E. A. Alyabyeva A child in the world of adults. Stories about professions

Lana Bogomaz

Editor-in-chief of the "Alpina.Children" direction, certified specialist in working with teenagers, author of the idea for the book series for early career guidance "Lessons from Life".

If we look at the atlas of professions of the future, we will find few familiar professions there: virtuality architect, urban ecologist, clothing recycling specialist. The current trend is leading to people inventing their own professions. In a dynamically changing world, it is especially important that a child choose a business based on his preferences and abilities.

And the parent can only ask the right questions without imposing his opinion.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

This question will help you understand whether your child has already thought about what he wants to do, or whether you just have to spark an idea about the future in his head.

Start talking about professions at the age of 10–12; don’t leave this question until high school. There is no point in frightening a child with the words “This is the most important choice in life,” just encourage him to think about his desires, distinguish them from the flow of other people’s ideas and recommendations.

It is important not so much what profession the children choose, but the reason why they chose it. It is quite possible that you will receive the answer “I want to be a dentist like dad” or “A programmer because they get paid a lot.” This is a characteristic sign that the child makes choices based on understandable models, such as the example of parents or the opinion of society.

The decision may also be justified by the fact that it is easier to enter a university in the chosen specialty. This approach only seems practical. As a rule, this is a decision that is made at the last moment, when the alternative is not to enroll anywhere and lose a year. To make an informed choice, you need to dig deeper.

From the author

Familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the professions of adults is one of the important tasks of a child’s socialization. The idea of ​​professions allows children to penetrate deeper into the world of adults, understand and accept it. It creates an interest in work, gives birth to a dream about one’s own future, and makes it possible to be proud of the results of the work of one’s close relatives and people in general. The transformation of the world of professions clearly shows children how scientific thought develops and technological progress takes place in society and the world. Experiencing the influence of the results of adults’ work on themselves, children practically realize its significance. Work for everyone becomes clear to a child of senior preschool age; socialization of the results of the work of adults helps him understand the interdependence of people in a social community.

The reflection of the work of adults in role-playing games shows the importance of this area of ​​cognition for children.

The relevance of the formation in children of primary ideas about work, its role in society and the life of each person is justified by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

The range of professions that older preschoolers are introduced to is quite wide. However, the teacher cannot introduce children to every profession by organizing excursions and targeted walks. Thematic dictionaries, visual aids, material from the Internet and, of course, stories, poems and fairy tales come to the rescue.

Only a combination of different methods and forms can produce results. It is necessary to interest preschoolers so that they have a desire to understand the topic as deeply as possible, come into contact with it personally, and dream of trying themselves in this area of ​​​​human activity.

The author offers several methodological guides to familiarize children aged 5–8 years with professions. The books under the general title “Let’s Play in the Profession,” published by the publishing house “TC Sfera” in 2015, systematize activities, games, poems, riddles, physical education, and gymnastics for the designated professions. This book is a good addition to these manuals.

The author tried to show the relationship between people of different professions working at the same enterprise or in the same field of activity.

Children's stories with a plot are more relatable and understandable to a preschooler. They help you look at the professional activities of adults through the eyes of a child and connect your personal experience.

Descriptive stories include more necessary information, but require children to concentrate, process information, and memorize.

All stories contribute to the development of children's speech. The teacher’s questions and tasks after reading are aimed at developing the ability to reason, draw conclusions, tell a story, correctly construct sentences, enrich and activate the vocabulary.

The sections contain goals, each story has a methodological part with questions, tasks and vocabulary work. Interpretation of concepts at the end of each section will help teachers most accurately and correctly explain the meaning of words used in stories, and children will enrich their vocabulary. In the texts, words for vocabulary work are highlighted in italics.

Several stories are offered about each profession, which allows you to reveal it more deeply. When writing them, the author relied on material from encyclopedias, Wikipedia, federal laws, job descriptions, qualification requirements for positions, and dictionaries. Some stories can serve as the basis for construction games, for example, “Railway Station”, “Port”, etc. Educational material about technology and the heroics of everyday life of people of different professions has been selected especially for boys. For example, in the description of the profession of a sea captain, various commands are used for interaction between sailors on a ship, which children can use in their creative games.

