Fairy tales for children. All fairy tales by name in the middle group

fairy tales for children 4-5-6 years old

This section contains fairy tales for “why girls” 4-5-6 years old. All fairy tales correspond to the child’s age-related interests, develop the ability to fantasize and imagine, broaden their horizons, teach them to make friends and dream.

We tried to select fairy tales for children aged 4-6 years with beautiful artistic translations and high-quality illustrations.

Fairy tales will help instill and strengthen a child’s love of reading and books. Therefore, read as much as possible. Read whenever possible and anywhere. This is why our site was created :)

PS Each fairy tale is marked with tags that will help you better navigate the sea of ​​works and choose exactly what you want to read most at the moment!

Potty tale

(problem: doesn’t like the potty)

In one city there lived cars. Each car had its own garage house, where they slept, refueled with gasoline, and went to the toilet. Yes, yes, cars go to the toilet too! After all, at the back of every car there is an exhaust pipe from which black smoke comes out.

Every day the cars ate - they filled up with gasoline, drove around the city all day, played, went to kindergarten (you can insert a description from the child’s life). All day long the cars held back their black exhaust fumes. In the evening, the cars returned to their house-garage, drove into a special room-toilet and released all the exhaust gases there.

Sometimes the little cars couldn't keep the black exhaust fumes out all day, and then they got their rear bumpers dirty. The car moms cleaned their bumpers, and the next time the little cars went straight to their garage and released all the exhaust gases there, and their rear bumper always remained clean.

ps This story is best used before starting potty training. The fairy tale helps explain to the child why it is necessary to poop in the potty/toilet (so as not to dirty the “rear bumper”)

fairy tales for children 4-5-6 years old to read

Kitten named Woof

A Kitten Named Woof - a series of short stories about the adventures of the kitten Woof and his friend, the puppy Sharik. Ridiculous situations constantly happen to Gav as soon as he goes out into the yard. Together with his friend, he copes...

The Bremen Town Musicians

The story is about animals and the young Troubadour, who went to the city of Bremen to become street musicians. In the city they stopped in front of the royal castle. The king and princess came out onto the balcony of the palace, the townspeople came running to the square and it began...

Hedgehog in the fog

A fairy tale about a Hedgehog, how he was walking at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play...

About the mouse from the book

A short story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language... Read about a mouse from a book...

Fox with a rolling pin

A fairy tale about a cunning fox who found a rolling pin on the road and asked people to spend the night, and in the morning she burned the rolling pin and demanded a chicken for it. A fox with a rolling pin read The fox was walking along the path and found a rolling pin. I picked it up and...

About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece of winter

Stewart P. and Riddell K.

The story is about how the Hedgehog, before hibernation, asked the Rabbit to save him a piece of winter until spring. The rabbit rolled up a large ball of snow, wrapped it in leaves and hid it in his hole. About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit: A Piece...

Three piglets

A fairy tale about three pig brothers who built houses for themselves. One brother built a house from straw, the second from branches and twigs, and the third from bricks. The Three Little Pigs read Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All…

And who am I?

A fairy tale about a puppy who was very small and did not know what he would become when he grew up: a guard dog or a hunting dog. The cat Klasha told him that he would be a decorative dog. And who am I? read Grandma bought a puppy...


Wooden eagle

A fairy tale about how one day a carpenter argued with a goldsmith that a real miracle could be made from wood, so that all people would gasp. They made wonderful things by order of the king: a duck made of gold and wood...

Mom for Baby Mammoth

A fairy tale about a baby mammoth that melted out of the ice and went to look for its mother. But all the mammoths have long since died out, and the wise Uncle Walrus advised him to sail to Africa, where elephants live, which are very similar to mammoths. Read your favorite...

In the sweet carrot forest

A fairy tale about what forest animals love most. And one day everything happened as they dreamed. In the sweet carrot forest read The hare loved carrots most of all. He said: “I would like it in the forest...

Baby and Carlson

A short story about the kid and the prankster Carlson, adapted by B. Larin for children. Kid and Carlson read This story actually happened. But, of course, it happened far from you and me - in Swedish...

