Experience of preschool educational institutions in organizing joint leisure activities with families of pupils

Experience of preschool educational institutions in organizing joint leisure activities with families of pupils

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Malysh" Zernogradsky district


Experience of preschool educational institutions in organizing joint leisure activities with families of pupils

(heard on 04/05/2017 at the regional seminar of music directors)

Compiled by V.V. Nalivnova, music director

Art. Mechetinskaya


“Children are happiness created by our work.

Classes and meetings with children, of course, require mental strength,

time, labor.

But we are happy when our children are happy,

when their eyes are filled with joy."

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Research by political scientists shows that Russia is experiencing a crisis of public consciousness. According to academician T. Zaslavskaya, “this is the deepest crisis,” which is expressed in the alienation of a person from the means of labor, political power, culture, science, art, people from each other, from themselves and, worst of all, parents from children, children from parents. The closest and dearest people do not hear or understand each other. TV and computers have replaced children's warm relationships with their parents. Children do not develop the ability to empathize and sympathize. Poverty of interests and spiritual underdevelopment entail a moral deafness to the joys and sorrows of others. But it is parents and family that are the first, most important step for a little person to enter life. The outstanding musician and teacher G. Neuhaus said: “Good parents are more important than good teachers.” It is the parents who lay the foundations of the child’s worldview, morality, and aesthetic tastes.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child’s personality.” Involving the family in the educational process helps improve the emotional well-being of children, enriches the educational experience of parents, and increases their parental and pedagogical competence. Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in participating in the work of a kindergarten, but there is a certain disharmony in the actual relationship between educators and parents. Both personal and professional factors can impede the development of these relationships and prevent families from becoming active participants in the upbringing of their children. Therefore, we, teachers, must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. After all, it is through interaction and cooperation with parents that the child’s full development can be achieved. Interaction must be built on the principles of joint activities of the teacher, parents and children. At the same time, the goal of education should be the harmonious development of the child’s personality. The development of a harmoniously developed personality is not possible without the participation of parents. In modern conditions of a kindergarten, it is difficult to do without the support of parents, without their participation in the life of the group and kindergarten, therefore, when working with parents, the teacher must set the following tasks: - To develop in parents confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities, the ability to know and understand their children ; — Enrich the joint emotional experience of family members, teach interaction skills between them; In our preschool educational institution we pay a lot of attention to organizing joint activities of parents, children and teachers. For this purpose, the “Commonwealth” club was created at the preschool educational institution and has been successfully functioning for more than 10 years.

There are the following forms of interaction between the music director and the child’s family:

— Consulting parents on organizing musical

raising children in a family.

— Speeches by the music director at parent meetings

preschool educational institution with reports on musical education of children.

— Questionnaires, surveys of parents in order to identify the conditions for the child’s musical development in the family.

— Introducing parents to children's musical repertoire.

— Individual conversations with parents.

— Involving parents in performances at children's parties.

— Joint leisure time with the families of the pupils.

Leisure forms of organizing communication are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. This group of forms includes the holding by teachers of preschool institutions of such joint holidays and leisure activities as “New Year’s Eve”, “Maslenitsa”, “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, “Day of Knowledge”, etc. Such evenings help create an emotional comfort between children and parents, bringing together participants in the pedagogical process. Parents can show their ingenuity and imagination in various competitions. The use of leisure forms contributes to the fact that, thanks to the establishment of a positive emotional atmosphere, parents become more open to communication, and in the future it is easier for teachers to establish contacts with them and provide pedagogical information. With the help of leisure, the two most important worlds for a child come closer together – family and kindergarten!

According to scientists, the manifestation of the first proactive actions in a child depends on the quality of the attitude of adults during preschool age. Through joint leisure activities:

— there is a unity between adults and children;

— intra-family ties are strengthened through common creativity, touching culture and art;

- communication skills, subjectivity, creativity develop,

musicality of all participants in informal communication;

— a single team is formed, whose members are interested in discussing problems and finding ways to solve them;

- informal communication helps to convey to parents the interests and experiences of the child in a playful, entertaining way, to acquaint them with what

takes place in kindergarten, make them active, like-minded people.

