The use of innovative health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions (from work experience)

The use of innovative health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions (from work experience)

In the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2106 dated December 28, 2010 “On the approval of FGT for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students,” subparagraph No. 7 contains specific requirements for the rational organization of the educational process, namely: “the use of health-saving methods in the educational process, technologies, adherence to a health-saving regime of education and upbringing.”

Health is an important factor in the performance and harmonious development of children. Health does not exist on its own; it needs careful care throughout a person’s life. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to the age of 7 that a child goes through a huge developmental path, unique throughout his entire subsequent life. It is during this period that intensive development of organs takes place, the formation of functional systems of the body, the basic personality traits are laid, character is formed, the attitude towards oneself and towards others. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

Health-saving educational technologies are a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, and methods for organizing the educational process that do not harm the health of its participants; qualitative characteristics of educational technologies based on the criterion of their impact on the health of children and teachers

Goals of using health-saving technologies:

  • preserving the health of children by creating favorable conditions for their stay, upbringing and education in preschool educational institutions;
  • strengthening the mental and physical health of preschool children;
  • ensuring a high level of health for kindergarten students and fostering a valeological culture;
  • the child’s conscious attitude to health and human life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, support and preserve it, allowing the preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior;
  • promoting the development of a culture of health and valeological education of parents.

Means of health-saving technologies: 1. Means of motor orientation: • elements of movement (walking, running, jumping, throwing); • physical exercise; • physical education, physical therapy, outdoor games, gymnastics, self-massage, etc. 2. Health-improving forces of nature (sun and air baths, water treatments, herbal medicine, inhalation). 3. Hygiene factors (compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, personal and public hygiene, ventilation, wet cleaning of premises, adherence to daily routine, etc.). The use of various health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions (from my experience).

In our group (children aged 4-5 years), health work is carried out constantly and systematically. All health activities are built in a sequential chain and evenly distributed throughout the day in the form of a “Path of Health”:

Daily regime

The daily routine ensures daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time, which contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior and personal hygiene. The daily routine accustoms the child’s body to a certain rhythm, provides a change in activity, protecting the children’s nervous system from overwork.

1. Morning exercises

Daily morning exercises and general developmental exercises in a group contribute to emotional relief and increased motor activity. The variety of forms of morning exercises helps to develop children’s interest in it:

  • Rhythmic gymnastics
  • Gymnastics consisting of round dances
  • Story dances
  • Playing out a plot poem
  • Outdoor games
  • Health running
  • Gymnastics in a plot form with and without objects;
  • Health aerobics and yoga exercises;
  • Gymnastics according to interests and games at the request of children.

Morning exercises are carried out daily in the sports and music halls. The duration of morning exercises is 7 minutes. At the same time, the teacher works together with the children and, if necessary, corrects and corrects the children’s exercises.

2. Finger gymnastics.

Finger games are the staging of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using the fingers. During finger games: “We are leafing through a book”, “At sunset the pond is dozing...”, “Fishes”, as well as finger theater classes “Horse”, “Dexterously from finger to finger...”, “Apple”, “Cockerel”. The child, repeating the movements of adults, achieves good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, but also prepares the child for drawing and writing.

3. Game self-massage.

Children enjoy performing self-massage in a playful way. By performing a play massage, a child can fantasize, while affecting the entire body. Gaming self-massage relaxes muscles and relieves nervous and emotional tension.

4. Washing hands and face with cold water.

Washing is carried out with cool water (in summer, warm water in winter) in the sequence: hands with soap, then face. After washing, wiping is done, but not dry, but only to remove free water (drops) from the washed parts of the body, followed by their final drying. Drying is a powerful hardening procedure.

5. Before class – sound gymnastics

Sound gymnastics is the pronunciation of various sounds and their combinations in a strictly defined way. When pronouncing sounds, the vocal cords begin to vibrate and this vibration is first transmitted to the respiratory tract and lungs, and from them to the chest. The complex develops the respiratory muscles, speech apparatus, coordination of movements, muscles of the arms and spine, promotes correct rhythmic breathing and pronunciation of sounds .

6. Dynamic pause on GCD.

The main tasks of physical training are:

  • relieve fatigue and tension;
  • add an emotional charge;
  • improve gross motor skills;
  • develop clear coordinated actions in conjunction with speech.

In the process of physical education minutes, during which movements are combined with words, children’s behavior is naturally and unobtrusively cultivated, muscle activity develops, speech deficiencies are corrected, and existing vocabulary is activated.

