Methodological development of a project with preschool children “Winter Olympic Games”

Objectives of the project “Summer Olympic Games in Kindergarten”

For children:

• Introduce children to the history of the Olympic movement, symbols, emblems, traditions.

• To create in children an idea of ​​the Olympic Games as a world competition for the purpose of physical improvement of people, in which people from all over the world participate.

• To form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, agility, to cultivate the desire to win and empathy.

• Instill an interest in physical exercise and an active lifestyle in all participants in the educational process.

• Improve the level of physical fitness of children.

For teachers:

• Create an information base: accumulation of knowledge in the field of the history of sports, the Olympic movement, traditions of the Olympic Games; familiarization with methodological developments.

• Create conditions for the safe and comfortable state of children at sporting events, to replenish the developing environment of the kindergarten with new didactic material.

For parents:

• Increase the activity of parents of pupils and other family members in participating in various forms of partnership with preschool educational institutions on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

• Create conditions for joint cooperation between children and parents.

Expected results of the project “Summer Olympic Games in Kindergarten”

For children:

• Has ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

• Has a basic understanding of the Olympic Games.

• Has an understanding of safe behavior during summer sports.

• Has a need for physical activity and physical improvement.

For teachers:

• Gaining experience in using the method of project activities in the educational process.

• Awareness of the significance of this form of work in the implementation of a person-oriented approach.

For parents:

• Developing an attentive attitude to the various aspirations of children (including sports)

• Creating the necessary conditions in the family to fulfill the motor needs of children and maintain interest in sports by personal example.

Best practices for Olympic education in preschool educational institutions

MADO CRR – kindergarten No. 2

Best practices in Olympic education in preschool educational institutions.

Preschool age is the best time to “launch” human abilities. During preschool childhood, the foundations of health, longevity, comprehensive motor readiness and harmonious physical development are laid in a child.

Physical education of a preschooler involves not only the formation of various motor skills and abilities, but also the acquisition of experience of sensory knowledge of one’s own motor capabilities and one’s place in the world around us. Physical education in a modern preschool institution, as many researchers point out, should be based on creating the prerequisites for the integrated development of intellectual abilities through the means of physical education.

Pierre de Coubertin, the initiator of the Olympic Games, said: “In the modern world, which has enormous opportunities and at the same time dangerous weaknesses, the Olympic ideas can become a school of noble principles and moral purity, as well as physical strength and spiritual energy.”

The Olympic movement is an important part of human culture, and the study of its history should undoubtedly become part of the education of any cultured person. Olympic education of preschool children makes it possible to combine the educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the educational process of preschool children not only in the system of physical education and health work of preschool educational institutions, but also in the entire educational process of the kindergarten.

Based on this, in our work we set the following tasks:

• Contribute to the formation of children's interest in physical education and involve them in sports games.

• Develop children's understanding of their body and their physical abilities.

• To develop children's interest in various sports.

• Create in children an idea of ​​the Olympic Games as international sports competitions

• To acquaint children with the history of the Olympic movement in ancient and modern times.

• Improve the forms of interaction between kindergarten and family in the areas of physical development and Olympic education of pupils.

In the course of implementing the tasks, we used the project method aimed at integrating educational areas, the complex thematic principle of planning, and the development of the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. The relationship between cognitive and physical development is an example of such integration.

All participants in the pedagogical process were involved in the work on Olympic education for preschoolers: children, teachers, parents.

To properly and systematically organize work on any project, you must adhere to the following steps.

-Preparatory stage, which includes literature analysis; selection of material and technical resources, selection of didactic, active, educational, role-playing games that correspond to the theme of the project.

-Practical stage - includes all types of practical children’s activities related to the implementation of the project.

Presentation stage, which involves the presentation of children's activity products on the topic of the project, holding open events and demonstration performances.

At the first stage, the goals and objectives of the research activity were determined.

The goals of this project were:

-formation of social and personal motivation of children of senior preschool age to preserve and strengthen their health.

-Nurturing socially significant personal qualities through posing and solving problems in the process of physical education classes.

