SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT IN PRECEPTION Methodological development on the topic

Features of conducting summer classes in kindergarten

In the summer, educational games should be moved outside: fresh air increases productivity. Children acquire knowledge by observing the world around them. In the process of team games and competitions, they learn to work in a team, communicate with people, find new friends, and be organized.

Avoid conflicts

If children quarrel, help them make peace. Become a mediator between them. Don't do everything for them: let them talk among themselves under your supervision; if necessary, they will turn to you for help.

Consult parents

It can be group, or it can be individual. Parents can ask any question there. You are allowed to come with your children.


During the summer, spend as much time as possible outside with your children. Make sure that children do not sit in the houses.

Drawing competition

Draw cartoon characters on the asphalt. The one with the most beautiful drawing wins.

Vegetable garden, flower bed

Create a mini-garden or flowerbed. Children will water the plants, care for them, and watch them grow. Your comment about plants will make the courtship process even more interesting. You will see how eagerly kids engage in gardening.

Soap Bubbles Festival

Arrange with your parents to have each child bring soap bubbles on a certain day. Kids will watch with admiration how soap bubbles fly and burst. You can organize a contest for the biggest soap bubble.

Hide and seek

This game is suitable for children of any age. Make sure that the children do not run far away, otherwise you will have to start searching together with the leader.

Water games

In summer, children love playing with water. You can bring plastic bottles and pour water on each other from them, you can go to the pool and splash around there. Or you can shoot with water pistols!

Outdoor games

The simplest outdoor game that will help keep children occupied in kindergarten is “catch up.” Diversify the game by adding jumping and crawling. You can change the plot of the game a little, make additions. For outdoor games you will need a lot of space.

  • Musical outdoor game. Arrange the chairs in a circle with their backs facing inward. Their number should be one less than the number of children in the group. With the music turned on, the children walk around the chairs, and as soon as the music stops, they sit down. Anyone who does not have time to sit down is out of the game. One chair also needs to be removed. At the end there are two people and one chair left. The one who sits in the last chair wins.
  • "You're going slower." Outline the area with lines on both sides. Choose the distance between the lines depending on the size of the site. The leader stands behind one of the lines and turns his back. The rest of the children are behind the other line. When the presenter says the words “More slowly, you will go further,” you need to run to him. As soon as he says “STOP!” or “FREEZE!”, you need to stop. The one who moves after these words is out of the game. The winner is the one who crosses the line the fastest and touches the leader with his hand.
  • "Colored traffic light". Outline the area with lines on both sides - this will be the road. The leader stands behind one of the lines with his back to the “road”. He names any color, and the players standing behind the line must find it in their clothes. If there is such a color, they cross the road. If not, you need to run across it in such a way that the leader cannot catch them.
  • "Musical traffic light" This is a variation of the game "Traffic Light". Instead of a color, the presenter names a letter. Participants in the game must sing a verse of a song starting with this letter. If they sing, they can cross the road. If not, they must run across it in such a way that the “vada” cannot catch it.
  • "Seine". A seine (two or three people) and fish (the rest of the guys) are selected. The seine children must catch up with the fish children, holding hands. If a “fish” crashes into a “net”, it becomes part of it. The winner is the last and fastest “fish”.
  • "Squirrels." The leader is chosen - a hunting dog. All other children are squirrels. Squirrels are safe when they cling to a tree. The children's task is to run from tree to tree, the leader's task is to catch the squirrels.
  • "Knocked out." Outline the sites with lines on both sides. The distance between the lines depends on the size of the site. Behind these two lines there are two leaders, one of them should have the ball. Children become inside the lines. The presenters take turns throwing the ball to each other, trying to hit the children with it. Once someone is knocked out by the ball, they are out of the game. The last player remaining will win.
  • "Third wheel". The number of participants must be even. The leader, “catching up”, and the runner are selected. Children are divided into pairs and stand one after another in a circle (it turns out to be a double circle). “Catching up” goes inside the circle, and the runner stands outside. At the signal, the leader begins to catch up with the runner. You cannot run inside the circle or move between pairs. At any moment, the runner can stand next to one of the pairs and shout “The third one is extra!” At these words, the child standing inside the circle begins to run away.