Carlson is back

Continuation of the story about the boy Malysh and his friend Carlson. The parents did not like this friendship and they advertised in the newspaper that a teacher was needed for the Kid. The text is presented in an adaptation for children by Boris Larin. Carlson is back...

The Snow Queen

Hans Christ. Andersen

The Snow Queen is one of Hans Christian Andersen's most famous fairy tales about love, which can overcome any challenge and melt even an icy heart! The Snow Queen read Story One, which tells about the mirror and its...

Birthday of the old spruce

A fairy tale about how animals in the forest decided to organize a holiday for an old and respected spruce tree, which was turning one hundred years old. Her birthday was in the summer, and she wanted to look like it was New Year's Eve. Birthday…

Mouse and pencil

An educational fairy tale that not only entertains the reader, but also teaches how to draw! So the mouse wanted to chew the pencil. However, the pencil asked to draw the last drawing and depicted a cat. Seeing her, the mouse ran away to his hole. At the end…

Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond

Lillian Muur (March 17, 1909 – July 20, 2004) was an American children's writer and poet, best known for the tale "Little Coon and the One in the Pond." Lillian's tale was first published in 1963 by Carson-Dellosa Publishing...

Grasshopper Dandy

A fairy tale about how a kind snail helped a proud grasshopper get to his home... Grasshopper Dandy read Once upon a time there was a grasshopper in the world, a terrible proud man. His name was Dandy. Even when he was little and was just learning to jump together...

Seven-flowered flower

A fairy tale about a girl Zhenya, who was given a magical seven-flowered flower. It had seven petals and could grant any seven wishes. Zhenya spent the first six wishes, but did not receive any pleasure and only made the last wish...

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The love of literature begins with a fairy tale familiar from childhood. At the same time, it is very important to help your child choose the right piece, which may become one of his favorites. Read the best fairy tales for preschool children in the selection posted on the page of our website.

What does the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane teach?

This fairy tale teaches you to be attentive to others, because this is the key to strong friendship! It shows the short-lived friendship between a cunning fox and a wise crane. Once a cheat invited a feathered friend to visit, and she put the treat on a flat plate so that he could only knock with his beak. The crane repaid his friend in kind for such hospitality, offering the red-haired guest a treat in a narrow jug...

The fox and the crane became friends. She even became his godfather when the she-bear gave birth to a cub. So one day the fox decided to treat the crane, and went to invite him to visit her: “Come, little kuman, come, dear!” How I can treat you! The crane is going to a feast, and the fox made semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and treated: - Eat, my darling kumanek! I cooked it myself. The crane slammed its nose, knocked and knocked, but nothing hit. And at this time the fox is licking the porridge for itself and licking it all off itself. The porridge is eaten; The fox said: “Don’t blame me, dear godfather!” There is nothing more to treat! - Thank you, godfather, and that’s it! Come and visit me now. The next day the fox comes, and the crane prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a small neck, put it on the table and said: “Eat, gossip!” True, there is nothing more to treat. The fox began to spin around the jug, and would come in this way and that, and lick it and smell it; nothing is enough! My head won't fit into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything. - Don't blame me, godfather! There is nothing more to treat. The fox was annoyed: she thought that she had enough to eat for a whole week, but she went home as if she was slurping unsalted food. As it came back, so it responded. Since then, the fox and the crane have been apart in their friendship.

Man and bear

(Russian folktale)

A man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plows and works there. A bear came to him:

- Man, I'll break you.

- Don’t break me, little bear, better let’s sow turnips together. I’ll take at least the roots for myself, and I’ll give you the tops.

“Be it so,” said the bear. “And if you deceive me, at least don’t go to the forest with me.”

He said and went into the oak grove.

The turnip has grown large. A man came in the fall to dig turnips. And the bear crawls out of the oak tree:

- Man, let's divide the turnips, give me my share.

- Okay, little bear, let's divide: the tops for you, the roots for me.

The man gave all the tops to the bear. And he put the turnips on a cart and took them to the city to sell.

