Illustrated album “Mnemotables of algorithms for conducting experiments” for primary preschool age. Part 3
“Mnemonics. Schemes - algorithms" Hello, dear colleagues! I would like to present to your attention mnemonic tables, or how
The meaning of a fairy tale in a child's life. (Consultation for educators)
The meaning of a fairy tale in a child's life. (Consultation for educators) The meaning of fairy tales in a child’s life. (Consultation
Conversation with children of the preparatory group. Wild animals in winter
Conversation with children of the preparatory group. Wild animals in winter Summary of educational activities for the implementation of the NGO "Cognitive
plasticine model
"Mysteries of nature: volcanoes." GCD for experimental activities of children of senior preschool age
All you need For the experiment you will need some household chemicals and decorative elements to create
Consultation for parents “Work education of a child in the family.”
Consultation for parents “Work education of a child in the family.” Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten
Consultation for parents “Toys in a child’s life”
Toys for children’s development: shaping the psyche During play activities, several developments occur at once.
Children perform kinesiological gymnastics
What are kinesiological exercises and how are they useful for preschoolers?
Kinesiology is the science of developing our brain through movement. Her techniques can be
Children and parents play ball in nature
Consultation for educators “Health corner in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education” educational and methodological material (group) on the topic
Introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle is one of the important tasks of a kindergarten. AND
Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group
Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group Methodological development on fairy tale therapy with children 2-3
Summary of lessons on moral education of children “What is good and what is bad”
Didactic game “Good or Bad” The game is played by the senior group of kindergarteners and the preparatory group,
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