Summary of a lesson in a preparatory group using health-saving technologies “Book of Doctor Aibolit “Magic Secrets of Health.”

Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group “Health is the main value of a person.”

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group

“Health is the main value of a person.”

Health is the reward that a person receives for diligence.
A healthy person is, as a rule, an educated person who has learned one simple truth: “To become healthy, you must learn to be healthy.”

To form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of human life.
Objectives: Educational:
- to form in children ideas about the dependence of health on the implementation of basic rules for maintaining their own health;
- consolidate knowledge about the cleanliness of the body, order, neatness and cleanliness around us; -introduce children to how to care for and improve their health; give an idea of ​​microbes; — introduce children to the concept of “healthy and unhealthy food”, consolidate knowledge about the benefits of vitamins. Developmental:
- develop cognitive interest;
- develop interest in a healthy lifestyle, in the importance of sports for human health; - develop speech, enrich children’s vocabulary: microscope, magnifying glass, microbe. Educational:
- to cultivate a desire to take care of one’s own health;
— cultivate respect for physical exercise and sports; - cultivate a kind attitude towards others. Educational field:
Physical development.
Integration of educational areas:
Artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.
Types of activities:
Gaming, communicative, educational, productive, artistic.

Preliminary work:

reading and memorizing poems about health and playing sports;
asking riddles on this topic; conversations about hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, food, proper nutrition; performing physical exercises, acupressure; rolling massage balls (small), breathing exercises, reading fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” and “Fedorino’s grief”. Material:
“Locomotive” model, pictures depicting hygiene items (comb, bath, shower, toothbrush, towel, mirror, soap), pictures depicting food products (carrots, milk, cabbage, radishes, garlic, lemon, orange, fish , cottage cheese, tomato, bread, apple, candy, chips, cake), microscope, magnifying glasses, “Houses for vitamins” illustrations of athletes;
photographs of children with different emotions; inflatable "heart". Methodological techniques:
game situation, conversation-dialogue, experiment, looking at illustrations and talking about them, physical exercises, game, summing up.
Musical accompaniment:
the song of the little engine from the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkov”.

GCD move:

Part 1: Organizational moment: Educator:

Guys, today we will go on a trip to a country called “Health”. Do you agree? (Children answer). There are only healthy people in this country. They are healthy because every day they tell everyone: “Hello!” Have you ever thought about the meaning of the word “Hello”? Hello - this means that we want to be healthy. Say this amazing word out loud (children say hello). Do this more often, because this word lifts everyone's spirits. It's time to get poisoned. We will travel on a funny little train. We settled into the carriages. We closed our eyes and imagined that we were riding on a funny little train. (Music from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkov” sounds).

