Summary of the routine moment “Breakfast” (older age) lesson plan on the topic

Project “Why do you need to have breakfast?” — Pedagogical portal “About childhood”

Conference “Project activities in educational institutions - 2015”

Nomination "Children's project in primary school"

I noticed that many of my classmates, considering themselves healthy and cultured people, turn out to be ignorant about nutrition. They don't know how much, why or when to eat. Usually only some illness makes them pay attention to their diet. Sometimes it is too late, because according to statistics in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, the 3rd place in the overall structure of diseases in children is occupied by diseases of the digestive system.

I believe that food consumption culture is relevant. Knowing the laws of proper nutrition and following them, we can be healthy physically and spiritually. And the health of the nation has always been an important indicator for any state. This work received a prize at a school scientific and practical conference.

Goal: to justify the need for proper nutrition, in particular breakfast.


1. Study literature and Internet resources on the topic “Food culture.”

2. Find out the reasons for the need to have breakfast.

3. Find the best breakfast option for a modern schoolchild.

4. Raise interest in nutritional culture, the desire for a competent and careful attitude towards one’s health.

Reading additional material for the lessons of the surrounding world, I realized that the human body is extremely complex. Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Many times I have heard: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy!” I wondered why “eat your own breakfast”?

Justification of the reasons for the need to have breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal after sleep. During the night's sleep, everything eaten the day before was digested, all organs of the body, including the digestive ones, rested and favorable conditions were created for their further work. Scientists are unanimous that it is necessary to have breakfast, regardless of whether a person is engaged in physical or mental activity. Breakfast should contain approximately 1/3 of the daily diet, both in volume and nutritional value. If a person starts work on an empty stomach, then his performance decreases significantly.

I decided to independently investigate this issue and conducted a survey among students in grades 4, 5 and 9. I asked this 1 question: do you have breakfast in the morning? The majority of respondents (60%) answered negatively! But breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a schoolchild! Not in terms of the amount of food eaten, but in terms of its significance for the child’s body.

After breakfast, the child goes to school, and how he will feel for 4-5 hours before lunch is largely determined by what was eaten in the morning. Research shows that children who eat grains for breakfast get plenty of nutrients. Cereals (especially whole grains) with milk and fruit are a quick morning meal option that offers a range of nutrients without affecting weight. A very good offer for breakfast - hearty tartlets with filling.

A recent study of more than 2,300 girls aged 9 and 10 found that girls who ate grain-based foods regularly for 10 years were leaner than girls who didn't eat grain-based foods at all. Consuming grains leads to increased intake of protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin C and zinc, as well as reduced intake of cholesterol and fat. WITH

You need to have breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner at the same time. Breakfast for a schoolchild should be warm. Warm food is digested better and does not create unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract. Breakfast should last about 20 minutes.

So, a healthy and satisfying breakfast supports the student’s physical activity, helps to cope with the tasks of the working day, and forms a strong immune system; Breakfast also saves you from excess weight.

Question two of the survey: What do you eat for breakfast? Most of the guys answered a sandwich with butter or sausage, cheese, some - tea and cookies, and others - everything in a row, indiscriminately. How does breakfast affect school performance? If a child wants to study well, then breakfast should include dishes containing iodine and glucose. Such a healthy breakfast will be rich in protein and protein, speed up the thinking process and support you physically. An addition can be freshly squeezed carrot or other fruit or vegetable juice, rosehip decoction, compote of dried fruits and berries. A healthy breakfast includes protein foods (kefir, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, meat), foods that contain carbohydrates (porridge, bread), vitamins and fiber (fresh fruits, vegetables).

Question #3: Why don't you want to have breakfast?

1. Early breakfast immediately after waking up. To be on time for classes, you have to wake up early and quickly get ready. And the digestive system needs extra time. If it is not possible to delay breakfast for 30-40 minutes after waking up, then it is better to make a small snack at home (tea or juice, yogurt, some cookies), and take the main school breakfast with you and eat it during recess. By the way, many school canteens offer quite normal hot breakfasts, which can replace homemade ones.

2. Tasteless. Sometimes adults don't understand that healthy foods don't always taste good. For example, the well-known oatmeal. You need to know how to cook it and serve it with berries or fruit. Adults should not be forced to eat the same healthy food every day.

3. Too much. Often parents try hard to feed the schoolchild “in reserve.” But it’s better to put a school breakfast in your backpack, which, in addition to the “main course,” should include small “snacks” - an apple, a tangerine.

4. Not interesting. Children, unlike us, rarely “swallow” breakfast without looking at the plate - they are interested in everything! Including the appearance of the dishes.

Question #4: Is breakfast important for your well-being? Everyone responded positively. A healthy breakfast should not only be healthy, nutritious and quick, but also fill you with energy, vigor, great mood and well-being. So, breakfast saves you from stress: a delicious breakfast in a calm environment helps you get ready for the day ahead.

