in kindergarten
An important factor in a child’s personal development is satisfying his need for positive emotional contacts with loved ones, primarily with his parents. Such contacts help establish family holidays in kindergarten.
A family holiday in kindergarten is a day that unites families of pupils, teachers (educators, music directors, etc.) on the occasion of some event.
Organizing family holidays is one of the effective forms of cooperation between children, teachers and parents, aimed at solving the following problems: overcoming obstacles in communication between adults and children; development of the ability of raising adults to understand the emotional states and feelings of children; parents’ acquisition of experience in holding family holidays, based on the recommendations of teachers and specialists.
The team that plays the main, long-term and most important role in the upbringing of a child of primary preschool age is the family. Social, household, moral, legal, psychological and aesthetic relationships develop in the family. In the family, the child receives his first work skills, helps elders in the household, does school homework, plays, and helps organize leisure and entertainment; learns to consume various material and spiritual goods. The family develops the ability to appreciate and respect the work of other people: parents, relatives; the future family man is being raised. There is still no single definition of family in science. There are different concepts of family: Family is a social institution in which the interests of society, family members as a whole and each of them individually are intertwined. The family is a multifunctional system.
A family is a group of people consisting of husband, wife, children and other close relatives living together. A family is a group of people united by common activities, interests, friendship, or they are simply people living in the same village. The family is a complex multifunctional system; it performs a number of interrelated functions that are important for society and necessary for the life of every person. The functions of the family are influenced by factors such as the demands of society, family law and moral standards, and real state assistance to the family. Therefore, throughout the history of mankind, the functions of the family do not remain unchanged: new functions appear, the contents that previously emerged die off, or are filled with other content. There is a close connection, interdependence, and complementarity between the functions, so any violations in one of them also affect the performance of the other. Considering the family, we come to the conclusion that the family is very multifunctional and it has such functions as: reproductive (procreation), educational, economic, leisure function, communicative, central function of love, etc.
- Traditional forms (these are forms that are time-tested and standard for all preschool institutions, not only in the city, but also in the country). These include: presentation of the kindergarten, parent meetings, seminars and consultations for parents, visual material, pedagogical conversations with parents, family visits, open days, correspondence between teachers and parents, surveys.
- Non-traditional forms (these are pedagogical innovations, new forms of working with parents). These include: competitions and projects, round tables with parents, business games, family clubs, question and answer evenings, acquaintance meetings, holidays in kindergarten.
Thus, the use of traditional and non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and the family helps to increase the effectiveness of work with parents.
List of used literature:
1. Vasilkova Yu.V., Vasilkova T.A. Social pedagogy. – M., 1999.
2.Grebennikov I.V. Fundamentals of family life. - M., 1991.
3. Dubrovina I.V., Danilova E.E., Prikhozhan A.M. Psychology. – M., 2003.
4. Evdokimova E.S., Dodokina N.V., Kudryavtseva E.A. Kindergarten and family: Methods of working with parents. – M., 2007.
5. Zhdanov A. Family education techniques. – Arkhangelsk, 1990.
6. Zvereva O.L., Ganicheva A.N. Family pedagogy and home education. – M., 2000.
7.Kalyanova N.D. Interaction between teachers and parents in the interests of the child // Family in modern society (collection of abstracts of the III regional conference of psychologists). N – Mar, 2007. p. 7-11.
8. Klemantovich I. Modern family: structure, specifics, educational opportunities // Education of schoolchildren. - 1998. - No. 4. - pp. 2-5.
9. Kovalev S.V. Psychology of the modern family. – M., 1988.
10. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy. – M., 2008.
11.Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy and home education. – M., 2000.
12. Makarenko A.S. About education. – M., 1988.
13.Metyonova N.M. Parent meeting in kindergarten. – Yaroslavl, 2000.
14. Mustaeva F.A. Fundamentals of social pedagogy. – M., 2001.
15. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology. - M., 1999.
16. Nemov R.S. Psychology. – M., 1995.
17. Osipova L.E. Working in a kindergarten with a family. – M., 2008.
18.Educational psychology/ Ed. N.V. Klyuevoy. – M., 2003.
19. Plotnieks I. Psychology in the family. – M., 1991.
20. Psychology of family relationships with the basics of family counseling / Ed. E.G. Silaeva. – M., 2002.
21. Radugin A.A. Psychology and pedagogy. – M., 1999.
22. Satir V. How to build yourself and your family. – M., 1992.
23. Fromm A. ABC for parents. – M., 1994.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
“Cooperation between family and preschool educational institutions: traditions and innovations”WHAT ENTERED HIS MIND AND HEART FROM THE WORLD AROUND IT DECISIVELY DEPENDS ON WHAT PERSON TODAY’S CHILD WILL BECOME ON.
(Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)
Family is an integral part of society, which contributes to the formation of a harmonious personality.
It has a huge impact on the children who live in it. It helps you determine your moral guidelines. Despite the fact that in kindergartens, schools, sections and clubs, teachers strive to convey to the little person basic knowledge, skills, moral truths, and the experience of mom and dad, their attitude towards each other plays a major role in shaping the child’s personality.
Parents and grandparents lay down:
- ability to love;
- understanding your traditions;
- attitude towards people, including the opposite sex;
- the ability to appreciate help and provide it yourself;
- line of behavior in society and the ability to live harmoniously in it.
Only among loved ones and relatives does a person feel protected. He feels needed and this gives a person self-confidence. Helps him overcome difficulties and cope with failures.
The family is the beginning of everything, it is the connection between past generations and current ones. Each cell of society has characteristic features: the presence of marriage, children, maintaining a common household. It is where a person, his views, skills, and spiritual values are formed. And our task is to do everything to preserve it.
The family is a model for the formation of interpersonal relationships.
Family and kindergarten, school, traditional institutions for educating the younger generation, are always the focus of attention of science and society, which, as researchers note, is associated with the eternal problem of the collision of social and biological determinants. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) recognizes the primary role of the family and parents in the care, education and protection of children. With the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the formation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” dated December 23, 2012 No. 273-FZ, the prerequisites arose for equal, creative, interested interaction between the family and the educational institution. The family, together with the educational institution, creates the most important set of factors and conditions of the educational environment, which determines the effectiveness of the entire educational process. On the one hand, there is a high need for cooperation between the two leading educational systems, the level of mutual demands of parents to the educational organization, teachers to parents has increased, at the same time, parental control over the educational process has increased, and the practice of involving parents in management (parents' council) is being formed. On the other hand, sometimes there is some alienation between parents and teachers. The problem of cooperation between family and educational organization is noted by many modern scientists and teachers, including the deputy scientific director of the National Research University Higher Preschool Educational Institution of Economics, Doctor of Economics Lev Lyubimov: “The role of parents today is one of the main failures of the kindergarten and preschool educational institution. Most people view educational institutions as storage facilities . There is an urgent need to update such an important area of activity of a general education institution - as the interaction of a preschool educational institution with the student’s family. [4; With. 53].
We assumed that an educational environment based on cooperation between family and preschool educational institutions will be successful if organizational and pedagogical conditions for cooperation are created that develop the educational potential of the preschool and family educational environment.
We believe that the main reasons for the problem of cooperation between families and preschool educational institutions are:
- pedagogical and psychological illiteracy of parents
- rigid parenting stereotypes
- personal characteristics of the parent and teacher brought into communication. Traditional education provided parents with the basics of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, but did not take into account the emotional and activity components, which undoubtedly reduced the quality of parental education. Modern pedagogy actively calls for the implementation of a competence-based approach in working with parents, which expands the scope of traditional education and aims the teacher at developing practical skills in parents, which consist in mastering various types of educational activities based on subject-subject relationships, characterized by trust, dialogical communication, focus on joint search for solutions to pedagogical problems.
In modern society, the relationship between family and educational organization in matters of personal development and education is gradually transforming into social partnership. The family begins to be active in integration, uniting into communities of fathers, mothers, and grandmothers, whose communication is facilitated by new information technologies. [1; With. 23].
A kindergarten teacher not only plays the role of an educator, but is also a partner of parents in raising children.
Working with parents is a complex and important part of the work of teachers. In our pedagogical practice, we are faced with such a problem as the interaction between the teacher and the family. Therefore, when working with parents, we use both traditional and non-traditional forms of cooperation.
Traditional forms:
- collective (parent meetings, conferences)
- individual (conversation, consultation)
- visual (open day, moving folders, stands, exhibitions).
Non-traditional forms:
- information and analytical (survey, test, questionnaire)
- leisure (holidays, exhibitions)
- educational (meeting in a non-traditional form, trainings, workshops, brainstorming)
- visual information (parents visiting preschool, watching videos)
In our work with parents, we use not only traditional forms of work, but non-traditional forms of interaction have proven themselves especially well, as they allow us to establish informal contact between parents and teachers.
Of the non-traditional forms, leisure activities in my work with my family turned out to be the most attractive, in demand and useful. During such events, positive emotional contact is established between the teacher, parents and children. My group annually hosts: holidays, entertainment, leisure activities dedicated to March 8, February 23, Family Day, etc., in which parents actively participate:
- sports entertainment “My dad is the best friend” ;
- leisure time for Mother's Day “My Dear Mommy” ;
- sports event for March 8 “Come on, mommies” ;
All these events take place within the walls of our institution: the sports and music hall, on the sports ground and simply on the site.