7. Gymnastics for the eyes

Visual exercises are aimed at improving and preserving vision and preventing myopia and farsightedness. “Magic” games for the eyes are training for children’s eye muscles and the success of healthy vision in the future.

6. After GCD - yoga in games.

Yoga is one of the few exercise systems that has a beneficial and holistic effect on the entire body, including the endocrine and nervous systems. Yoga classes perfectly strengthen the musculoskeletal system and straighten your posture. Breathing, relaxation and meditative practices have a positive effect on the psyche. There is no element of competition in yoga; this distinguishes it from other types of physical activity. Children learn to accept themselves as they are.

9. Walk.

Physical activity (running, games, exercises). The purpose of the walk is to improve health, prevent fatigue, physical and mental development of children, and restore the body’s functional resources reduced during activity.

10. Outdoor game

Games allow you to relieve physical fatigue from your muscles and achieve an emotional switch from one type of activity to another. Outdoor games are especially loved by children, because they are an important source of joyful emotions. Games stimulate active work and thoughts, help broaden their horizons, improve all mental processes, and form positive moral qualities in children.

11. Breathing exercises

Regular breathing exercises help train the respiratory muscles, improve local and cerebral circulation, protect against hypothermia, develop the child’s still imperfect respiratory system, and strengthen the body’s defenses. In my work I used: “Bubbles”, “Talker”, “Breeze”, “Bees”, “Mowing the grass”, “Rooster”, “The porridge is boiling”, “Grow up big”, “Mill”, “In the forest”, “ Cheerful bee."

12. Awakening gymnastics (in bed).

The duration of gymnastics in bed is 2-3 minutes. Next, children proceed to perform a set of breathing exercises, which is very important for the prevention of colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Then hardening activities are carried out using “miracles” - mats, salt paths, water treatments. The total duration of health-improving exercises after a nap should be 12-15 minutes.

13. Corrective tracks (prevention of flat feet).

— Walking barefoot along corrective paths (“we toughen ourselves up and walk barefoot along snowy paths”) for 15-20 seconds. — A set of exercises performed while sitting on chairs (“let’s warm up your frozen feet after a walk in the snow”).

14. Psycho-gymnastics (emotional health).

The goal is to relieve the inertia of physical and mental well-being, increase muscle tone, “warm up” the child’s attention and interest in the activity, and set children up for active work and contact with each other. Thanks to psycho-gymnastics for preschoolers, a child learns to understand his own and others’ emotions, express them, understand feelings, learn self-relaxation and overcome life’s difficulties.

15. Posture (prevention of scoliosis).

The main means of preventing poor posture is physical exercise. Particular attention should be paid to exercises that cause active work of the extensor muscles of the back and abdominal muscles.

16. Articulation gymnastics.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop correct, complete movements and certain positions of the articulatory organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds, and to combine simple movements into complex ones.

The effectiveness of health-saving technologies depends on clear, coordinated work with parents. Experience shows that the effectiveness of a health program is decided together with the family. Experience in working in innovative areas has shown that children 4-5 years old successfully and enthusiastically absorb knowledge about the structure of the body and acquire the skills of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior at home and in nature, if the knowledge is conveyed in an accessible and playful form.

The process of raising and educating preschool children in the work of health saving and health connection; development aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of children for a long period.


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  2. Gavryuchina L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions Methodological manual. M.: TC Sfera, 2008.
  3. Speech therapy / Ed. L.S. Volkova. M., 1989. P. 81.
  4. Nikitina M.I. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of middle preschool age. St. Petersburg, 2006.
  5. General psychology of children / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M.: Education, 2006.
  6. From birth to school. Approximate general educational program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva M.: Mozaika-synthesis, 2014.
  7. Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics for preschool children (3-7 years old). M.: VLADOS, 2002.
  8. Program for the education and training of preschool children. M., 2005.
  9. Tarabarina T.N. Child development. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.
  10. Tikhomirova L.F. We form in children the right attitude towards their health. Yaroslavl, 1997.

“Innovative approaches to health conservation in the system of educational activities of kindergartens”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 11"


Developer: Kostina I.S.

Deputy Head of SMR


The article presents modern approaches to organizing the work of a kindergarten to create a health-saving and health-forming environment.

Based on the principle “a healthy child is a successful child,” we consider it impossible to solve the problem of raising a socially adapted individual without implementing a system of measures for health-improving work and physical education of children.

The main thing in organizing a health-saving educational environment in preschool educational institutions is, of course, the use of health-saving technologies. We are of the opinion that the effectiveness of health-saving technologies is determined by their proper “integration” into the overall health-saving system. Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health in preschoolers.

