Lesson summary for the application “Rug of geometric shapes”

Open lesson on fine arts in the middle group “Rug for a doll”

Diana Ibragimova
Open lesson in fine arts in the middle group “Rug for a doll”

Develop the ability to lay out patterns from paper strips, develop motor skills and speed. Cultivate interest in the world around you.

• Sheets of paper with trimmed edges

• Strips of colored paper

• Samples of patterns for appliqué

• Paper flags

• Pictures of furniture

Contents of the lesson

the doll Masha came to visit us today . And she brought with her a folder with pictures of rugs . She really liked them, and doll also wants a beautiful rug . Let's help her make a rug , but first we'll look at them.

Children: Look at the pictures and are surprised at the beautiful patterns.

to play outdoor games together with the doll

"Find yourself a mate"

To play the game you need to prepare cards of different colors according to the number of children. Each card depicts a piece of furniture. At the signal, the children scatter around the room and must find a pair. Several people remain without a partner. (carried out 2-3 times)

“A car with furniture is driving”

Children are divided into groups . Each child has a flag with a picture of furniture pasted on it. The teacher has several flags. Raises a flag with a picture of some furniture, the teacher allows the “cars”
to go.
Children run imitating cars. When the flag is released, you must stop. (carried out 2-3 times)
Educator: Invites the children to sit down and start making applique. Educator: What makes a room beautiful and cozy? Do you use fresh flowers to decorate? What about carpets ? Do you have carpets ? Where are they located? Today you will make a rug for a doll . It will be made of multi-colored strips of paper. To make the rug beautiful, the stripes must be alternated. Think about how you can arrange the stripes. The teacher shows how to spread glue on the finished strips, then sticks them on as desired, so that a pattern is formed.

Lesson analysis :

Children, let's remember what we did today?

(Children's response)

The doll Masha came to us today . I brought pictures. Today we made a rug for a doll and played outdoor games.
We looked at the pictures. Educator: Guys, the doll Masha says that she is very glad that you helped her and made a lot of beautiful rugs . You did well in class , I really enjoyed it. You listened to me carefully, the applique was done very beautifully, neatly, well done. Let's say goodbye to the doll .

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the senior group. “Magic Flowerbed” Program content: Educational: Continue to teach how to create object images from nature and from imagination; learn to make flowers.

Volumetric applique made of corrugated paper “House” Hello Dear Colleagues. I would like to present to your attention a three-dimensional applique made of corrugated paper. For this we need.


Options for combining figures in an application

Using colored cardboard or paper, you can prepare mugs in advance; it is easy to involve a child in such work. A circle is a fairly simple shape, but a preschool child may have problems cutting out even shapes from very dense material.

A variety of photos of finished crafts will help you evaluate the possibilities of making circle applications using paper or felt. You can replace individual elements with half circles; in more complex crafts, different parts of the circle, cut by hand, are used.


"Rug for dolls"

Tasks. To develop in children an interest in decorating the surface of a sheet with colored stripes, the ability to independently choose the color of paint, wash the brush, carefully draw horizontal lines, and evoke an emotional response in children.

Materials. 2-3 rugs drawn in advance by the teacher; square-shaped tinted sheets (“mats”), brushes, paints of five colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white).

Preliminary work. Examination of illustrations depicting the interiors of dolls' rooms. Playing with dolls, introducing decoration elements (“rug, path”) into the interior of the doll’s room.

Contents of the lesson. The teacher places the interior of the doll’s room on the table and turns to the children: “Guys, look, there is a doll in this room, what’s her name? (Children's answers.) And in the room there is a table, chairs, and a crib. And to make it even more beautiful, you need to put a striped rug on the floor (spreads the rug). Look at the rugs I have (shows 2-3 patterns with multi-colored stripes, names their colors). The doll (calls her by the name the children gave her - Dasha, Masha, Alenka) wants you to draw more rugs for her room. She really liked the beautiful dresses you drew for Katya’s doll last time.”

The teacher invites each child to choose a tinted sheet and draw stripes of different colors. He draws the children's attention to the horizontal arrangement of the stripes on the sheet. Reminds that they should be wide, so you need to carefully move the brush from one edge of the sheet to the other. The child can choose to paint stripes of different colors or use one color of paint.

