Ship made of geometric shapes. Do-it-yourself tangram (game patterns, figures)

In this master class I will show you how to make an applique - a paper boat with your own hands with step-by-step photographs. This boat can be used to create cards or as a gift for dad and grandfather.

What would you like to be when you grow up? To this question, very often boys answer that they want to become a pilot, driver or sea captain. Unfortunately, life doesn't always work out the way you want. But no matter how fate turns out, you should always strive for your dream.

If your son is still small, but already dreams of sea voyages, then you can support him in this. You can start by making a small paper boat, which may be the first step towards making your child’s dream come true. The manufacturing process - how to make it in the form of an applique is shown in this master class.

How to make a paper boat applique with your own hands

To create such a craft, we prepared:

  • square sheet of single-sided colored paper;
  • black felt-tip pen.

First, our workpiece needs to be bent along diagonal lines.

Now we bend one of the corners (for convenience, we took the top one) towards the very center of the workpiece.

The same bent corner must be bent upward.

Finally, we make another fold of the same corner, but this time we bend it down.

We fold the blank of the future boat in half lengthwise.

All we have to do is form the side of our ship. To do this, you need to bend the bottom part upward at a slight angle. The width of this fold will determine the height of the side.

Now the fold needs to be straightened so that the colored paper is on the outside.

If necessary, the inner sides of the applique can be slightly secured with glue.

The final stage of our craft will be drawing portholes. We apply them using a black felt-tip pen.

Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle made from figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts in a special way: 2 large triangles, one medium one, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. As a result of folding these parts together, flat figures are obtained, the contours of which resemble all kinds of objects, from humans, animals to tools and household items. These types of puzzles are often called "geometric puzzles", "cardboard puzzles" or "cut puzzles".

With a tangram, a child will learn to analyze images, identify geometric shapes in them, learn to visually break an entire object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements, and most importantly - to think logically.

A lesson in design using origami technique on the theme “Ships” for the older group.

A lesson in design using origami technique on the theme “Ships” for the older group.


Mazhova Svetlana Aleksandrovna - kindergarten teacher..


making a paper boat using the origami technique.

Program content


Continue to introduce children to the art of origami.

Learn how to construct a boat out of paper.

Strengthen children's knowledge about water transport.

Develop constructive thinking and memory.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of hand movements and speech.

Cultivate accuracy and perseverance when performing work.

Preliminary work:

a conversation about what kinds of ships and ships there are (passenger, cargo, special purpose, military), working with the illustration “Ships” - (modeling from geometric shapes), reading and looking at illustrations of reference literature on the topic.


rectangular sheets of colored paper 15/20 cm for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, I have prepared a riddle for you, listen carefully:

Passengers, cargo is being transported,

In the bays he will wait out the storm,

It will buzz with a loud bass,

He will run away into the sea! (ship)

Educator: Just recently we got acquainted with different types of ships and vessels. And today, I want to invite you to make a paper boat.

Educator: First I will show you how to make a boat, and then each of you will try to make it yourself.

-For work we need a rectangular sheet of paper. First, fold the sheet in half. Now we mark the middle of the sheet by bending and straightening the sheet. Fold the upper corners of the rectangle towards the middle, lift the bottom strip up, and turn the figure over. We bend the corners to the intended line, lift the bottom strip up, open the figure, stretching it in different directions. We lift the corner up, turn the figure over, lift the other corner up, open it by pulling the side corners. The ship is ready.

Now take your jobs, but before you get to work, let's play with your fingers.

Gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills of the hands:

One-two-three-four-five (count your fingers)

We will count the transport.

Bus, boat and moped,

Motorcycle, bicycle (show vehicle movements with your hands).

Ship, train, helicopter (alternately clench your fingers into fists, starting with the little finger)

-Our fingers have played, and now get to work (while working, monitor the children’s posture, help if necessary).

Summary of the lesson.


-Children, did everyone get the boats? (Analysis of children's works).

- Ilya, look at all the boats and tell me which one you like the most.

— Ulyana, which boat did you like? Why?

- You guys are great! Look what a flotilla we have.

How to make a tangram

A tangram can be made from cardboard or paper by printing a template and cutting along the lines. You can download and print the tangram square diagram by clicking on the picture and selecting “print” or “save image as...”.

It is possible without a template. We draw a diagonal in the square - we get 2 triangles. We cut one of them in half into 2 small triangles. Mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. We cut off the middle triangle and other shapes using these marks. There are other options for how to draw a tangram, but when you cut it into pieces, they will be absolutely the same.

A more practical and durable tangram can be cut from a rigid office folder or a plastic DVD box. You can complicate your task a little by cutting out a tangram from pieces of different felt, stitching them along the edges, or even from plywood or wood.

Ship: paper applique in kindergarten

Activities with colored paper are not only fun, colorful results, but also creative development. For kids who are not yet 3 years old, you can make blanks, cut out the parts in advance, and then glue them onto a sheet of cardboard or paper. Older children can be given scissors with rounded edges.

It is convenient to use glue for appliques - a pencil or PVA with a brush.

Ship made of colored paper: simple application

To make a beautiful and bright applique, we will need a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, and ruler.

Let's transfer the part templates onto colored paper:

  • 3 clouds on blue paper,
  • yellow triangle, blue flag,
  • yellow semi-oval,
  • red rectangle,
  • blue hexagon,
  • 3 waves of blue color,
  • Black bird

The colors of the ship can be safely replaced with those that the child wants more.

Boat template: paper applique

Glue two waves on the bottom of the sheet, leaving room for the third wave.