The implementation of the project included the formation in children of ideas about the Olympic Games as a peaceful competition for the purpose of physical, social and moral improvement of people (familiarization with the brief history of the Olympic movement of antiquity as an achievement of universal human culture.

The media regularly report on preparations for the 2014 Winter Olympics, so senior preschoolers are showing interest in Olympic topics. “Why are many countries fighting for the right to host the Olympics?”, “Why is an Olympic medal the highest award for an athlete?”, “Can all athletes take part in the Olympic Games?”, “Which are the best athletes?”, “What is needed what to do to become an Olympian?

So, in the process of joint activity and discussion of the problem, a physical education instructor, teachers, children and parents put forward a research hypothesis: in order to receive the honor of being an Olympian, you need to know the history of the Olympic movement, lead a healthy lifestyle, cultivate important human qualities, and regularly engage in physical exercise and sports.

There were not enough teaching materials on this topic; I had to independently collect information from encyclopedias, educational literature, fiction, and the Internet. Visual and didactic aids “Summer Sports” and “Winter Sports” were purchased. The myths of ancient Greece, the collections “500 Olympic riddles for children”, “Olympic games in preschool educational institutions”, the children's encyclopedia Likum “About Everything”, the interactive encyclopedia on CD “Sports of Russia”, “Olympic records” helped us a lot in compiling notes and entertainment scenarios Russia", computer games "Smeshariki at the Olympics", "Games for tigers".

To implement the project, it is necessary to identify the knowledge, interests and capabilities of each child. In addition to the basic diagnostics of physical fitness of older preschoolers, additional diagnostics of the levels of physical fitness for sports games (badminton, football, volleyball, basketball) are carried out, tests and surveys are offered to identify knowledge about the Olympic Games and interest in physical exercise. Analysis of this data determines the level of knowledge on the subject of the Olympic Games, physical capabilities, and identifies the interests, aptitudes and sports abilities of each child.

At the preparatory stage, we paid much attention to the formation of a subject-specific developmental and motor environment that stimulates the cognitive and creative activity of students.

In kindergarten it is presented:

- a physical training room containing traditional and non-standard sports equipment (gymnastic bands, tunnels, tactile tracks, throwing targets, balance beam, “Universal” complex, “Grasshopper”, “Krepysh”, etc.)

-a gym with simple equipment (shoulder and wrist expanders, dumbbells, massage balls, step benches, fitballs) and complex equipment (treadmill, deadlift, barbell, “running on waves”, rider, exercise bikes, mini-stepper, twist and etc.)

- a sports ground, which includes a mini-stadium, a running track, markings for throwing, an obstacle course, along the perimeter of the sports ground there are manholes, climbing arcs, gymnastic stairs, horizontal bars, throwing targets, and a jumping pit.

-sports complex “Obstacle Course”, labyrinth.

-football field, volleyball and basketball court.

-each playground has a sports and gaming complex.

- movement corners in groups equipped with sports equipment that stimulates independent motor activity of children. There are also teaching aids, games, and educational stands that promote the development of integrative qualities of students.

The content of a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution makes it possible to organize independent motor activity in such a way as to ensure harmonious development for each child, help to use the reserves of his body to preserve and strengthen health, enrich motor experience, and increase creative and cognitive potential.

Consultations were held for preschool teachers: “Games on a snow playground”, “Ball School”, “Summer sports games with children”, “Children about the history of the Olympics”, “Organization of a children’s Olympics”, “Holding a health week”; With

seminar-workshop “Olympic education in kindergarten and at home”; master class “Ball School”, “Summer sports games with children”.

A methodological kit was selected for the Olympic education of children and their parents: educational material about Olympic sports, sports attributes, riddles, poems, sayings, proverbs, counting rhymes, mottos, chants, songs on sports topics, didactic games about sports.

Together with the teachers, we selected and developed notes on direct educational activities on Olympic education, scenarios for joint leisure and entertainment: “Small Olympic Games”, “Fun Starts”, “Ball Festival”, “Fun Relay Races in the Motor City”.