“The doll is very happy with the rugs you made,” says the teacher. She praises the children for their effort, accuracy, and desire to draw beautiful, colorful rugs. When the children finish drawing, the teacher lays out all the rugs on the floor, alternating them according to the color of the stripes, resulting in one large, beautiful carpet. “Look, guys, small rugs have turned into a large multi-colored carpet. Let’s admire it together with the doll.” Then he invites the children to find “their rugs” and say what color the stripes are on them.

After the lesson, the teacher can stick children's rugs onto a sheet of paper so that this rug can decorate the interior of the group room. Children will have the opportunity to look at it more often and admire it. The teacher can advise parents at home to invite the child to draw a rug and decorate the room with it.

Craft ideas for little kids

Simple and easy applications made from circles will help expand children's horizons, develop creativity and imagination, and consolidate knowledge of shapes and sizes. Using simple geometric shapes of a circle and a semicircle, it is easy to create beautiful crafts that are used to decorate a nursery or are presented for participation in exhibitions in a kindergarten:

  • ladybug. The applique can be flat or voluminous; this idea will help the child master composition and contrasting colors;
  • cheerful caterpillar. A multi-colored caterpillar can be of any length, and thanks to such a craft, a child will be able to consolidate his knowledge of colors;
  • flower on the hill. A flower made of circles and a leaf made of semicircles, planted on a semicircular hillock, are used to study scale.

If it is difficult for a child to independently go through all the stages of making a craft, parents can make blank mugs for him. This type of creativity, such as applique from circles, is interesting for preschool children and primary schoolchildren; it helps to develop imagination and consolidate the material learned in the educational process.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Truly amazing results are obtained by massaging the hands using a “Grass” mat, a Su Jok ball, springs, clothespins, chestnuts, walnuts, and a hexagonal cara.

What could be more important than children's health? And we, adults, can significantly help our children in improving their body health and improving immunity. And the game situation will help turn it into an exciting one.

The material can be used for consultations for teachers of preschool educational institutions, as well as for parents to help in the manufacture of non-traditional physical education equipment.

The didactic game can be used both in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and in individual work, as well as in free play activities.

Goal: - to teach children to cut narrow strips along the folds of paper into pieces; - fold the strip twice to get four squares or rectangles; - symmetrically arrange the pattern elements along the corners.

Appliqué lesson for the middle group. Prepared for certification.

The doll is one of the most interesting pages in the history of culture. Everyone loves dolls: adults and children. For children they are fun, and adults look with joy at the beautiful toys that bring them joy.


Decorative decorations for cards

A simple circle appliqué technique helps to realize a huge variety of ideas and make a large number of crafts:

  • berries and fruits with recognizable shapes such as flat applications or voluminous crafts;
  • New Year's balls, they can be used for painting or forming garlands;
  • a gradient of circles to create beautiful and original paintings or installations.

After the child has mastered the skills of creating flat applications, you can make a three-dimensional craft with several elements.

A circle of colored paper, familiar to many, opens up new spaces for creativity and creating original and beautiful compositions. A master class with a step-by-step description of the creative procedure will help diversify home activities and leisure time spent with a preschool child.

"Magic rug" Lesson in the middle group on artistic creativity (drawing)

Elena Ishoeva

"Magic rug" Lesson in the middle group on artistic creativity (drawing)

Lesson in the middle group on artistic creativity ( drawing )

Topic: “ Magic rug

Goal: Develop children's imagination and creativity ;

Continue teaching children how to make a decorative pattern on a rectangular shape. Learn to express a person’s character through color, rhythm, elements of painting;

Encourage children to express their musical impressions in creative activities ; Cultivate interest in activities; interest in fairy tales.

Preliminary work: examination of carpet ; conversation about types of carpets ; listening to music; Exercises for painting napkins.

Materials: album sheet, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins, wax crayons; music.

P. I. Tchaikovsky “Baba Yaga”

, M. Mussorgsky
painting by V. Vasnetsov “Flying Carpet”

magic carpet illustrations ; painting elements (geometric shapes, straight stripes, stencils)

Techniques for making circle appliques

Using a pre-selected template, you can create various applications using circles and semicircles:

  • flat applications. Such compositions can depict any objects, while the elements themselves remain flat due to their complete gluing to a cardboard or paper base;
  • voluminous applications. More complex crafts are made by partially gluing individual elements to a base and folding, folding or filling the internal space of the parts.

