Pedagogical council in the form of KVN in kindergarten. Abstract

Pedagogical council in the form of KVN in kindergarten. Abstract

Summary of the script of the pedagogical council “Theater is a serious matter!”
Author: Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolokolchik" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region.” Description of work: This publication will be useful to senior educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions when organizing teacher councils (non-traditional forms). I advise you to hold such a teacher’s council in the form of KVN, believe me, it was so interesting and productive... Goal: Activation of the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities available to kindergarten teachers on this topic (theatricalization in a preschool educational institution). Objectives: *Involve educators in the exchange and dissemination of personal experience. *Promote creativity and exploration. *Create a favorable psychological climate in the team.

Proceedings of the teachers' council: The music is playing “We are starting KVN”
1. Opening speech by the senior teacher “Theater is a serious matter” The whole life of children is full of play.
Every child wants to play their role in this game. Teaching a child to play, take on a role and act, while at the same time helping him gain life experience - theater helps to achieve all this. But there are no theaters in our village and therefore we must pay the closest attention to theatrical activities. I’ll repeat once again - “why?”... Initially, the topic of the teachers’ council was “Theatrical activities in the social and personal development of a preschooler.” Indeed, theatrical activities educate children socially, personally, emotionally and aesthetically. Since it allows you to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every fairy tale or literary work for preschool children always has a moral orientation (kindness, courage, friendship, etc.). Thanks to the theater, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart and expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Theatrical activities help the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness. The kindergarten theater will teach the child to see the beautiful in life and in people, and will give rise to the desire to bring the beautiful and good into life. And my verdict from all that has been said: theater helps a child develop comprehensively. Therefore, I ask you, colleagues, do not forget about theatrical activities with children. But the success of your activities will depend on how much of an artist you are. And therefore, our today's teachers' council will take place in the form of KVN. KVN is humor, resourcefulness and intelligence, as well as artistry, musicality and communication! And in our case, it is also a club for those who love teaching and hope that our children will be happy. And the topic, contrary to the form of the teachers’ council, carries notes of seriousness and sounds “Theater is a serious matter!” This is how today they will unite - humor and seriousness, fun, joy and sadness, victory and loss...
Today in this hall two creative actors, two troupes, two teams will “cross weapons”... And as the KVN charter says, these weapons will be humor, resourcefulness and your artistry, which is an integral part of theatrical activity.
Please welcome the creative cast of actors called “Wise Owls”
The second theater troupe chose the name “Fight with Laziness”
I present to you the jury... So, we are starting KVN!.. And the Club meeting today will be held in our mini-theater, which has an improvised stage, actors and spectators all rolled into one, and theater critics (jury). What is it like in a theater without a director? (putting on the director's mantle). Let me be... I have no doubt that there will be applause here today and I hope that in the end you will be filled with positive emotions. I. Competition “Greetings for the opposing team” I deliberately did not give you this competition, as homework, to test today your imagination, creativity and, what is most important in our Club and profession, resourcefulness. You are given 1 minute to come up with an original, fun and perhaps unusual greeting. A minute passed... _________________________________________________ What talent, what skills should an actor have? (answers) Acting consists of many components: facial expressions, plasticity, stage speech, acting, the ability to dance, sing, improvise, get into character... II. Competition “Stage Speech” A bright voice, an expressive word, clear diction - all this should be possessed by a teacher involved in theatrical activities with children. Theatrical declamation is the art of delivering a speech expressively. You will now recite! But this competition will be complicated by the fact that you will be working with a prompter. The jury evaluates your ability to work with a prompter and the expressiveness of your stage speech. Two people from the team are called - an artist and a prompter. You are given the opportunity to choose which text you will advertise: poetry or prose... Texts in the application __________________________________________________________ An actor does not always need words to convey his feelings and thoughts to the viewer. He can do this with the help of gestures, facial expressions, and plasticity. This type of stage art, where characters express themselves without words, only through body language, is called... pantomime. III. Competition “Pantomime” One of the team members takes the “Kinder”, opens it, takes out the task and, using body language: gestures, facial expressions, plastic movements, depicts what is required. The opposing team must guess. Your pantomime will last 15 seconds. But you are given one minute to consult with the team on how to do this more interestingly... Tasks in the app _________________________________________________________ For an actor, it is very important to be able to put himself in the place of the hero whose role he got, and also to understand what he thinks, what he feels, then there is to get into