Second phase

directly provided for the organization of children's activities within the framework of the project in the following types of children's activities: cognitive-research, motor, musical-art, gaming, communicative, productive and works of reading fiction. We developed planning for Olympic education through various types of children's activities.

Within the framework of educational and research

activities included conversations about athletes and a healthy lifestyle, watching videos, presentations, albums, and books on sports topics. Collections of badges, medals, pennants, cups, and a photo collection “Famous Olympic Champions of Russia” were created. .

Children get acquainted with books about sports, with portraits of famous athletes of Kuban - winners of the Olympic Games, with photographs and illustrations that demonstrate different sports, with the achievements of kindergarten child athletes.

Under the guidance of teachers, research was carried out: “Why is the Olympics an international competition”, “How to become an Olympic champion”, “Who invented the ball?” “The History of the Ball”, emblems were created for the Olympics in Sochi, and projects for stadiums of the future were invented. During this project, poems and riddles about sports and its importance in human life were selected, systematized and compiled into an album.

Information and communication technologies were actively used to introduce children to the history of the Olympic Games, symbols and traditions. The educational computer game “Smeshariki the Olympians” helped not only to introduce in a playful way the historical facts of the Olympic movement, but also to consolidate knowledge about various sports, about the structure of stadiums and arenas, about Olympic emblems and symbols through an interactive quiz.

As part of motor activity

Games, competitions, yard games for walks, games on the health track, sports leisure and entertainment, small Olympic games, children's and parent's sports events, riding bicycles, scooters, and electric cars were organized.

As part of musical and artistic activities

listening to sports marches was organized: “Heroes of Sports”, “A Coward Doesn’t Play Hockey” by A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov;
Olympic anthem. Motor and plastic dance sketches on sports themes were learned, and demonstration performances were held for children attending sports sections. ( video of gymnasts)
Into productive activities

Not only drawing and appliqué were included, but also modeling, artistic work, and design. Children's works were presented at the opening days in all age groups.

While studying in studios under the guidance of additional education teachers, models of “Stadium for Gymnasts”, “Running Track”, collage works in 3 D format, and a traveling exhibition of children’s works about sports were made. Children took part in a drawing competition for the best depiction of the attributes and symbols of the Olympic Games. Based on the children’s drawings “We love sports” and “Olympians among us”, one can determine which sports and which moments of the competition interested each child the most.

Play activity

children was supplemented and expanded with games with a sports theme. Role-playing games: “Tourists”, “Sporting goods”, “Skating rink”, “Fitness club”.

Theatrical games: “Skiers”, “Footballers”, “Hockey Players”.

Didactic games: board-printed, verbal - about summer and winter sports, sports equipment, healthy lifestyle “What does an athlete need?”, “What kind of sport is this?”, “Name summer and winter sports?”, “Fold the picture” ", "Choose ball games", "What has changed in the sports arena?".

Organizing communication activities

In this direction, we tried to organize free communication between children on sports topics, involved them in composing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, proverbs about sports, mottos for their team. We specially simulated communication situations such as “Interview with a goalkeeper”, “Sports commentator”, and introduced children to the myths of Ancient Greece. Children of senior and preparatory groups became the authors of the fairy tales “Smart Ball”, “The Story of the Underwater Kingdom, the Octopus and the Unhealthy Lifestyle”, “The Tale of Football”.

Children of senior preschool age become acquainted with the history of the Olympic Games in the process of educational activities on cognitive and speech development.

GCD topics of cognitive-speech direction

Month Topic of GCD on cognitive and speech development
September (senior group) Ancient Olympic Games. Traditions of the Olympic Games of antiquity.
October (school preparatory group) Modern Olympic Games. Olympic sports.

Olympic symbols. Olympic traditions.

December (senior group) Olympic symbols. Olympic traditions.

(school preparatory group)

Olympic champions of Russia, Kuban.

So, for example, in the topic “Ancient Olympic Games” we introduce the heroes of ancient Hellas - Zeus, Artemis, Hercules, Hera. We draw children's attention to the physical strength of the heroes and their noble deeds. We create situations in which children can demonstrate the qualities inherent in ancient heroes. The importance of sports competitions and their advantage over military battles is shown in a form accessible to children.