The amount of material offered to children is determined by the teacher. Of course, long stories need to be read in parts. Stories require discussion of individual points as you read, consideration of numerous examples. Concepts unfamiliar to children can be discussed before reading, but be sure to clarify them again during the reading process. Professions such as journalist and media worker are difficult for children to understand, so relying on specific material available to them, including video, is mandatory.

The author wishes teachers and children an exciting journey into the world of professions.

What do you like to do?

It’s enough to remember a hobby or think about what the child likes to do in his free time. Is it difficult for him to answer? It's okay, envy will come to his aid: ask which of his friends he envies and why. A classmate, a football player, or maybe a friend, whom her mother taught to sew stylish clothes. You can learn a lot of interesting things. It would be useful to remember in which lessons at school the child listens to the teacher with interest.

Another good way is to play 10 Lives. Invite your child to come up with 10 scenarios, in one of which he can be a sailor, in another - a film actor or a representative of a more mundane profession - a lawyer. Any options are possible. When we have the required number of scenarios, we change the rules: now out of 10 lives you need to choose only three.

As a result, you will have several favorite or desired activities. Write them down on a piece of paper.

Typical mistakes when choosing a specialty

A common mistake is children’s refusal to identify their interests, weaknesses and strengths. And a number of factors contribute to this: complexes, low self-esteem, indecision. Do not make mistakes when choosing a profession. To do this, consider the following:

✔ Refuse to divide specialties into “top” and “non-top” ✔ Don’t impose a personal opinion about a particular profession ✔ Don’t force you to study for the sake of a diploma ✔ Don’t put off determining your specialty ✔ Don’t be afraid of promising areas

Try not to make mistakes, understand the child: his abilities, capabilities, talents, interests. Assess the demand for the profession and the demand of society. Identify strengths and weaknesses in relation to the work ahead.

What are you good at?

This question can be difficult to answer even for an adult when filling out a resume. The participation of parents, friends and possibly a school teacher will be required. What request would you make of your child: help with the computer, come up with a cool caption for an Instagram post? Does mathematics or literature come easier to your child? Please note that we are no longer talking about favorite subjects, but about those where the child shows the best results and quickly completes homework. Write down everything that you managed to remember together next to the column of your favorite activities.

The more often you remind your child of what he is doing well, the more motivation he will have to continue doing it. And in this way you form a realistic idea of ​​​​your capabilities.

Educational stories for children 5–8 years old

Postal workers


– reveal the importance of the postal service of the Russian Federation and its workers, show how postal communication allows people to receive information and exchange it on an equal basis while maintaining the secrecy of correspondence, send and receive necessary goods, money orders, magazines and newspapers (new information), pensions; contact any location in the world; receive additional services;

– introduce postal workers, their job responsibilities, significant personal and professional qualities, and the rules for sending correspondence;

– provide basic knowledge on postal history;

– develop focused attention, auditory perception, memory, dialogic and monologue speech, enrich and activate the vocabulary;

– develop the ability to use your personal experience in a conversation, draw conclusions, express judgments;

– to form a respectful attitude towards postal workers and interest in their activities.

How Anya began to understand her mother

Anya's mom works at the post office as a telecom operator

first class. She has so much work that by the end of the day she is simply overwhelmed. Anya could not understand why her mother was so tired. She was offended when her mother refused to play with her in the evening and went to her room.

One day, the kindergarten that Anya went to was closed for renovations. The mother had to take her daughter with her to work because there was no one to leave her with at home. The mother sat her daughter at the table, gave her a sketchbook, paints and pencils, and asked Anya not to make noise and not to distract her from her work. The girl drew a little, she got bored, and she went to inspect the post office.

The post office where Anya’s mother worked was small and served one of the city’s microdistricts. There were only two booths for long-distance telephone communications.

. In these booths it was possible to talk on the phone with family, friends or business partners living in other cities.

Two more telecom operators, a post office manager and two postmen worked with my mother. During the day, these several people did so much work that Anya even felt dizzy.

Telecom operators, including Anya’s mother, worked with visitors, postmen and workers from the main post office - the most important post office in the city.

Anya approached the department where telecom operator Maria Ivanovna worked. She received and packaged parcels

, entering all the data about them into the computer.
She also gave out parcels and parcels to visitors who came to the post office to receive them. Maria Ivanovna carefully read receipt
and checked it against the passport. Anya asked her:

– Maria Ivanovna, why don’t you immediately hand over the parcel, but instead carefully read some papers?