character. IV. Competition “Reincarnation” (daisy) Now you have to transform into unusual characters. The fact is that these will be inanimate objects. Not only that, you have to imagine what they might think, feel and say to us. You pull out, read the task, and pronounce a monologue on behalf of the given object, and portray it, that is, you are completely transformed... You don’t name the object itself - the audience must guess what it is about. The winner is the one who best fits into the image he has been given, and who produces the most fun or original monologue. Your display lasts 15 – 20 seconds. Tasks in the application ______________________________________________________________ Everyone knows that in opera actors do not speak, but sing, and what they sing can be either poetry or prose. V. Competition “Musical Improvisation” Try yourself as a singer, using culinary recipes as a libretto. Don’t worry about your vocal abilities, this competition will not evaluate your vocal abilities, but your ability to improvise and your artistry. ________________________________________________ VI. Competition for captains “Fairytale blitz tournament” (“Question and answer”) The captain must answer 12 questions in a minute. You are given the right to choose questions. __________Tasks in Appendix _________ VII. Black Box Competition For this competition, each team prepared its own black box. Teams play against each other. “And the team is playing against you... Attention black box! _______________________________________ Teams prepare questions____________________ At any age, fairy tales can reveal something intimate and exciting. Listening to them in childhood, a person unconsciously accumulates a whole “bank of life situations”, so it is very important that the awareness of “fairy tale lessons” begins at an early age, with the answer to the question: “What does a fairy tale teach us?” VIII. Competition “An Old Fairy Tale in a New Way” (homework) And now the participating teams will show their abilities as screenwriters, costume designers, actors, sound engineers, and comedians. The topic of the homework is “An old fairy tale in a new way”, time limit – 5 minutes. Reflection: Cinquain (I remind you that a cinquain is a creative work that has a short form of a poem consisting of five unrhymed lines)
Theme of the cinquain: “Theatrical activities in kindergarten” 1 line - one noun expressing the main theme of the cinquain.
Line 2 – two adjectives expressing the main idea. Line 3 – three verbs describing actions within the topic. Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning. Line 5 – conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word). Instead of a conclusion... Our game, reminiscent of a mini-play, has come to an end.
I hope that today’s competition in the Cheerful and Resourceful Club became a fun and useful lesson for you, dear colleagues. Unfortunately, we very often forget that humor and jokes are effective methods in working with children. They create an atmosphere of ease and emotional intimacy. Please don’t forget about this, dear colleagues... Dear jury, a few words to the teams and, of course, the results. Rewarding. Thanks to all participants, jury, and spectators. Applications.
II. Competition “Stage Speech” Monologues are presented to choose from.
1. Monologue of Juliet (Capulet’s daughter), W. Shakespeare My face is saved by the darkness, Otherwise, you know, I would have burned with shame, That you have learned so much about me.
I would like to restore decency, But it’s too late, there’s no point in pretending. Do you love me? I know, I believe that you will say yes. But don't rush. After all, you will deceive. They say that Jupiter neglects the vows of love. Don't lie, Romeo. This is not a joke. Maybe I seem gullible? Well, okay, I’ll correct the impression and refuse you my hand, which I wouldn’t do voluntarily. 2. Monologue of Juliet (Capulet’s daughter), W. Shakespeare Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo! Abandon your father and change your name, and if not, make me your wife, so that I won’t be a Capulet anymore. Only this name wishes me harm. You could be yourself without being a Montague. What is Montague? Is that the name of the Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms? Are there really no other names? What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose, Call it a rose or not. Romeo by any name would be the height of perfection that he is. Call me something else, Romeo, and then take all of me in return! A.P. Chekhov. “The Seagull”, Monologue of Nina Zarechnaya (final scene of farewell to Treplev). I'm so tired... I wish I could rest... I could rest! I am a seagull... No, that’s not it. I'm an actress. And he is here... He didn’t believe in the theater, he kept laughing at my dreams, and little by little I also stopped believing and lost heart... And here were the worries of love, jealousy, constant fear for the little one... I became petty, insignificant, I played senselessly... I I didn’t know what to do with my hands, I couldn’t stand on stage, I couldn’t control my voice. You don't understand this state when you feel like you're playing terribly. I am a seagull. No, that’s not it... Remember when you shot a seagull? A man came by chance, saw it and, having nothing to do, killed it... The plot for a short story... What am I talking about?.. I'm talking about the scene. Now I’m not like that... I’m already a real actress, I play with pleasure, with delight, I get drunk on stage and feel beautiful... A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, Monologue of Katerina. Why don't people fly? Why don't people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly. Something to try now? Was that what I was like? I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mama doted on me, dressed me up like a doll, and didn’t force me to work; I used to do whatever I want. Do you know how I lived with girls? I'll tell you now. I used to get up early; If it’s summer, I’ll go to the spring, wash myself, bring some water with me and that’s it, I’ll water all the flowers in the house. I had