Open integrated lesson in the first junior group “For a walk with the sun”

Integrated open lesson for children 2-3 years old “Teremok”

Integrated open lesson for children 2-3 years old “Teremok”

in the 2nd nursery group of MBDOU D/s – 173


introducing children to Russian folk tales; introduction to theatrical activities; speech development; getting to know the animals of your native land.


encouraging children to love and understand nature; consolidation of the concept of “Autumn”; development of fine motor skills of the hands, listening skills; take an active part in the action of the dramatization, replenishment of vocabulary, initial counting to five.


making characters and Teremka for a fairy tale; preliminary reading of a fairy tale in a creative reading class; selection of musical accompaniment; selection of finger gymnastics; compiling physical education minutes.


Teremok, Mouse, Frog, Hare, Fox, Wolf, Bear, spikelet, chairs and scarves according to the number of children, table, CD player, electronic media for musical arrangement.

The lesson is designed for children 2-3 years old for 10 minutes. Can be done in a group or on a walking yard.

Progress of the lesson:

Children from the 1st subgroup sit in a semicircle on chairs. Opposite there is a table on which Teremok stands. At the table sits the teacher, who is both the presenter and voices the characters of the fairy tale. The musical intro from the program “Come Fairy Tale” plays.


Guys, do you hear a familiar melody? This means that a fairy tale has come to us again! Have you noticed how cold it has become outside? You began to dress warmer: jackets, boots, hats. How are the animals doing in the forest at this time of year? Do you want to know? (A positive response). Then let's begin.

There is a teremok-teremok in the field. He is not short, not tall, not tall. Little Mouse ran past, saw Teremok, and knocked.

Knock, knock, knock.
Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one? Nobody answered her.

The mouse decided that if there was no one in Teremka, then she would live in it. She ran to the field, brought a spikelet of grain, ground flour and decided to bake a pie and wait for guests. Guys, can we help Mouse bake a pie for the guests? ( assumed positive answer

). Then we prepared our pens:

Finger gymnastics “Pie”

I remember the dough with my hands,

children clench and unclench their fingers

I'll bake a sweet pie.

perform circular movements with palms

Lubricate the center with cream
(stroking your palms in a horizontal position

And top with sweet cream.

same thing in the opposite direction

And coconut flakes

imitates sprinkling crumbs from different hands

I'll sprinkle the cake a little.

And then I’ll make tea

stirs with index finger

I will invite everyone to visit!

spread their arms to the sides, inviting them to a treat

And at this time a frog was jumping across the field. I saw the tower and stopped. I thought, What a nice Teremok. I wish I could live in something like this. She knocked.

Knock, knock, knock.
Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one? Mouse:
I'm a little mouse.
And who are you? Frog:

And I'm a frog. Let me live in the little mansion, we’ll be friends together.


What can you do?


Walk on water, water the garden, wash clothes.


How is that?


And like this. Guys, can you help me? (assumed positive answer).

Finger gymnastics “Washing”

We washed the clothes together,

the child rubs one fist against the other)
Together they rinsed together,

Moves hands left and right, simulating rinsing

Squeezed out

Clenches and unclenches his fists


handles high up with palms thrown forward

This has become fun! ( Arms spread to the sides, palms up



Oh, really fun. Come to Teremok. We'll live together.

Meanwhile, the Bunny was jumping around the field. I saw Teremok and was glad that there was somewhere to warm up. I knocked.

Knock, knock, knock.
Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one? Animals:
I am a little mouse.
I'm a frog, and who are you? Bunny:

And I'm a bouncing bunny. I can run, I can jump, I can teach you and the guys! Oh, well, quickly get up from your chairs. And repeat after me.

Physical education minute

( Marching)
One, two, three, four, five, the bunny came out to play
(Jumping) The little gray one is quick to jump - he jumped eight times.

(to the music, the guys sit down in their places).

Mouse and Frog:

So be it. Come into the mansion. Life is more fun with three people.

Meanwhile, the little fox was running across the field. I saw Teremok. I knocked.