Parents expressed great interest in participating in the direct educational activities of the group, where they can independently prepare material on the topic, having previously discussed it with the teacher, and organize an interesting educational event for children. Such joint educational activities are very interesting for both parents and children. For example, we had an interesting event with my mother, . ”
Also, in our work with parents, we use such non-traditional forms of work as master classes, round tables, on a variety of topics, such as:
- round table “Boys and girls – two different worlds” ;
- master class “Sensory development and imagination of preschool children at home” ;
- master class “Volume paper snowflake” ;
- master class "New Year's crackers" .
Being in a group in a quiet, peaceful, non-formal environment, all parents can plunge into the world of childhood, feel like a child again and fulfill their unrealized childhood dreams by showing imagination and creativity. During master classes, parents can talk about their children, discuss with each other and with the teacher issues that interest them. [4; With. 36].
Thus, a modern preschool educational organization and family, combining their pedagogical potential, using new forms of collaboration based on social partnership, create a relevant educational space for the child.
Thus, of course, the preschool educational organization is assigned a coordinating role in organizing a system of cooperation with the student’s family. Recently, the teacher, the head of the preschool educational institution and parents are increasingly striving to work in a creative union. Their relationships become democratic, going beyond the “manager-subordinate” .
Preschool education as a public institution is designed to strengthen the educational potential and authority of the family by organizing productive pedagogical relationships with the parents of its students.
- “Development of the sphere of education and socialization in the Russian Federation in the medium term . Report of the expert group // “Education Issues” . – 2014. – No. 1. — P. 6-58.
- Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. URL: https://www. edu. ru/files/discussion/appeal. html (date of access: November 18, 2015).
- Popova M.N. Cooperation between family and preschool educational institutions as a pedagogical problem // Scientific opinion. Saint Petersburg. – 2015. – No. 4. — P.72-74.
- Prokopyeva M.M. System of social and pedagogical self-organization of the family: Author's abstract. dis. doc. ped. Sci. - Moscow, 2017. - 51 p.
- Sukhomlinsky V.A. The wisdom of parental love / Comp. A.I. Sukhomlinskaya. – M.: Young Guard, 2016. – 304 p. 6. Fadeeva E.I. Family and preschool educational institutions: developing cooperation. Toolkit. – M.: TC “Perspective” , 2015. – 112 p.
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Organization of work with parents in a modern preschool educational institution
- February 2, 2021
“The way childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky In conditions when the majority of families are concerned with solving problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has increased. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out upbringing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.
Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality at an early age.”
Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other.
Misunderstanding between family and kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.
How to change this situation? How to get parents interested in working together? How to make parents participants in the educational process?
Therefore, having recruited a group of kids, I began to work on the problem of interaction between kindergarten and family on the topic “Organization of work with parents in a modern preschool educational institution.” Work to involve parents in the joint activities of the preschool educational institution was carried out in four directions.
Information and analytical direction
In order to study the family, clarify the educational needs of parents, establish contact with its members, and coordinate educational influences on the child, I began work with a survey “Cooperation between kindergarten and family.” Based on the collected data, I analyzed the peculiarities of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and developed the tactics of my communication with each parent. This helped me better understand the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.
I developed a criterion for myself , which I called the “involvement” of parents in the educational process. At first, this criterion reflected quantitative indicators of the presence of parents at group events: attendance at parent meetings and consultations; the presence of parents at children's parties, the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions and thematic classes; participation in exhibitions, opening days; publication of magazines and books; visiting the “Open Day”; assistance from parents in equipping the pedagogical process.
qualitative indicators for myself : initiative, responsibility, parents’ attitude towards the products of joint activities of children and adults. This analysis allowed us to identify three groups of parents.
- Parents are leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process and see the value of any work of a child care institution.
- Parents are performers who take part subject to significant motivation.
- Parents are critical observers .
A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of types of families:
- active participants in the pedagogical process, interested in the success of their children
- interested, but willing to solve problems with the help of specialists
- indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”
I had the opportunity to have a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.
Cognitive direction
The cognitive direction is to enrich parents with knowledge in matters of raising preschool children. The joint work of preschool education specialists (speech therapist, educational psychologist, art teacher, physical education instructor, senior nurse) to implement the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, making parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process. Based on the goals of the entire institution, I formulated my goals as follows:
- Creating conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents.
- Establishing trust and partnership with parents.
- Involving families in a single educational space.
For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, I set myself the need to solve the following tasks :
- Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
- Work closely with the families of your students.
For this purpose, I used active forms and methods of working with parents:
- visiting families of pupils at home
- general and group parent meetings
- consultations
- classes with parents
- exhibitions of children's works made together with parents
- joint excursions
- Communication days
- Days of good deeds
- Open days
- participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays and leisure activities
- design of photomontages
- joint creation of a subject-development environment
- morning greetings
- working with the parent committee of the group
- conversations with children and parents
- trainings
- workshop
- parents' living rooms
- helpline
- Trust mail
- family vernissage.