“I read the recipient’s receipt and passport so carefully so as not to give the parcel or parcel to the wrong person for whom it is intended,” Maria Ivanovna answered seriously. – I also weigh parcels and parcels to check the accuracy of the weight, and check for any damage to the packaging.

“And I would simply give the parcel to the person who came for it,” said Anya, “then there would be no line at all.”

“You can’t do that,” Maria Ivanovna answered in an edifying tone. – Would you like it if someone else received your package or if the toy you were waiting for fell out of it along the way? Do not ask silly questions. Better help me put the parcels in the mail bag. Add and count. Then you can tell me how many are in the bag. Anya got down to business with pleasure. The parcels were not as heavy as parcels, so the girl easily completed her task. She could only count to ten. When there were ten parcels in the bag, Anya told Maria Ivanovna about this.

“Well done, Anechka,” the operator praised the girl, “she completed my task well.” I hire you as my assistant.

“You’re welcome,” Anya answered, “but I still need to help the others.” They should also have assistants.

And Anya went to the department where telecom operator Elena Petrovna worked. There was a long line at her window.

- Why is there such a long line for you? – Anya asked Elena Petrovna.

– Because everyone wants to quickly pay rent or receive a pension

, child benefits,” Elena Petrovna answered, without looking up from the computer and receipts.

Anya immediately realized that Elena Petrovna could not be distracted because she was counting money. The girl went to see what her mother was doing. She quietly sat down next to her and began to watch her mother work. First, mom accepted a stack of registered letters

from a girl.
on them and entered all the data into the computer.
Then the mother ran a receipt and took money from the girl for sending letters. The grandmother came up to her mother’s window to pick up the girl. She wanted to subscribe to the magazine “Our Garden”. Mom helped grandma fill out the receipt and charged her for the year. Next in line was a woman who bought an envelope, postcard
and stamps from her mother, and the man behind her sent
a money order
. The young man, who was in line behind the man, received a money transfer by presenting his passport.

Anya’s mother did not have a single moment when she could rest. The line didn't end. Working with visitors seemed very difficult to Anna. Elderly people, who had difficulty seeing and hearing, had to explain things for a long time and help in processing postal items. Others wanted to quickly buy an envelope or stamps without waiting in line. People constantly came up and needed to answer some question.

Anya’s mother tried to be polite and reserved with everyone. All visitors were pleased with her and thanked her for her work. Anya wondered how her mother had enough time and patience for everyone?

It's finally time for lunch. Anya, along with her mother and other operators, was able to rest and eat.

In the afternoon, Anya took a closer look at the work of telecom operators with a computer. postal items into it.

and receiving them. Working on a computer required constant attention and concentration. By the end of the day, the operators' eyes were very tired, and their backs hurt from tension. Anya really wanted to help the operators, but, unfortunately, she did not yet know how to use a computer, and children are not allowed to do such responsible work.

Anya realized that the work of her mother and other telecom operators is very responsible. If they format the mail incorrectly, it will not reach the recipient, but will be returned or may be lost. No one would want their letter or parcel to fail to reach its destination.

Anya helped her mother put registered letters into a pile, and then went to the postmen’s room. Together with them, she put newspapers and magazines in compartments on large shelves and in special boxes for those people who go to receive letters, newspapers and magazines by mail. Such boxes

are called
subscriber ones
. But the girl was not allowed to distribute her pension, which postmen deliver to grandparents’ homes. Money is not for children. The postmen left to deliver mail and pensions to homes, and Anya was left alone. She was so tired during the day that she fell asleep right on the chair.

The working day ended, and mother and daughter went home. On the way, we still had to stop at the store to buy groceries, but we had almost no energy left for that. In the evening, Anya no longer felt like jumping and running. Only now did she realize how tired her mother was. The coloring book that the mother bought for her daughter in gratitude for her help remained on the table until the next day.

After the girl went to her mother’s post office, she began to take care of her. Every evening she ran to meet her, brought her slippers, helped her hang up her clothes, and cooked her dinner. Anya wanted her mother to rest and relax after a hard day at work.

Despite the fact that Anya found the work of a telecom operator difficult, the girl liked it. Doing something for people is so important!

Questions and tasks

● Why was Anya offended by her mother? Where did Anya's mother work? What was her job?