Separately, we should highlight applications using the mosaic technique, when selected segments of the overall composition are filled with circles of a certain color.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and stand in a semicircle around the teacher.

Educator: Today we will visit a fairyland. But to get there, you need to go on something. What do you think we can go on a trip with? (List)


Guys. Since we want to get to a fairyland, then let’s choose a fairytale transport.

I invite you to fly on a magic carpet magical music sounds )

Guys, get on the magic carpet. (The children sat down on a small rug)
Look how beautiful and unusual it is!
Let's fly. The magic carpet rises high, hold on tight! the magical castles , forests, and seas
below us It's so beautiful all around! Here we are! Educator: Children, sit on the chairs.

Educator: Let's imagine that we are in a fairyland, in the land of wizards . What types of wizards ?

Children's answers: (good, evil)


Listening to music: about evil and good wizards .

Educator: Guys, what do you think wizards fly ?

Children's answers: (on airplane carpets )


Educator: Guys, I completely forgot, the postman brought us a letter, I wonder who it’s from, let’s read it.

Letter: Dear guys, wizards from a fairyland , we are in trouble, an evil wizard has ruined all our airplane carpets , help us, please?

Educator: Guys, in a fairy-tale land, an evil wizard has ruined all the airplane carpets , and the good wizards don’t know what to fly on, but let us help the good wizards and draw airplane carpets . Guys, can we help the wizards ?

Children: Yes, let's help

Educator: Guys, there is a blank sheet of paper in front of you, take wax crayons and draw pictures on them using the material on the table;

Educator: what did you do?

Children: Nothing is visible;

Educator: Paint each of your sheets with any bright color. Guys, look what's going on with your carpet ?

Children: A pattern appears on the carpet ;

Educator: Guys, what can we say about the carpet? What is he like?

Children: Magic ;

Educator: Now I suggest you listen to music.

Which musical fragment is more suitable for a good wizard's carpet , and which for an evil one? (Music sounds)


Why is the first music suitable for the good wizard's carpet ? (Cheerful, joyful, bright, solemn)

What about the second music? (Loud, rude, sad and disturbing)

Result: Review of completed work, analysis with the help of the teacher.

Educator: Well done guys today, you did a very good deed, you helped the wizards . Now it's time for us to return home.

Educator: Children, tell me, how can we return to kindergarten from a fairyland? On what? (on an airplane carpet )

Let's fly. The magic carpet rises high, we fly high, we hold on tight! We've arrived! Club "Kuban Crafts" Club "Kuban Crafts" Goals: -to form in preschoolers a holistic perception of art as part of the culture of the people;
- reveal the origins. Presentation for a lesson on applique in the second junior group on the topic “Beautiful napkins” The presentation was developed for direct educational activities in the field of “Artistic Creativity” on the topic “Beautiful napkins”.


Beautiful crafts for the holiday

For an upcoming holiday of any theme, the child, together with his parents, can make beautiful and original greeting cards:

  • for the New Year. The snowmen and Santa Claus presented in the catalogue, made from cotton pads, will perfectly complement a hand-made postcard for the New Year holidays;
  • for Mother's Day. A vase with flowers, daisies and callas, tulips from half a circle or lush peonies can be used as an idea for creating a gift for your beloved mother or grandmother;
  • by March 8. An original postcard with a picture of a blossoming sakura branch, a mimosa made of yellow circles with a figure of eight circles will be an excellent gift for loved ones or kindergarten teachers.

Round geometric shapes or small circles are used to fill different shapes and can be used to easily make any appliqué. Without holding back your child’s flight of imagination, you can provide him with an exciting activity, which in many educational institutions is part of the learning process.

Flower applications

This craft can be presented as a gift for March 8th and birthday. Therefore, learning how to do it is extremely important.

Chamomile applique

  • Number and sizes of circles per daisy:
  • White 3 cm for petals – 5 pcs.
  • Yellow for the middle of the flower.
  • Green ones are small for the stem - in the required quantity, depending on the required length of the stem.
  • Green 4 cm for leaves – 2 pcs.

Flower making process:

  1. We make petals by bending geometric shapes in half. Glue the petals to the base so that they converge at one point.
  2. Close the center with the middle of the flower.
  3. We form a stem.
  4. We create leaves from halves of figures.

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