Knock, knock, knock.
Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one? Animals:
I am a Little Mouse.
I'm the frog frog. I'm the Jumping Bunny. And who are you? Chanterelle:

And I'm
little fox
-sister. I can sing and tell stories. Let me live in the little mansion, we’ll be friends together.


Come in, the four of us will live together.

Meanwhile, a gray Wolf was running across the field. He saw Teremok and smelled the smell of pies. He was glad that he could be warmed and fed here. I knocked.

Knock, knock, knock.
Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one? Animals:
I am a Little Mouse.
I'm the frog frog. I'm the Jumping Bunny. I'm Little Foxy Sister. And who are you? Wolf:

And I am
- a gray barrel. Let me live in the little mansion, we’ll be friends together. I can chop wood and light the stove. And the guys will help me. Guys, can we show you how to chop wood?

Physical education minute:

Children get up from their chairs and perform arm swing exercises to the music, pretending to chop wood. They take their seats.


This is how much firewood we have prepared. Enough for the whole winter.


If so, then come in, the five of us will live together. There's enough room for everyone.

And the animals began to live together. The Wolf chopped wood, the Hare lit the stove, the Fox told fairy tales, the Mouse cooked dinner, and the Frog put things in order in the house. So, they would live if they didn’t grieve. Yes, at that time a bear passed by. He looked out one window, then another. He sees that the animals are living happily. He also wanted to live in Teremka. He started knocking.

Knock, knock, knock.
Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one? Animals:
I am a Little Mouse.
I'm the frog frog. I'm the Jumping Bunny. I'm Little Foxy Sister. I am a top - a gray barrel. And who are you? Bear: And I'm a Bear. I'll teach you all to howl. Ah-ah-ah.

The animals were afraid of the bear's menacing roar. Yes, and they tell him.

Animals: Where will we let you in? We don't even have room anymore.


Yes, I'm on the roof.

The bear climbed onto the roof and broke it. The poor animals only managed to jump out of Teremok. They began to shame the bear.

What have you done, clubfoot, it’s already getting cold in the fall, and in winter it will be even more difficult, where will we live.
Mishka scratched the back of his head and said: “ And I’ll ask the guys to help.” They won't refuse"

Well, what's up guys? Let's help Mishka repair Teremok (the answer is positive)

Finger game
on chairs “House” .
We knock with a hammer

(Knock our fists together)

We want to build a house.

(Connect the fingertips of both hands)

We are building a tall house

, (Raise straightened palms up)

We will live in that house.

(Clap your hands)

So they repaired the roof at Teremok. The animals thought, consulted and decided.


Okay, come in, Bear. We'll fit together somehow. In crowded but not mad.

And the bear thought and thought, and said: No. It's too noisy here, but I'm used to sleeping in winter. And it's better not to wake me up. I’ll go back to the forest, to my favorite den. See you in the spring.

The animals said goodbye to the clubfoot and returned to their Teremok, where no one bothered them anymore. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done!

Guys! Did you like the fairy tale? (Answer)

If you liked it, clap your hands! Which animal did you like best? (children list and receive their favorite character on their finger. The music starts playing).

Author's development of the script and production of fairy-tale characters for the teacher of the 2nd nursery group of D/S No. 173 Kudelya E.G. October 2022

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Outline of a comprehensive lesson for children of the first junior group “Fly, swim, go”

Teachers: Kruglova I.I.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development” , “Speech development” , “Socio-communicative development” , “Artistic and aesthetic development” , “Physical development” .


  1. consolidate the general concept of “transport” and its types; children's knowledge of primary colors ( "Cognitive Development" );
  2. develop coherent speech, vocabulary, speech hearing, erudition; form the grammatical structure of speech ( “Speech development” );
  3. to develop an interest in fiction through familiarity with the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit” ( “Speech Development” );
  4. enrich children’s motor experience through the active game “Train Engine” and the musical break “Airplane” ( “Physical Development” );
  5. actively and kindly interact with adults and peers ( “Social and communicative development” ).

