Summary of GCD using health-saving, gaming technologies Topic: “Visit Doctor Aibolit!”

Sports entertainment for Health Day in the middle group of kindergarten

Sports entertainment “Visiting Aibolit” for children of the middle group
Compiled by: Marina Viktorovna Vitskova, teacher of the MBDOU “Golden Fish” kindergarten, Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district. Description: This material will be useful for educators and music directors when conducting sports events and entertainment with children of middle preschool age. Goal: To form and promote a healthy lifestyle in the family and in kindergarten. Objectives: - develop physical qualities: endurance, speed, strength, reaction; — consolidate knowledge about the necessary cultural and hygienic skills and the benefits of healthy nutrition and vitamins; - cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle and sports. Equipment: Clothing and attributes for Aibolit; fruits and vegetables, arcs, hoops, medals, balloon, letter.

Progress of the entertainment
Children enter the group to the music. Take their seats . Presenter. Hello, guys, today we have gathered for the holiday. Today is a holiday, health day, and we want to congratulate you on it. We wish you happiness, cheerfulness with love in reserve! Let all illnesses disappear, Let sadness and laziness leave, May you have enough health Every day and every hour Let's all shout together to Health Day: “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!" Presenter. Children, who can say what it means to “be healthy”? How do you understand this? (Children's answers)
Yes, you are right, this means not getting sick, playing sports and strengthening yourself.
And don’t sit still, move more and more often. Health is a priceless gift that a person receives at birth. Health is strength, a good mood when everything works out for us. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, a balloon flies into the hall with a letter on it. Presenter. Look, look, guys, some kind of letter has flown to us in a balloon. Who could it be from? Want to know who it's from? Children. Yes with pleasure. Presenter. Then guess the riddle and find out. Riddle The best doctor for animals and the favorite of all children, he cures everything, he is not afraid of anything. There are no barriers for the doctor; he is only happy to help everyone. Who, friends, flew to Africa for good reason? Both girls and boys know the title of the book. Children. This is Doctor Aibolit! Presenter. That's right, well done. (Reads the letter)
“Hello, my dear guys!
Doctor Aibolit writes to you. I wanted to invite you to visit, tell you about an important matter and wish everyone health! And also look how dexterous and skillful you all are, strong and brave!” Presenter. Children Aibolit invites you and me to visit, shall we go to him? Children. Yes! Presenter. Okay, then get ready to hit the road soon! Musical and rhythmic gymnastics are being carried out. I walk along the path (marching)
, and my legs are walking.
And then, and then (they run in place)
Everyone runs, runs, runs.
Jump and jump through the puddles. Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumping from foot to foot)
And now on the tubercle, Stop (stomp)
I’m tired of standing, I’d rather dance
(performs simple movements: foot on toe, on heel, picker, etc.)
Presenter. So you and I came to see Dr. Aibolit. Aibolit comes into the hall to the music. (nurse) Aibolit. Hello guys! Welcome to visit me. I waited and waited for you. I am the same Aibolit who will heal and heal everyone. I hope you are all healthy? Children. Yes, we are healthy. Aibolit. Do you always brush your teeth and ears? Children. Yes! Aibolit. Have the washcloth and water become friends with you? Children. Yes! Aibolit. Then it's time to start our sports holiday. I want to see how brave, skillful, dexterous, and smart you are. Presenter. Well, since we came to visit the doctor, we are now not just guys, but cheerful animals. “Kittens”, “mice”, “Foxes”, “Bear cubs”, “Hares” We invite all the children - animals for a fun exercise. Fun exercises are being carried out for the animals. We are not kids today, we are funny animals! There is silence in the clearing, we walk one-two, one-two (walking in a column one after another)
There are kittens
And little mice
(walking on their toes)
Bear cubs
And fox cubs
(rolling from toe to heel)
Herons together Here they walk, lift their legs higher!
(walking with a high knee)
All the animals ran, and now everyone stood up together.
We caught up, calculated (calculation at 1.2 and rebuilding into two columns)
Come on, animals, don’t yawn!
Start exercising! 1. Hares raise their paws, Hares lower their paws. (hands rise up, down)
2. But the mice bend, Their backs bend
(tilt down)
- We pull our paws, we pull them down!
Do it with us, don't be lazy! 3. The clumsy little bear began to do exercises, - One, two and he was tired. And we weren’t tired at all, we began to do things faster! 4. And the foxes on the floor began their game (sitting on the floor, legs stretched out in front of them)
Legs bend, then straighten One-two, one-two!
Together in harmony, you and me! (we bend and straighten our legs)
Well, friendly guys, it’s time to finish.
Doctor Aibolit again checks the temperature, throat, looks at the guys’ arms and legs, listens to their breathing. Dr. Aibolit. Well, now it's a completely different matter, everything is fine. And now I invite all the animals to fun sports competitions. Let's see how dexterous, strong and brave our little animals are. Presenter. Now attention! Let's start the competition! A relay race is being held . Presenter. I’ll tell you a riddle, listen carefully. Riddle Loud, loud and bouncy, It flies away beyond the clouds And jumps ringingly in the yard to the delight of the children. Children. This is the Ball. The game is played for the attention of the presenter. Look at the pins that are standing exactly in a row! Let's skillfully direct the ball towards them and they are already down! Children, squatting (bending over, legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, from the designated place) roll the balls forward with both hands, trying to knock down the pins. Aibolit. Oh, well done guys! Presenter. We continue our holiday. And now we will play an outdoor game. An outdoor game is played: “Through the Stream” Objectives: To develop dexterity in children, to practice jumping on both legs, in balance. Description: Everyone playing sits on chairs, 2 cords are placed 6 steps from them, the distance between them is 2 meters - this is a stream. Children must use pebbles and planks to get to the other side without getting their feet wet. The planks are placed in such a way that children can jump with both feet from one pebble to another. According to the word “Let's go!” 5 children cross a stream. The one who stumbled steps aside to “dry his shoes.” All children must cross the stream. Rules: The loser is the one who steps foot into the stream. You can only cross if there is a signal. Options: Increase the distance between the cords, go around objects, moving to the other side. Jump on one leg. Aibolit. Well done, my guys. And you know guys, in order to help a patient I have to overcome very difficult obstacles. I would like to see if you can help each other in difficult times. The relay race “Save the Sick!” is being held. (toy) (children jump from hoop to hoop, crawl into the tunnel, take a stroller with a toy, and return back running like a snake between the pins.) Presenter. Guys, what do you think to be healthy, what should you do for this? (Children's answers) Aibolit. That's right, well done, in order to be healthy you need to eat vitamins, and they are found most in fruits and vegetables. And how well you know vegetables and fruits, now we will check. The game is played: “Guess the taste.” Aibolit invites the child to guess the vegetable or fruit with his eyes closed. Aibolit. It’s so great that we tasted all the vitamins! I was convinced that you are friendly and smart, and most importantly, healthy! Thanks for the holiday and fun! And here is your reward from me. Presenter. We competed and played together. Friendship won the competition! Aibolit awards children with medals. The children thank the doctor and leave the room.

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