In our preschool educational institution, holiday meetings have become traditional, bright, useful and exciting. We have a tradition of annually celebrating family holidays “Mother’s Day”, “Broad Maslenitsa”, “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family”, “We are heroes”, “March 8”, “Family Day”.

The favorite holiday of both children and mothers is Mother's Day. Mothers sing, dance, and participate in various competitions with their children, which brings great pleasure. “Broad Maslenitsa” is always held brightly and cheerfully with attractions and competitions in which mothers, grandmothers, fathers and children take part. For this holiday, parents always prepare Russian folk costumes and, of course, pancakes. Such holidays remain in the memory of adults and children for a long time. Of course, we can’t do without musical and sporting events. One of these was “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “We are heroes”, where children and their parents not only performed sports tasks, but also sang and danced.

Our parents also take an active part in the School Graduation Celebration, which serves as a great support for children on such an important holiday. Parents not only give parting words to their children, but also perform various musical numbers. For example, last year dads and their daughters performed a wonderful dance, which became the highlight of the holiday. And at the end of the holiday, the children and their parents sang a farewell song.

Modern life - parents who are always in a hurry, focused on making money, who want to relax in peace and quiet, have almost eliminated the opportunity for joint creativity: making crafts, needlework or relaxing together. Children are sent to clubs, but they do not find time to be with them, to find out what the children are thinking about and what they are interested in. And children do not see what knowledge, skills and abilities their parents have. The teacher’s task is to organize a joint business for children and parents. A prerequisite for organizing leisure time is for children and parents to leave the event in a good mood. When organizing leisure time with parents, you can always provide such an opportunity as jointly making a craft or completing a task that requires the development of joint tactics. With this option, parents have the opportunity to exchange experiences and learn interesting skills from each other. Parents also have the opportunity to study their child in a different environment from home. Our preschool educational institution has a tradition of holding exhibitions of handicrafts by children and their parents: “Magic Chest”, “Crazy Hands”, “Homemade”.

In November 2015, children and their parents took an active part in the regional “Creative Snowman” competition, for which they were awarded diplomas. The exhibition of works “Me and My Friends” was held in an interesting way.

The “Family Day” holiday is built on “parents-children” games, because the purpose of the meeting was: to develop the relationship between children and parents through inclusion in joint activities, to enrich relationships through emotional communication. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says, “A child grows not from bread, but from joy.” A holiday in kindergarten is joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by both adults and children. Parents are the dearest and closest people! They saw that the children were proud of them, they wanted to dance, sing songs, and play with them. Years will pass, children will forget the songs that were played at the holiday, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication and the joy of empathy.

If earlier, in order to be a socially successful person, it was enough to be a good performer, have certain knowledge and skills, now you need to be a creative and proactive person, capable of independently posing and creatively solving problems. Therefore, in order to develop the creative activity of children, as the main quality of a mature personality, we consider it necessary to organize such joint leisure time for our pupils with their parents.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

Child-parent activities (notes) material on correctional pedagogy

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Alenka" Sovetsky"

Summary of joint intellectual and speech leisure

for children and parents

on the topic “Journey to the Island of Knowledge”

Prepared and conducted by: Smirnova N.S., educational psychologist, MADOU d/s “Alenka”

Butenko A.S., teacher-speech therapist, MADOU d/s “Alenka”


Goal: increasing the motivation and involvement of parents in the educational process


  • expand the horizons and erudition of children;
  • improve visual and auditory memory;
  • develop verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking;
  • expand the capabilities of associative memory;
  • awaken cognitive interest and determination;
  • develop language skills, coherent speech, enrich vocabulary;
  • carry out correction of psychomotor development;
  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • increase the volume and accuracy of movements of the organs of articulation;
  • develop the ability to play collectively.


Musical accompaniment (melodies of the sound of the sea, children's songs). Drawings of ships, diamonds, a set of coins with letters, a chest, diagrams of men in motion (for a dynamic pause), a presentation with the game “The Fourth Wheel”, cards with a series of plot pictures, an easel, an encyclopedia.

Progress of the event:

Psychologist: Hello dear children and parents. We are very glad to see you again. Very soon our children will graduate from kindergarten and cross the threshold of school. Let's ask our children why children go to school.

(Children's answers - to become smart, to know a lot......)