Our kindergarten uses the following types of health-saving technologies:

Technologies for preserving and promoting health:

  • Dynamic pauses
  • Outdoor and sports games
  • Relaxation

Aesthetic technologies

  • Finger gymnastics
  • Gymnastics for the eyes
  • Breathing exercises
  • Lazy gymnastics
  • Corrective gymnastics

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

  • Physical education lesson
  • Climbing training
  • Problem-based games (game training and game therapy)
  • Communication games
  • Self-massage

Corrective and developmental technologies:

  • Art therapy
  • Color influence technologies
  • Music influence technologies
  • Fairy tale therapy
  • Behavior correction technologies
  • Logorhythmic minutes

We are mastering the technology of teaching rock climbing to preschoolers as one of the technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle. This technology attracted us not only because it makes it possible to develop the physical qualities of preschoolers, but also forms the logical thinking of children. This new and interesting form of classes carries a huge potential for positive emotions for preschoolers. Children, starting from an early age, have a desire to learn about the world around them through experience. As the child develops, motor skills improve, including climbing. According to data, by the age of 5-7 years, children begin to experience cyclicity in their climbing movements, the direction and amplitude of movements of their arms and legs are clarified, which makes it possible, if they have the necessary equipment, to introduce activities to teach children the elements of rock climbing into the educational process of a preschool institution. A climbing wall for children is truly one of the most effective ways to interest a child in a sports lifestyle - exciting workouts will help the child become truly interested and improve their health.

A climbing wall is an artificial imitation of a rock on a wall that allows you to increase children’s interest in this sport, diversify the content of educational activities and improve climbing skills.

The goal of the activity is aimed at enriching the motor experience of children and improving the physical qualities of preschoolers. The peculiarities of organizing educational activities at a climbing wall include the staged nature of the process of developing motor skills.

  • Stage 1 consists of general physical training and is carried out in the process of physical education and direct educational activities in kindergarten, thereby preparing the musculoskeletal system of children for subsequent direct educational activities at the climbing wall.
  • Stage 2 is practical educational activity (using a climbing wall as an element of subgroup educational activity), which is also carried out in a certain sequence:

The basic principles of the development of a young climber arise from the peculiarities of the organization of activities.

Educational activities on rock climbing in small subgroups on an individual basis, in accordance with the schedule of educational activities on teaching rock climbing. Children exercise at the climbing wall in comfortable sportswear and shoes. Educational activities take place 2 times a week, lasting 15-20 minutes.

Thus, a climbing wall is a place where a child can satisfy his ambitions and prove to the people around him and his comrades that he can achieve goals and cope with difficulties (height, complexity of movements), becomes more decisive. Almost all children, without exception, love to climb, overcome obstacles, and compete in agility. A lesson at a climbing wall allows you to do everything the same, but safely, under the supervision of teachers.

Our kindergarten pays attention to the integrated use of health-saving technologies in the educational process. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the educational process in kindergarten is built on the basis of supporting children's initiative. One of the forms of supporting children's initiative and developing the valeological competence of preschoolers is the organization of project activities for children and is aimed at familiarizing preschoolers with their senses and developing a value-based attitude towards their health.

The planned results of the projects are expressed in achieving the value target. The projects “Windows on the World”, “Olympiad”, etc. were implemented through various types of children's activities and are aimed at familiarizing preschoolers with their senses and developing a value-based attitude towards their health.

These projects make it possible to comprehensively use health-saving technologies, integrate various types of children’s activities, maintain children’s interest throughout the entire activity, and achieve positive results in achieving value guidelines in the field of health education for children.

It is important in developing health-saving behavior skills to create activity centers for preschoolers, which should give impetus to children’s independent activities. Health centers have been created in each kindergarten group, where children are greeted by sisters Ladushka and Kislorodinka. Ladushka develops fine motor skills in preschoolers.

Oxygen takes care of the development of proper breathing. All exercises in this section are developed based on Strelnikova’s paradoxical breathing exercises.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are a cure for all diseases. A unique healing method created several decades ago. There are no restrictions, you can practice at any age and in any health condition. Strelnikov gymnastics is called paradoxical because inhalations and exhalations are performed simultaneously with the movements.

Thus, it is important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving focus, and health-saving activities used in combination would form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle and full development.


