Conversation in the senior group on the topic: “Victory Day, May 9”

Kindergarten No. 14

May 5, 2014 In kindergarten, an integrated educational activity was reviewed (senior group No. 4, teacher Larisa Mikhailovna Bocharnikova ), on the topic “Adults and children need peace on the entire planet!”

That longest day of the year with its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune for all of us for all four years.

She pressed down the trail so much and laid so much on the ground,

That people who have been alive for 20 and 30 years can’t believe they’re alive.

Larisa Mikhailovna began her story about the peaceful pre-war time: how our country grew stronger and developed, how the well-being of the people grew.

Plants and factories were built, and large harvests of vegetables and fruits were grown in villages. Children went to kindergartens and schools - life was peaceful.

But on June 22 at 4 a.m. 1941 , when all the cities and villages were asleep, the enemy unexpectedly and treacherously attacked our Motherland. The war has begun!

Larisa Mikhailovna her story with a multimedia presentation, which was interesting for the children to watch and listen to, as well as for the guests present.

The guys listened to many songs that were played during wartime. We learned a lot of interesting things about the blockade of Leningrad, the battle on the Kursk Bulge, near Stalingrad.

These are the small pieces of black bread that children received for the whole day. This was all the food during wartime.

These are the three-cornered letters mothers and wives received from their soldiers by military field mail.

Wait for me and I will come back. Just wait a lot

Wait for the yellow rains to make you sad,

Wait for the snow to blow, wait for the heat,

Wait when others are not expected, forgetting yesterday.

Wait until no letters arrive from distant places,

Wait until everyone who is waiting together gets tired of it.

The children solemnly read a poem by K. Simonov.

Our people passed the test of war with honor. For courage and bravery, military valor, 13 million soldiers were awarded orders and medals , 11 thousand were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union . Our people have accomplished a feat that has no equal in history!

For the fact that you and I live and rejoice, we owe it to our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, who in fierce battles and battles defended peace and freedom on our land.

Peace in every home, in every country!

Peace is life on the planet!

Peace is the sun on our Earth!

Adults and children need peace!

Larisa Mikhailovna’s students completed a creative work - a poster “We vote for peace!”

The Motherland remembers its heroes. In every city and village there are monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. There are such monuments in our city. The children named them, looked at photographs, recalled the excursions they had gone on together with Larisa Mikhailovna, to the city museum of military glory, to the memorial to fallen heroes, to the eternal flame.

The eternal flame is a symbol of the memory of all those who died during the Great Patriotic War. It is called eternal because it always exists. The eternal flame never goes out and reminds people of the terrible word “war”, that this should never happen again.

The second creative work of the guys “Fireworks in honor of Victory Day!”

Lesson on speech development in the senior group “May 9 – Victory Day”

Program objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge that May 9 is Victory Day. To provide knowledge about how the Soviet people defended their homeland during the Great Patriotic War, that not only the army but also the partisans, including children, rose up to fight the Nazis. Remember which monuments remind of heroes.

Teach children to answer questions correctly, be attentive to details, enrich children’s personal experience with knowledge about the environment through speech, expand their vocabulary with a variety of words, and strengthen the ability to express their thoughts in complete sentences.

To instill in children a sense of pride for their homeland, for their people, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a desire to help and care for them.

Vocabulary work: Expand your vocabulary: veterans, partisans, fascists, Reichstag, army commander G.K. Zhukov, war hero Lenya Golikov.

Material: Illustrations depicting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; hoisting the banner of victory over the Reichstag; Marshal G.K. Zhukov on horseback; WWII veterans; excerpt from Yu. Korolkov’s story “Lyonya Golikov”; poems about war.

Preliminary work: Conversation about Victory Day on May 9, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, poems about the war, targeted walks and excursions to the museum, to the memorial sign, Victory Park, library, story and meeting with a WWII veteran.

Progress of the lesson

On May 9 our people celebrate a holiday. What holiday is it? (children's answers). That's right, Victory Day. This year is the 65th anniversary of the great victory. This is the brightest and most beloved holiday of our people. Who knows what kind of victory this is, over whom? (over the fascists).

On this day many years ago, our people defeated a very strong enemy, Nazi Germany. This was a very terrible war. The Nazis wanted to take over our country and turn our people into their slaves. The Nazis reached almost Moscow and were defeated.

Our entire people rose up to fight them. We all remember those who defended their homeland. There are monuments to many heroes throughout the country; the streets of our cities are named after them.

And in our city there is a monument to fallen heroes, where people bring flowers, where rallies are held, and people honor the memory of those who won victory for them.

(children read poems)

Fascist evil spirits have attacked, There are no numbers of enemy tanks, The Brest Fortress is fighting, Under a hail of cast lead. Sevastopol is burning with fire, St. Andrew's flag has been spread, And with his chest he is protecting, Odessa is his native sailor. Panfilov is defending Moscow, Leningrad is in the ring on the Niva, But tired people are whispering:

“Not a step, not a step back.”

(the teacher displays an illustration depicting the tomb of the unknown soldier)

– Children, do you recognize this monument? Who is it delivered to?

– This is a monument to those who died on the battlefields. After heavy fighting, the soldiers were buried in one mass grave, their names remained unknown, but monuments to them were erected throughout the country in all cities. The following words are carved on them: “Your name is not known, your feat is immortal.”

(the teacher displays an illustration depicting G.K. Zhukov)

Our army was commanded by General Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. And at the victory parade on May 9, 1945 in Moscow on Red Square, he was in front on a white horse and took part in the parade. And the very last battle with the Nazis for Berlin, the capital of Germany, was also led by G.K. Zhukov.

(the teacher displays an illustration of the hoisting of the victory flag on the Reichstag)

Our soldiers hoisted the victory banner over the main building of Berlin.

– Who knows what this building is called? (children's answers)

– This building is called the Reichstag.


If everything in the world were the same color? Would it make you angry or would it make you happy? People are used to seeing the world as White, yellow, blue, red. Let everything around us be,

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