Games for the development of motor activity (middle group) physical education card file (middle group) on the topic

1. Jump up in place: legs together, legs apart, one forward, the other backward.

2. Jumping in place with turns to the right and left.

3. Jump up in place, turning around yourself.

4. Jumping in place - 20 times (repeat 2-3 times with a break).

5. Jump up on two legs with 3-4 steps.

6. Jumping “on two legs, moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m.

7. Standing long jump (50-70 cm).

8. Long jumps sequentially through 4-6 lines.

9. Jumping from circle to circle.

10. Depth jumps from a height of 20-30 cm.

11. Jump successively over 2-3 objects 5-10 cm high.

12. Jumping in place on the right and left leg.

13. Jumping from foot to foot.

14. Straight gallop.

15. Try to jump with a short rope.

Guidelines . In the middle group, the jumps become more rhythmic and lighter; children willingly move forward by jumping on two legs, trying to help by waving their arms. Exercises in jumping on the spot become more complicated: in the jump they will change the position of the legs (legs apart and together, one forward and the other back), jump high enough to turn to the side. Children can perform 4-6 long jumps in a row, which require good coordination and muscle effort. They jump up after several steps, and often use one-legged jumps. Children are asked to jump with a short rope.

When showing and explaining the movements, the teacher draws the children's attention to some elements of jumping, for example, the correct starting position in long and depth jumps. Continues to strengthen the skills of good push-off and soft landing. To strengthen the foot muscles, you can invite children to rise on their toes and lower themselves onto their entire foot, at first without helping with their hands, and then combining them with swinging their arms forward and upward. The teacher seeks from children the ability to act at a common pace for everyone. for example, when jumping, straight gallop.

Exercises and games for children 4-5 years old

Horses . The children pretend to be horses, the teacher is a shepherd. He imitates playing the pipe, saying:

Tara, tara, ta-ra-ra! The horses left the yard.

From the yard to. village, but the village is far away,

To a green meadow, and into a dark forest.

Children walk around the playground, tap their toes, beat their hooves, and wave their heads.

They caught those horses for a long time, wandered through the forest for a long time.

And they caught with a bridle, gilded, not a simple one,

When they caught them, they tied them up so they wouldn’t run away again.

Children gallop all over the playground. With the end of his words, the shepherd drives his horses to the village.

Rules: when galloping, use the entire area, do not bump, do not run beyond the boundaries of the area.

Birds and cat . 3-4 children represent birds, the rest are chicks, one child is a cat. Before the game begins, birds and chicks are on trees - benches, stumps, logs. The cat is at a distance of 20-30 steps from the birds in a circle drawn on the ground. Birds fly from the trees (jump), fly to the platform and after a while call their chicks. They also jump, squat (peck food), and fly. At the signal “cat”, the birds fly away into the trees - they climb or jump onto a hill, the cat tries to catch the birds.

Rules: chicks fly out only when called by the bird; children run around the playground; jump on both legs, gently bending them at the knees; a cat cannot catch someone who is standing on a hill.

Hares . Children - hares - are located in holes - circles drawn on the ground. On the opposite side is a dog house, in front of it is a vegetable garden with beds (dashes or sticks at a distance of 20-30 cm from one another). Hares run into the garden, jumping over the beds. At the signal “the dog is running,” they run into the burrows, the dog catches hares. The game repeats itself. When a dog catches 2-3 birds with one stone, a new one is assigned. The teacher notes the clever hares.

Rules: jump over the beds on two legs; the caught hares go to the doghouse; You can't catch hares in minks.

Frogs . A small square is drawn on the ground - a house. Around it are four cardboard (plywood) plates - leaves interspersed with four hummocks - a pond. 4-6 guys play. One is a frog, the rest are baby frogs. A frog teaches baby frogs to jump. She stands to the right of the pond, the frogs are to the left. Each frog stands in the house and, listening carefully to the commands, jumps, pushing off with both feet and landing on both feet. The frog clearly gives the command: “Bump, leaf, leaf, house, leaf, bump, bump!” One frog jumps, the rest watch to see if he does it correctly. If the frog jumped high and did not mix up a single command, he learned to jump and stands next to the frog, and if he made a mistake, he returns to the frogs.

Jump-jump . Children stand opposite each other in two lines at a distance of 3-4 m. The teacher says a nursery rhyme.

Skok-skok-skok, Standing up in pairs, the children jump with their feet together. legs apart or one leg forward,

The young blackbird is another - back.

I went for some water and found a young girl. One line jumps towards the other.

A small young woman raises her arms to the sides

She stops about an inch away

The head is like a pot.” They squat.

Those who were jumping move back, and the children of the other line begin to jump.

Rules: jump easily, in accordance with the rhythm of the verse; be able to jump to your partner.

Crows . All children are crows. The teacher says:

Here, under the fluffy Christmas tree, children are jumping on two legs

Crows jump through the snow. along the site, around the Christmas tree,

Kar-kar! Kar:kar! hemp.

They fought over a crust, they ran in different directions,

They shouted at the top of their lungs, waving their arms.

Kar-kar, kar-kar! They climb onto the trunk of a tree,

As soon as night falls, there are logs, stumps, benches. All the crows fall asleep. Kar-kar, kar-kar!

Who will collect the most ribbons ? Small ribbons are hung on a rope stretched 20-25 cm above the child’s raised arms. 5-6 children stand under the rope and, jumping on two legs, try to remove as many ribbons as possible. Then the next ones come out. The one who removes the most tapes wins.

Rules: jump up on two legs; remove only one ribbon during a jump.

Reach the ball . The ball is suspended from a rope or tree branch in a net. Children take turns running up 3-4 steps, jumping up, trying to hit the ball. Small children perform first. Then the ball is raised higher and tall children jump.

Rules: jump with a push of two legs; hit the ball with both hands at the same time. .

Jump—turn around! Children, freely positioned on the playground, jump in place on the count of “one, two, three”, on the count of “four” they turn to the right 45°, again make three jumps in place, on the fourth they turn to the right. Returning to the starting position, children perform jumps to the left side. Between repetitions, you need to take a short break - walk around the site.

Complication: try to turn 90°,

Not afraid! One child is a trap; he stands in the middle of a circle formed by children. The players jump on two legs, saying: “I’m not afraid! Not afraid!" At the same time, they either spread their arms to the sides, or put them behind their backs. The trap tries to make fun of someone at the moment when his arms are spread out to the sides.

Rules: As soon as the trap moves away from the player, he must spread his arms to the sides.

Complication: jump with your legs to the sides, you can hit someone who is standing with their legs apart.

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