In the topic: “Modern Olympic Games”, knowledge is given about the opening of the Olympic Games, a flag with five rings, while the meaning of each ring is explained, about the Olympic awards, the Olympic flame, its history, we form the concept of “Torch Relay”, “Oath of Athletes and Judges” . Children look at materials showing the parade of athletes and the raising of the flag, and listen to the Olympic anthem. Children replenish their vocabulary and accumulate theoretical experience, which is later consolidated in motor activities: in physical education classes, morning and invigorating gymnastics, outdoor games, relay races, holidays, and entertainment.

(Video of Kalduzov’s lesson)

It has become a tradition to hold Olympic minutes during physical education activities, during which children get acquainted with sports achievements in the world, Russia, region, city; They will learn interesting information about the Olympic Games, various sports, the history of various sports attributes, and types of competitions. (video)

During NOD in physical education, we pay great attention to improving natural types of movements, developing basic physical qualities (speed, endurance, strength, flexibility) and general coordination abilities.

The leading physical quality of a future Olympian is endurance. Development of endurance

promotes cyclic exercises - walking, running, walking alternating with running;
outdoor games. Develop strength
through dynamic exercises with limited static components - climbing;
simple hangs; throwing; jumping over obstacles; exercises with a partner; general developmental exercises with small objects. The development of speed
is helped by well-mastered exercises performed at maximum speed - short-distance running, shuttle running, game exercises with elements of competition, outdoor games.
Development of flexibility: exercises with increased range of motion for stretching, springing, swinging movements, jumping, throwing, climbing. In order to develop general coordination abilities, children are given
exercises on formation, formation, outdoor games, a relay race with overcoming obstacles, general developmental exercises from various starting positions with elements of novelty, and sports exercises.

In kindergarten, it has become a tradition to conduct health holidays, entertainment, sports competitions, small winter and summer Olympic games.

When organizing Olympic holidays in kindergarten, teachers take into account the age, preparedness of children, and the time of year. Both winter and summer Olympic Games can be held. If it is assumed that adults, for example their parents, take part in the game with preschoolers, then during its preparation and implementation the main goal must be observed - to create, first of all, a holiday for children.

When holding a sports festival, the immediate period of preparation for it also leaves a special impression on children. Then all events aimed at a greater common goal bring enormous emotional and aesthetic satisfaction, uniting the purposeful actions of children and adults. Children actively take part in the process of preparing the necessary equipment for the holiday, elements of costumes, flags, and emblems.

The Children's Olympiad supports and preserves the traditions of the Bolshoi Olympics and the start of the competition is preceded by a parade of participants, the removal of the Olympic flag, the lighting of the Olympic flame, and the athletes' oath: “Compete and win honestly.” This teaches children to take responsibility for their actions and support each other in success and failure. The winner must know that he was able to win not only because he is the strongest, the most dexterous, but also because there were others who lost. Losers know that those who know how to lose can someday win. But the most important thing is that children receive great joy, an emotional charge, they are happy to demonstrate their physical qualities, try hard, and fight seriously. Unforgettable, vivid impressions give children the opportunity to feel like a participant in the global Olympic movement, and, who knows, maybe future champions will compete in the Children's Olympics.

And the holiday itself remains in the memory of children for a long time as a bright event that entailed joyful experiences. Video (Summer Olympic Games).

It should be taken into account that in the cold winter time the natural activity of children decreases. Weather conditions (wind, dampness, snow), as well as bulky clothing and shoes significantly hinder their movements. But it is within the power of adults to create the most comfortable conditions so that children can have the opportunity to make up for insufficient physical activity during the cold calendar period. Therefore, all encouragement for vigorous physical activities of children on the street acquires special value. The combination of necessary physical exercises with exposure to fresh air will become a highly effective means of hardening children, while the need for sports achievements will increase. For this purpose, the Winter Olympic Games are held.

Regional sports competitions among preschool children, as well as sports competitions with primary school students from secondary school No. 2 have already become traditional.