Speech therapist: Today we invite you to go to the island of knowledge, but it was captured by pirates. They collected all the knowledge and put it in this chest. The chest was locked. The pirates set traps along the way with tasks on each island. By completing the task of each island correctly, you will have a valuable coin. If teams complete all tasks on each island, they will receive 5 coins. These coins will help you solve the code to the lock to open the chest.

Psychologist: Well, aren’t we afraid to go on a trip? Let's try to complete all the tasks and collect all 5 coins and find the key to the chest.

(Answers from children and parents)

Speech therapist: And for this we need to divide into teams.

Counting table: “apple, banana, potato”

So we got 3 teams. We ask the teams to take their places. And the children find their parents and sit next to them.

Psychologist: Now we can go to the island of knowledge. But how can we get there? How can you get there? On what? (by plane, on a ship, in a hot air balloon...)

Psychologist: I suggest each team go on a ship. But to do this you need to draw it dot by dot on a sheet of white paper. Come up with a name for your ship - it will be the name of your team. (Teams draw a ship to the music and write its name.)

Psychologist: Let's get to know our teams. (Each team introduces itself and names its team captain).

What a great fellow you are!!! Now we can set off on our journey to the island of knowledge.....

Speech therapist: Island task No. 1. “Objects with the sound P”

Objects with the sound P are stored on this island. Find and determine where the sound P is at the beginning, middle or end. (Teams answer in order). Whose team completes the task faster - emits a signal (knocks on a tambourine). After completing the task, coins are awarded to each team.

Psychologist: Island task No. 2 “Whychek Island.”

On this island there live little people who ask a lot of questions. We need to answer the why questions.

  1. Why do birds fly south?
  2. Why is it dark at night?
  3. Why is it hot in summer?
  4. Why does a bear sleep in winter?
  5. Why is the hare white in winter?
  6. Why can't you play with a ball at home?
  7. Why is there smoke coming from the chimney?
  8. Why are there windows in the house?
  9. Why do leaves appear on trees in spring?
  10. Why does a giraffe have a long neck?
  11. Why does a kangaroo have such a powerful tail?
  12. Why do birds and fish have a tail?
  13. Why does an elephant have a long trunk instead of a nose?

Psychologist: Get the coins you deserve. And we go further to island number 3

Speech therapist: Island task No. 3 “Island of erased letters”

On this island it often rains heavily, so the letters are washed away by water. You need to try and guess what letters could be written and add them.

Whose team completes the task faster - emits a signal (knocks on a tambourine).

(Teams receive their pirate coins for the correct answer.)

Dynamic pause

Psychologist: While there is no rain on the island, we invite you to relax and dance.

(Children and parents go to the center of the hall. Cheerful music plays; everyone performs movements according to schematic cards.)

Speech therapist: Well, let's go further! Well, now we have reached the next island number 4.

Psychologist: Island task No. 4 for captains “Island of Explainers”

On this island, tasks are only for captains. Captains, you need to determine which item is superfluous and explain why. Whoever is ready to answer knocks on the tambourine.

(presentation of the game “The Fourth Wheel”)

And now questions for parents:

  1. How many ears do two mice have? (4)
  2. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
  3. You, me and you and me. How many of us are there in total? (2)
  4. A blind animal living underground? (mole)
  5. How many tails do 4 cats have? (4)
  6. How many people pulled the turnip? (3 people and the rest animals)
  7. Why does a cat run and not fly? (no wings)
  8. Stinging grass? (nettle)
  9. What stone can't you find on the seabed? (dry)
  10. What can't you bake bread without? (without crust)
  11. Donut center? (hole)
  12. In what soil are cabbages sown? (sow cabbage seeds, not cabbage)
  13. How can you bring water in a sieve? (to freeze)
  14. What kind of utensils should you not eat from? (from empty)
  15. What never comes back? (time)
  16. What can you hear but never see? (echo)

Great. Here are your coins. Well, let's sail to island number 5.

Speech therapist: Island task No. 5 “Island of Tangled Stories”

On this island there are intricate stories that need to be determined what happened first and what came next. How the story began and how it ended. Come up with an interesting and suitable title for your story so that there is no more confusion. The team captain determines who has the best ability to tell the story without mistakes.