● Why did Anya end up at the post office with her mother? What kind of work did Anya’s mother have to do during the working day? What difficulties did she experience in communicating with visitors? What kind of work did other telecom operators do?

● What should a telecom operator be like to do his job well?

● How did Anya behave at the post office? Why did the daughter change her behavior and attitude towards her mother?

● Did you go to the post office with your parents? Tell me.

Vocabulary work:

telecom operator, PO box, receipt, postal item, long-distance telephone communication, parcel, parcel post, registered letter, envelope, postcard, stamp, pension, money transfer.

Car with a white stripe

One day, Vitya and his dad went, as usual, to the railway station to watch the passing trains. This was their favorite pastime. Dad told his son a lot about trains, their purpose, and distinctive features. Electric trains, long-distance passenger trains, and freight trains rushed past.

Suddenly Vitya saw a carriage with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background, an emblem and the inscription “Russian Post”.

-What kind of carriage is this? – Vitya asked his dad. - Somewhat strange, not like everyone else.

- This is a mail car

, - answered dad.
– don’t you know about this? Then I'll tell you. By rail, postal items
(parcels, parcels, letters)
are transported by
postal and baggage trains and postal cars as part of fast passenger trains.
So that everyone can recognize mail trains and carriages, they use distinctive signs: a stripe, an emblem
and an inscription. You saw these signs on the mail car. But you didn’t notice the special beacons that light up and blink. They are called flashing ones. This is also the insignia of the mail car.

“By the way,” dad added, “mail is transported not only by rail, but also by road, air and water transport.” And everywhere such transport is provided with unhindered passage to post offices and post offices.

The train with the unusual carriage stopped. From it, postal workers began to unload bags, load them onto carts and take them somewhere. Vitya noticed that the carriage was guarded by armed men.

- Dad, why are they unloading some bags from the mail car? Why is he being protected? – he asked his father.

“Let’s go up to the carriage and ask the postal workers what they are doing,” the father suggested.

They approached the carriage when the unloading had already finished. Turning to one of the workers, they learned that he was the head of the traveling crew. The boss, whose name was Ivan Vasilyevich, liked that the little boy was interested in his work. He enjoyed talking with father and son and talked about transporting mail by rail.

“Working with mail is very responsible,” Ivan Vasilyevich began, “not a single letter, not a single parcel should go missing or go to the wrong address.” traveling teams transport mail by rail.

with a boss at the head.
They employ conductors and electricians
of mail cars.
You, Vitya, probably know that electricians work with electrical equipment. They service electrical installations that move postal cargo
. There is so much of it and it is so heavy that it would be very difficult to carry so much mail by hand.

In addition, the postal cargo needs to be unloaded

and load it into
the carriage

schedule , because all trains on the railway arrive at the station and depart from it at a strictly defined time.

“Vitya, would you like your grandmother to receive, for example, the parcel you sent on time and safely?” – Ivan Vasilyevich turned to the boy.

- Of course I would! - the boy exclaimed. “Otherwise grandma will be very upset.”

– Every person is interested in ensuring that his postal item is delivered on time, is not lost, torn, unstuck, or opened by anyone other than the addressee. What is being done at the post office for this? – continued Ivan Vasilyevich. – Postal items are securely packaged in durable containers (bags) made of cellophane, boxes made of cardboard, special material or plastic. For each postal item, telecom operators issue a receipt and enter information about it into the computer. No strangers can get into the postal vehicle, carriage, or postal premises on the plane

or on
a sea vessel
These premises are also equipped with a special alarm system
It serves as security
and warns of fire. In addition to the alarm system, there is also an entire postal security unit staffed by armed guards.

What a serious matter this is - transporting mail! Grow up quickly, Vitya, and come to work with us.

“I never thought that mail needed to be protected,” Vitya said thoughtfully, “I thought that only some military facilities needed to be protected.” What a responsible job you have! Can I shake your hand? – the boy turned to Ivan Vasilyevich.

Ivan Vasilyevich smiled, but extended his hand to the boy. His hand was big and strong. Vitya remembered this handshake for a long time. Now, when trains rushed past him and his dad, he always highlighted the postal trains to himself and remembered the conversation with the head of the mail car.

How could you be useful to the world?

Ask your child to remember an episode in his life where he was useful due to his innate qualities. For example, he returned a book that had been delayed for two weeks to the library instead of a shy friend, because he easily finds a common language with people of any age. This quality can be used consciously, and there are many professions where it is useful.