As a result, the level of educational activities of parents increased, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative.
Knowing how important the atmosphere of friendly relations between the teacher and parents is, the first parent meeting “Let’s get to know each other” in a non-traditional form. I prepared for it very carefully, because the success of the meeting is largely ensured by its preparation.
I selected the music, prepared invitation cards, and tried to create an atmosphere of kindness, comfort and warmth in the group. It began with a greeting and gratitude to send the child to our kindergarten. The game “Let's get to know each other and be friends” brought the adults together (everyone stood in a circle and told a little about themselves). At first everyone was embarrassed, but this feeling quickly gave way to joy and interest. A minute of getting to know each other helped relieve tension, because parents sitting at the same table more than once during the meeting needed to discuss a situation or issue together.
Soft lighting, musical accompaniment, and a friendly tone of narration contributed to the creation of a trusting atmosphere and helped parents talk openly about problems.
For meetings, I prepare an exhibition of children's works or a photo stand, where I use photographs from family albums and the life of the group. At every meeting I express my gratitude to the parents who pay a lot of attention to their children and help in working together. It was very nice to see the happy eyes of the parents when they were presented with certificates or gratitude, in the poetic form of their own composition:
Our parents are wonderful people. The meaning of education for them is extremely clear. After all, only creativity and work will give us personality in the future.
Thank you for your great work, for everything you did with your soul!
We have a dad in the group. He is a great assistant. He saws, repairs and planes. He helps us a lot in everything.
Dads, moms - well done! They help us with everything. They whiten, paint and sing, And play games.
Parents became active participants in all activities in the group, indispensable helpers, and learned to interact with each other as play partners.
I did a lot of work with parents when preparing their children for school .
Notes for joint classes “Land of Knowledge”, “Visit Winnie the Pooh”, “We are the children of planet Earth” were developed, workshops and trainings were held “Factors for the successful preparation and adaptation of children to school”, “Are you ready to send your child to school”? school”, “Defining the role of parents in the pre-school and school life of the child”. As a result, the educational experience of parents was enriched and the effect of family preparation for school increased.
The theme of the workshop, “Family on the threshold of a child’s school life,” was suggested by conversations with parents and analysis of children’s responses during classes on speech development. A survey of parents “Going to school soon”, interviews with children, tests “Do I want to go to school”, analysis of children’s drawings “How do I imagine myself at school”, and parents “How do I imagine my child at school” were conducted.
Joint preparation brought me and my parents, parents and children closer together, and made families friends. An atmosphere of goodwill became characteristic of other common activities in the group. Many parents have discovered hidden talents that they were unaware of until they had to draw themselves.
Specialists were invited to the meeting: school teachers, speech therapist. If at the beginning of the meeting there was some tension, a feeling of uncertainty, anxiety, then by the end of the meeting there was cheerfulness, mutual sympathy, emotional openness and interest in each other.
The work carried out contributed to increasing the attention of parents to the experiences of the child in the preschool period of life. Parents got acquainted with the requirements that the school places on students, received recommendations on speech development, and were offered games and exercises to develop children’s mental abilities, games with letters and numbers.
Visual information direction
The visual information direction includes:
- parent corners
- moving folders “Healthy”, “According to the advice of the whole world”
- family and group albums “Our friendly family”, “Our life day by day”, “Education from all sides”
- library - moving
- photomontages “From the life of the group”, “We are friends of nature”, “In the family circle”
- photo exhibitions “My grandmother is the best”, “Mom and me, happy moments”, “Dad, mom, me - a friendly family”
- family vernissage “My best family”, “Family is a healthy lifestyle”, “Learn to be a dad”
- emotional corner “This is how I am today”, “Hello, I’m here”
- piggy bank of good deeds.
The form of work through parent corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective and help me activate parents, I use the following headings: “What and how to keep a child occupied at home”, “We asked - we answer”, “Children say”, “Pug noses”, “Grow up”, “Thank you” ", "This is interesting", "Let's play", "With all my heart", "Pay attention." They contain practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child does in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, and assignments.
The activity of parents in creating photo newspapers and exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. Visual information provides an opportunity to convey any information to parents in an accessible form and tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities.