Part 2: Main
1. Stop “Guess”
(There is a chest on a tree stump containing a letter from the storyteller.) Children get out of the “train” and stand at random.
Oh guys, look at the chest on the stump.
Let's see what's there. (Takes a letter out of the chest) The teacher reads the letter: “Hello children! There are very inquisitive people living in our country. They read a lot and I invite you to guess who speaks so menacingly, what fairy tale are these lines from? Suddenly, from my mother’s bedroom, Bow-legged and lame, the washbasin runs out and shakes his head. Oh, you ugly one, oh, you dirty, unwashed pig! Admire yourself: You have polish on your neck, You have a blot under your nose, You have such hands that even your trousers have come off. Even your trousers, even your trousers, ran away from you. (Children’s answers: from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr.”) Educator:
Here’s another riddle.
Where are these lines from? A chicken ran past and saw the dishes. Where, where, where, where! Where are you from and where? And the dishes answered: “It was bad for us at the woman’s place. She didn’t love us, Bila, she beat us. She became dusty, smoky, and ruined us. (Children’s answers: From the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief.”)” Educator:
What did Fedora promise to her dishes?
Children's answer:
I will clean you with sand, I will douse you with boiling water.
And you will shine again like the sun. Educator:
That's right, well done and we'll move on.
(Children take their seats in the train). The music is from the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkov”. 2 station "Neboleyka".
(to prevent colds) 1. To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly (we stroke your neck with your palms with soft movements from top to bottom) 2. To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose (we rub the wings of the nose with your index fingers) 3. We will also rub your forehead We hold our palm with a visor (put our palms to the forehead with a “visor” and rub it with sideways movements - together) 4. Make a “fork” with your fingers and massage your ears skillfully.
(spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front of and behind the ears) 5. We know, we know, yes, yes, we are not afraid of colds. (rubbing palms) Educator:
Let's continue eating.
(Children take their seats in the train) Music from the cartoon “Tank Engine from Romashkov” plays. Station 3 “Cleanliness is the key to health
The Doctor meets the children at the station. Doctor:
Hello children!
(Children say hello) Playing or working makes your hands dirty. And there's nothing scary here. That's why they are hands. It’s scary when children get used to dirty hands and don’t wash them at all. Why do you need to wash your hands? (Children's answer) What can happen if you don't wash your hands before eating? (Children's answer) Educator:
Scientists have invented a wonderful device.
It's called a microscope. The microscope has amazing glass with which you can see what we never see. Point such glass at dirty hands and, oh, horror. What is this? The most inconspicuous creatures that you didn’t even know about gathered on your dirty palms. (Show illustrations depicting microbes) Doctor:
Let’s look at our hands under a microscope.
(Children look) Doctor:
Guys, go to another table.
I have magnifying glasses and dirty apple pieces on my desks. Let's look at them with a magnifying glass. (Children use a magnifying glass to examine the pieces of a dirty apple). Educator:
If a microbe has entered the body, it settles in the person and opens its suitcase of poison.
Now your body is infected. And then the body begins to react. You feel dizzy or have a headache, your temperature rises, your stomach hurts. If all this happens to you, it means that these are the tricks of insidious microbes. Doctor:
What will you do to prevent nasty microbes from entering your body?
Our children know and now they will show it.
(There is a dynamic pause “Wash basin”). We need, we need to wash ourselves (they clap their hands) Where is the clean water (they show their hands either with their palms up or with their backs) Let’s open the tap shhhh (they make rotating movements with their hands) Wash my hands shhhh (they rub their palms together friend) We will rub our cheeks and neck (we vigorously stroke our cheeks and neck) and pour some water (we gently stroke our face from forehead to chin with our palms). Doctor:
How often should you wash your hands?
(Children's answer) Is it possible to eat unwashed vegetables and fruits? (Children answer) As a farewell gift, I want to give you soap. Simple water and soap weaken the strength of microbes. Now you are not afraid of germs. The children thank you for the gift and say goodbye to the doctor. Educator:
Let's continue on our way.
(Children take their seats in the train) Music from the cartoon “Tank Engine from Romashkov” plays. 4 station “Sportivnaya”
At the station, the children are greeted by a champion, and pictures of athletes hang on the wall.
He greets the kids and the kids say hello. Champion:
Guys, who is shown in these pictures?
(Children's response) Who are athletes? (Children know.” Children perform physical exercises to the music: I will bend over, straighten up (bend forward, hands touching the floor) I will play with a ball (jumping in place) I will dance (jumping with legs thrown forward) I will spin (jumping around myself) And gain health! (bend their arms to their shoulders) Champion:
You love to jump, run and play with a tight ball! You will grow up healthy! You will be a strong man! (The champion left the ball as a gift) Says goodbye and leaves.
We continue on our way. (Children take their seats in little engine). Music from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkov” sounds.

4th station “Vitaminnaya”

At the station, the children are met by a resident of the country, Zdorovyachek.
(On the carpet there are 4 houses of different colors with the names A, B, C, D; on the table there are pictures: carrots, milk, cabbage, radish, garlic, lemon, orange, fish, cottage cheese, candy, chips, cake, tomato, bread, apple ). Big Guy:
Hello children!
(Children say hello) Guys, have you heard anything about vitamins? (Children's answer) What names of vitamins do you know? (Children call it) Vitamins live in food, which is why it is so important to eat right and not give up healthy foods. Vitamins are not visible there, but they are there and people need them. Place the food in the houses (Children complete the task) Educator:
Why weren’t candies, chips, cakes placed anywhere?
(Children explain why) Healthy guy:
Foods are tasty and healthy, they contain vitamins. Healthy foods improve a person's health. Why is vitamin A necessary? (This is a growth and vision vitamin). B? (Vitamin B is needed for us to grow strong. When a person does not get vitamin B, he cries a lot and sleeps poorly). WITH? (Vitamin C strengthens the body, makes people healthier, and helps with colds.) D? (Vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong). “I never lose heart and have a smile on my face because I take Vitamins A, B, C and D.” The big guy left apples for the children as a gift, wishes them health, says goodbye and leaves.


We have one more station ahead. Let's hit the road. (Children take their seats in the train) Music from the cartoon “Tank Engine from Romashkov” plays.

There are photographs of children with different emotions on the wall.
You and I are moving forward along the path of a healthy lifestyle in order to forever become residents of the country of Health.
They help us at different stations. This is the last station. What kind of station is this? (Children express their opinions) Which children's faces do you like best? (Children answer the question) Educator:
A person can be happy and upset, have fun, cry. His health depends on what mood a person is in. A smile is the key to a good mood. This is how we give ourselves and each other health and joy. What else helps keep a good mood? (Children answer: kind words)

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Compliments”.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, passing an inflatable heart, and say some kind word to their neighbor.
The game can be repeated if the children wish. Educator:
Every person can get angry when they offend him or hurt him, and in this case he definitely needs help. “Don’t say rude words, only give kind gifts.”

Part 3: Final
Our journey through the country of Health has ended. Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one can take care of us better than ourselves. "Hello! - you tell the person. Hello! - he will smile back. These words have been known to everyone for a long time. You see, they are both simple and not new. But I’ll repeat it anyway: “Good people, be healthy!”

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