  1. Antonovich I.I. Sport climbing. – M., 1978.
  2. Arkhipov S.M. Methodological recommendations for training young rock climbers. M., 1988.
  3. Wikipedia – electronic encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. URL: Climbing
  4. Tolstikova O.V., Savelyeva O.V., Ovchinnikova T.A. Modern pedagogical technologies for the education of preschool children: a methodological manual. - Ekaterinburg: IRO, 2013.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Innovative project “Use of health-saving technologies as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle”

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Romashka"

1 word “Health-saving technologies” is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his learning and development. The concept of preschool education provides for not only the preservation, but also the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and the health of pupils.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

For a competent approach to solving health-saving problems, our MBDOU compiled a long-term project “The use of health-saving technologies as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle” , which became a tool for orienting and integrating the efforts of the entire team towards future desired results, but from the position of today, taking into account the future .

2 words Relevance of the project: Due to the deteriorating level of health of pupils, there is a need for an organization with an emphasis on solving the health-improving problems of physical education. No more than 14% of children are born physiologically mature. More than 50% of preschoolers have some kind of functional health disorder. 15-20% have chronic diseases that reduce the child’s potential for socialization

3 words Project goal: To provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Create conditions for preserving and improving the health of a preschool child.

4 words Project objectives:

  1. Preserving children's health, increasing physical activity and mental performance;
  2. Creating a positive emotional mood and relieving psycho-emotional stress;
  3. Provide conditions for maintaining and improving health;
  4. Develop the necessary knowledge for a healthy lifestyle;
  5. Teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

5 words Essence of the project: Successful solution of the assigned tasks is possible only with the integrated use of all means of physical education (physical exercises, rational regimen, hardening).

6 words Basic principles of the project:

  • scientific character (use of scientifically sound and proven programs, technologies and methods)
  • accessibility (use of health-saving technologies in accordance with the age characteristics of children)
  • activity (participation of the entire team of teachers, specialists and parents in the search for effective methods of improving the health of preschool children)
  • consciousness (conscious understanding and attitude of children towards their health)
  • unity of diagnosis and correction (correct interpretation of the results of medical, pedagogical, psychophysical diagnostics; planning of methods, methods and techniques for correction, development and recovery based on the data obtained)
  • systematicity (subordination of the complex of medical and pedagogical influences to a clearly defined goal)
  • purposefulness (subordination of the complex of medical and pedagogical influences to a clearly defined goal)

— optimality (reasonably balanced values ​​of psychophysical load).

7 words The project is implemented through the following sections:

  • strengthening the material and technical base of preschool educational institutions
  • work with children
  • work with teachers
  • working with parents

8sl Strengthening the material and technical base:

  • music room, in which for classes there is: a piano, a stereo system, a TV, a projector, several gymnastic benches, gymnastic walls, inclined boards, ribbed boards, stairs for stepping and developing balance, massage mats for the prevention of flat feet, rubber mats, massagers for stops, balls, hoops, sandbags, ropes, skittles and more.

On the territory of the kindergarten there is a sports ground for the physical development of children, for outdoor activities, it is equipped with the necessary equipment (sports complex, slides, liana).

In kindergarten there are various types of card files: outdoor games with the necessary hats and other attributes; for the development of basic types of movements, a card file of physical education minutes and finger games, etc.

In each age group there are sports corners where children exercise independently and under the supervision of teachers.

9 words Work with children is carried out by educators, assistant educators, a medical worker, a physical education instructor, a teacher-psychologist, a teacher-speech therapist, and a music director. It includes: diagnostics; good nutrition; hardening system; organization of motor activity; creating conditions for organizing health-improving regimes for children; creating ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Diagnosis is carried out by: a medical worker; group teachers; teacher speech therapist; teacher - psychologist; physical education instructor; musical director.
  2. Principles of organizing good nutrition: food hygiene; implementation of the diet; daily compliance with food consumption and caloric intake standards; Individual approach to children during meals.
  3. Hardening children includes a system of activities: elements of hardening in everyday life (washing with cool water, ventilating rooms, properly organized walks, physical exercises carried out in light sportswear indoors and outdoors); special events (water, air and solar).
  4. Physical education has a significant impact on improving the child’s body’s defenses, the course of his physical development, and promotes mastery of the necessary movements.
  5. Creating conditions for organizing health regimes for children:
  • repeating routine moments: meal times, going to bed during the day, the total duration of the child’s stay in the fresh air and indoors while performing physical exercises.
  • individual physical activity with a predominance of cyclic exercises, sufficient individual mental stress and a predominance of positive emotional impressions.
  • adequate sleep for children.
  • organizing children's daily routine in accordance with seasonal characteristics.
  • Sanitary and educational work with employees and parents.