Leisure direction
The leisure area in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; see how others do it, that is, gain experience interacting not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole. The group carried out:
- holidays “Mother’s Day”, “Come on grandmothers”, “Birthday”, “My best family”
- entertainment “Family gatherings”, “April Fool’s Day”
- “All professions are needed, all professions are important” (meeting with an interesting person)
- sports activities “Family - healthy lifestyle”, “Growing Up Day”
- vernissage “In the world of feelings and emotions”, “Our daughters and sons”
- joint projects “My Pedigree”, “My Family”
- publication of family newspapers “I am with my grandmother”, “We relax with the whole family”, “Miracle - child”
- exhibitions of family collections, heirlooms “From Grandma’s Chest”, “That’s the Outfit”
- performances “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”
- joint trips “Into the world of beauty”
- excursions “We are friends of nature”, “Let’s protect our nature”
She developed holiday and entertainment scenarios together with her parents. To make these events educational for children and parents, we have developed a specific algorithm for preparing for family holidays:
- Highlighting the goals and objectives of activities for children, parents and teachers.
- Consultations for parents
- Drawing up a plan for the event and parental participation in it
- Distribution of adult roles
- Making invitation cards.
- Preparation of individual numbers (learning poems, dances, songs)
- Drawing up a memo-assistant for parents and children
- Individual meetings and consultations
- Production of attributes, aids.
The work being carried out allows us to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relationships.
It was a little scary to hold the first family holiday : the children are small, the parents are unfamiliar. We called it "Family Gatherings." But everything turned out to be quite simple, although some parents were wary at first.
The whole holiday was built on “parents-children” games, because the purpose of the meeting was: to develop relationships between children and parents through inclusion in joint activities, to enrich relationships through emotional communication. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says, “A child grows not from bread, but from joy.”
A holiday in kindergarten is joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by both adults and children. Parents are the dearest and closest people! They saw that the children were proud of them, they wanted to dance, sing songs, and play with them. Years will pass, children will forget the songs that were played at the holiday, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication and the joy of empathy. The celebration ended with the words:
Take care of each other! Warm with kindness! Take care of each other, don't let us offend you. Take care of each other, forget the vanity and in a moment of leisure, stay close together! (0. Vysotskaya)
In preparation for the holiday, I designed posters: “It happens that an hour of playing together, shared impressions will remain in the memory of a child for life,” “Being a friend of your children is much more difficult than feeding and clothing them,” invitations in the shape of a heart, selected together with music director, prepared prizes and medals for parents for participation. Parents and children were very happy and happy.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Children are happiness created by our labor. Classes and meetings with children, of course, require mental strength, time, and labor. But we are happy when our children are happy, when their eyes are filled with joy.” Therefore, I decided - let the holiday meetings take place constantly and be bright, useful and exciting, because as a result of their holding, positive relationships between parents and their children are formed, emotional contacts are established.
I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents . Every person, having done some work, needs to have his work evaluated. Our parents need this too. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. I always do this whenever possible, and my parents pay me the same.
In modern conditions of kindergarten it is difficult to do without the support of parents. That is why a lot of things in our group are made by the hands of the fathers and mothers of our children. They helped us make a magnetic board, manuals for literacy and math classes, painted colorful pictures for the bedroom, knitted beautiful tablecloths, helped us decorate a duty corner, a nature corner, and an emotional corner.
With the help of parents, the group is designed in such a way that every corner is used for the development of children: a lot of toys, a “hospital”, a “hair salon”, a “shop”. There are “quiet” and “friendship” corners where children can sit in cozy armchairs made by their dads and look at group or family albums. Thanks to the upholstered furniture, children sit on the corner sofa and tell interesting stories and play.
We also have a cafe “Skazka”, where children love to invite guests, treating them to ice cream and tea with sweets. In a cozy kitchenette with a sink and gas stove, beautiful dishes, the girls simply love to cook.
Our “Birthday Boy's Corner” is decorated in a very unusual way. Portraits of children in the form of parachutes with the “faces” of each child are made of waste material: clay, dough, thread, tiles, paper, buttons, foil. Before starting work, I had an individual conversation and demonstration with each of the parents. My parents said they couldn’t do it, it was very difficult. But as soon as the first portraits appeared, all the others appeared behind them. The children were very happy, because they also took part in making their portrait. Now this corner is the decoration of our reception room.
Trusting relationships were gradually established in the joint activities of parents and the teacher. At events such as “Days of Good Deeds” - repairing toys, furniture, groups, helping to create a subject-development environment in the group, an atmosphere of peace and warm relationships between me and my parents was established. Together we strived to make the children in the group feel good and comfortable. Depending on the work plan, we jointly drew up a schedule for helping parents, discussed each event, and solved problems. Thanks to this, all activities were carried out with great enthusiasm, since during their implementation everyone contributed grains of their labor, skill, and creativity.
The result is a cozy renovated group and bedroom with beautiful curtains and colorful walls, because any work is effective when it is properly organized. The upbringing and development of a child is not possible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate and then everything will work out.
Today we can say that I have developed a certain system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work yielded certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistant teachers, and an atmosphere of mutual respect was created.