Each team is given a series of story pictures. The team gives a signal when ready.

The player goes to the easel and arranges the pictures in order. Then he gives the name of the story and tells it. After this competition, the pirate distributes coins to the teams.

We sail to the last island.

Psychologist: So we sailed to the Island of Knowledge. Here is the chest. You have earned 5 coins. Letters are printed on the reverse side. They are a hint. Children, what can you assemble from letters? (word). Try, by rearranging the coins with letters, to form a word that will be the code for the lock.

Speech therapist: What word did you come up with?

(Children are a book!)

(Open chest)

Speech therapist: Why did the pirates hide the book? (book-source of knowledge). This book is now yours.

Psychologist: You are all great! Thanks for the exciting journey. Goodbye!

(children and parents leave the hall to the music).

Long-term plan for working with parents of children 5-6 years old

To create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between parents (legal representatives) of students and teachers of MBDOU, the commonality of their interests, and emotional mutual support. Characteristics of parents of pupils attending kindergarten:

The first group is parents who are building their careers, who have a full-time job, some of them have irregular working hours, and are very busy at work, both mother and father. For these parents, kindergarten is simply vital. But, despite this, they expect from the kindergarten not only good supervision and care for the child, but also full development, health improvement, training and education, and organization of interesting leisure time. Due to their busy schedule, this parent group is unlikely to be able to actively attend consultations, seminars, and trainings. But with the correct organization of interaction, they will happily prepare a family project for a competition at home with their child, select photographs for the exhibition, and take part in pre-announced events at a time convenient for them, for example, fun starts or a cleanup event.

The second group consists of parents with convenient work schedules and non-working grandparents. Children from such families might not attend kindergarten, but parents do not want to deprive the child of full communication, games with peers, development and learning. The task of teachers is to prevent this parent group from remaining in the position of a passive observer, to activate their pedagogical skills, and to involve them in the work of the kindergarten.

The third group is families with non-working mothers. These parents also expect from the kindergarten interesting communication with peers, learning skills for behavior in a team, maintaining the correct daily routine, learning and development. The teacher’s task is to select energetic mothers from this parent group who will become members of parent committees and active assistants to educators. The teacher must rely on this parent group in preparing parent meetings, holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions, etc.

The main directions of organizing joint work between educational institutions and parents (legal representatives):

Studying parental opinions, needs, requests regarding the quality of educational services provided by an educational organization: surveys, expert assessments, sociological surveys, monitoring, etc.

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives): increasing pedagogical and psychological literacy; familiarity with the conceptual foundations of the construction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and software and methodological kits implemented in the educational organization.

Improving the legal culture of parents (legal representatives): studying regulatory documents, providing assistance in the competent application of existing documents in practice.

Formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in the family: promotion of a healthy lifestyle; prevention of bad habits and inclinations, identification of negative risk factors for children’s health; formation of a positive attitude towards physical culture and sports.

Management of an educational organization, educational process: participation in the work of councils at various levels (manager, trustee; parent committee, clubs, associations); participation in the design of the main educational program of an educational organization; material and technical support of the educational process.

Organization of cultural, leisure, educational, research, project activities of students: mass events with parents (legal representatives), organization of joint socially significant activities and leisure of parents and students, holding open events for parents (legal representatives), participation in the preparation of joint projects.

Forms of interaction between educational institution and family:

Information and analytical forms: questionnaire, survey, interview, conversation.

Educational forms: workshop, lecture, discussions, round table, debate, conference, general meeting, question and answer evenings, parent evenings, parent readings, parent training, pedagogical conversation, family living room, club for parents, days of good deeds, open days , orientation days, occasional visits, business games.

Leisure forms: holidays, matinees, events. Exhibitions of works by parents and children, family opening days, joint hikes and excursions.

Written forms: weekly notes, informal notes, personal notebooks, diaries, folders, written reports on the child's development.

Visual information forms: informational and informational and educational.

Expected results:

increasing parental competence in matters of successful upbringing and development of their child;

awareness by parents of the significance of their teaching activities, updating the position of parents, which can influence the formation of the personality of a preschool-age child;

combining the interests of families and preschool educational institutions in matters of education, upbringing and development of preschool children;

improving the pedagogical culture of parents and educators; increased attendance by parents and other family members involved in raising a child at pedagogical education events;

expression by parents of a reasoned opinion about the development of the child in kindergarten, the presence of constructive proposals to teachers and administration of the preschool educational institution.

