Health relay. Educational program of extracurricular activities for primary school students

Relay races for “Health Day”

1.Running in a hoop

Players line up in pairs, as in the previous game. The first pair has a gymnastic hoop in their hands, and in front of the teams there is an object (a medicine ball, a flag, a town) that must be run around. At the signal, the first two players in the teams move forward inside the hoop, holding it with both hands. Having run around the object, the first couple hands the hoop to the next couple, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The relay ends when all players have completed the exercise and the hoop is again in the hands of the first pair. If there are many people who want to play, you can arrange a run in hoops in threes, while the sequence of changing threes remains the same.

2.Running with a suitcase

Tie bags of grass, balloons, etc. to your legs and run the race.

3. Use your head

Walk the distance holding a book on your head, a glass and a broom in your hands, kicking the ball with your foot.

4. Crossing

Children are divided into two teams that “relax on the river.” Each team has a hoop - this is a “boat”. Teams must swim in a “boat” from one bank to the other. Start and finish lines are determined. Following the leader’s signal, the first players get into the “boat”, take one player with them and help him swim to the other side. Then they come back for the next one. You can only take one passenger with you. The team that gets to the other side faster wins.

5.Three jumps

Participants are divided into two teams. Place a jump rope and a hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the start line. After the signal, the first person, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second person takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and alternates between the jump rope and the hoop. The team that finishes it faster will win.

6. Passed it on - sit down!

The players are divided into several teams, 7-8 people each, and line up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column, facing it at a distance of 5-6 m. The captains receive a volleyball. At the signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player in his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players on his team jump up. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

7.Calling numbers

The players are divided into 2 teams and stand in a column one at a time. Team players are counted in numerical order. The manager calls the number. For example: 1, then 5, etc. The called players run to the designated place, run around the stand (object) there and return back. The team whose player returns first gets a point. The team that gets the most points wins.

8. Stubborn egg

Form teams of 6 people each. Divide the teams into pairs. The pair's task is to carry the egg between their foreheads to the indicated marker and back. After this, the egg is passed on to the next couple. Competitors may only support the egg with their hands beyond the starting line. The fall of the egg means the team is out of the fight. The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

9.Bicycle racing

The bicycle will be replaced by a gymnastic stick in this relay race. Two participants need to ride the stick at once. They are cyclists. Each cycling duo, holding a stick between their legs, will have to ride to the turning point and back. The fastest ones win.

10. Relay “Notes”

This game contains many surprises and various surprises. The kids just love them. Therefore, if you need to hold relay races for children in a camp, then this game will be a great solution. It can be done outdoors. But if the day turns out to be rainy, then such a competition will be perfect indoors. The game is suitable only for school-age children. After all, they must be able to read quickly. For the relay race you should stock up on: 2 paper bags (it is better that they are opaque, in which case the children will not be able to see the tasks); chalk; pencils; paper. You need to prepare for the relay in advance. To do this: Set up a starting line. It can be drawn on the asphalt with chalk, or marked with a flag in the grass. Participants of two teams are determined. A prerequisite is an equal number of players in each group. It is necessary to prepare and write assignments on strips of paper. All notes must be printed in duplicate. Each team receives a package containing the same set of tasks. But be sure to ensure that all the kids have time to participate in the game. You can come up with tasks yourself or use the following: 1. Jump to the tree. Touch the trunk. Jump back. 2Run to the wall. Touch her. Run back. 3Squatting, jump towards the leader. Shake his hand. Jump back. 4 Walk backwards to the asphalt path. Write the team name in chalk. Also come back. The rules are extremely simple. The first participants draw a task from the bags. Having completed it, they pass the baton on. The team that finishes it faster wins. Such relay races will be a real holiday for children and will definitely evoke a lot of positive emotions.

11. “Back to back” competition

12.Take it quickly

For the relay race, three small objects are prepared and placed on the same line. Teams, except for the first players, sit in a row behind each other with their backs to the leader. The presenter explains the signals: the first object - one pat, the second - two, the third - three. He points to the object, and the first player passes the signal to the one who is sitting with his back. Team members transmit a signal to each other, and the last player runs and tries to be the first to take the object pointed to by the leader.

Sports and intellectual game "Health Relay"


State budgetary professional educational institution

Prokopyevsk Mining Technical College named after. V.P.Romanova


About extracurricular activities

Sports and intellectual holiday “Health Relay”

dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the VFSK GTO

Job title Last name/Signature date
Developed by Teacher Stepanyuk N.N.

Prokopyevsk 2021


1.1. The extracurricular event, the sports-intellectual holiday “Health Relay” (hereinafter referred to as the Holiday), is held on the eve of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the All-Russian Sports and Physical Culture Sports Complex GTO, as well as within the framework of interdisciplinary connections between the subjects of Physical Culture and Lifestyle.