Experience has shown that the position of parents as educators has become more flexible. They now feel more competent in raising children. An analysis of joint events and a survey of parents shows: 35% of parents regularly participate in planning the educational process, 95% of families take an active part in organizing educational activities, and up to 70% in evaluating results.
Parents began to show sincere interest in the life of the group, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and emotionally support their child. 100% of parents attend parent-teacher meetings, actively participate in holidays and entertainment, and project activities. According to the results of repeated diagnostics, there are no parent-observers in the group; the number of parent leaders increased by 30%; The number of executing parents increased to 67%.
Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.
For me, this became possible only through joining forces and cooperation. Gradually, misunderstanding and mistrust of parents disappeared. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work, requiring patient, unwavering adherence to the chosen goal.
I do not stop there, I continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.
Author: Koptsova G.A., teacher of preschool educational institution No. 2, Kulundinsky district, Altai Territory
Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families at the present stage
Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families at the present stage
It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person’s life; it is during this time that health is formed and personality is formed. Childhood experiences largely determine a person's adult life.
At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby are the most important people in his life - his parents. Thanks to their love, care, emotional closeness and support, the child grows and develops, he develops a sense of trust in the world and the people around him.
At a certain stage of life, a child enters kindergarten. Now he is surrounded by new people, adults and children, whom he did not know before and who form a different community than his family. If parents and educators join forces and provide the child with protection, emotional comfort, an interesting and meaningful life both in kindergarten and at home, and the kindergarten will contribute to his development, ability to communicate with peers, and help prepare for school, then we can confidently say that that the change that has occurred in the child’s life is for his benefit. But if from this moment on the parents stop taking an active part in resolving the difficulties that the child encounters, then sad consequences await them at school.
Therefore, an active course towards creating a unified space for the child’s development should be supported by both the kindergarten and the family. However, the staff of preschool institutions themselves sometimes take on all the worries of raising and educating children, forgetting that parents should also show interest and initiative in communicating with the teaching staff of the institution.
Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Each of these branches, representing a social institution of education, has its own specific capabilities in shaping the child’s personality.
The increasing role of education, which is observed in many countries of the world, including our country, is changing attitudes towards preschool institutions. Now the pedagogical function of a preschool institution is put at the forefront: how they are raised, what they teach, how successfully they prepare for school. In order to effectively perform its pedagogical function, a preschool institution must review the content and quality of educational work with children, and look for ways to have a stronger influence on each child. This confronts the teaching staff of a preschool institution with the need to look for an ally and like-minded person in raising a child in the family.
However, not all families fully realize the full range of possibilities for influencing the child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, and still others do not understand why it is necessary. Therein lies the problem. In all cases, qualified assistance from a preschool institution is necessary.
The problem is that it is very difficult to establish interaction and cooperation with parents in raising children, since parents believe that education should be handled by specialists and teachers.
The basics of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family are discussed in the studies of such authors as: Z.A. Bogomolova, N.N. Golovina, T.N. Doronova, S.V. Zaitsev, E. Smirnova, D. Solovyova and others.
The features of communication between teachers and parents, as well as their professional competence on issues of interaction with families, were considered in the works of the following authors: Yu.P. Azarova, N.V. Antonova, V.A. Bolotova, L.I. Gabdulina, D.A. Ivanova, A.K. Markova, O.I. Muravyova, L.A. Petrovskaya, E.V. Popova and others.
In addition, studies by such authors as: T.A. are devoted to the study of modern forms of cooperation between family and preschool educational institutions. Vasilkova, I.V. Dubrovina, Yu.A. Zheltonova, V.Ya. Pilipovsky and others.
Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that it is impossible to abandon family education without harming the development of the child. Because the power and effectiveness of family education are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in kindergarten.
Thus, modern science emphasizes the priority of the family in raising a child in the legislation of the Russian Federation. in Article 18 of the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, that parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in early childhood. The state guarantees financial and material support in raising children. To educate preschool children, protect and strengthen their physical and psychological health, there is a network of preschool educational institutions. Relations between a preschool educational institution and parents are regulated by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.
Currently, recognition of the priority of family education requires new relationships between family and preschool institution. The novelty of these relationships is determined by the concepts of “cooperation” and “interaction.”
Cooperation is communication “as equals”, where no one has the privilege of specifying, controlling, or evaluating. At the present stage, it is important to move from cooperation as an exchange of information to cooperation as interpersonal communication between a teacher and parents of a dialogical nature; establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, join efforts for the development and upbringing of children; create an atmosphere of community of interests.
Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication. In the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S. Ozhegov, the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as follows: 1) the mutual connection of two phenomena; 2) mutual support.
The main point in the context of “family - preschool institution” is the personal interaction between the teacher and parents about difficulties and joys, successes and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of raising a particular child in a given family. Helping each other in understanding the child, solving his individual problems, and optimizing his development is invaluable.