A bear meets him:

- Man, where are you going?

- I’m going, little bear, to the city to sell some roots.

- Let me try - what kind of spine is it?

The man gave him a turnip. How the bear ate:

- Ahh! - roared. - Man, you deceived me! Your roots are sweet. Now don’t go to my forest to buy firewood, otherwise I’ll break it.

The next year the man sowed rye in that place. He came to reap, and the bear was waiting for him:

- Now, man, you can’t fool me, give me my share.

The man says:

- Be so. Take the roots, little bear, and I’ll take even the tops for myself.

They collected rye. The man gave the roots to the bear, put the rye on a cart and took it home.

The bear fought and fought, but could not do anything with the roots.

He got angry with the man, and from then on the bear and the man began to have enmity.

The Man and the Bear is a Russian folk tale that explains why animals stopped making friends with people. This story is about how a bear helped a man plant a garden twice, and each time the cunning man deceived him. In the first one they planted turnips. The man took all the roots for himself and gave the tops to the poor bear. The dissatisfied bear didn’t want to take the man’s tops the next time. But again he made a mistake: the man, having collected the wheat, took the “delicious” tops for himself, and gave the useless roots to the clubfoot. The bear got angry with him and did not help him anymore. Would you split the harvest equally with the bear?

An old one-year-old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own special name. The old man waved for the first time, and the first three birds flew away. There was a whiff of cold and frost.

The old man, a year old, waved a second time - and the second troika flew off. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared in the fields.

The old man waved a third time - the third troika flew. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to reap rye.

The old man waved for the fourth time, and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and fog settled in. But the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each feather also has its own name. One half of the feather is white, the other is black. The bird flaps once and it becomes light-light; if it flaps again, it becomes dark-dark.

What kind of birds flew out of the old man's sleeve? What kind of four wings does every bird have? What are the seven feathers in each wing? What does it mean that each feather has one half white and the other black?

An owl flew with a cheerful head; So she flew, flew and sat down, turned her head, looked around, took off and flew again; she flew and flew and sat down, turned her head, looked around, but her eyes were like bowls, they couldn’t see a crumb! This is not a fairy tale, this is a saying, but a fairy tale lies ahead.

Spring and winter have come and well, drive it with the sun and bake it, and call the grass-ant out of the ground; The grass poured out and ran out into the sun to look, and brought out the first flowers - snow flowers: blue and white, blue-scarlet and yellow-gray. Migratory birds reached out from across the sea: geese and swans, cranes and herons, waders and ducks, songbirds and a titmouse. Everyone flocked to us in Rus' to build nests and live with families. So they dispersed to their own lands: through the steppes, through forests, through swamps, along streams.

The crane stands alone in the field, looks around, strokes its head, and thinks: “I need to get a farm, build a nest and get a mistress.”

So he built a nest right next to the swamp, and in the swamp, in the hummocks, a long-nosed heron sits, sits, looks at the crane and chuckles to himself: “What a clumsy one he was born!” Meanwhile, the crane came up with an idea: “Give me, he says, I’ll woo the heron, she has joined our family: she has a beak and is tall on her feet.” So he walked along an untrodden path through the swamp: he hoe and hoe with his feet, but his legs and tail just got stuck; when he hits his beak, his tail pulls out, but his beak gets stuck; pull out the beak - the tail will get stuck; I barely reached the heron’s hummock, looked into the reeds and asked:

- Is the little heron at home? - Here she is. What do you need? - answered the heron. “Marry me,” said the crane. - How wrong, I’ll marry you, the lanky one: you’re wearing a short dress, and you yourself walk on foot, live frugally, you’ll starve me to death in the nest! These words seemed offensive to the crane. Silently he turned and went home: hit and miss, hit and turn. The heron, sitting at home, thought: “Well, really, why did I refuse him, because it’s better for me to live alone? He is of good birth, they call him a dandy, he walks with a crest; I’ll go to say a good word to him.”