Plan - project for the summer health period

Summer is a favorable time for solving many problems in working with preschoolers, including cognitive ones. We must use the conditions of the summer period as fully as possible in various types of activities that allow children to consolidate and apply the knowledge acquired during the school year. And we also want to give them the opportunity to enjoy the coming of summer.

Domestic and foreign researchers note the importance of those activities in education that bring joy to the child, exert a positive moral influence, and harmoniously develop the mental and physical abilities of a growing person.

We want to test the organization of such activities in our kindergarten using modern technologies: games and the project method.

Having focused on play as a necessary meaningful activity, we proceeded from the position that play attracts a child more than any other activity. It is where the emotional sphere and mental qualities of the individual develop. In this regard, it seems important to us that L. Wenger’s idea that in play a preschooler lives and experiences imaginary events.

The situations experienced in the game become the child’s own emotional experience, that is, the game is a powerful means of his successful socialization.

While practicing communication skills, children do not notice that they are learning, since here they are solving a game task set by an adult.

The project method is a type of educational technology when the teacher and his students in the learning process use facts and stimuli gleaned from the surrounding reality.

During the implementation of projects, children find themselves in various life situations, when faced with difficulties, they overcome them (intuitively, with the help of established habits and skills, through the application of new knowledge, methods of activity that they need to find independently in order to achieve their practical goal).

The project method involves the use of a variety of teaching tools and techniques, as well as the need to integrate various types of knowledge and skills.

So, by project we mean a set of actions organized by adults to implement a problem that is significant for a child on the basis of common interest, participation in creative activity, culminating in a real, practical result.

Project participants:

children from 1.5 to 7, group teachers, preschool employees, parents.


: creation of an innovative system that provides a new quality of preschool education.


1. Strengthening the health and physical development of children: increasing the effectiveness of hardening activities, improving an individual differentiated approach to physical education.

2. Implementation of a system of measures for moral and environmental education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity, formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

3. Improving the professional skills of teachers and staff, carrying out pedagogical and health education of parents on the organization of summer health work.


: Medium duration project.

Estimated results of the project implementation

1. Improving the physical and mental health of preschool children.

2. Development of children's cognitive activity, creative abilities, and communication skills.

3. The ability of children to behave correctly in various dangerous situations.

4. Children’s ability to ask for help in a timely manner, to conduct role-playing dialogue with adults and with their peers.

5. Improving the professional skills of teachers and staff of preschool educational institutions.

6. Mastery of modern educational technologies.

Project development

1. Bring to the attention of project participants the importance of this problem.

2. Select methodological, popular science, fiction, and illustrative material on this topic.

3. Select materials, toys, attributes for play and project activities.

4. Select material for children’s visual and productive activities.

5. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Project implementation


Events Deadlines Responsible
Regulatory, legal and instructional support

Issuing orders:

1.1 “On the preparation of MBDOU for work in the summer.” June Manager
1.2 “On organizing the work of a kindergarten in the summer.” -//- -//-
1.3 “On protecting the life and health of pupils in the summer.” -//- -//-
1.4 “On checking the state of readiness of a kindergarten for work in the summer.” -//- -//-
1.5 “On the creation of a commission for daily inspection of premises, buildings, and territory of preschool educational institutions.” -//- -//-
1.6 “On increasing vigilance for the safety of children and their lives.” -//- -//-
1.7 "On carrying out repair work." August -//-
1.8 "On technical inspection of buildings." -//- -//-
1.9 “On preparation for work in the autumn-winter period.” -//- -//-
Instructing teachers:
2.1 To protect the life and health of children in the summer. June Manager
2.2 Providing medical care for sunstroke. -//- -//-
2.3 For the prevention of food poisoning and intestinal infections. -//- -//-
2.4 To provide medical care to children in case of poisoning by poisonous plants, mushrooms, insect bites, heat and sunstroke. -//- -//-
2.5 On safety and sanitation for junior service personnel. -//- -//-
2.6 Conducting training exercises for the evacuation of children and employees from the building of a preschool educational institution in the event of emergency situations, drawing up a protocol for the exercise. -//- -//-
2.7 Preparation and signing of cooperation agreements with parents. August -//-
Educational work with children