Children have the opportunity to show their sporting talents outside the kindergarten and compete with worthy opponents from other kindergartens in the city. You can also get acquainted with the city’s sports facilities and watch the training of professional athletes.

These activities contribute to the formation of sustainable motivation for physical education and sports.

At the third stage

a presentation of project materials was held, namely:

opening of the mini-museum “History of the Ball”.

The purpose of creating the museum:

Using the museum's exposition, to attract the attention of children and their parents to physical culture and sports, to help enrich the understanding of the ball as a material of the man-made world through various types of joint and independent activities of children and adults.

The museum contains collections of balls for various sports. Football and volleyball, basketball and rugby, tennis balls, balls of different shapes, sizes, colors, made from a variety of materials. Our museum visitors are also presented with a selection of ball games, poems, riddles, and materials about the history and evolution of the ball.

With the opening of the museum, it became possible to improve the level of training in the elements of sports ball games. Traditional: basketball, football, tennis are complemented by the technical techniques of golf, table tennis, volleyball and field hockey.

Under the leadership of additional education teachers, the following were organized:

-Exhibition of drawings on the theme “Gallery of Sports”.

-Exhibition of models “In the World of Sports”.

-Exhibition of collages “Sports Family”, “Future Olympians”.

The teachers made a selection of poems, riddles, and songs about sports and athletes.

We developed notes for integrated classes on the project topic (joint work of a physical education instructor and educators) “History of the Olympics”, “Meeting of two Olympic mascots”.

Card files of games for the development of personal qualities and outdoor games were selected.

A photo vernissage of the sports achievements of kindergarten students “Future Olympians”, “Faster, Higher, Stronger” appeared in the kindergarten.

A presentation of photo albums “Olympic Champions”, “Heroes of Sports of Kuban”, “Symbols of the Olympic Games”, “Stadiums of the World” was held.

It is important to note that the success of any project depends on the active participation of parents

pupils. As you know, adults, mainly family members, set an example (positive or negative). Therefore, parents should first of all develop a conscious attitude towards their own health and the health of their children.

The implementation of the project “Olympic education in preschool educational institutions” made it possible to involve parents in active work on the physical education of children, expand their knowledge about the features of performing preventive and corrective physical exercises, organizing outdoor and sports games, and also helped in creating conditions for the development of the child’s motor skills at home.

Forms of work with teachers and parents on Olympic education are aimed at the practical development of gaming technologies in the educational field of “Physical Education”. These are technologies for teaching children's sports games (elements of sports games in the yard of one's home), cooperation and teamwork (competitions, relay races), an individual route for sports-gifted children (choosing a sports section), sharing parental experience of active family recreation (hiking, camping). on vacation and on days off), family projects.

Parents of students take an active part in the competitions “Dad, Mom, Me - a Sports Family”, sports festivals, quizzes, “Sports Experts”, “What? Where? When?".

The trainings and workshops for parents are interesting: “Working out at the sports complex,” “Pair exercises,” “Exercises on exercise machines,” “Ball school,” “Games with a hoop,” “Jumping ropes and jumping ropes.” Parents take part in events, offer their help, go hiking with their children, visit the pool and skating rink.

An information box was created for parents: “Children's Olympic Games on the Playground”, “What to tell children about the Olympic movement”, “Olympic symbols”, “Winter sports exercises with children”, “Choosing a sports section for a child”, “About the benefits of playing sports” "

Quizzes and fun games for children have been selected: “Fun Olympics”, “Sports Experts”, “Olympic Riddles”.

The Future Olympians newspaper, photo exhibitions, and family wall newspapers covered the sporting achievements of both children and parents.

Material about sports life in kindergarten was regularly posted on the preschool educational institution’s website.

Graduates and kindergarten students find something to their liking in the sports sections of the Olympus sports complex, Youth Sports School, and schools and achieve good results in athletics, judo, swimming, figure skating, tennis, gymnastics, and football. We create conditions for the development of a child’s sporting talents, strive to instill in him a love of sports, and do everything to ensure that an active lifestyle enters the child’s life and becomes an organic continuation of his leisure time in later life.