The heron set off, but the path through the swamp is not close: first one leg gets stuck, then the other. If he pulls one out, he gets stuck in the other. The wing will be pulled out and the beak will be planted; Well, she came and said: “Crane, I’m coming for you!” “No, heron,” the crane tells her, “I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to marry you.” Go back where you came from! The heron felt ashamed, she covered herself with her wing and went to her hummock; and the crane, looking after her, regretted that he had refused; So he jumped out of the nest and followed her to knead the swamp. He comes and says: “Well, so be it, heron, I’ll take you for myself.” And the heron sits there, angry and angry, and doesn’t want to talk to the crane. “Listen, madam heron, I take you for myself,” repeated the crane. “You take it, but I’m not going,” she answered.

There is nothing to do, the crane went home again. “So good,” he thought, “now I’ll never take her!” The crane sat down in the grass and did not want to look in the direction where the heron lived. And she changed her mind again: “It’s better to live together than alone. I’ll go and make peace with him and marry him.”

So I went to hobble through the swamp again. The path to the crane is long, the swamp is sticky: first one leg gets stuck, then the other. The wing will be pulled out and the beak will be planted; She forcibly reached the crane’s nest and said: “Juronka, listen, so be it, I’m coming for you!” And the crane answered her: “Fedora won’t marry Yegor, and Fedora would marry Yegor, but Yegor won’t marry.” Having said these words, the crane turned away. The heron has left. The crane thought and thought and again regretted why he could not agree to take the heron for himself while she wanted it; He quickly got up and walked through the swamp again: hoe, hoe with his feet, but his legs and tail just got stuck; If he pushes his beak, pulls out his tail, the beak gets stuck, and if he pulls out his beak, the tail gets stuck. This is how they follow each other to this day; the path was paved, but no beer was brewed.

- END -

Alexey Tolstoy

A preschooler's game and the role of fairy tales in it

There is always a place for play and fairy tales in a child’s life. In preschool age, these concepts are especially closely intertwined due to story-based games - the most important stage in a child’s development. We read fairy tales to children, and their plots are reflected in children's games.

At approximately four years of age, the child becomes interested in staging mini-performances in which his toys act as actors. Later, he learns to try on different roles for himself and his friends, turning alternately into a brave warrior or an unfortunate stepdaughter, or into a ferocious tiger or a cunning fox.

Fairy tales for children, offered to your attention free of charge on this service, will help enrich this fairy-tale world and expand the boundaries of a child’s creative possibilities.


The brother and sister had a pet jackdaw. She ate from her hands, let herself be petted, flew out into the wild and flew back. Once my sister began to wash herself. She took the ring off her hand, put it on the sink and lathered her face with soap. And when she rinsed the soap, she looked: where is the ring? But there is no ring. She shouted to her brother: “Give me the ring, don’t tease me!” Why did you take it? “I didn’t take anything,” the brother answered. His sister quarreled with him and cried. Grandma heard. - What do you have here? - speaks. - Give me glasses, now I’ll find this ring. We rushed to look for glasses - no glasses. “I just put them on the table,” the grandmother cries. -Where should they go? How can I thread a needle now? And she screamed at the boy.

- This is your business! Why are you teasing grandma? The boy got offended and ran out of the house. He looks, and a jackdaw is flying above the roof, and something glitters under her beak. I took a closer look - yes, these are glasses! The boy hid behind a tree and began to watch. And the jackdaw sat on the roof, looked around to see if anyone was watching, and began pushing the glasses on the roof into the crack with her beak. The grandmother came out onto the porch and said to the boy: “Tell me, where are my glasses?” - On the roof! - said the boy. Grandma was surprised. And the boy climbed onto the roof and pulled out his grandmother’s glasses from the crack. Then he pulled out the ring from there. And then he took out pieces of glass, and then a lot of different pieces of money. The grandmother was happy with the glasses, and the sister was happy with the ring and said to her brother: “Forgive me, I was thinking about you, and this is a thief jackdaw.” And they made peace with their brother. Grandmother said: “That’s all them, jackdaws and magpies.” Whatever glitters, they drag everything away.

What fairy tales should preschoolers read?

