My work experience “Modern innovative technologies for working with parents in preschool educational institutions”

My work experience “Modern innovative technologies for working with parents in preschool educational institutions”

Saritskaya Natalya

My work experience “Modern innovative technologies for working with parents in preschool educational institutions”

How childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

1. Explanatory note.

Education, as is known, refers to socially determined processes. The organization of the educational process is significantly influenced by the political, economic, sociocultural situation in the development of the state and society. The ongoing changes in state and social life significantly influence changes in the upbringing of children, but not all changes are useful and effective. Therefore, at present, interest in the problems of education has noticeably increased.

Not so long ago, the thesis was popular: “Educational institutions are called upon to educate children only, and education should take place in the family and public organizations.” Now we have to restore the educational potential of educational institutions, recreate in them educational connections and relationships between teachers, students and parents .

Strengthening the educational function of an educational institution necessitates improving the forms and methods of interaction between school and family, teachers and parents .

An important role in raising a child at certain age stages of personality development is played by the process of interaction between the family and the educational institution. Parents and teachers are well aware of the need for close interaction, which can be expressed in pedagogical support for the family in matters of raising children. Such interaction is necessary for both the family and the educational institution, which cannot fully resolve issues of upbringing and education without contact and mutual understanding with the families of its students.

Undoubtedly, parents have extensive influence on the process of shaping the child’s personality. In the family, the child’s ideas about good and evil, about decency, about respect for material and spiritual values ​​are laid down. Family education organically merges with all the life activities of a growing person: in the family, the child is included in all vital types of activities - intellectual, cognitive, labor, social , artistic and creative, gaming, free communication. It (family education)

has a wide time range - lasts throughout a person’s life.
However, the educational capabilities of a family are directly dependent on the psychological, spiritual and moral climate present in it, the stability and stability of parental . The modern family has lost its original function: passing on spiritual, moral and cultural traditions to younger generations, understanding the very process of education as providing the child with not only physical, but also spiritual food. The family cannot always have a beneficial influence on the development and formation of the child’s personality; it is fraught with certain difficulties, contradictions, and shortcomings of educational influence. Many parents , not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out education intuitively.
And this does not always give positive results. A modern teacher must have a good understanding of the characteristics of the family, as well as the fact that the family plays the main role in shaping the child’s personality. All this allows us to foresee how family relationships can affect the child’s personal development, his character, and behavior.

Taking these factors into account, the teacher must carefully choose the directions and forms of work with parents . After all, the development of personality largely depends on the environment. The interaction of the teacher with parents is aimed at creating an educational environment, establishing partnerships, creating an atmosphere of mutual support and common interests of the teacher, child and parents .

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to take into account the high degree of importance of parents when constructing educational work with children , but the negative factors of family education should also be taken into account:

- lack of spirituality of parents , lack of desire for the spiritual development of the child;

— inadequate influence of material factors: priority of material well-being over the realization of spiritual needs;

— authoritarianism or extreme liberalism;

- lack of psychological climate in the family;

— illiteracy in psychological and pedagogical terms: lack of purposeful education, unprincipledness, inconsistency in the application of educational methods.

Only the joint efforts of the teacher and parents can lead to positive results in the education process.

The joint activities of teachers and parents can be successful if everyone is positive about working and acts together. Such interaction presupposes the unity of requirements and the organization of joint activities for the development and upbringing of the child.

One of the important forms of establishing contacts between teachers and parents of students is a parent meeting . Its purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and integrate the efforts of the educational institution and the family ( parents )

in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality.

Work with parents in an educational institution should not be episodic, carried out from time to time and without a system.


The first school for educating a growing person is the family. Here he learns to endure, rejoice, and sympathize. In a family environment, emotional and moral experience ; the family determines the level and content of the child’s emotional and social development. Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that the development of a child’s personality should not follow a spontaneous path. The problem is aggravated by the fact that in our country, for decades, parents have strived for career growth, and the responsibility for raising a child has been shifted to teachers and educational institutions. As a result, serious problems have arisen in the relationship between parents and children . The closest people to a preschooler and the problems of his upbringing are teachers of preschool educational institutions who are interested in creating favorable conditions for the development of each child and increasing the degree of parental in the upbringing of their children. The full upbringing of a preschooler occurs under the simultaneous influence of family and preschool institution

Main thought.

The relationship between family and kindergarten is one of the most important factors in improving the education of the younger generation.

The following picture is often encountered in practice: parents have theoretical knowledge on the issues of raising and developing children, but they do not always know how to apply their knowledge in practice. This is where the help of a teacher is important, who will help parents transform theoretical knowledge into the practice of joyful communication with their child. It is no secret that favorable conditions for the development, education and upbringing of a child can be realized only if there is close interaction between two components - the family and the preschool educational institution.

My work with families of preschool children is organized based on the following principles:

— the parallel impact of kindergarten and family on children,

— complementarity of the impact of kindergarten and family on children,

— organizing joint activities of adults and children in kindergarten and family.