Events Deadlines Responsible
1 Transition to working with children according to the summer schedule: ensuring maximum exposure of children to the fresh air (morning reception, gymnastics, walks, physical education, entertainment) from May 30 Art. teacher, senior nurse
2 Calendar planning in accordance with methodological recommendations “Features of planning educational work in the summer” during the summer Educators
3 Creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to kindergarten in the first junior group and in the second junior group. During the adaptation period, conducting games that contribute to the successful adaptation of children. -//- -//-
4 Introduction of adaptation sheets to all newly admitted children in the first junior group. -//- -//-
5 To prevent intestinal diseases, pay special attention to the development of cultural and hygienic skills (washing hands before each meal, thoroughly washing toys once a day in preschool groups and 2 times a day in a nursery group) -//- -//-
Physical education and health work
6.1 Creating conditions for increasing physical activity of children in the fresh air by expanding the range of outdoor equipment. -//- -//-
6.2 Update in the summer in each group of benefits for children's health. -//- -//-
6.3 Carrying out gymnastics after daytime sleep in the form of warming up in bed and self-massage or in the form of games and exercises. -//- -//-
6.4 Daily planning of independent motor activity in the air. -//- -//-
6.5 Regularly conducting valeological conversations with children in older groups and in the preparatory group, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. -//- -//-
6.6 Organization of games with water. -//- -//-
6.7 Teaching children elements of sports games for senior and preparatory groups; football basketball. -//- -//-
6.8 Organization of independent motor activity of children in the air: riding bicycles, ball games, skipping ropes, skittles, ring throwing, hoops. -//- -//-
Environmental work
7.1 Conducting excursions and targeted walks outside the kindergarten territory based on routes developed by teachers and the senior teacher. -//- -//-
7.2 Submit one detailed outline of an environmental excursion indicating the month, place of visit, methods and techniques of work to the teaching council No. 1. -//- Art. teacher, educators
7.3 Conducting environmental conversations, walks, observations, experiments with living and inanimate nature, work on the site and in the flower garden. -//- Educators
7.4 Watching educational films with environmental content. -//- -//-
7.5 Introduction to summer folk festivals. -//- -//-
7.6 Observing plants in a flower bed, garden, learning the names of flowers and garden crops. -//- -//-
7.7 Carrying out sketches from nature, in nature, designing an album (preparatory, senior groups). -//- -//-
7.8 Reading literature about nature. -//- -//-
7.9 Memorizing with children poems about summer, flowers, herbs, insects, mushrooms, folk proverbs and sayings. -//- -//-
Working with children in arts and crafts
8.1 Making crafts from natural and waste materials, origami. -//- -//-
8.2 Organization of drawing with colored chalks on asphalt. -//- -//-
8.3 Drawing in an unconventional way. -//- -//-
Working with children to prevent domestic and road traffic injuries
9.1 Reading stories, poems about safety at home, on the street, in nature. -//- -//-
9.2 Conducting life safety discussions. -//- -//-
9.3 Using the educational cartoon program “Lessons of Caution”. -//- -//-
Working with children on behavioral culture
10.1 Using the educational cartoon program “Lessons of Good Behavior” in work. -//- -//-
10.2 Conducting conversations about good and bad behavior. -//- -//-
10.3 How the good deeds screen works in groups -//- -//-
Methodical work


Events Deadlines Responsible
1.1 “A baby’s smile during the adaptation period” for teachers of the first junior group. Flexible plan of educational work during the adaptation period. June August Senior teacher,

teachers of the first junior group

1.2 “Games on the asphalt” for teachers of the senior and preparatory groups. June Art. teacher
1.3 “Relay race games for preschoolers” for teachers of senior and preparatory groups. June -//-
1.4 “Outdoor games and exercises with children in nature” for teachers of all groups. June -//-
1.5 “Water games while walking” for teachers of all groups. July -//-
1.6 “Environmental education of children in the summer” for teachers of all groups. July -//-
1.7 “Moral and aesthetic education of children in the summer” for teachers of all groups. August -//-
Open display
2.1 Collaborative activities between teachers and children. Sand buildings. July Educators
3.1 Methodological manuals and literature on working with children in the summer. June Art. teacher
3.2 Photos based on the results of work during the summer health period. August Art. teacher, educators
4 Individual work with teachers (on request) during the summer Art. teacher
Equipment for groups and sections


Events Deadlines Responsible
1 Updating the subject-development environment of all zones June August Senior teacher,