Working with parents

Long-term plan for working with parents in the senior group

for …………………….. academic year

Month Form of work Purpose of the event
Visual and informational Decorating a parent's corner with an autumn theme. Prepare the parent corner for the autumn season in order to attract the attention of parents to useful and necessary information.
Folder “Physical education and healthy lifestyle of preschool children.” To attract the attention of parents to the problem of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers.
Photo exhibition “How we spent our summer!” Inform about working with children during the summer - health period.
Information sheet “Knowledge Day”. Prepare a parent's corner in order to attract the attention of parents to the holiday. Cultivate respect for teachers.
Folder for parents “Road ABC for children.” Increasing the competence of parents in protecting the life and health of children
Exhibition of crafts “The Road Through the Eyes of Children” Increasing the competence of parents in protecting the life and health of children
Information sheet “Prevention of tuberculosis

in children and adults. The role of the Mantoux reaction"

To attract the attention of parents to the problem of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers.
Information sheet “Preschool Worker's Day”. Prepare a parent's corner in order to attract the attention of parents to the holiday.
Cognitive General parent meeting “Prospects for development in the ………….. academic year.” Familiarization of parents with the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.
Parent meeting “Features of organizing educational activities in a general developmental group for children from 5 to 6 years old. Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old.” Introduce the goals and objectives of the educational process, creative projects, plans for the upcoming school year, and age characteristics of children.
Conversation “Fire Safety Month”. Draw the attention of parents to the problem of fire safety. Creating a friendly partnership between kindergarten and family.
Consultation “Game as a means of educating preschool children.” Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children.
Consultation “Unusual”

drawing with natural materials."

Intensify activities

parents in the work on experimental activities of preschoolers.

Leisure Musical holiday - Knowledge Day “Magic ABC” Creating a friendly partnership between kindergarten and family.
Exhibition of children's drawings “My Favorite Teacher”. Fostering a sense of love and respect for teachers and all employees of the preschool education system.
Sports festival "Autumn Olympiad for preschoolers" Creating a friendly partnership between kindergarten and family.
Creative competition “The Road Through the Eyes of Children.” Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children traffic rules in preschool educational institutions and at home. Receiving positive emotions from joint creativity.
Information and analytical Drawing up a social passport of a preschool educational institution for

…………. academic year

Social protection, development and education of the personality of a preschooler.
Visual and informational Information sheet

“October 4 is Animal Protection Day.”

Involve children and parents in World Animal Day.
Day of the Elderly – an exhibition of photographs of pupils with their elders

generation “These are the grandmothers, these are the


Bring people of different generations together.
Booklet “Everyone should know this” (problems of preventing child road traffic injuries). Increasing the competence of parents in protecting the life and health of children.
Photo - information "Beautiful places of my country." Awaken feelings of pride for your country.
Information sheet “Tell children about heroes.” Goal: to facilitate the establishment of interaction during the conversation about the defenders of our Fatherland.
Cognitive Consultation. “Speech development of children 5-6 years old.” To provide parents with the necessary knowledge about the speech development of preschoolers.
Explanatory work on the relevance of family reading of the works of S. Ya. Marshak. Involving parents in family reading of literature.
Consultation on the topic “Flu – a modern approach to prevention and treatment.” Familiarization with the aim of providing seasonal influenza prevention.
Consultation “What can you tell your child about Moscow?” Involve parents in patriotic education of children
Leisure Exhibition of children's drawings "Golden outfit of the planet." Receiving positive emotions from joint creativity.

Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.

Arts and Crafts Competition

"Magic chest of autumn."

Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Booklet "Child's Rights". Formation of the foundations of social and legal consciousness among parents.
Autumn holiday "Pokrovskaya Fair". Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials

“Autumn Fantasies”, as part of the

"Pokrovskaya Fair"

Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Sports leisure “Health Day”. Involving parents in preparing the holiday, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Information and analytical Parent survey:

“Monitoring the availability of preschool education.”