The goal of my work is to solve problems related to the revival of the traditions of family education, the involvement of parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

The main objectives of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents are the following :

• Increasing the activity and responsibility of families of kindergarten students and involving them in cooperation in matters of child development.

• Providing information and educational support for parents’ of directions in development and education through the development of a competent pedagogical position in relation to their own child.

• Promoting the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s abilities in various types of educational activities, ensuring continuity of preparation for the next educational stage (schooling)


• Increasing the level of parental .

Working with preschoolers.

“Let's get to know each other” developed and implemented

“Family Traditions”
“Children drink milk and you will be healthy
During the implementation of the project “Drink milk, children will be healthy
A survey of children and parents was developed in order to find out whether they like milk, how often they consume it, etc. We conducted experiments with milk, themed entertainment, and didactic games with the children. We created a photo exhibition “We are researchers”
As a result of the project, parents appreciated the need, significance and benefits of milk for young children, and most children have developed a need for consuming milk and its benefits. The card index of didactic and role-playing games on this topic has been replenished. “We are researchers”
was created .
In the “Let's Get to Know You”
“Family Traditions” parents actively participated in the work and presented photo presentations of their family tree.
Working with parents .

For myself, I developed a certain criterion that allowed me to evaluate the activity of parents and their involvement in the pedagogical process. Later, I identified qualitative indicators for myself: initiative, responsibility, the attitude of parents towards the products of the activities of children and adults. This analysis made it possible to identify three groups of parents . Parents are activists who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process and see the value of any work of a child care institution . Parents are performers who take part subject to significant motivation. Parents are observers . A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the educational process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way”


The younger generation will be like their family. Recognition of the priority of family education requires a different relationship between the family and the preschool institution. First of all, their novelty is determined by the concept of “interaction,” which is a way of organizing joint activities that are carried out through communication. I strive to ensure that both children and parents feel comfortable in the preschool educational institution, as well as to ensure that parents are confident in the support of their educational actions. In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with the family , namely, improving the forms and methods of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family in the comprehensive development of the child.

In addition to traditional forms of work for preschool educational institutions and families, I actively use innovative forms and methods :

• presentation of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;

• frontal and individual surveys of parents , studying the problems of families of pupils;

• information booklets;

• organization of “Open Days.”

• spending leisure time together;

• group meetings – workshops, master classes, round tables, discussions, video presentations;

"Portfolio Day"

— creating a folder of your child’s successes and achievements every month;

• themed leisure activities “My Family”

“New Year's Kaleidoscope”
“Defenders of the Fatherland”
, “Trip to the Museum

• involvement in competitions (autumn crafts, bird feeders, snow buildings, New Year's toys);

• health holidays “Dad, Mom, I – a friendly family”

“Barefoot for a cold”

• joint entertainment within the framework of the Public Educational Program “Security”


• theatrical performances for children with the participation of parents “Living Hat.”


"The Adventures of Why"


Based on these positions, I welcome any form of inclusion of parents in the life of the kindergarten. For this:

• I inform parents about everything that is happening or will happen in the group and in kindergarten.

• I invite you to discuss the current situation in the development of the child and make a decision on further joint actions of teachers, specialists and parents capable of ensuring the successful development of pupils.

• I offer creative homework for parents with children , allowing them to establish a trusting relationship with the child, and at the same time participate in the educational process.

parents to participate in methodological activities: making costumes, game materials, video filming.

Our group organized “Days of Good Deeds”

parents helped repair toys, furniture or books, made educational materials for games, removed leaves or snow from the area, made cosmetic repairs to the group, and did landscaping and decoration of the area in the summer. Together with my parents , I created a subject-development environment in our group.
In my professional activities, I used a sample code of communication with parents :

• Always strive to be in a good mood and be pleasant to talk to.

• Always smile at parents and children .

• Try to feel the emotional state of the parents .

parents something positive about the child every time parents over .

• Give parents the opportunity to speak without interrupting them.

• Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents , set an example of good manners and tact.

• In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - this cannot damage your dignity, but you can strengthen it.

Working with teachers.

Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in participation in the work of a kindergarten , however, in the real relationship between educators and parents, there is a certain disharmony. Therefore, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. Using a personalized approach to parent , a variety of ways developed involve the majority of families .

I provide assistance to teachers in their interaction with guardians through the organization of psychological and pedagogical education for teachers. Educators require pedagogical and psychological assistance in solving problems “Educator - parent

To do this, I’ll tell teachers:

— presentations;

— open classes with the participation of parents ;

— pedagogical round table discussions;

— seminars;

Performance monitoring :

diagnostic techniques in my work parents to children . the work on pedagogical technologies is effective , to what extent teachers understand the tasks and how they solve them, how they evaluate their work , how they build communication with students and interactions with their parents ; Are parents with the organization of the educational process in kindergarten, do they participate in the life of the preschool educational institution their child attends. What methods of raising him are used at home, do the parents understand their child ; Is the child interested in kindergarten, is he comfortable in his family, etc.