Glue the deck in the form of a blue hexagon and perpendicularly a long red rectangle - the mast.

Glue a yellow triangle to the right of the red mast, and a semi-oval to the left. We will place a flag on the mast. Directly on the blue deck, between the two waves, we will glue the third wave.

Ship: applique for the younger group

For little ones, prepare pre-printed parts - you can even cut them out in advance. This is important so that children can understand which colors to combine and learn to understand shapes.

Print out ready-made templates and help children understand which part to glue where.

You can choose from several options, focusing on varying degrees of difficulty.

The boat is sailing: three-dimensional applique

If you make some details voluminous, the applique will turn out to be more original. The parts that create volume are glued last.

How to make a three-dimensional applique: a boat in the senior group

This work uses the skills of drawing, gluing, and cutting, as well as the child’s creative talents.


  • White sheet A4
  • Watercolor
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Markers
  • PVA glue

We start by designing the background of the craft. We draw waves and clouds with a blue or light blue pencil.

Paint the background with blue watercolors

To make a beautiful boat, you can print the template

Cut out parts according to a template from colored paper

Glue blue stripes that will be waves. Apply 3-4 drops of glue at an equal distance from each other and attach wave strips to them, creating volume.

On the main parts of the ship, draw stripes and glue three blue circles - portholes.

Glue on the mast and flag

Now let's glue the white sailboat

Ships on the roads: application in the preparatory group

You can easily place several ships on this application and this work can be done collectively. This process will help children learn to identify the parts of a ship. Each boat may have a different shape and deck color. You can depict pirate or warships.

You can pre-color the background

If the work is done by a group of children, you can give each child the task of creating their own model of a ship.

Applique Warship

An application of this type would be appropriate on postcards for February 23, or May 9. When children make cards for dads or grandfathers, they will need the ability to make warship appliqués.

You can use a template to prepare a ship.

Ship template for applique

Applique Ship for the little ones

Little ones should learn to use scissors and glue and be able to draw basic elements of nature before they go to school.

Therefore, such an applique as a boat at sea, which is combined with drawing skills, will be an excellent training.


  • Colored paper
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Crayons
  • Markers

For the base of the applique we use a white sheet of cardboard.

Tear off a few strips of blue paper to glue along the bottom edge of the base, making waves.

Let's cut out the sun, clouds and ship elements from colored paper.

Draw the birds and add other details to the applique.

How to play tangram

Each piece of the game must be made up of seven tangram parts, and they must not overlap.

The easiest option for preschool children 4-5 years old is to assemble figures according to the diagrams (answers) laid out into elements, like a mosaic. A little practice, and the child will learn to make figures according to the pattern-contour and even come up with his own figures according to the same principle.

Level one - download and print the colored tangram, this will make it easier to navigate the diagram.


Initially, work on the ship involves using it in water. What is a ship without the ability to swim?

  • Water, to the great regret of craftsmen, greatly destroys paper. Ships become unsuitable for games.
  • The possibility of such a problem can be minimized with additional protection.
  • Create a water-repellent layer. Thus, an ordinary small boat can make stylish jewelry as a gift for relatives;

Origami constructor made of cardboard

This method is suitable for those who are just developing hand motor skills. The constructor is created on the basis of a diagram that you can come up with yourself and draw in paint or on paper. How to collect:

  1. There are several types that use glue and special compartments to accommodate “fasteners”.
  2. In both cases, each piece is cut out with scissors.

There are no rules in this master class; you can give free rein to your imagination. If a child will do the work, you need to ensure comfort and safety (plastic scissors and a ruler are chosen).

DIY foam ship for children

Do not rush to throw away foam plastic after purchasing household appliances, especially if you have children. It can be useful for making a quick boat.


  • Styrofoam pieces
  • Toothpicks
  • Knife
  • A thread
  • Film for decoration
  • Colored paper

Using a knife, cut out the shape of a boat - two rectangles of different sizes. A large rectangle needs to have a sharp nose.

Using glue or a toothpick, connect both parts

All that remains is to decorate the boat. In this matter, you can give your child room for creativity.

Cut out flags from paper and glue the flag onto the mast.

You can add a second toothpick to the ship and tie them together with rope or thread. We'll insert another toothpick at the back of the deck. The places where the thread is attached can be lubricated with glue.

The outermost toothpicks need to be shortened.

We will hang small flags folded in half on the thread.

Another option for a ship's mast made of foam.

Let's make a cross from two toothpicks and wrap it with thread. Let's break off the ends.

The sail can be made from a tree leaf or fabric.

More complex foam ship designs will require more time.

Boat with sail for children

The scheme differs significantly from the classic version, but there is nothing complicated about it.

Detailed instructions:

  1. A square sheet of paper is suitable for origami.
  2. It needs to be folded diagonally. Be sure to bend all 4 corners to form a cross on the sheet.
  3. All 4 corners meet at the central point.
  4. The structure needs to be expanded.
  5. Next, the square with folds is turned over to the other side and folded in half.
  6. Each half that appeared during the instructions is folded again.
  7. Next, the sheet is unfolded again with the front side.
  8. Folds in half again.
  9. Diagonal guides should appear along which you need to fold the sides.
  10. Once the workpiece is ready, you need to fold the figure in half.
  11. The free angle is unbent, creating a full-fledged sail.

It is unlikely that this design will withstand water, but it can become a wonderful part of the decor. Additionally, you can color the composition using gouache.

The main thing is not to place the product on a radiator or near a heat source, as after drying it will lose its appearance.

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