At first glance, this feature may seem neutral or even negative. As in the case of the boy Jim, who had very active facial expressions and could make the most unimaginable faces. Such an ability might just annoy teachers. But Jim noticed that his antics would make people laugh, and he began to do it on purpose to make them cheer up and get positive emotions. Today we know him as the popular comedian and actor Jim Carrey, and lively facial expressions have become his calling card.

Think of a few of your child's standout qualities and come up with useful uses for them. Brainstorm. Let these be the craziest ideas for startups or even new professions. The main rule is to justify why it can be useful to people and why exactly he can do it. Write down everything you come up with in the third column.

Practical recommendations for preventing errors

Based on the idea of ​​the world of professions, it is necessary to create a complete picture of the labor market. Initially, it is important to prepare a list of requirements for the chosen craft. In this list, along with the desired profession, the following points are important: • Occupation, inclinations, interest, self-esteem • Views and beliefs, goals • Problems on the way to the profession • Opportunity for employment in the specialty and working conditions

Determine in which university the child would like to receive a vocational education in a particular specialty, and what the conditions are there. It is also worth clarifying the requirements for applicants and the duration of training.

Where do “I love”, “I can” and “I will be useful” intersect?

Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, loved running (“I love it”), so he began selling running shoes and even, together with his coach Bill Bowerman, came up with a new comfortable sole - waffle. Using his gift of persuasion (“I can”), Phil enlisted the help of famous runner Steve Prefontaine and asked him to compete in the Olympics wearing Nike sneakers. It was a resounding success. So Phil’s love for running inspired millions of people to take up sports (“I’ll be useful”).

Using this story as an example, find with your child the intersections between his “I love”, “I can” and “I will be useful”, and then name several professions that will combine all three factors.

Didactic games “Professions” in the preparatory group

Older preschoolers are preparing for school, so games are important for them to develop speech and improve their skills in correctly forming sentences.

Divide the word

The presenter names a profession formed from two words. Children try to break it into pieces to find out the meaning. For example, “chimney sweep - pipes and clean”, “fisherman - fish and catch.”

Choose a word for your profession

The player’s task is to choose a suitable epithet for the profession. For example, “the teacher is kind,” “the ballerina is slender,” “the nurse is caring.”

Continue the sentence

The teacher begins a sentence concerning the professional responsibilities of various workers, and the students complete it by listing the objects of action. Eg:

  • the gardener waters... the lawn, flower bed, bushes, trees, beds;
  • the cook cuts with a knife... meat, vegetables, fish, fruits, bread;
  • the driver carries passengers by... taxi, bus, tram, trolleybus.

What can you do now?

When dreaming of becoming a writer or businessman, we often imagine only the positive aspects of these professions. This error of perception is common even to adults, let alone children. For example, a writer is seen as a person who sits by the fireplace with a laptop and writes novels. He earns money through creativity and does not have to go to work every day. In real life, they rarely become famous writers right away, and sometimes they don’t become famous at all - and they combine creativity with the work of a journalist, copywriter or translator.

To find out what the business the child has chosen actually is, you need to try it. A teenager has many opportunities: volunteering, courses with project activities, and so on. You can work somewhere unofficially.

For younger children, the best option is books and films that tell about the lives of real astronauts, writers and businessmen. Read biographies of outstanding people from the field that interests your child. Offer to play in the profession of his choice, give him simple tasks (for example, write an article about how you went to the theater). If possible, introduce your child to a real businessman, lawyer or journalist. Let him tell you what his working day consists of.

Didactic games “Professions” in the younger group

Preschoolers of the younger group learn through games how important all professions are and what different workers do.


Pupils do the dolls' hairstyles and take care of their hair using various devices and products. The teacher observes the work of the pupils, coordinates them, and suggests rules for caring for their appearance. It is important to draw children’s attention to how ugly dolls look while they are unkempt and unkempt, which means that the profession of a hairdresser is necessary. You should also tell children about the tools used in the hairdressing salon and their purpose.

Guess the profession based on the subject

The teacher pulls an item out of the bag, and the children say who might need it. For example, a cook needs a ladle, a nurse needs a bandage, a painter needs a brush, and a hair dryer needs a hair dryer.

Guess who am I?