The choice of fairy tale for children 4 years old and older largely depends on the interests and preferences of the child himself. However, parents can gently guide these interests by offering their child the best works that have become bestsellers.

Russian folk tales introduce the child to the national traditions and peculiarities of life of the native people. Copyright - contribute to the development of imagination and creative thinking.

Fairy tales by foreign authors offer to get acquainted with the inhabitants of distant lands, to learn many interesting things about their customs and the nature of the places where they live.

Fairy tale-Anticapriculla

(problem: requires toys in the store)

Once upon a time there lived a girl, her name was Mashenka. She was a wonderful girl: she was very cheerful, loved to play with toys and help her mother vacuum.

Mashenka also loved toy horses more than anything in the world. Every time Mashenka went to the store with her mom or dad, she always asked to buy her a new horse. And every time her mother asked her for something, Mashenka asked: “Will you buy me a new horse?”

Very soon Mashenka had a lot of different horses. She had small horses and large ones, and stickers with horses, and bags, and even shoes with horses. But Mashenka never had enough horses, she wanted more and more.

Sometimes it happened that mom and dad told Mashenka in the store: “We can’t buy you a new horse. You already have a lot of horses, why do you need another one? And we don’t have much money left, we’ll buy you a horse next time!” This upset Mashenka very much, she began to cry loudly and shout: “Buy me a horse! I want a horse! (insert specific behavior of the child) And the parents, no matter how hard they tried, could not calm their daughter down. The more they persuaded her, the louder Mashenka began to scream, stamp her feet, etc. And then the parents still bought Mashenka another horse to calm her down. And Mashenka was happy with the new toy all the way home, and as soon as they arrived home, Mashenka forgot the new horse. And all the toy horses were surprised: “Why does she need us if she doesn’t play with us?!”

Over time, Masha began to ask to buy her the biggest and most beautiful horses, and such horses were very expensive. And mom and dad had to work more and more to earn more money so that they would have enough for food and horses.

One day, when her mother and Mashenka were in the store, the girl saw a beautiful horse and began to ask her mother: “Buy, buy, buy!”

“If I buy you a horse, then we won’t have enough money for food and we won’t have anything to eat for dinner,” my mother answered.

- Well, mom, look what a horse, I want it. She’s so beautiful, mom, buy it!” Mashenka began to whine and cry.

Mom sighed heavily and allowed us to buy a horse, and in addition to the horse, they also bought some bread from the store.

Mashenka was very happy with the horse, played with it all the way, even played with it a little at home, and then dad came home from work and they sat down to dinner. Mom set the table: she put a plate and a cup of tea for everyone, and put several pieces of bread on the plates.

“Where is dinner?” Mashenka was surprised;

“That’s all I could buy with the money that was left after buying the horse.” “Eat some bread, daughter, and drink the tea while it’s hot,” my mother answered.

“Masha, we have good news for you,” said dad, “mom and I found a new job, for which we will be paid a lot, a lot of money, and we will be able to buy you horses and will have enough money to eat.” For this job, my mother and I will need to go on a business trip for a week, and you will be home alone. You're a big girl now and you can handle it on your own.

The next day, mom and dad left on a business trip right in the morning. Mashenka played with the horses until lunch, then drew and watched cartoons. And by evening, Masha became bored without her mom and dad, because there was no one to read her a fairy tale. In the evening Mashenka began to go to bed, and there was no one to kiss her before bed.

The next day Mashenka was very sad without her mom and dad, but she understood that her parents had left on important matters to earn money for her horses. In order not to be bored, Mashenka decided to give her parents a gift: to clean up the house. She cleaned the kitchen and put everything in its place in the hallway. Then the girl began to clean her room and sort out her mountain of horses. Mashenka was even surprised at how many horses she had. She didn’t even remember most of them, and the horses were all wrinkled and covered in dust from lying in a heap.

Until the evening, Masha sorted out all her horses. She ended up with one large box of stickers, five large boxes of horse toys, and another half of the mountain of horses that remained unsorted. Mashenka looked at all this and said: “Well, what should I do with them? Where should I put them?” Without coming up with anything, Masha went to bed alone, without her mom and dad.