Communication between teachers and parents of pupils has always been and remains a pressing issue for kindergartens. One aspect of this issue is the search for effective ways of cooperation, necessary for both teachers and parents. It is necessary to develop common educational positions with the family of each pupil, to create an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional mutual support and mutual insight into each other’s problems.
To do this, it is first necessary to identify the characteristics of the students’ families and the level of their pedagogical knowledge. For this purpose, you can conduct a survey of parents and conversations. Analysis of the results gives an idea of what parents are interested in, how they imagine the upbringing process, and what kind of consultation they need.
Based on the results of preliminary work, a long-term plan is drawn up, which sets out tasks in several areas: intellectual and physical, social and moral, environmental, health-preserving. Work with parents is based on dialogue. The principle of partnership is taken as a basis: “Parents are not students, but communication partners.”
The main goal of all forms and types of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families is to establish trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.
Interaction between teachers and parents of preschool children is carried out mainly through:
— involving parents in the pedagogical process;
— expanding the scope of parental participation in organizing the life of an educational institution;
- parents attending classes at a time convenient for them;
— creating conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;
- information and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's works, which allow parents to become more familiar with the specifics of the institution, introduce them to the educational and developmental environment;
— various programs for joint activities of children and parents;
- combining the efforts of a teacher and a parent in joint activities for the upbringing and development of a child: these relationships should be considered as the art of dialogue between adults and a specific child based on knowledge of the mental characteristics of his age, taking into account the interests, abilities and previous experience of the child;
- manifestation of understanding, tolerance and tact in raising and teaching a child, the desire to take into account his interests, without ignoring feelings and emotions;
— respectful relationship between family and educational institution.
Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in the work of the kindergarten; educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child.
Goals and objectives of joint work between teachers and parents
Olga Rogacheva
Goals and objectives of joint work between teachers and parents
Multifunctional manual for parents and teachers “The Most…”
Goals and objectives of joint work between teachers and parents
Raising a child is not limited to the educational institution; the family plays a vital role in how the child develops, his health and emotional well-being. Therefore, the work of teachers with children must necessarily be built in close contact with parents . In essence, this is constant work with parents .
This work with parents will be effective if teachers and parents proceed from agreed views on the goals , means and methods of education, share concern for the emotional well-being of the child and his successful development, and adhere to a common approach in organizing the daily routine, nutrition, hygiene and health procedures. Therefore, parents and educators must become like-minded partners.
To achieve this goal , employees of a child care institution must create the necessary conditions.
Firstly, a children's educational institution must be completely open to the family, both in terms of information and in terms of the direct participation of the family in the educational process. Parents should be aware of the educational services provided in the children's institution, the conditions of the child's stay in the kindergarten, and the features of the educational programs being implemented.
Secondly, employees of a child care institution, in turn, must have an idea of the parents’ , the child’s living conditions in the family, his individual characteristics and create opportunities to obtain such information.
Thirdly, teachers must conduct special work with parents aimed at forming partnerships and attracting families to cooperation. To do this, it is necessary:
establishing trusting relationships between teachers and family members ;
establishing feedback between teachers and parents ;
popularization of modern ideas about child development and education methods;
introduction and development of various organizational forms of cooperation between a child care institution and a family ( parent meetings , family clubs, clubs, joint holidays , trainings, etc.).
The goal of the joint work of teachers and parents is to ensure continuity in the upbringing of the child in the child care institution and in the family.
We are currently faced with the acute question of the problems of parents and children . One of these problems is the family crisis.
Therefore, it is necessary to “return”
parents to the family , help them realize their parental duty to their children , and overcome parental laziness ; uncertainty, to see your parental capabilities .
Every year we have more and more “problem children”
families .
Teachers find it difficult to communicate and interact with parents . Traditional forms of work - parent meetings, etc. etc., did not justify themselves. Attendance became less and less. Therefore, we need to look for new forms and fill them with pedagogically effective content .
The family has the main social function - raising children; it has been and remains a vital environment for the preservation and transmission of social and cultural values, a determining factor in the formation of the child’s personality. I propose the following form of work with parents - this is a multifunctional manual “The Most…”
Build genuine trust and partnership with the family based on a dialogical strategy of cooperation between teachers and parents . In this regard, to increase the effectiveness of the positive educational influence of the kindergarten on the family, including the problematic one.
Main goals :
Ensuring the physical, mental health, intellectual, aesthetic development of children.
Involving parents in the educational process, developing a competent pedagogical position in relation to their own child.
Raising the professional level of teachers , promoting development and aimed at nurturing a free, creative, successful personality, capable of independent actions and non-standard decisions.
Improving the development environment, creating a creative environment. Medical, psychological, pedagogical support for each child.