For educators:

Questionnaire “Readiness for innovation

Questionnaire “Self-regulation of behavior of preschool children”

Questionnaire “Results of the year in preschool educational institutions”

For children:

Conversation “My kindergarten”

Observation “Development of social skills in children”

Diagnostic task “Drawing of a family”

For parents :

Questionnaire Parent about kindergarten

Questionnaire Parents about children’s independence”

Questionnaire “Results of the year. Parents »


With all my work, I tried to prove to parents that their involvement in teaching activities, interested participation in the educational process is important not because the teacher wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which in its own way gives the child social experience , but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world. Only in harmonious interaction between kindergarten and family can one compensate and soften each other. For me, this became possible only through joining forces and cooperation with my parents . I do not stop there, I continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents . After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is like is the world he creates around himself. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.


1. N. P. Grishaeva “ Modern technologies for effective socialization of a child in preschool education”

2. Campbell. R. “How to truly love your child”

3. Eremeeva V. D. “Boys and girls are two different worlds”

4. Grigorieva A. A., Smetanina V. I. “Socialization of the child’s personality based on the interaction of family and kindergarten”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“The use of distance learning technologies in the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education. Effective networking with parents.”

Senior teacher of MBDOU DSKV No. 29, Yeisk Municipal District Yeisk district E.S. Simonenko

The problem of the coronavirus disease “COVID-19” has become the most pressing today, not only in our country, the challenge has been thrown at the whole world!

The teaching staff of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution, Combined Kindergarten No. 29 in the city of Yeisk, Yeisk District, faced the question: “How to successfully complete the 2019-2020 school year?” , “How to organize work with parents of students?”

However, thanks to the development of information and communication technologies in the field of education, we have found answers to these questions using distance educational technologies.

Distance educational technologies are technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or incompletely indirect interaction between the student and the teacher.

The purpose of distance learning is to obtain high-quality preschool education for preschool children during the period of self-isolation, children with disabilities (HH) who prevent the opportunity to regularly attend kindergarten (those in a sanatorium, at home, in medical institutions), who are temporarily located in a different place from their main place place of residence (long business trip of parents, legal representatives), participation in sports competitions, etc.


  • Create favorable conditions for the development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics
  • Provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health during the period of “self-isolation” .

In our case, work with kindergarten students was carried out at a distance.

On the kindergarten website, https: //mdou29yeisk. ucoz. net/

a section was created: “What to do with a child at home” , in this section we posted information for parents and files with various types of activities on the specified lexical topic.

For example: in the preparatory group for school from May 25 to May 29, 2020, according to comprehensive thematic planning, the theme was implemented: “School. School supplies” “School supplies” was presented to the attention of parents ; the summary is presented not just as text, but was revised for parents in such a way that parents with different levels of education could work with their child.

For example, in the outline, recommendations for parents are indicated in bold: “You can start the lesson by asking a riddle,” accordingly, then options for riddles are offered, then they ask the children questions, then a simple set of breathing exercises is presented, to reinforce the material, the teacher invites parents to play the game: “What lies in your backpack? and D/i “Nonsense” , where they ask the child to correct sentences, for example: .

Keeping up with the times, we created an account in the Instagram , https://instagram. com/mbdou29eyisk? igshid=18f6unnmsdaki for exchanging photos, watching videos of the organization of children's play educational situations (Musical minute with music director Ekaterina Igorevna Kortushova, “Bunny” for senior group pupils, teacher Anna Vladimirovna Shpak), parents were very actively involved in the work on the network, took part in “Windows of Victory” campaign , the coverage of parents amounted to 98 subscribers.

Next, we created an account in another popular social network “VKontakte” , https: //vk. com/club192181047

where information for parents was also posted about all events held remotely, on June 25, 2020, preschool students took part in the challenge “I don’t drive along the pedestrian crossing because...” .

Communication with parents was organized through the equally popular WhatsApp ; teacher-speech therapist Natalia Aleksandrovna Bogomolova conducted online speech therapy classes with children of senior preschool age using video calls.

The interaction of the teaching staff was carried out using the ZOOM , so at the end of May a scheduled meeting of the pedagogical council No. 4 was held.

In conclusion, I would like to say that when working with parents using remote technologies, we tried to bring all the information to their attention during the period of self-isolation in an accessible form, to aim them at a conscious, attentive attitude towards their children, to show themselves as understanding parents, to inspire new, interesting things to do with your children, explain that a parent is a partner in the game, a friend and ally in the child’s world.

Thus, with the use of modern equipment and accessible remote technologies, it has become possible not only to familiarize the child with the content of the educational program, his upbringing and education directly at his location (stay), but also to provide professional psychological and pedagogical advisory assistance to parents who are independently involved in the education of their children ).

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