2 Design of parent corners for the summer recreational period in all age groups. during the summer Educators
3 Addition of passports of groups and classrooms to the beginning of the school year during the summer Art. teacher, preschool staff
4 Making a card index of games for all types of activities for all age groups -//- Senior teacher, specialists,


5 Drawing up long-term plans for all types of activities in all age groups -//- -//-
6 Provide take-out material with toys and aids for playing with sand and water, for the development of children in all groups. June caretaker
7 Repair and painting of equipment on site -//- -//-
8 Carry out routine repairs in the kindergarten premises. August Preschool employees
9 Organization of sand supply. Laying out flower beds. Planting plants in the garden. -//- -//-
10 Creating a health track at the sports area. -//- Senior teacher, teachers
11 Creation of a “Forest Zone” on the kindergarten site. during the summer Art. teacher, educators
12 Create a traffic area on the street. -//- Art. teacher, educators


Events Deadlines Responsible
Operational control
1.1 The work of educators during the adaptation period. June August Head, senior teacher
1.2 Hardening. June Art. nurse
1.3 Daytime sleep in all groups. June Manager
1.4 Organizing work with children in the garden. -//- -//-
1.5 Carrying out a summer entertainment plan. -//- -//-
1.6 Planning work with children in the summer. July Art. teacher
1.7 Decorating parent corners according to the summer plan. -//- -//-
1.8 Organization of motor activity of children (observation of morning reception). -//- -//-
1.9 Organization of educational excursions in the summer. August -//-
1.10 Implementation of instructions for protecting the life and health of children in groups and on playgrounds. -//- Manager
1.11 Organization of drinking regime in groups. -//- Manager,

Art. nurse

Preventive control
2.1 Organization of morning reception for children -//- Manager,

Art. nurse

Working with parents


Events Deadlines Responsible
1 Setting up a “Parents Corner” in groups June Educators
2 Consultation for parents of newly admitted children “Adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions” during the summer Art. nurse, teachers of the first junior group
3 Consultation for parents “How to organize a child’s summer vacation” June Educators
4 Participation of parents in landscaping and renovation of groups. -//- -//-
5 Participation of parents in excursions, leisure activities, and entertainment. during the summer -//-

Approximate comprehensive thematic planning


No. Events date Group
Week “My Happy Childhood” June 1 – Children’s Day
1 “Let’s give the globe to the children” (events dedicated to Children’s Day) 1 All
2 Conversations “Hello, red summer!” Looking at illustrations, postcards, reading books about summer. 2 All
4 Final activities: “targeted walks:

— “Summer and Us” (around the kindergarten);

3 Second junior, middle; Tatar
- “Careful, children!” (to the crossroads)". senior, prepared
Week “Where does the Motherland begin?” June 12 – Russia Day
1 Conversations “My home is my country.” Looking at illustrations, reading books. Learning poems about Russia. 6 All
2 Collective work (collage) “Russia is our common home.” 7 All
3 Excursion to the city park “Here we play happily and all relax together” 8 Senior, ready.
4 Creative workshop:

“Flags” (coloring the Russian, Tatarstan tricolor);

9 Second junior, middle, Tatar
“Our City” (drawing competition – non-traditional technique) Senior, ready.
5 Final event: “Sabantuy”. 10 All
“Health Week” 20 – Medical Worker Day
1 Thematic conversations “Take care of your health.” Reading the works “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky. 13 All
2 Physical education “Sun, air and water are our best friends” 14 All
3 Role-playing games “Treating dolls and animals.” Replenishment of the “Hospital” corner. 15 All
4 Quiz "From Moidodyr". 16 Senior, ready.
5 Games on the Zdoroveyka sports ground. 17 Secondary, senior, preparatory, Tatar
6 Final event: “Chistyul Holiday” 20 All
Week “Guardian of Peace” 22 – Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
1 Excursion “They defended the Motherland” (to the obelisk) 21 Senior, ready.
2 Creative workshop: (non-traditional techniques)

“Dove - bird of peace” (coloring);

22 Second junior, middle, Tatar
“Blossom the Earth - a peaceful planet” (applique). Senior, ready.
3 Didactic games "Military weapons". 23 Middle, senior, prepared.
4 Final event: “Competition of readers, songs, drawings “YES to Peace!”. 24 All
Week “Children on the Planet Are Friends”
1 Competition “Young Artists” (painting on asphalt). 27 Secondary, senior, preparatory, Tatar
2 Watching the cartoon “About Leopold the Cat” 28 All
3 Balloon Festival “My Happy Childhood!” 29 All
4 Final event: “Excursion “Yakovlev Museum” (in Koshki-Novotimbaevo).” 30 Senior, ready.


