Summary of an open speech therapy lesson in the middle group; outline of a speech therapy lesson (middle group)



1 UTILITY STATE GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISE KINDERGARTEN-NUGERLE 3 “RAINBOW” AKIMAT OF THE CITY OF UST-KAMENOGORSK SYNOPSIS OF AN OPEN Speech Therapy CLASS IN A SECONDARY GROUP “Drop” Topic: “Visiting Shipelochka” Stage: Automation of the sound “Ш” in straight syllables and words. Consolidation of the lexical topic “Pets and birds, their families” Speech therapist: Osyatkina Yu. A. Methodist: Litvinova N. M. February 2018

2 Technological map of a speech therapy lesson Date: February 8, 2018 Age group: Average “Droplet” 2 children Ayanat S., Azhar N. Takyryby / Topic: “Visiting Shipelochka” Stage: Automation of the sound “Sh” in direct syllables and words. Consolidating the lexical topic “Pets and birds, their families” Objectives: Correctional and educational: consolidate the ability to correctly pronounce the sound Ш in straight open syllables and at the beginning of words; repeat vowel sounds and their visual symbols; develop lexical and grammatical categories (develop the ability to select words of definition for an object (what kind of ball? Airy, light, yellow, oval), coordination of nouns with numbers); consolidation of the lexical topic “Pets and birds, their families” Correctional and developmental: develop articulatory and fine motor skills, speech hearing and phonemic perception; Correctional and educational goals: to develop skills of cooperation and interaction with a speech therapist and with each other, to develop a caring attitude towards living nature. Kornekі kuraldar/ material used: mirror, balloons, soft toy snake Spielochka, symbols of vowel sounds, wooden bricks from a building set, pictures: hat, neck, shorts, fur coat, tire, tablet with video “families of animals and birds”, ratings- emoticons. Balalardyn isereketi/ Children's activities Children greet politely. Greeting Shipelochka. They hand her balls. Perform articulation exercises (cup, bagel, horse, delicious jam). Is-әreket қызмі/ Stages of activity Motivationalққққозғаушылқ/ Motivational-incentive Activities of a speech therapist Greeting the heroine of the class Snake Shipelochka, teaching her the techniques of articulatory gymnastics (several exercises from the complex for hissing)

3 Uyimdastyruizdestiru/Organizational search We learn to select definition words for the word ball. The snake Shipelochka is very happy with your gifts, admires them and thinks what they are?.. Let's tell Shipelochka that you need to inflate the balloons and play with them carefully, otherwise they may burst. Children select adjectives (beautiful, airy, oval, rubber, light, yellow, etc.) Children perform finger breathing exercises “Ball” We remember vowel sounds, sing them and while listening to a poem we arrange visual symbols in order Vowels stretch out in a ringing song, They may cry and shout, Give a loud whistle to a steam locomotive, They can neigh gently at a horse, They can even growl at a bear, They can answer with a distant echo in the forest. We lay out of these bricks a bridge across the river (ortho-rug puzzles) for Shipelochka. The snake crawls and sings songs (syllable paths): Sha-she-sho She-sho-shu Sho-shu-shi - Game “catch the Spittle.” We get on the paths. We listen to syllable rows and clap our hands if we hear the sound Ш: Ma, pa, ta, sha, ge, she, do, vo, sho, zo, zhu, su, shu, ky, we, shi, nose, ball, ball, house, noise, lump, shoo. - consolidation of knowledge on the lexical topic “Pets and birds, their families” Here is a snake family: Snake dad and snake children. And they talk to each other. They hiss like a snake, Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, so I’m crawling and not in a hurry. - Pure sayings 3 times Hispelochka taps her tail and the duty syllable hisses and speaks the words to us: Sha-sha-sha-hat She-she-she-neck Sho-sho-sho-shorts Shu-shu-shu-shu-fur coat Shi-shi-shi - tire Children repeat the vowels and place them on the path. Repeat the syllable paths, highlighting the duty sound with their voice. We perform finger gymnastics “My Family” and physical exercise “Clap-Top”. Watching the video “Moms and Babies” (x930) and naming members of animal families (dog family: mother dog, father dog, children - puppies)

4 Reflexive-corrective speech therapist praises the children for learning and teaching Shipelochka to say words. Gives instructions that the next lesson will turn out even better. Children STICKERS SNAKES Kutiletin natizhe/ Expected result: Belu / Know: correct articulation of the sound Ш Түсінуге тиіс / Have: clear acoustic and pronunciation image of the sound [Ш] Istey bilu kerek / Be able to: children know how to recognize syllables with the sound [Ш], among other syllables , pronounce the correct sound [Ш] in straight syllables and words with an open syllable Appendix 1 Some materials used in the lesson




8 Photo report from the lesson Appendix 2

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson with middle group children

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

with middle school children

Lexical topic:


Grammar topic:

formation of singular nouns in the genitive case.


strengthening the skill of forming singular nouns in the genitive case.



