Rhythm and choreography classes in kindergarten lesson plan (middle group) on the topic

Logorhythmic lesson summary

Author: Biryulya Yulia Borisovna

Summary of a logorhythmic lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Let’s help forest animals get dressed” (Clothes. Shoes. Hats)

Tasks of a speech therapist:

1. Development of coordination of movements with changes in tempo depending on the tempo of the music.

2. Clarification of the active and enrichment of the passive vocabulary on the topic: “Clothing. Shoes".

3. Formation of adjectives from nouns.

4. Formation of the form of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

5. Dividing words into syllables.

6. Development of the ability to coordinate a noun with a pronoun.

7. Work on improving coordination of speech with movement.

8. Development of strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

9. Development of auditory and visual attention, memory.

Tasks of the music director:

1. Teach various types of walking, running, jumping in accordance with the tempo and rhythm of the music.

2. Development of vocal and singing skills.

3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music of various types.

4. Learn to correlate speech with movement in accordance with music.

The teacher carries out preparatory work on the lexical topic on the instructions of the speech therapist, memorizes the speech material of poems for speech with movement. During physical education classes, he learns outdoor games, practices the accuracy of performing movements, which are performed to music in speech therapy rhythm.

I. _ Organizing time.

Speech therapist:

Guys, today I found a letter from a fox in my mailbox. Let's see what she wrote to us... (Speech therapist opens the letter)

“Dear children, girls and boys, it’s good for you in kindergarten, it’s warm, but in our forest it’s cold. The hare has a new coat, but I’m freezing, a moth has eaten my coat. Save, help! »

Speech therapist:

How can we help the fox? (to give a new fur coat) Oh, there’s something else written here in small handwriting, bunny, I think he added it.

“Dear guys, I have a new fur coat, warm, white and beautiful, and no one notices me in the snow, a fox runs past. But my paws are cold. Help me!"

Speech therapist:

What can we give to a bunny so that his paws don’t freeze? (Shoes).

This means we’ll have to go to the forest, but it’s cold in the forest, we need to get dressed! What are we wearing? What are we wearing? (Clothes, shoes, hats)

· Development of the ability to coordinate a noun with the pronoun “My, mine, mine.”

The speech therapist names the clothes and throws the ball. The child repeats the name of the clothing with the corresponding pronoun (T-shirt - my T-shirt, tights - my tights., returns the ball.

II . Introductory exercise:

Speech therapist:

We got dressed, put on our shoes - now we go into the forest.

We'll go to the forest to see the animals

And we'll save you from the cold

Normal walking
So as not to get stuck in the snow -

You need to raise your legs up.

Walking with a high hip lift

"Horses" of music. Kraseva M.

Let's kick the snowball with our heels

And we'll go faster.

Walking on your heels

music Russian traditional

We ran on our toes

And not at all tired.

Running on your toes
Oh, the paths are confused -

You won't get lost, legs.

Walking along landmarks with a cross step

III.Main part:

1. Development of motor skills. Coordination of speech with movement.

Speech therapist:

Our hands are frozen without gloves, we need to put them on quickly.

We put on our mittens "flashlights"
Look at us: point at each other and then at themselves
In our new mittens

We'll start a merry dance

hands on the belt, spinning
We'll clap our hands claps
We'll stomp a little floods
Let's shake off the mittens Sliding claps
And we'll start dancing again. "springs"

2. Development of strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles. (Breathing exercise “Breeze”)

Speech therapist:

Oh, and the cold wind is blowing.

3. Development of auditory attention, representation and memory. Fixing the names of items of clothing, shoes and hats. Game "Coat hanger"

Children move around the hall to the music. When the speech therapist names an item of clothing, they stop, spread their arms to the sides, when they hear the name of the headdress, they put their hands on the head, shoes - they stomp their feet (heels).

4. Listening to “Put on your felt boots” by Stepanov

5. Singing “Put on your felt boots” by Stepanov (in a round dance)

6. Consolidation and activation of vocabulary on a lexical topic. Dividing words into syllables (tapping with cubes) Game “Clap the words”

Speech therapist:

What did we want to give to the bunny (fox)? (Shoes (clothes))

Speech therapist:

What kind of shoes (clothes) do you know? Please remember that words are divided into parts. We will separate them with the help of claps. How many times we clap our hands - there are so many syllables in a word.

Children take turns naming items of footwear (clothing), clapping the words with their hands, syllable by syllable.

Children give gifts (a fur coat, shoes) to the fox and the hare and say goodbye to them.

IV . Final part


Speech therapist:

Guys, we helped the animals, took a walk, played, and now it’s time for us to return home.

Children lie on the carpet on their backs and listen to the music of “November” “On the Troika” album “Seasons” by Tchaikovsky.
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