No. Events date Group
Week “Everyone should know the rules of the road” July 3 – Traffic Police Day (State Traffic Police Day)
1 Conversations “Road rules are reliable rules.” 1 All
2 Educational games on road safety rules “Red. Yellow. Green". 4 All
3 Working with the floor layout “Crossroads”;

Games on the asphalt.

5 All
4 “Skillful Hands” (manufacturing modes of transport from waste material). 6 All
5 Final event: “Walking tour “On the way to the Museum.” 7 Senior, ready.
July 8 – Russian Post Day
1 Reading fiction, learning poems and songs. Solving riddles. Conversations about the profession of a postman. 8 All
2 Role-playing games "Mail" 11 Secondary, senior, preparatory, Tatar
3 Watching the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino” 12 All
4 Creation of mini-museums: “Postcards, stamps, envelopes, telegrams, letters.” 13 All
5 Excursion to the post office. 14 Senior, ready.
6 Final event: “Making letters and drawings to parents.” 15 All
22 — Trade Worker's Day
1 Role-playing games “Shop”, “Supermarket”. 18 Secondary, senior, preparatory, Tatar
2 Sand confectionery. 19 All
3 Didactic games “Flower shop”. 20 All
4 “Shop of the Future” (drawing). 21 All
6 Final event: “Excursion to a bookstore.” 22 Senior, ready.
Week “By the water and in the water” 29 – Navy Day (Neptune Day).
1 Water games "Swim, sail, boat" 25 All
2 Collective work “Ocean made of plasticine”. 26 Secondary, senior, preparatory, Tatar
3 Conversations: “Sailor – profession or vocation.” 27 Secondary, senior, preparatory, Tatar
4 "Festival of Soap Bubbles." 28 All
5 Final event: “Search for sunken treasures” - a leisure game and entertainment.” 29 All


No. Events date Group
“Week of Sports and Physical Education” 11- Athlete’s Day
1 Ball games “My funny, ringing ball.”
2 Excursion to Dolgaya Polyana. 2 Senior, ready.
3 “You can’t tear off your sandals” (hardening - barefoot). 3 Older,


4 Physical education leisure “Fun relay races”; 4 Second youngest, middle, Tatar
Competition "Fun Starts". The eldest is ready.
5 Festival of folk games. 5 All
6 Conversations “Whoever is hardened is a friend, never grieves”, “Red summer is a wonderful time for health.” 8 All
7 “Funny Classics” (competition between groups). 9 Senior, ready.
8 Physical education “We are friends with sports” 10 All
9 Final event: “Sports festival “Mom, Dad, I – a sports family.” 11 Senior, ready.
Week “What is a house built from” 12 – Builder’s Day
1 Conversations, reading poetry, listening to songs about the construction profession. 12 All
2 Competition “Fantastic City” (sand buildings). 15 All
3 “Magic pebbles” (drawing on stones). 16 All
4 Presentation “My Favorite City” (the most famous buildings in Tetyushi). 17 Senior, preparatory, Tatar
5 “City of Craftsmen” making crafts from natural materials. 18 All
6 Final event: “Research (experimental activities with clay, sand, stones).” 19 All
"Ecological week"
1 Conversations “Where to find vitamins?”, “Poisonous mushrooms and plants”, “Do’s and don’ts.” 22 All
2 We continue to introduce children to the work of V. Bianchi. 23 All
3 “Showball of flowers” ​​(non-traditional technique). 24 All
4 Targeted walk to the pond “Miracle Everywhere” (to the pond). 25 Middle, senior, prepared.
5 Final event: “Competition “The best plot” (work in the garden).” 26 All
Week “Love your land and sing praises” 30 – Day of formation of the Republic of Tatarstan
1 Folklore competition for experts in proverbs, sayings and riddles. 29 Senior, ready.
2 Quiz “What do we know about the Motherland.” 30 Senior, ready.
3 Presentation of the project: “Holiday “Goodbye, Red Summer!” 31 All


1. Education and training program in kindergarten / Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009. – 208 p.

2. Penkova L.A.. Summer floats across the earth under sail. – M.: LINKA – PRESS, 2006. – 288 p.

3. Miklyaeva N.V.. Kindergarten of the future. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010. – 128 p.

4. Ivanova N.V. Social development of children in preschool educational institutions. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 128 p.