Children stand in a circle. Each player, in turn, goes to the center and begins to depict a certain action, without saying a word, using only facial expressions, body movements, and inarticulate sounds. The rest must guess who the comrade is portraying. For example, a child makes twisting movements with his hands, imitating a steering wheel, and says “w-w-w.” This is the driver.

Correct mistakes

The presenter names paired phrases, and the children say what the mistake is and how to say it correctly:

  • the teacher mows the lawn and the gardener writes on the blackboard;
  • a barber puts out a fire, and a fireman does a haircut;
  • a musician paints the walls and a painter plays the piano;
  • the nurse prepares a pie, and the cook gives an injection to the patient;
  • the builder offers books to readers, and the librarian builds brick walls.

Is it necessary to choose a profession once and for all?

When I ask this question at a master class, ten-year-old children answer “No.” They saw their parents completely change their lives, leave their regular jobs and start their own business or get a second education. But not everyone has such an example before their eyes, so it is important to tell the child that it is also possible to change your decision. It’s normal to lose interest in something you once loved and start doing something completely new. Knowing this, it will be easier to choose a profession.

It has been proven that 90% of the skills that an adult possesses (the ability to play an instrument, knowledge of languages, etc.) were acquired during adolescence, mainly between 11 and 16 years old, when our cognitive abilities are focused on the external world. The more you allow your child to try during this period, the wider his horizons will be.

Didactic games “Professions” in the senior group

Preschoolers in the older group should already know a wide range of professions, as well as have an idea of ​​the professional responsibilities of different workers and the tools they use.

List professions starting with the selected letter

The teacher places cards with letters face down on the table. Children take turns coming to the table, taking a card, calling professions that begin with the chosen letter:

  • A – actor, agronomist, astrologer, administrator, aviator, lawyer, architect, obstetrician;
  • B – accountant, bookseller, bartender, banker, accordion player, librarian, ballerina, boxer;
  • B – doctor, makeup artist, driver, diver, teacher, veterinarian;
  • G – geologist, governess, loader, make-up artist;
  • D – janitor, conductor, designer, nutritionist, truck driver, milkmaid, dispatcher, director;
  • F – livestock breeder, journalist, jockey;
  • Z – sound engineer, zoologist, manager;
  • I – inspector, engineer, inventor, art critic, illustrator, historian;
  • K - astronaut, clown, captain, combine operator, composer, cashier, fireman, blacksmith;
  • L – laboratory assistant, pilot, lumberjack, speech therapist;
  • M – driver, fashion model, painter, nurse, meteorologist, mechanic, installer, musician;
  • N – nanny, notary, oil worker;
  • O – ophthalmologist, waiter, operator, landscaper, security guard;
  • P – shepherd, cook, pediatrician, writer, hairdresser, pianist, carpenter, postman, salesman;
  • R – director, radio operator, fisherman, reporter;
  • S – secretary, plumber, gardener, violinist, mechanic, sculptor, dentist;
  • T – tractor driver, turner, chimney sweep, trainer;
  • U – cleaner, teacher, scientist;
  • F – photographer, florist, pharmacist, farmer, philosopher, football player;
  • X – surgeon, artist, choreographer;
  • Sh – miner, seamstress, driver, plasterer;
  • E – ecologist, electrician, tour guide, economist, excavator operator;
  • Yu is a lawyer, cabin boy, jeweler.

What is this builder called?

The game introduces preschoolers to construction professions. The teacher says what the person does, and the children answer what they call him:

  • paints walls - painter;
  • covers the roof with tiles - a roofer;
  • builds a house from brick - mason;
  • connects metal parts - a welder;
  • lays tiles on the walls - a tiler;
  • makes the walls smooth, applies plaster - plasterer;
  • makes parts from wood - carpenter.

Name your profession based on the result of your work

The teacher shows the pupils cards depicting the result of the work, and they must guess who is doing the work. For example, the picture “suit” is the profession “seamstress”. Or “cake” – “confectioner”. Or “house” – “builder”.

Name the extra item

The teacher places in front of the children 4 illustrations of tools used by certain workers. One of the items is superfluous, it must be pointed out with an explanation of the reason for the choice. For example, “trowel”, “helmet”, “drill”, “syringe” - the first three are used by a builder, the last item is used by a nurse.