Creating conditions for pedagogical education of parents.
Visual and informational Memo for parents “Help children remember fire safety rules” Draw the attention of parents to the problem of fire safety. Creating a friendly partnership between kindergarten and family.
Information sheet “Healthy eating for preschoolers” Introduce parents to the nutritional habits of preschool children.
Photo exhibition “Beautiful places in our city.” Develop interest in your hometown. Expand the understanding and enrich the pedagogical skills of parents on the issues of moral education of preschoolers.
Information sheet: “Children’s drawing is the key to the child’s inner world” To draw the attention of parents to the value of children’s visual creativity as a source of knowledge of the child’s inner world, the peculiarities of his perception of the world around him.
Making a photo newspaper “My mother is no better in the world!” Involve parents in joint creative activities with children
Folder “Logic games for the development of children 5-6 years old.” Show parents the importance of educational games for the development of intellectual abilities in children.
Design of visual campaigning for parents:

“On the way to kindergarten” (problems of children's road traffic injuries).

Increasing the level of parental competence in raising children.
Cognitive Conversation “Rules of behavior for a preschooler. Cultural and hygienic rules." Observe the rules of behavior in the group, encourage warm relationships with each other.
Game workshop “Games with sounds and letters” Show parents the need for a child to have a sensory experience of playing with sounds in order to successfully master literacy and prepare for reading at school.
Consultation “Secrets of psychological health” Help parents create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the family.
Communication with your child at home: “Cars on the streets of our city.” Expand children's knowledge about the rules and road signs for pedestrians, and activate the corresponding vocabulary. Helping parents on this or that issue of education, helping to achieve a common point of view on these issues.
Drawing competition “Look into your mother’s eyes.” Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Sports leisure “No obstacles are scary if your mother is nearby”, dedicated to International Mother’s Day. Help parents in nurturing love and respect for mothers, convey to children that there is no one more dear than mother, that mother is the closest and best friend.
Information and analytical Parent survey:

"Evaluation of interaction between parents and teachers."

Creating conditions for pedagogical education of parents.
Visual and informational Fire safety reminder: “Let the Christmas tree give only joy!” Drawing the attention of parents to the safety of their children. Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home.
Decorating a parent's corner on a New Year's theme. Draw the attention of parents to the information in the parent corner using a visual method.
Information sheet “Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections.” Learn about ways to prevent flu and colds. Continue working with parents to build constructive partnerships.
Congratulatory newspaper “Soon, New Year is coming!” Congratulate your parents on the upcoming New Year. Express your respect and kindness to them.
Design of visual campaigning:

“When it’s snowing outside” (injury problems in winter).

Draw the attention of parents to the problem of injuries in winter.
Cognitive Conversations about the need to control children's television viewing. Familiarizing parents with the tasks of preserving and improving the health of children.
Parents' meeting No. 2

"Children's safety during the New Year holidays and holidays."

To unite the efforts of teachers and parents to introduce children to the basics of safe behavior with the onset of the cold season. Continue working with parents to build constructive partnerships.
Inviting parents to the math library. Introduce parents to books on mathematics; tell the essence of the application and usefulness of each book.
Consultation for parents “Development of mathematical abilities in preschool children in the process of studying the world around them.” Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge on this topic.
Individual consultation “Formation of independence in children 6–7 years old for successful learning at school.” Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents on issues of nurturing independence in children.
Consultation “Phytotherapy during acute respiratory infections.” Educating parents on health promotion issues.
Promotion “Christmas tree of wishes. Letter to Santa Claus". Children and parents receive positive emotions from the joint anticipation of the holiday.
Travel folder "Soon to school." Psychological and pedagogical education of parents.
Leisure Exhibition of children's drawings "In the winter kingdom". Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Review-competition: “Best New Year’s toy.” Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Review-competition: “The best design of a group and site for the New Year holiday.” Involve parents in decorating the group, preparing costumes and attributes for the New Year's party. Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
New Year's entertainment "New Year's surprises". Creating a friendly partnership between kindergarten and family.
Decorating the area with snow

buildings, garlands and toys made with your own hands from waste material.

Involve parents in joint

preparation for the upcoming New Year holiday; into the work of building a snow town and decorating the site for the purpose of joint creativity.