5. Davydova O.I.. Adaptation groups in preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sfera, 2005. - 128 p.

6. Voznaya V.I.. Organization of educational and health work in preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sfera, 2006. - 128 p.

7. Doronova T.N.. Adults and children play. – M.: LINKA – PRESS, 2006. – 208 p.

8. Mikhailenko N.Ya. Organization of story-based games in kindergarten. – M.: LINKA – PRESS, 2009. – 96 p.

9. White K.Yu.. Multi-colored games. – M.: LINKA – PRESS, 2007. – 336 p.

10. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. – M.: Education, 1991. – 160 p.

11. Dybina O.V. What are the objects made of? – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 128 p.

12. Belousova L.E.. Amazing stories. – St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD – PRESS, 2002. – 128 p.

13. Zherdeva E.V.. Young children in kindergarten. – Rostov – n/a: Phoenix, 2006, – 192 p.

14. Alyabyeva E.A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 160 p.

15. Dybina O.V.. What happened before…. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. – 160 p.

16. Dybina O.V.. Man-made world. – M.: TC Sfera, 2002. – 96 p.

17. Sinitsina E.I.. Clever words. - M.: List, 1997. – 176 p.

18. Anishchenkova E.S.. Finger gymnastics. M.: AST: Astrel, 2007. – 61 p.

19. Mikhailova M.A.. We sing, play, dance at home and in the garden. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. – 240 p.

20. Voronova V.Ya. Creative games for older preschoolers. – M.: Education, 1981. – 80 p.

21. Bogouslovskaya Z.M.. Educational games. – M.: Education, 1991. – 207 p.

22. Urmina I.. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Linka – Press, 2009. – 320 p.

23. Methodist preschool educational institution / Scientific and methodological journal / Issue No. 5. 2010, p. 82.

24. Management of preschool educational institutions / Scientific and practical journal / 2006, No. 7, p. 81.

25. Management of preschool educational institutions / Scientific and practical journal / 2007, No. 6, p. 13.

26. Management of preschool educational institutions / Scientific and practical journal / 2007, No. 7, p. 25.

27. Management of preschool educational institutions / Scientific and practical journal / 2009, No. 2, pp. 52,66,72,97.

28. Management of preschool educational institutions / Scientific and practical journal / 2010, No. 2, p. 59.

29. Preschool teacher /Practical journal/ 2008, No. 9, p. 20.


You should practice every day, and in a week the first result will be visible: the baby’s attention, thinking, and memory will improve. During the games, he learns a lot of new things, and it turns out to be a kind of school.

To develop thinking

"Yes, no, yes"

Goal: learn to ask questions, develop listening skills and attentiveness.

How to play: the teacher thinks of a word, and the children must guess it using questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”

"Visual yes-no-ka"

Goal: learn to ask questions, develop listening skills and attentiveness.

How to play: the teacher lays out toys or pictures on the table. Then he makes a wish for a toy or a picture. The child’s task is to guess what the teacher has planned using questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Sports festival for children of senior preschool age “We are Russians!”, dedicated to June 12 - Russia Day

Sports festival dedicated to June 12 - Russia Day “We are Russians!”

for children of senior preschool age. Goal: To instill love for the Motherland, cultivate feelings of patriotism, pride in one’s country, and feel involved in its life. Tasks: - continue to introduce...

“June 12 - Russia Day” holiday script for children of senior preschool age The purpose of the holiday : to cultivate love and pride for their country Russia, and respect for the traditions and symbols of their people. Objectives: To introduce children to the concepts: State flag of the Russian Federation; State emblem of the Russian Federation; The national anthem of the Russian...

Applications and crafts

Applications and crafts are useful for developing motor skills in a child’s hands. You should exercise every day. Gradually the child will learn to cut out circles and ovals.

