summary of a lesson for the junior group on modeling “treats for dolls” outline of a lesson on appliqué, modeling (junior group) on the topic

Abstract of GCD 2 junior group “Treats for bears and bunnies”

MKDOU "d/s No. 13" Plast

Summary of GCD for "Modeling" In the second junior group

Topic: “Treats for bears and bunnies”

Educator: V.G. Vasilyeva


developing children's interest in modeling.
Objectives: Educational:
- Reinforce sculpting techniques.
(rolling, flattening the ball) - Develop the ability to use a stick. Developmental:
Develop creativity and imagination.
To cultivate feelings of empathy and a desire to help.
Materials and equipment: characters Teddy bear, bunny, pictures, lollipop sticks, plasticine, modeling boards, toy saucers, table covered with oilcloth, napkin holders with napkins. Progress of the lesson
Educator: Hello guys! What day is today? Gloomy, cloudy or sunny? How does this weather make you feel? Do you know what needs to be done to improve your mood, to make your soul feel warm and calm? You have to smile. (The song plays: A smile makes a gloomy day brighter.) I want to share my smile with you. I give you my smile. You have such sunny, radiant smiles that, looking at them, the day becomes brighter, and your soul warms. Please those around you with your smile. Smile at each other. Educator: Do you like when guests come to you? A fabulous guest came to us. Guess the riddle who it is: The couch potato sleeps all winter, He sucks his paw, And in his deep sleep, He sees delicious, sweet honey, He can growl and roar loudly, for no reason, He loves ripe raspberries, Our clubfoot (bear). Look, he came to visit us, let's say hello and call him affectionately. (Children call Mishutka, Mishenka, Toptyzhka.) Mishka greets the children. Educator: Look, Mishka, how many cheerful children you have met. Why are you so sad? Bear: A bunny will come to visit me soon. But I don’t know what I can treat my friend with. I myself love lollipops. Educator: Guys, what do you think can be served for tea and what can we treat you with? What delicious treats do you know? (children's answers) Educator: Let's look at the pictures to see what is shown there (sweets, gingerbread cookies, cookies, cake, lollipops, bagels). What can you come up with? How to help the bear? Prepare it yourself properly. And we will make sweets from plasticine. Go to the tables. Educator: Do you remember what Mishka likes? (Lollipop) What shape is the lollipop? (Round) What color could it be? To make a lollipop, you need to pinch off a piece of plasticine and roll it into a ball in a circular motion. What's missing from our lollipop? (sticks) We need to take a stick and attach our sweetness to it. Now let's see how to fashion a steering wheel. What does a steering wheel look like? What color are the bagels? (brown, yellow) Place a piece of plasticine on your palm. Cover with the other palm and form a sausage with back and forth movements. How can we turn our sausage into a bagel? That's right, you need to roll it into a ring and secure the ends. And now I propose to show Mishka how friendly you are. Finger gymnastics:

The girls and boys in our group are friends. We are now making friends with little fingers. 1 2 3 4 5 let's play together! And now we will begin to make sweets for the guest. You can choose what kind of treat you want to prepare - bagels, lollipops or cookies. Here we have prepared a treat for you. Let's put our sweets on a plate and wait for the guest. Mishka thanks you for your help. And asks what did you like most? What caused the difficulty? (Knock on the door. Bunny arrives). Mishka invites everyone to a tea party. Guys, what should we do first before going to the table? (wash hands) Now we will wash our hands, take out beautiful plates and cups and go drink tea.


To develop children's imaginative ideas and the ability to choose the content of an image. Learn to sculpt a selected object using previously learned techniques. Continue to develop the ability to work accurately. To cultivate the desire to do something for others, to develop the ability to combine the results of one’s activities with the work of peers.

Materials and equipment:

Salt dough of different colors, a modeling board (for each child), Masha and Dasha dolls, a tray for placing treats fashioned by children, tea utensils.

Connecting with others

classes and activities.

Children's games in the play corner, role-playing game "Let's treat the dolls to tea."

Methodical techniques:

The use of playful and surprise moments, the organization of playful situations (at the beginning of the lesson, the dolls Masha and Dasha come to visit the children.

Examination of ready-made crafts (treats) made by the teacher, showing how to sculpt various types of cookies, sweets, and pies.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Educator. Guys, someone is knocking on our door.

A car with guests appears. Let's say hello (children say hello and sit down).

2. Game motivation.

Educator. Guys, today the doll Masha and Dasha came to visit us. Today is the little doll Dasha's birthday. Let's treat the guests to tea. The children are setting the table. The teacher notes that pies and cakes and other treats are always baked for birthdays, let’s make some treats for the dolls too. Ask what treats you can make; listen to all the children’s suggestions, asking them what shape the named treats are and how they can be molded; complement their answers.

3. Examination of a sample - a pie.

Educator. But first, let's look at the cake I made. Look how beautiful my pie is! What shape is it? (round).

4. Demonstration and explanation of modeling techniques by the teacher.

Educator. First, we take the white dough, divide it into two parts: Roll out a ball from the larger part, flatten it into a disk, this will be our first shortcake, then take the second piece, roll out the ball, flatten it into a disk, this will be the second shortcake, put it on top of each other and press. Then we begin to decorate the pie, for this we roll out a small piece of dough into a sausage, place it on the pie, press it, then make several sausages, also put them on the pie and decorate the pie.

Educator. Guys, who wants to show how you can make other treats?

5.Teacher, let’s have a little rest, we’ll play the game “Loaf”.

On Dashin's name day we baked a loaf of bread.

This is the width, this is the size of the dinners.

This high, this low.

Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want.

You guys are good. And Elina is the best.

6. Independent work of children.

Children sit down and do their work. The teacher monitors their work. While completing the task, it is necessary to help children by reminding or partially explaining to them modeling techniques. Foster and encourage independence, control the sequence of work.

7.Analysis of the lesson.

At the end of modeling, children place all their work on the table.

Educator. Guys, what beautiful treats you made.

(the teacher addresses the doll Dasha) Dasha, do you like the children’s work?

Doll Dasha: Thanks, guys! I really enjoyed your treats!

Educator. Dasha, which pie do you like best?

Educator. Children, let's congratulate the doll Dasha on her birthday and sing the song “Guests have come to us.”

Educator. So guys, our lesson is over. What did we do in class? (made treats for dolls). Did you like our lesson? (Children's answers). Children, you did well today, you did a good job. Everyone had some beautiful treats!

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