10 words Work with teachers:

Working with employees is one of the most important areas for strengthening and preserving the somatic, psychological and physical health of children, built on the following principles:

  • updating educators’ attention to the fact that they have a main social role
  • educational work in the areas of the project
  • consultations with teachers on maintaining their own health, playing out possible problem situations with them: sick teacher - healthy child; healthy teacher – sick child; sick teacher - sick child

Training teachers in the techniques of personal self-diagnosis of health in the physical, social aspects, as well as methods of teaching preschoolers in the techniques of personal self-diagnosis.

11 words Organizational methodological measures:

  1. Familiarization and implementation of new technologies in the field of physical education of preschool children into the practice of preschool educational institutions;
  2. Development of physical education systems based on an individual psychological approach;
  3. Introduction of new health-saving technologies, methods and exercises for the mental and physical development of children;
  4. Diagnosis of the health status of children of all age groups;
  5. Introduction of a balanced, varied diet. Organization of interdepartmental coordinated actions to reduce child injuries and poisonings;
  6. Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  7. Teaching preschoolers a healthy lifestyle, methods of personal self-diagnosis, self-regulation, conducting conversations, valeology classes, psychological trainings and instilling in preschoolers a sense of responsibility for their health.

12 syllables Health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions:

1. technologies for preserving and promoting health:

  • Rhythmoplasty - performed no earlier than 30 minutes later. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age. Dynamic pauses
  • Outdoor and sports games are held daily for all age groups, as part of a physical education lesson, during a walk, in a group room - small, with an average degree of mobility.
  • Relaxation - carried out for all age groups. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature.
  • Finger gymnastics - performed from a young age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time).
  • Gymnastics for the eyes - performed daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. It is recommended to use visual material and demonstration by the teacher.
  • Breathing exercises - ensure the room is ventilated, the teacher gives children instructions on mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure.
  • Invigorating gymnastics - performed daily after nap for 5-10 minutes. The form of implementation is different: exercises on beds, walking on ribbed planks; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution.
  • Articulation gymnastics - Classes on the prevention and correction of speech disorders with children are conducted by a teacher - speech therapist.

2. technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

  • Morning exercises - carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies every exercise. At the same time, children develop rhythmic skills.
  • Physical education classes are held 2-3 times a week in sports or music halls. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Young age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes.
  • Classes from the “Health” are held once a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development.
  • Self-massage is carried out in a playful way every day, in the form of a five-minute lesson or in the form of a dynamic pause in class.
  • Active leisure - physical education, physical education holiday, musical leisure, "Health Day" .
  • Communication games - held 1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

3. correction technologies:

  • Technology of musical influence - carried out in various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals.
  • Art therapy is carried out in sessions of 10-12 sessions of 30-35 minutes, starting from the middle group.
  • Play therapy is carried out in free time, possibly in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher.
  • Fairytale therapy - 2-4 classes per month for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work.
  • Behavior correction technologies - Conducted as a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks.
  • Psycho-gymnastics - carried out using special methods, 1-2 times a week for older preschoolers

35 cl. Methodological recommendations for health improvement:

It is necessary to widely use gaming techniques to create situations that are emotionally significant for children, to provide conditions for independent practical, personally and socially significant activities in which children could show creativity, initiative, and imagination.

36 syllables Working with parents

One of the main directions for the formation of a physically and mentally healthy child is working with parents.

If we want to raise a morally and physically healthy generation, we must solve this problem “with the whole world,” family, kindergarten, and the public.

For ourselves, we have identified the following tasks for working with parents:

  • improving the pedagogical culture of parents
  • promotion of public preschool education
  • study, generalization and dissemination of positive experiences of family education
  • commitment to working together to solve all psychological and pedagogical problems of child development
  • equipping parents with the basics of psychological and pedagogical knowledge through psychological trainings, consultations, and seminars
  • valeological education of parents in creating an ecological and psychological environment in the family

- inclusion of parents in the educational process.

37 words project implementation results:

Creation of a system for comprehensive monitoring of the child’s health status.

Reducing the number of diseases most common in preschool childhood.

Reducing behavioral risks that pose a health hazard.

Providing statistical accounting, control and analysis at all levels.

Radical improvement of the physical education system based on the implementation of an individual approach.

Providing conditions for the practical implementation of an individual approach to training and education.

Increasing the interest of kindergarten workers and parents in promoting the health of preschool children.

Improving the qualifications of preschool workers.

Stimulating increased attention of preschoolers and their parents to issues of health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, rational physical activity.

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