And the next day Masha missed her mom and dad so much, she wanted to see them, hug and kiss them so much that she even cried. And Mashenka cried so bitterly that even the horses felt sorry for her, and they decided to take pity on her.

- Don’t cry Mashenka, your parents will be back in a few days. They left on important matters. They need to earn money for new horses. You want new horses, right? – the newest horse asked Mashenka.

“I want to,” answered Mashenka, “but I want mom and dad to be at home!”

- Mashenka, don’t be upset, you better think about what will happen when they return! Your parents will come and buy you a new horse. Isn't that what you want?

Masha thought and said: “No, not this! I don't want a new horse! I want mom and dad to be at home. I want dad to play with me in the evenings, and for mom to read fairy tales before bed. I want mom and dad to never leave!”

-How so? Don't you love us horses anymore? Why then did you ask our parents to buy us so much? After all, all the money that mom and dad earned went to us,” the horse answered in surprise.

“But it’s true…” Masha answered thoughtfully, “if it weren’t for the horses, then mom and dad wouldn’t have left...

-Do you really need your parents more than we, horses? - the horse was offended.

-Certainly! After all, you are just toys, you are fun and interesting, but you will never kiss me good night, read me a fairy tale, or hug me. Why did I ask my parents to buy so many of you? I don’t need so many horses, I hardly even play with you. I only need a few horses to play with.

Having said this, Masha realized something. She realized that nothing could be more important than mom and dad. And toys are also not important at all if there are no parents nearby.

And Mashenka decided to give mom and dad a real gift. She took the first box of horses and took it to the store. The sellers were very surprised, but allowed Mashenka to return all the toys and gave her the money for them.

All the remaining days before her parents arrived, Mashenka took her horses back to the store. And for them they gave her a whole box of money.

Mashenka kept a few horses for herself, because the children needed toys, and returned the rest to the store. And in her room there was much more space for games, and she still had the most necessary and beloved horses.

And in the evening the tired parents arrived. Mashenka was very happy with them, and mom and dad immediately started kissing and hugging her, because they also missed their daughter.

-Mommy, daddy! I was so sad without you! Please don't be gone for so long! - said Mashenka.

- Now we won’t have to leave for a long time, because we have earned a lot of money. Don't be upset! Tomorrow we’ll go to the store and choose a new horse for you,” said dad.

“I don’t need horses anymore, I need you,” said Mashenka, and seeing the surprise on her parents’ faces, she smiled and ran to her room. Masha brought the entire box with the money that they gave her for the horses and said, “Here, this is all for you!” I returned all the horses to the store, I don’t need them. I need my mom and dad! And now we have a lot of money, and we can spend all our time together, and you won’t have to work for a long time!

“You are our treasure!” Mom exclaimed.

“No, you are my most precious treasure, which no toys can replace!” answered Mashenka and hugged mom and dad again.

And Mashenka didn’t notice how happily her mom and dad were smiling, because they themselves so wanted to spend all their time next to their daughter, and not just earn money for horses.

Why are illustrations needed?

The main feature of children's attention is its involuntariness. It is difficult for a child to maintain attention on one object for a long time, even if it is a book with an interesting fairy tale. Using hearing alone is not enough in this case. In order for the child to remain focused, it is important to connect other types of perception - visual (pictures), and in some cases tactile (toy books, puzzle books, etc.).

When it comes to fairy tales for children 5 years old online, it is even more difficult to perceive the text on the monitor of an electronic device.

That is why on our website special attention is paid to drawings for children's books, and in this section you will find exceptionally high-quality illustrations.

Lion and mouse

The lion was sleeping. A mouse ran over his body. The lion woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask: “If you let me go, I will do good to you too.” The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him, but let it go.

One day, hunters caught a lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, gnawed the rope and said: “Remember, you laughed, did not believe that I could do good to you, but now you see, good can come from a mouse.”

- END -

Getting ready to read on your own

Listening to fairy tales is excellent preparation for independent reading. By instilling a love of books, you awaken in your child the desire to learn to read on his own.