The game forms in preschoolers an idea of ​​the importance of the medical profession. For the lesson, you need to prepare pictures depicting the tools and consumables that emergency personnel use: a syringe, bandage, iodine, thermometer, bandage, etc.

During the game, different situations are considered. One child plays a doctor, the second plays a patient. The second one tells what problem he has: a broken knee, a scratched hand, bleeding from the nose, sore throat, headache, etc. The child playing the doctor tells what tools and medicines he will use in each specific case. If necessary, the teacher prompts him.


A role-playing game introduces preschoolers to the profession of a pharmacist. For the lesson you need to prepare pictures depicting medicines and cards imitating “money”. Children distribute roles. One becomes a pharmacist at the cash register, the rest become customers. The roles alternately change.

Customers take turns “entering the pharmacy.” They say that they are worried about whether the medicine they need is available. The pharmacist offers the buyer a product and collects payment. The teacher helps the players, gives tips on prescribing medications, and asks leading questions.

Music - learning professions in an unusual way

You can also find children's songs online that are sung or chanted about a particular profession. Children love and remember cartoons well, so it is also worth looking for animation on a relevant topic. It will simultaneously combine moving characters, bright pictures, actions performed by the characters, as well as background music telling about a particular specialty.

Using a game form of learning, helping a child develop in this direction, do not put pressure on him - this is the only correct and correct approach to simple, easy and interesting learning.

How to choose a profession?

Many children immediately say what they want to become in the future after considering several professions. However, there is another very simple option not only to remember professions and choose the best one for yourself, but also to develop memory - these are poems about professions for children. They can also be printed on a card that you show to your baby.

You can even purchase special books in which on one side there is a picture of a person of a certain profession, and on the other page there is a poem. This approach allows the child to develop memory and thinking, and bright pictures quickly attract attention.

Children about the profession of Tailor

Both kids who study in kindergarten and children who are home-schooled should know who sewed them beautiful pants and dresses, who they should thank for shirts and T-shirts. Among the professions that children learn from pictures, tailor stands out quite clearly.

This is most often due to the fact that kids love to wear bright clothes - they will be interested in knowing who exactly created them. Explain to your child that sewing clothes requires a sewing machine, fabric, pins, threads, patterns, a measuring tape, and so on.

Girls will certainly like the mass of accessories that a person of such a profession uses - lace, buttons, snaps, and so on. You can additionally tell your child about the fabrics that are used for sewing - cotton, linen, silk, wool, and so on.

An important profession of tailoring for your child

At the same time, tell us how each of these materials is created, demonstrate to your child exactly how the process goes from preparing and receiving the fabric to the moment when the finished clothes are already purchased by a person.

You can talk about the history of the appearance of fabrics and clothes, talk about famous people who set trends in fashion, show how the clothes of people living in different countries differ.

You can also read an article on the topic “Where to relax abroad in the summer.”

At the same time, the child learns not only about the profession, but also a lot of interesting things about the history of the creation of things, the geography of fashion and the spread of fashion trends. At the end, you can play a game during which the child will select clothes for different characters, which will also be good for developing the logic and motor skills of the little man.

Doman educational cards with people's professions

This is one of the options for introducing children to professions that exist in the world. In this case, the card will have an image of the profession, and the picture will be very bright and simple, easy for the child to remember. This is the easiest option to teach children to understand who is doing what. Such pictures of professions for children will be one of the most convenient learning options.

The pilot profession will be incredibly interesting for your child

There are 122 such cards in total; they provide 5 types, one of which is military professions. On the back of the card there is a word in large letters, on the other side there is an image that indicates this word. Thus, the child’s learning is more interesting, educational, and simple.

Professions for children - we simply talk about complex things

Initially, every parent should understand that it is only for him that there are no difficulties in terminology, concepts, complex words, and so on. The baby is just beginning to learn about the world around him, has not yet “reached” kindergarten, he is not able to think like an adult.

Naturally, you need to talk to him on equal terms, but the explanation itself, the presentation of information should not only be accessible, but also as interesting as possible. It is not surprising that 3-4 year old children easily tell who their father is, who their mother is, that is, who their parents work, where their grandparents may still work, where their sisters and brothers study.

A 4-year-old child can easily tell you about his parents

Each profession in a child can evoke associations with some action, movement, light, sound, and so on, this also needs to be remembered. Therefore, we will consider the simplest learning options that help the child simply remember information that is initially difficult for him.

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