Teaching constructive ways of communication to each participant in pedagogical interaction .
Options for using the guide “The Most”
“My child is the most…”
parent (other relatives can join)
and a questionnaire.
The goal of the psychologist: to study the range of everyday and educational problems, collect information about the educational position of parents , about the requests of parents .
The goal of the speech therapist : to identify the degree of readiness of parents to cooperate , to determine the level of parental motivation in relation to cooperation with a speech therapist, and also to study child-parent relationships and the intra-family climate.
The purpose of the educator: Analysis of the data obtained and compilation of a database for drawing up a plan for interaction between teachers and parents for the current year .
“My mother is the most…”
Writing children's stories about their mother.
The goal of the psychologist is to determine methods of educational influence; identifying the characteristics of intra-family relationships; identifying parents who violate the rights of the child. To provide parents with timely assistance on this or that issue of education, to help achieve a common point of view on these issues.
Goal of the speech therapist : Determine the role of all family members in raising the child
The purpose of the educator: Analysis of the data obtained and compilation of a database for drawing up a plan for interaction between teachers and parents for the current year .
“My dad is the most…”
Compiling children's stories about dad.
The goal of the psychologist is to determine methods of educational influence; identifying the characteristics of intra-family relationships; identifying parents who violate the rights of the child. To provide parents with timely assistance on this or that issue of education, to help achieve a common point of view on these issues.
The goal of the speech therapist : To determine the role of all family members in raising the child.
The purpose of the educator: Analysis of the data obtained and compilation of a database for drawing up a plan for interaction between teachers and parents for the current year .
“My family is the most…”
Compiling children's stories about the family.
The goal of the psychologist is to determine methods of educational influence; identifying the characteristics of intra-family relationships; identifying parents who violate the rights of the child. To provide parents with timely assistance on this or that issue of education, to help achieve a common point of view on these issues.
The goal of the speech therapist : To determine the role of all family members in raising a child and the type of family education. Assess the position taken by parents in relation to the child.
The purpose of the educator: Analysis of the data obtained and compilation of a database for drawing up a plan for interaction between teachers and parents for the current year . Determine the degree of consistency of requirements for a child regarding upbringing in a family. Involving parents in the educational process.
“Nobody knows that I...”
Parents write about their hobbies, interests, what help they can provide to the kindergarten (hobby of studying the world of animals and plants, floristry, painting, passion for poetry and sports, sewing, knitting, etc.)
The goal of the teachers : promote the establishment of trusting relationships between parents and teachers . Find out more about hobbies and family opportunities.
"The most famous people of the family"
Parents share about the most famous and famous people in their family.
"Family traditions"
Parents describe or talk about their family traditions.
"Family Book of Records"
Parents share their family's successes, records and achievements in various fields of activity.
“The longest-living family member”
(toy, book, figurine, dishes, etc.)
Goal: to instill pride in your family and achievements.
You can arrange an exhibition of “long-livers”
in a group, each
parent will be able to talk about a particular subject.
Before the meeting, the teacher writes a “letter”
: a wish for education, a recommendation, gratitude, good advice.
The parent, if desired, can respond, express his wishes and requests. Invite parents to write a letter . Such headings make it possible to make parent meetings unusual and will increase the rating of parent meetings . A meaningful, non-standard parent meeting can revolutionize the minds of mothers and fathers, awakening in them enormous educational potential and a desire to help their child.
"My favorite toy..."
Compiling children's stories about their favorite toy.
The goal of the speech therapist : To conduct an examination of the speech development of children at the beginning of the school year. Determine the effectiveness of work on the speech development of children over the previous year, i.e., the dynamics of speech development over the year. Consolidating knowledge on the lexical topic “Toys”
“My friend is the most…”
Compiling children's stories about a friend.
The goal of the psychologist is to diagnose children’s relationships with each other. Organize direct work on teaching methods of correct communication and response.
The goal of the speech therapist : To develop children’s coherent monologue speech and the ability to express their thoughts on a topic.
The teacher’s goal: to draw conclusions about the real situation of the child among his peers, to identify the most prosperous and most disadvantaged children, to outline the characteristics of each child, to identify cases of unsuccessful or incompletely developed relationships for any child. Consider a work to change children’s low self-esteem.
“My most desired gift”
(for the New Year, for a birthday)
The purpose of the teachers : to help parents choose gifts for their children. Consult parents about the benefits of educational games and toys.
List of options for using the multifunctional manual “The Most”
I could go on and on – these are:
“My favorite animal”
“My favorite game”
“My favorite activity”
“My street is the most...”
“My child’s favorite dish”
“The most affectionate word from mom, dad, grandma, grandpa”
Conclusion: I believe that the created and implemented system of working with parents can be considered effective, since the interaction between the family and the kindergarten in the upbringing and development of the child is quite successful.