Methods and techniques:

practical: game with musical accompaniment “Locomotive” , finger gymnastics “Fish” , low mobility game “Airplane” , dance exercises to the song “Airplane” ;

visual: looking at pictures depicting a railway, sea, mountains, road, train, car, ship, plane;

verbal: conversations and questions on the topic “Transport” .

Materials and equipment: Doctor Aibolit doll, telegram, ship made of wooden modules, chairs, steering wheel, hats of the driver, pilots, sailors, musical accompaniment: E. Zheleznova “Train Locomotive” , children's song “Airplane” ;

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

1. Communication

Conversations and questions on the topic; "Transport" , children's answers.

2. Perception of fiction (Doctor Aibolit).

3. Musical outdoor game with musical accompaniment (E. Zheleznova “Locomotive” , musical break “Airplane” .

4. Motor active game with musical accompaniment (E. Zheleznova “Locomotive” , musical break “Airplane” .

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Emotional attitude towards educational activities.

A voice is heard: Oh-oh-oh!

What to do? How to be? How can I treat animals? Educator: Guys, who is so worried and worried about sick animals?

Children: Doctor Aibolit.

(Doctor Aibolit doll appears).

Educator: What happened, Doctor Aibolit? Why are you so sad? And what do you have in your hand?

Aibolit: I received a telegram from Hippopotamus.

(reads the telegram)

- “Come, doctor, to Africa as soon as possible and save, doctor, our babies.” - What to do, how to be? I need to treat my children.

But I don’t know at all how to get to Africa, because it is very far away.

Educator: Guys, do you feel sorry for Doctor Aibolit and sick animals? (children reason and express sympathy).

— Do you want to help Aibolit cure small animals? Are you ready to hit the road?

2. Examination of the image of the railway.

- Guys, what is this? (rails).

— What rides on rails? (train).

- What will we take on the journey? (by train).

- Certainly. You guys are great. You know everything!

— The carriages stand behind me. Go!

3. An outdoor game with musical accompaniment “Locomotive” .

(E. Zheleznova “Locomotive” ).

Doctor Aibolit: - How fun we had on the train!

4. Looking at the picture “Sea” .

Educator: And here in front of us the sea is raging, making noise in the open space. And a high wave is moving in the sea. Now it will swallow Aibolit.


* Oh, what if I don’t make it, what if I drown, what will happen to them, to my forest animals.

Educator: Guys, what can Aibolit use to cross the sea?

Children: Ship, boat.

Educator: It’s a long time on a boat, it’s better on a ship. Let's get on the ship and sail.

5. Finger gymnastics “Fish”

(We imitate the movements of fish with our hands in accordance with the text)

The fish are frolicking merrily in the clean, warm water. Either they will shrink, they will unclench, or they will bury themselves in the sand.

Aibolit: - Wow, we swam across.

Educator: Well, here we are! Let's go ashore.

6. Educator: And the mountains get in our way. What do we do?

The mountains are so high, right under the clouds

What will help Aibolit and us get over the mountains? (Airplane.)

- Let's fly!

(the roar of an airplane engine sounds).

Educator: So we flew over the mountains.

Aibolit: – We finally landed, I’m very afraid of flying.

7. Looking at the picture “Road” .

Educator: Oh, guys, what is this? (Road.)

Educator: Look how long it is. And Africa is visible in the distance. How can Aibolit quickly get to Africa?

Children: By bus.

Children sit on chairs arranged in 2 rows, like bus seats, with a driver at the head.

Educator: Guys, what great fellows we are, we helped Aibolit get to Africa. Now he can cure the animals. Let's say goodbye to Aibolit. Goodbye!

Aibolit: Thanks, guys! Goodbye!

8. Reflection.

Educator: Let us remember once again how Doctor Aibolit and I used to get to distant Africa.


  • by train,
  • by plane
  • on the ship
  • by car.

Educator: How can all this be called in one word?

Children: Transport.

Educator: That's right, all this is transport.

Educator: Well, now let's go back to our favorite kindergarten. How can we get there quickly?

Children: On a plane.

The children's song "Airplane" , and the children repeat the dance moves to the music after the teacher.

Educator: We had a very exciting trip. Thanks for your attention, guys!

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