Every year, senior preschoolers and parents participate in events outside preschool educational institutions and win prizes.

Program effectiveness:

As a result of the project, the following positive changes occurred in the motor and cognitive spheres of children. Let us note the most significant of them.

Analysis of the group average indicators of the development of children's physical qualities and the determination of annual growth rates of the leading physical qualities of preschool children of the preparatory group allowed us to conclude that the group average indicators, as well as the annual increases in physical qualities in children, are quite high.

We could not help but be pleased with the successes of the children, revealing the positive dynamics of the formation of friendly relationships.

Diagnostics of friendly relationships, as well as pedagogical observations of teachers, made it possible to identify pronounced skills in noticing the difficult situation of a friend, and thinking about how to help him out in a difficult situation. If at the beginning of the year, personal results and personal success were important to the children, and the difficult situation of their friend did not bother them, then by the end of the year, most children consciously provided mutual assistance and assistance to their friends. At the end of the school year, 75% of children showed a high level of friendly relations, while at the beginning of the year the number of children who provided mutual assistance was 45%.

The number of children involved in sports clubs in the city has increased

The number of families participating in preschool sports events has increased, parents' interest in the achievements and abilities of children has increased, and their desire to take part in the preparation of materials necessary for the implementation of the project has increased.

Additional social partners were involved in organizing sports events at the preschool educational institution (port school, secondary school No. 2).

Sports children always show personal and integrative qualities: activity, success, independence, communication; they are simply talented individuals. Olympic education allows us to more effectively organize work to promote a healthy lifestyle for preschool children. It plays an important role in improving the child’s physical culture. Who knows, maybe in a few years one of our students will glorify our Russia at the Olympic Games.

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Stages of implementation of the project “Summer Olympic Games in Kindergarten”



1. Statement of the problem, determination of goals and objectives of the activity, selection of material for the implementation of the project.

2. Identification of initial knowledge of children and teachers on this topic.

3. Planning activities for the summer health period (Appendix 1)

4. Development of a scenario for a sports festival as part of the municipal festival “Young Olympians” (Appendix 2)

from April 8 to April 15, 2015


from April 16 to April 23, 2015

1. Conversation with parents about the goals and objectives of the project, involving them in cooperation.

2. Work with the parent committee on the organization, design, and technical equipment of the “Summer Olympic Games” sports festival. Preparation of attributes and symbols of the Olympics.


1. Conversation with teachers about the goals and objectives of the project, consultation “History of the development of the Olympic movement.”

2. Studying methodological literature on Olympic education for preschool children (reference books, encyclopedias, programs, articles, Internet resources, etc.).

3. Preparation of attributes and symbols of the Olympics.

4. Watching cartoons with children and reading literature about sports to children.

5. Introducing certain sports by showing children videos: athletics and weightlifting, artistic gymnastics, etc.




from April 24 to May 31, 2015

1. Organization of children’s activities within the framework of the project.

2. Drill training, listening to the Olympic anthem, learning dance compositions and chants, selecting a musical repertoire.

3. Improving physical skills in running, long jumping, distance throwing, throwing at a target.

4. Looking at pictures and photographs depicting different sports.

5. Conducting outdoor games with a variety of sports elements: “Choose a ring by size and color”, “Sports competitions”, “Find the right sports attribute”, etc.

6. Carrying out sporting events during the summer health period. (Appendix 3)


from April 24 to May 31, 2015

1. Consultations for parents: “The role of the family in the physical education of the child”, “Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the family.”

2. Improving the system of knowledge about the Olympic movement.

3. Preparation of information material for joint conversations with children at home.


from April 24 to May 31, 2015

1. Coming up with emblems and team names, learning the Olympic anthem, team mottos.

2. Conducting a series of conversations taking into account the sections of the project.

3. Conducting a series of didactic games dedicated to different sports to broaden their horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children.

4. Enrichment of the methodological base, subject-development environment of the group (design of the sports corner)

5. Looking at albums with illustrations of the opening of the Olympic Games with children.

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