many, many flowers. Then we’ll go to church with Mama, all the wanderers - our house was full of wanderers; yes praying mantis. And we’ll come from church, sit down to do some kind of work, more like gold velvet, and the wanderers will begin to tell us: where they were, what they saw, different lives, or sing poetry. So time will pass until lunch... III. Competition “Pantomime” One of the team members takes the “Kinder”, opens it, takes out the task and, using body language: gestures, facial expressions, plastic movements, depicts what is required. Your pantomime will last 15 seconds. But you are given one minute to consult with the team on how to do this more interestingly... Portray an athlete Cards with tasks to choose from, 5 tasks per team: * Hammer thrower * Tennis player * Hockey player * Figure skater * Graceful gymnast with a ribbon * Goalkeeper at the moment of an attack on his goal * Rider on a kicking horse * Distance swimmer * Jumper from a ten-meter platform * Epee fencer * Karateka IV. Competition “Transformation” (daisy) Cards with tasks to choose from, 3 tasks per team: * voice and act out what the shoes think when we put them on; * voice and act out what the bathroom mirror thinks when we look at it in the morning; * voice and act out what the sofa thinks when we sit on it or lie down; * voice and act out what the dishes think when we wash them; * voice and act out what a cell phone thinks when we talk on it; * voice and act out what the refrigerator thinks when we open it; V. Competition “Musical Improvisation” Musical recipe “Simple apple pie”
• Break three eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer until white foam.
• Then add flour and slaked soda and mix everything. • Cut the apples into slices and remove the core. • Grease a baking dish with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place apples on the bottom. Pour in the dough and bake for about 40 minutes at medium temperature. • The readiness of the pie can be checked with a toothpick or a match - the pie is ready when no dough sticks to the toothpick when it is immersed deep into the pie. Musical recipe “Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese in the oven”
• Spread mayonnaise on 8 pieces of loaf prepared in advance.
• Cut the sausage (not very thick, but not thin semicircular slices and place on a loaf). • Cut the tomato (hard) into slices and place it on the loaf on top of the sausage. • Cut the cheese into slices and place on top. • Place everything on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 10–15 minutes. VI. Competition for captains “Fairytale blitz tournament” (“Question and answer”) 1 captain 1. Alexey Tolstoy retold an Italian fairy tale and called it... (“The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”). 2. Where did the seventh kid hide? (In the oven). 3. A fairy tale about a bakery product (“Kolobok”). 4. What did Carlson love most? (Jam and cookies). 5. Name two fairy tales where swans are positive and negative characters? (“Wild Swans”, “Geese - Swans”). 6. Who defeated the Cockroach? (Sparrow). 7. A fairy tale about an old man who makes his living by fishing (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”). 8. What did the fairy make Cinderella’s carriage from? (From pumpkin). 9. The tale of three nickels, three hooks and twelve hooves (“The Three Little Pigs”) 10. What was Freken Bock’s position? (Housekeeper). 11. A fairy tale about a bird who, after a difficult childhood, still achieved universal recognition (“The Ugly Duckling”) 12. A fairy tale about an icy person of royal blood. ("The Snow Queen"). 2 captain 1. How did Thumbelina get to the land of the elves, on what? (On a swallow). 2. A fairy tale about a forest hostel (“Teremok”) 3. A fairy tale about a girl whose name was predetermined by a headdress (“Little Red Riding Hood”) 4. What word did Kai make out of ice floes? (Eternity). 5. In what fairy tale did a village family grow a giant vegetable? (“Turnip”). 6. The tallest hero of Sergei Mikhalkov? (Uncle Styopa). 7. Who are “Winged, Hairy, and Oily”? (Sparrow, mouse and pancake). 8. Which fairy tale contains a warning that you should not drink raw water? (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”). 9. A fairy tale about a boy who owes his birth not to his mother, but to his father (“Pinocchio”). 10. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Naf, Nif, Nuf) 11. In which fairy tale does the woman cry and the grandfather cry? (“Chicken Ryaba”) 12. Where did the woman get the flour for Kolobok? (I swept the barn with a broom and scraped the bottom of the tree.) HOMEWORK COMPETITION

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Preparation for the orientation pedagogical council is outlined in the director’s order - it includes the collection of indicators, analytical work for the past year, development of reports, forecasts and plans. You should not overload your employees with a lot of “extracurricular” work; the average time for a report is planned at 5-10 minutes.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the plan for the next year should take into account:

  • Social and communicative development of the child;
  • Cognitive development;
  • Speech development;
  • Artistic and aesthetic development;
  • Physical culture.

Based on these standards, the pedagogical council works in the following areas:

  • Analytical.

    The results of work over the past year are compared, omissions and achievements are assessed. A good place to start is by evaluating the formal curriculum.

  • Sociable.

    The degree of communication skills of the teacher with children and parents is assessed.

  • Methodical.

    Preparation of a discussion of educational methods, pedagogical literature, new programs.

  • Empirical.

    Exchange of experience between specialists, invitation to the pedagogical council of experienced teachers and experts.

The preparation plan for the teachers' council is outlined by date in the director's order, each employee is given an area of ​​research with a designated deadline.

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