Consultation: “Organizing a safe holiday for children during the New Year holidays.” Familiarizing parents with the tasks of preserving the health of children.
Sports entertainment “Let the frost crackle and get angry, we can’t sit still!” Involving parents in preparing the holiday, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Information and analytical Questioning of parents: “Identification of parents’ difficulties in the upbringing and development of children.” Creating conditions for pedagogical education of parents.
Visual and informational Information sheet “Hardening is one of the forms of preventing colds in children.” Familiarizing parents with the tasks of preserving and improving the health of children.
Information sheet "Tips for teaching children to tell stories from a picture." Providing a differentiated approach to working with families.
Information sheet “Caution, ice.” Implementation of a unified educational approach when teaching a child the rules of behavior on the road in winter.
Information sheet "Children's overtiredness." Educating parents on issues of maintaining children's health.
Information sheet “The influence of theatrical activities on the development of a child’s speech.” Pedagogical education of parents on speech development through theatrical activities.
Cognitive Consultation: “How to make a winter walk with your child enjoyable and useful?” Identification and analysis of information about the conditions of a healthy lifestyle in the families of pupils.
Conversation “Cultivating a caring and conscious attitude towards

nature is the task of the family and kindergarten.”

To analyze the joint activities of kindergarten and family in environmental education of children.

Identify effective forms of cooperation.

Conversation “Prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.” Remind traditional and folk methods of prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
Conversation “Dress children according to the weather, teach them the ability to take care of their clothes” Educating parents on issues of maintaining children's health.
Leisure Campaign “Clearing the territory of the kindergarten from snow.” Receiving positive emotions from joint work and establishing trusting relationships.
Exhibition of children's drawings "Winter-Winter". Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Review-competition: “The best design of a walking area with winter sculptures.” Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Promotion “Bird Canteen”.

(making feeders with children)

Involve parents in the moral education of children and joint work; unification of children's and adult teams.
Holiday “The carol has come, open the gates.” Creating a friendly partnership between kindergarten and family.
Information and analytical Questioning of parents: “Psychological dependence of children on television advertising.” To identify the problems that parents have in raising a healthy lifestyle for their child, and also to analyze the parents’ knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
Visual and informational Information sheet “How to organize physical education leisure at home.” Increasing the level of parental competence in raising children.
Design of visual campaigning

"Rules of conduct on ice."

Drawing the attention of parents to the safety of their children.
Information sheet “Basics of personal safety for preschoolers.” Drawing the attention of parents to the safety of their children. Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home.
Folder-movable “Wide Maslenitsa”. Continue to instill Russian folk traditions, introduce them to the signs and entertainment of the Maslenitsa holiday.
Information sheet “How to overcome stubbornness in a child?” Improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents.
Cognitive Conversation “The role of articulatory gymnastics for preschool children.” Introduce parents to the types of articulation gymnastics.
Consultation “Child and Computer”. Dissemination of knowledge among parents about the correct organization of a child’s work on a computer.
Tips for parents “How to set up a library for your child at home.” Provide practical advice to parents on designing a children's library at home.

"Health through sports."

Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home. Propaganda of healthy lifestyle.
Leisure Interactive entertainment dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Contribute to enriching the experience of cooperation with families, develop harmony in relationships. Creating positive emotions.
Exhibition of children's creativity "Portrait of a Beloved Daddy" Involve parents in joint creativity with their children.
Children's and parent's creativity competition "Original postcard for dad." Creating positive emotions from the joint work of parents and children.
Musical holiday "Maslenitsa". Creating positive emotions.
Information and analytical Parent survey:

"Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family."

To identify the problems that parents have in raising a healthy lifestyle for their child, and also to analyze the parents’ knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
Visual and informational Memo “How to prevent vitamin deficiency in the spring.” Offer information about a range of vitamins and food supplements for children in the spring.
Information sheet "Music and Speech". Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents.
Decorating a parent's corner for the March 8 holiday. Draw parents' attention to new information and interest them in events.
Design of visual campaigning

“Caution, thin ice!”

Drawing the attention of parents to the safety of their children. Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home.
Information sheet “Beware of colds!” Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Cognitive Consultations for parents: “What children should know about traffic rules.” Solving the problem of children's road traffic injuries.

"Vitamins for children."

Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Parents' meeting No. 3

"The role of the family in reducing road traffic injuries."

Drawing the attention of parents to the safety of their children.
Memo for parents “Cognitive experiences for children.” To intensify the activity of parents in the work on experimental activities of preschoolers.
Leisure Review competition “The best gift for mom.” Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Children-parent creativity competition “Bouquet

for my beloved mother" (non-traditional techniques

and materials)"

Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Entertainment dedicated to international

Women's Day "Mom Smiles"

Involving parents in preparing the holiday dedicated to March 8 (learning songs and poems with children, making holiday paraphernalia.
Exhibition of children's drawings "Mom my sunshine." Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Information and analytical Questionnaire “Hello, information desk?” Conduct a survey among parents to identify difficulties in raising preschool children.
Visual and informational Decorating a parent's corner based on the theme "Spring". Draw parents' attention to new information and interest them in events.
Design of the traveling folder “Vitamins for children”. Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Information sheet “Introducing children to the secrets of space.” Give recommendations on what books should be read for preschool children about space and astronauts, and how to maintain a child’s interest in the unknown.
Information sheet “Which musical instrument to choose?” Ensuring a close relationship between the kindergarten and the family in the implementation of the tasks of the musical and aesthetic development of children.
Design of visual campaigning for parents:

"Children's injuries!"

Drawing the attention of parents to the safety of their children. Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home. Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Recommendations “What to read to children about spring: V. Bianchi “Spring”, B. Timofeev

“Frost and Sun”, E. Baratynsky “Spring”,


To intensify the activities of parents in the work on the development of speech of preschoolers.
Cognitive Consultation:

“Vitaminosis: how to avoid vitamin deficiency in the body.”

Increasing the level of parental competence in healthy lifestyle issues.
Parent meeting “Final results of the quality of children’s mastery of the “Educational program of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “………””. Summing up the results of the joint activities of the teacher, students and parents during the school year; determination of prospects for the future.
Leisure Competition "The best design of a vegetable garden on a windowsill." Joint creation in a group of a vegetable garden on the windowsill. To intensify the activities of parents in the work on the cognitive activity of preschoolers.
"Spring Lightning" - sports competitions

dedicated to the celebration of the Victory Stump

Contribute to enriching the experience of cooperation with families, develop harmony in relationships. Creating positive emotions.
Sports entertainment “Young Firefighter”,

dedicated to Fire Protection Day in Russia.

Contribute to enriching the experience of cooperation with families, develop harmony in relationships. Creating positive emotions.
Arts and Crafts Competition

"Space trip".

Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Festival of singing skills among pupils of the preschool educational institution “Melodies familiar from childhood”. Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Promotion “The best site”. Involving parents in the improvement of the kindergarten site.
Parent survey:

"Rules and road safety."

To activate and enrich parents’ knowledge in the field

child safety. Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home.

Visual and informational Information sheet "Intestinal infection". Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Information sheet “May 15th – International Family Day”. Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Poster "Rules of behavior on the water." Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Information sheet “Fire is a disaster for the forest!” Draw parents' attention to information using a visual method.
Cognitive Tips for keeping children safe on the road in the summer. To activate and enrich parents’ knowledge in the field

life safety in the summer.

Consultation: “Avitaminosis: how to avoid vitamin deficiency in the body.” To draw the attention of parents to the problem of vitamin deficiency in children.
Leisure “Ecological landing” is a joint cleanup of parents and children to clean the territory of the kindergarten. Involve parents in joint work; unification of children's and adult teams.
“Spring Lightning” is a sports competition dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day. Involving parents in preparing a holiday dedicated to Victory Day.
Competition "Merry Flowerbed" Involve parents in joint work; unification of children's and adult teams.
Competition for children and parents creativity “Dove of Peace”. Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Exhibition of children's drawings “Red Summer has come!” Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.
Promotions dedicated to Victory Day

1. St. George's ribbon

2. Victory lilac

3. Soldier's porridge

4. Excursion to Victory Park

Uniting children's and adult teams. Formation of patriotic and moral values ​​in children and parents.
Design of visual campaigning

"Weekend Route"

Information and analytical Parent survey:

“Everyone should know the rules of the road.”

To activate and enrich parents’ knowledge in the field

child safety. Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home.

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