When he is old enough to master independent reading, short fairy tales for children 6 years old, specially printed in large print, will come to your aid.

Until this time, the little reader can enjoy the fascinating stories and colorful pictures of the books posted on our page.

Fairy tale-Anti-dirty

(problem: doesn’t like to wash his face)

About Little Fox, who didn't like to wash himself.

Once upon a time there lived a little fox named Mosya, he had a fluffy red tail, beautiful ears, and black paws. Mosya loved to run through the forest, play tag with hares, and also loved to help his mother carry bags from the store.

The little fox was very smart and cunning. And therefore, when his mother told him: “Mosya, go wash and brush your teeth,” he said: “Aha!”, but did not go to wash, because he really didn’t like it.

Mosya thought that washing his face and brushing his teeth was a very stupid activity. After all, this time can be spent on more exciting things: you can play, run, watch TV, etc.

That's why Mosya didn't wash his face unless his mother forced him to. So I walked around all day with dirty teeth and an unwashed face.

One day the little fox Mosya went for a walk and noticed that everyone was looking at him strangely and moving away from him.

-What are they? – thought Mosya and went on for a walk.

He walks past the river and suddenly sees something terrible in the river! Mosya was so scared that he even shouted: “Monster, monster! There's a monster in the river!"

Everyone around began to bustle and fuss, and the little bunny quickly ran after Mikhail Potapych - he was the leader in the forest.

Mikhail Potapych came to the river and began to look for the monster, but found no one.

-Who made the noise? Who saw the monster? - he asked.

-It’s him, he’s the little fox Mosya! - exclaimed the little bunny.

As soon as Mikhail Potapych saw Mosya, he immediately guessed what was going on. (Did you guess it?)

“Come to me, Mosya,” asked Mikhail Potapych, standing on the river bank.

Mosya approached carefully and again saw this terrible black monster in the river and screamed. And all the other animals also saw this monster, but for some reason they were not afraid, but only laughed at the frightened Mosey.

“Oh, you dirty little thing, you just scared everyone in vain...” Mikhail Potapych sighed and left to do important business in the forest.

And everyone around also began to disperse, some laughing, others shaking their heads.

There was only one little fox left, Mosya, on the shore and a monster looking at him from the river.

What kind of monster do you think Mosya saw in the river? Why was he called dirty? How can Mosya defeat this monster?

Popular children's authors on our website

We have prepared for preschool children a selection of books by the best children's authors who have earned recognition among many generations of children.

Here you will find simple instructive tales by M. Plyatskovsky and G. Tsyferov, lyrical deep works by G.Kh. Andersen, the fantastic adventure of the heroes J. Rodari and D. Bisset.

The little reader will certainly find a fairy tale to his liking, which means he will take the first step into the wonderful world of Literature. Welcome!


Bedtime story

(problem: can’t get me to sleep at night)

Once upon a time he lived in the village of Petya-Petushok. Petechka loved to crow in the morning and sing songs to the sun. There was nothing more fun in the world for Petya than this.

Petya the Cockerel plays all day long, sings songs to the Sun, and when evening comes, he becomes sad. Our Petya the Cockerel doesn’t like the night, he doesn’t like to sleep.

As soon as the Sun begins to set, Petechka immediately becomes sad and cries:

-Ko-ko-ko, I don’t want to go to sleep! Ko-ko-ko, I want to crow songs.

And Petya the Cockerel cried so bitterly one day that the Sun decided to take pity on him. The sun did not go to bed, and decided that it would shine both day and night for Petechka.

Petya was so happy, he crowed and played happily all day and all night.

But here’s the thing: the Sun brightened the night, and Petya crowed, and the next day the Sun stopped shining, and Petya-Cockerel lost his voice.

Why do you think this happened? That's right, because everyone needs to rest and gain strength. And we gain the best strength in our sleep.

Petya-Petushek understood that he and Sunny needed to sleep. And night came, the Sun rested, Petechka also got some sleep. And the next morning the Sun shone as before, and Petya the Cockerel crowed even louder.

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