  • Clarification, expansion and activation of vocabulary on the topic.
  • Improving the grammatical structure of speech: consolidating the skill of forming singular nouns in the form of the genitive case and using them in independent speech; agreement of nouns in the nominative case with the numeral noun. Mastering prepositions before, for, between, on.
  • Differentiation of sounds [i] - [y] - [a] in a series of sounds, syllables, words.

Correction and development tasks:

  • Development of verbal and logical thinking.
  • Development of auditory attention.
  • Development of visual attention.
  • Development of articulation and fine motor skills.
  • Development of phonemic representations.


  • Formation of interest in living nature, goodwill, initiative.
  • Cultivating a caring attitude towards pets.

Subject dictionary:

cow, horse, goat, sheep, cat, dog, pig, rabbit, grass, vegetables, oats, hay, bone, milk.

Verb dictionary:

meow, bark, moo, grunt, meow, bleat, neigh.

Dictionary of signs:

soft, sharp.


subject pictures on the topic “Pets”, magnetic board, symbol of vowel sounds [o], [u], [a] according to T. A. Tkachenko, cards for the exercise “Count”, “Magic Bag”, models of domestic animals, pictures for the “Feed the Animals” exercise, cut cat, mice, stump.

I. Organizational moment:

Cards are laid out on the table.

1. Game "Count"

L: Look at your cards, count the kids on them. The one who tells you how many kids he has will sit down. (1- 5 – 3 – 4)

II. Introductory part

L: Guys, what kind of animal is a baby goat?

D: A kid is a domestic animal.

L: Right! Today we will talk about pets.

III. Main part:

1. Articulation gymnastics with elements of bioenergoplasty.

Game “Magic Bag”
There are figures in the bag: cow, horse, sheep, pig, cat, dog, goat.

Children take turns taking figures out of the bag and saying who it is, what they say in their voice, and what they are doing.

L: Guys, now you will take turns taking figurines of pets out of the magic bag and say who it is, how it sounds, what it does.

1st R: Cat: meow-meow. L: What is she doing? 1st R: Meows.

Children's answer options:

Dog: woof-woof - barks. Cow: mu-mu - moos. Horse: e-go-go - neighs. Goat: meh - he hesitates. Sheep: be-be - bleats. Pig: oink-oink - grunts.

3. Game “Find out by description”

L: Now I will tell you riddles about pets. Here is the first riddle: soft paws, but scratches in the paws. Who is this? 1st R: This is a cat. - How did you guess? 1st R: The cat has soft paws and sharp claws. Let's try to make a cat together using our hands? (performing the static exercise “Cat” with the hands)

Description riddles:

Cow: a domestic animal that has horns, a tail, and an udder; Gives milk. (performing the static exercise “Cat” with the hands)

Dog: a domestic animal that has four legs, a ringed tail, and a muzzle; guards the house (performing the dynamic exercise “Dog” with the hands)

Horse: a domestic animal that has four legs with hooves; transports goods and people, eats hay and grass (performing the dynamic exercise “Horse” with the hands)

Sheep: a domestic animal that has four legs with hooves; gives wool and meat (performing the static exercise “Sheep” with your hands)

Goat: a domestic animal that has four legs with hooves, a tail, horns, an udder, a beard (performing the static “Goat” exercise with the hands)

Pig: a domestic animal that has four legs with hooves, a hooked tail, and a snout on the face (performing the static exercise “Pig” with the hands)

The speech therapist simultaneously displays pictures of the named pets on a magnetic board.


Physical exercise: “We’ll go to the farm.”

5. Exercise “Feed the animals”

L: Let's remember what pets eat and select treats for them. You will place a treat next to the animal and begin your response with “I will give...”

Children's answers: I will give the cow grass, I will give the cat fish, I will give the pig vegetables, I will give the dog a bone, I will give the rabbit a carrot, I will give the goat cabbage, I will give the horse hay, etc.

6. Didactic game “Cat and Mouse”

L: Let's try to make a cat figurine from parts. You will stick a piece of the image onto a magnetic board and name it. ( Takes out the parts from which the children will make an image of a cat.)

The speech therapist takes out images of a mouse and a tree stump.

L: Well done! This is what a beautiful cat we have. Now let's play the game "Cat and Mouse". Take the mouse and place it in front of

cat, Vanya.

The child carries out an assignment.

L: Where is the mouse? R: Before


L: Now take the mouse and put it behind

The child runs an errand.
L: Where is the mouse? R: For


L: Take the mouse and put it between

with the paws of a cat, ...
The child carries out an assignment.
L: Where is the mouse? R: Between

cat's paws.

L: Take the mouse and place it on

stump, ...
The child runs errands.
L: Where is the mouse? R: On


L: Great! You have completed all tasks. Give yourself a clap.

7. Game “Guess who it is?”

L: Look at the pictures. The girl sings: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the wolf howls “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” and the mouse squeaks “Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh”-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah.

Children repeat.

L: Guess who it is?

The speech therapist pronounces these sounds, and the children guess.

8. Task for coloring an individual picture.

IV. Final part.

The speech therapist asks the children to remember what they talked about in class, list the games and exercises they liked, and evaluates the children’s work.

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