1.2. This regulation determines the procedure for holding the Holiday, establishes requirements for its participants and regulates the evaluation criteria.

1.3. The event is aimed at strengthening the health of students, as well as repeating and consolidating knowledge in the disciplines of Life Safety and Physical Culture.


2.1. Goals of the Holiday:

— formation of a system of interaction between students;

— increasing the motivation of young people to engage in physical education;

— development of interdisciplinary thinking;

- creating a safe environment for students.

2.2. Objectives of the Holiday:

— strengthening and systematization of knowledge in the discipline Physical culture, life safety;

— improving the forms and content of recreational activities, health improvement and employment for adolescents;

- purposeful pedagogical influence, friendly relations between children and adults and their mutual influence.


3.1. The organizer of the Holiday is teachers of the disciplines Physical Education, Life Safety.

3.2. The organization and preparation of the Festival is led by a panel of judges (hereinafter referred to as the Board), formed from teachers and senior students.

3.3. The powers of the Board include:

— development of regulations on the celebration of the Holiday and amendments to the regulations;

— accepting applications for participation in the Festival;

— holding the Holiday;

— summing up the results of the Holiday.


4.1. Students of GBPOU PGT are invited to participate in the Festival

them. V.P. Romanova groups 1 GEM-20, 2-GEM-20, 2 ORUM-20. Teams need to prepare: a name, motto and emblem.


5.1. The holiday is held in one stage on March 31, 2022, in Sports Hall No. 2, starting at 15:30. Applications for participation in the event, certified by a medical professional, are submitted on the day of the event 10 minutes before the start. The team from the group consists of 6 people.

Play by stations - at school and on the street

The station game, which is played both at school and on the street, is of constant interest. For these purposes, as a rule, a sports hall or stadium is allocated, but other premises and open areas can also be used.

This is a good option for primary and secondary school students.

At each station with an original name, participants, individually or as a team, undergo tests of various types. This could be answers to questions, mental agility tasks, or sports exercises.

An approximate list of stations on the route for students from elementary to 6-7 grades:

  • mysterious - thematic riddles are asked here;
  • sports - you need to do a certain number of push-ups, squats, pull-ups, etc.;
  • vitamin - choose cards with the designation of vitamins with images of fruits, vegetables and other food products;
  • song - remember and perform a song about sports;
  • artistic - draw a poster advertising a healthy lifestyle.

Newspaper issue, note or announcement for Health Day

A separate point in preparing for the celebration of Health Day at school is the publication of a thematic newspaper in wall, printed or electronic format. The all-Russian and even worldwide significance of holding a single health day is noted.

You can write a note to local media to attract public attention to the event and give it scale.

Announcements about holding a health day at school are posted not only in educational institutions, but also in other crowded places, and placed in local newspapers.

How to spend a health day at school

In anticipation of Health Day, held annually around the world on April 7 , the school is developing a plan of activities involving students in all grades, teachers and parents.

To ensure more comprehensive coverage of participants, it is recommended to organize a healthy lifestyle week for schoolchildren.

Over the course of several days, open lessons are held with useful information about the importance of sports in healthy lifestyle, promotions and quizzes on a single topic are held.

Sports-oriented game programs are especially popular among primary school students.

Sports team names, mottos and emblems

The names for the competing teams should be thought out in advance; you can use our website. Here you can find mottos and emblem options.

The latter must be multiplied in the required quantity so that everything is ready for health day. There is no need to waste time making emblems directly during the event.

Examples of mottos: “Sport and movement are life”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”, “To be healthy and strong, you need sports, friends, love.”

A good solution when the team name is reflected in the motto:

The command is “Well, wait a minute!”

Motto: “Maximum sport, maximum laughter!”

This way we will achieve success faster.

If others go ahead,

We will tell them this: “Well, just wait!”

Interesting, entertaining and educational conversations

On the Internet you can find all kinds of conversations on various topics promoting a healthy lifestyle, the need to play sports, move actively, spend more time outdoors, and go hiking. These video messages can be a great addition to a school health day program.

You can invite high school students to make a video report on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, interview an athlete or employee or director of a sports school, parents and children who play any sport, maybe even a doctor.

Just ask questions on the street and find out in the process how many people play sports, what inspires them, and what problems arise from a sedentary lifestyle. Then students can edit the video and show it in class, and then discuss the topic of healthy lifestyle with the teacher.

Health holiday in primary school

Parents must be involved in organizing a health festival in elementary school.

You can develop a holiday script yourself, or you can find and download it on the Internet. Today there are many useful developments for grades 1, 2, 3 and 4.

At this age, children better perceive useful information through play activities.

During the health holiday, more physical activity should be provided. This is the right place for various relay races like “Fun Starts,” which are preferably held in a family format.

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