Summary of the lesson “Profession of an artist” for children of preschool and school age


An artist is not only about the paintings hanging on the walls of our grandparents or placed in the walls of museums, it is about the scope of thoughts, creativity, flight of ideas, endless inspiration and implementation. Artists combine different professions: they are the creators of beautiful pictures in theater and cinema, and those who draw favorite characters in computer games, and craftsmen who bring unique things back to life.

Like any other profession, it requires a serious approach, constant training, development of professional skills, patience and diligence. There is also competition in the creative environment, you shouldn’t forget about it, because there are fewer offers on the labor market than there are specialists, so you won’t be able to relax (of course, if we are talking about generating income, and not just about working for pleasure).

If you have a talent for drawing and you see yourself in this profession, feel free to take the first step: read useful literature, sign up for courses and don’t be afraid of anything. Any professional path is full of challenges and obstacles, and only by going through them do we become true masters of our craft.

Love what you do and everything will work out! Good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Exercises that will awaken your creativity
  • Profession “Designer”: from a simple pencil to high computer technologies
  • Sketching for beginners
  • Profession programmer: coder or creator?
  • Roles You Should Try on to Be Creative
  • 15 tasks that will boost your intelligence
  • “Steal like an artist” - ten tips for any kind of creativity
  • 10 most famous artists
  • A selection of useful materials about creativity and creativity development
  • How to find your calling and change your life for the better


Where to go to study?

If your eyes lit up when looking at any of the specializations described above and you realized that you have the qualities that an artist should have, then it’s time to take the next step - determine an educational institution for yourself.

An artist's education can be obtained at an art school and through courses, i.e. You can begin to pave your way into the professional artistic world as early as childhood. There are undoubted advantages to this: firstly, the earlier you start, the more knowledge and skills you will acquire by the age when you need to think about finding a job or even start earning money as a teenager.

Secondly, there is a possibility that a childhood hobby will not suit you at all as a profession, because it happens that a person, while learning a certain craft, realizes that he made the wrong choice. If you understand this during your school years, you will be able to decide on another profession before entering university and will not waste time.

After grades 9-10, you have the opportunity to choose a specialized secondary specialized educational institution, and after grade 11, consider a university, which is the best option, because having a higher education is always more valued in the labor market.

The St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after Ilya Efimovich Repin at the Russian Academy of Arts is one of the most popular educational institutions that trains artistic specialists.

In the capital, one of the most famous universities for training artists is the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Vasily Ivanovich Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts. In fact, in almost every city or nearby area there is an educational institution for future artists: among them are the Ural State Architectural and Art Academy, the Novosibirsk State Architectural and Art Academy, the Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute, etc.

If the choice fell on secondary specialized education, you can enroll in the College of Design and Decorative Arts of the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Crafts named after Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov, where several directions are offered: artistic painting on wood, artistic weaving and carpet weaving, lacquer miniature painting, artistic lace-making, artistic metal [R. Borodina, K. Novolokina, 2020].

The choice of specialized universities and colleges is large, it all depends on desires and opportunities. Here you need to understand what kind of artist you want to be and what your main professional goal is, because for some it is enough to graduate from college and art school, while others dream of world fame, having all the necessary prerequisites for this.

Although, this is a controversial point, because history knows many self-taught creators who achieved success on their own. These include Vincent Van Gogh, who studied at the Academy of Arts and a private school, but never received diplomas; the famous representative of primitivism, Henri Rousseau, who worked in customs and began his creative career by making copies of paintings exhibited in the Louvre [Very important lot, 2020].

But in any case, no matter how talented an aspiring artist is, you need to constantly study new techniques, techniques in the fine arts, get acquainted with the modern world of creativity, hone your knowledge in practice and declare yourself on the labor market as early as possible, and in this how Studying at a university will help.

You can also learn artistic crafts through courses. Now there are many options that allow you to receive additional education, improve your qualifications and expand the range of existing knowledge online or face-to-face at educational institutions. Among them are the creative studio of the Union of Moscow Architects, the art studio of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Bratec Lis School of illustration and painting, the Moscow Pentaschool Academy of Design Professions, etc.

On the Internet you can find many useful services that help improve drawing skills for free for those who are not confident in their abilities before taking entrance examinations for admission to a university or simply want to learn various techniques of fine art.

Don’t forget about books, because they are a storehouse of useful information for both young creators and experienced workers.

Here are a few books you can start reading today:

  • "Drawing: The Complete Guide" by Giovanni Civardi.
  • “The world of watercolors. Techniques, experiments, practical advice,” Jean Haynes.
  • “Drawing with pencil and paints”, Evgenia Voskresenskaya.
  • “Fundamentals of educational academic drawing”, Nikolai Lee.
  • "The Play of Light and Shadow for Artists" by Burne Hogarth.
  • "The Complete Course in Oil Painting", Hennes Ruissing.

In the modern world there are so many opportunities that anyone can master the craft they like on their own. You just need to be patient, acquire useful materials and learn to put into practice the best self-education techniques that will help you learn quickly, effectively and with pleasure. By the way, you can master the latter in our “Best Self-Education Techniques” program.


State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region

Basic secondary school No. 21

The cities of Novokuybyshevsk, Novokuybyshevsk urban district, Samara region

Structural unit “Kindergarten “Gvozdichka”

"Introduction to the profession of an artist"

Prepared by teacher of the highest qualification category Kuchina V.K.

Topic: “Introduction to the profession of an artist”

Educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”

  • introduce children to the profession and creativity of an artist, genres of fine art; enhance cognitive activity;
  • to form in children a positive emotional attitude towards visual activity;
  • develop fine and gross motor skills;
  • encourage the use of a variety of means of expression;
  • to instill in children respect for the work of an artist;
  • develop children's coherent speech
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