Children enjoy making bulk appliques. You need to take grains, seeds, flakes, glue and any material. Create an animal or composition.

Any material is suitable for applications; it could even be fabrics. Grab your superglue and get to work.

Applications from geometric shapes

Let the children cut out various shapes - squares, diamonds, circles, triangles - and make a composition out of them. You can use different colors.

Applications based on templates

Children will really like the bright pictures. Girls will also appreciate paper dolls. Make them yourself or find ready-made ones.

Ideas for crafts and applications have been published on various websites. You can find them online and print them out.

Leisure – entertainment on the theme “Summer”

Grandma: Hello kids. I came to visit you for the holiday. And my name is Grandma Vasilisa. I walked towards you through a forest and a field and saw a lot of interesting things. How beautiful it is in the forest: different flowers bloom, birds sing, insects fly. Do you know what time of year and month it is?

Children: Spring. May.

Grandmother Vasilisa: Yes, today is May 31, the last day of spring. In spring, all nature wakes up and comes to life. Guys, do you know what happens to nature in the spring.

Children: Leaves appear on the trees, green grass covers the ground, birds fly from warm countries, insects wake up, flowers bloom, etc.

Grandmother Vasilisa: Guys, let's spend spring with a song.

Song: “Blossom my dear land”

Grandmother Vasilisa: While I was walking towards you through the forest, I saw different wildflowers. But the trouble is I couldn’t remember what they are called. Guys, can you help me remember the name of wildflowers?

Grandma Vasilisa takes flowers out of the basket: daisies, cornflowers, dandelions, lilies of the valley, bells, violets, buttercups, etc.

Children call them.

Grandma Vasilisa: I brought you flowers: chamomile and cornflower. Now we will collect them for you.

Game: “Collect a flower”

Grandmother Vasilisa: In the forest I heard the singing of different birds. One bird scared me and it screamed “Uhu.” Guys, what kind of bird is this?

Children: Owl

Grandma Vasilisa: Another bird played hide and seek with me and shouted “Peek-a-boo.” What kind of bird is this?

Children: Cuckoo

Grandmother Vasilisa: But the next bird warned everyone with its cry: “Kar-kar.” Well, what kind of bird is this?

Children: Crow

Grandma Vasilisa: And I also met a cheerful, nimble bird, she jumped from branch to branch and chirped “Chick-chirp.” What is this bird called?

Children: Sparrow

Grandmother Vasilisa: Well done, they recognized all the birds by their voice. But I wonder if you can guess the voices of your friends with whom you play in a group. Let's play a game.

Game: “Guess who’s singing?”

Grandma Vasilisa: Well done, guessing the voices of their friends. Oh, look what’s lying there, a feather. What do you think this is a feather?

Grandmother Vasilisa picks up the pen and examines it together with the children. Whose could it be?

Children: Golubinoe

Grandmother Vasilisa: Correct. Reads a nursery rhyme.

“Like on an oak tree on an oak tree,

There are two little doves sitting here..."

Grandmother Vasilisa: Guys, read me poems about summer, you know a lot of them.

Reading poems about summer.

Grandma Vasilisa: You know, I also saw a lot of different insects in the forest. I wanted to take a closer look at them, but I couldn’t. The butterfly quickly flew away, the grasshopper hid, and the beetles hid. Insects hear all the rustlings well and fly away to disguise themselves. Guys, what other insects do you know?

Children: Ants, dragonflies, beetles, butterflies, wasps, flies, etc.

Grandmother Vasilisa: I want to play a game with you, where you must be very attentive, be able to listen to music and perform all the movements to the music.

Game: “Musical - rhythmic movements”

Grandma Vasilisa: It turns out you know how to listen to music and perform all the movements correctly. Can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes

Grandma Vasilisa: Now I’ll check how well you solve riddles.


Grandma Vasilisa: I brought you more ribbons of different colors (distributes them to the children).

Game: “What color is summer?”

I will name the objects, and you will raise the ribbon of what color this object is (leaf - green ribbon, sun - yellow ribbon, rainbow - all ribbons). What color is summer? Children pick up all the ribbons.

Grandma Vasilisa: Let's celebrate the summer with a song.

Song "Song of Summer"

Grandmother Vasilisa: It’s time for me to return home. Goodbye, guys.

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