Healthy breakfast options. I studied books about tasty and healthy food, and prepared options for delicious and healthy breakfasts for you. The simplest of them: prepare porridge from healthy cereals, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and add any nuts or berries, dried apricots, raisins or grated apple to the porridge, add a little butter. This breakfast is quick to prepare and meets the requirements of a healthy breakfast in every way.

Healthy attitude towards nutrition

Nowadays, a blender and a slow cooker will help you quickly prepare a healthy and tasty breakfast. Adults should show by example the need for proper nutrition. If parents run out of the house hungry in the morning, how can a child believe that he needs to eat? Proper nutrition for children includes a normal breakfast, lunch and dinner for full growth and development. In addition, shared meals bring the family together, so there are only benefits from traditions when eating. But constant snacks, sandwiches, sweets and lemonade quickly satiate and do not leave room in the child’s stomach for normal food.

In conclusion, I want to say that I agree with the statement of scientists that all good and bad habits are laid down in the family. From early childhood, my mother taught me to eat milk porridge for breakfast, a sandwich with cheese, a boiled egg 1-2 times a week, pancakes or pancakes 1 time a week and, of course, never without a glass of warm milk. A healthy, tasty breakfast will provide all family members with good health and good spirits, the opportunity to live a full, interesting life and strengthen the family.

I liked conducting research on the topic “Food Culture”; I learned and understood a lot. I would like to continue it in the future and find out how to have lunch and dinner correctly. Eat right and be healthy! Thank you for your attention.


1. Annenkova A.S. “A healthy breakfast for schoolchildren”, Moscow, 2012, Samotlor publishing house.

2. Bazarova A.T. “A healthy and proper breakfast for a schoolchild”, Yekaterinburg, 2012, Bork publishing house 3. Indira K.A. “Food culture. Breakfast. Dinner. Dinner", Moscow. 2013, publishing house "Culinary Eden".

Appendix: Project “Why do you need to have breakfast?”

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Author: Sazonov Maxim Denisovich, student of grade 4 “D” of the MBOU “Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 3”, Khanty-Mansiysk. Head: Galiya Khalilovna Sumanovskaya, primary school teacher, MBOU “Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 3”, Khanty-Mansiysk. Experience: 22 years. Highest category.

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Summary of preparation for breakfast and breakfast in the senior group

Nina Konstantinova

Summary of preparation for breakfast and breakfast in the senior group

Program content:

Educational objectives:

-Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; culture of behavior while eating: use cutlery correctly; ability to use a napkin carefully; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk while eating.

Developmental tasks:

-Develop fine motor skills, the ability to properly use a paper napkin.

Educational tasks:

-To instill in children politeness, the need for cleanliness and neatness.

Previous work: prepared napkins for setting the table, word game, saying “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”


Preparation of material : aprons for duty officers.

Preparing and holding breakfast

After morning exercises , children change their shoes, go to the group and engage in independent activities. The junior teacher leaves for breakfast . At this time I appoint people on duty.

-Diana and Dima will be on duty today. Diana and Dima go to wash their hands and put on aprons, after which they will begin to lay out napkins and lay out spoons. While the attendants are setting the table, I invite the other children to go to the washroom, but first, let’s remember the rules for washing hands. Children, let's answer one by one.

-First you need to roll up the sleeves; then open the tap not too much so as not to splash water; wet your hands; take soap; lather your hands in a circular motion; put soap; wash your hands with soapy foam; Gently rinse off the soap with water; shake your hands off the water; Close the tap; go to your towel, take it off the hanger; dry your hands - apply a towel tightly, wipe your palms and fingers, first on one hand, then on the other hand; hang the towel back.

-Boys wash their hands first, and girls check . Then the girls wash and the boys check .

Good water!

Help a little:

You, a piece of soap, wash us without sparing,

Our hands will become cleaner and whiter.

-That's how great you are. Did everyone wash their hands well?

-Guys, sit down quietly in your seats. The chefs took care of you, prepared this very healthy and very tasty rice porridge, cocoa and butter sandwich. To make them happy, let’s do something nice for them, let’s eat all the porridge! Bon Appetit everyone!

-Children, do not forget that we hold the spoon in our right hand and the bread in our left. We hold our back correctly, our legs stand correctly, we don’t put our elbows on the table, we chew food with our mouth closed, we don’t talk while eating, we don’t crumble bread on the table. I praise the children for their neatness, slowness, and cultural skills. I remind the children to say thank you for the food.

-The attendants do not forget to clear the table: napkins, spoons, plates, slowly, holding them with both hands.


Well done! Everyone finished the rice porridge, ate it very carefully, and took their time.

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