Adult holiday. Anniversary of kindergarten. “We are 15 years old!!!”

Happy anniversary, kindergarten!

Local time

Dec 25, 2018



No matter how many years pass, the place where the unique moments of our childhood were lived remains dear and close to us.

In a snowy December 40 years ago, Kindergarten No. 4 opened its doors to its first students. An anniversary is a time for summing up, reflecting on achievements, successes, and plans for the future. Over the years, the kindergarten has come a long way of formation, creative search, and accumulation of teaching experience. The journey of life has been completed, filled with daily painstaking work and worries. We experienced many moments of joy and pride for our teachers and students.

The history of our institution and team was created by proactive employees: managers, teachers, assistant teachers, music directors, nurses, cooks, caretakers, laundresses, wardrobe maids, watchmen. We are all one big and friendly family, consisting of several generations, selflessly in love with their work. Everyone had to work hard and overcome many difficulties in order to achieve success and gain authority.

Today, of course, we say a huge thank you to those people who were at the very beginning. These are the heads of N.I. Bobrova, R.A. Smirnova, M.N. Lavrentyeva are highly qualified leaders who, having gone through a long life and creative journey, implemented a program for the development of a preschool educational institution. These are veterans of pedagogical work who dedicated their lives to educating the younger generation - L.I. Vladimirova, L.V. Pavlova, N.V. Belkovskaya, V.I. Zybina.

With a feeling of bitterness and loss, we remember those who devoted their entire lives to working in kindergarten, but who are no longer with us: R.A. Smirnov, V.I. Malygin, N.V. Vanyushin, N.N. Ilyin, T.A. Andreev, L.N. Leontiev.

Kindergarten is a magical land with an unusual atmosphere, filled with children's laughter, delight, and surprise. And for a child, staying in this wonderful world of childhood is an unforgettable moment of first discoveries, successes, achievements and victories. Not everyone can work in such a place, but only people with a kind and open soul, a caring and loving heart, capable of loving all children equally and realizing the value and importance of any moment in the life of preschoolers.

Much has changed over time. The institution has acquired individuality, has gone a long way to improve the quality of work, and the material and technical base of our kindergarten has improved.

In 2009, Kindergarten No. 4 became the base in the region for other preschool institutions.

Our kindergarten today is a stable, successful preschool institution that is developing in accordance with modern trends. The team keeps up with the times, learns and grows professionally. Modern programs and innovative technologies are being introduced in the kindergarten. Conditions are being successfully created for the implementation of the federal state educational standard, which places high demands on the level of development of the teacher’s creative personality, the formation of teachers of a new level, exemplary specialists who easily accept and use everything new in working with children: ICT, design, research and experimental activities, health-saving technologies.

One of the priority areas of the new generation education system, implemented in kindergarten, is the provision of additional educational services. We have 3 clubs with an artistic, aesthetic, environmental focus, as well as for preparing children for school. Thanks to the state program “Accessible Environment”, the necessary conditions have been created for equal, barrier-free access to quality preschool education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

Over the years of working in the kindergarten, a team of like-minded people has formed who help children learn new things, teach them to see the beautiful and amazing, and improve their health. The kindergarten staff strives to create an atmosphere of love and joy for children, to make the children’s lives interesting and meaningful.

There are simply good people working here who carefully protect the fragile world of childhood, care and try to find an individual approach to all their pupils. For many years, wonderful teachers have been working in the preschool institution, who give their warmth and tenderness to preschool children every day: G.B. Naumova, S.E. Prokofieva, L.V. Stepanova, A.V. Danilova, T.V. Krymova, E.A. Smirnova, S.N. Tikhomirova, S.A. Filippova, music director Yu.B. Chekmareva, educational psychologist T.V. Andreeva.

All these people are enthusiasts with great creative potential and enjoy great authority among children, parents and colleagues in the city and region.

We are also pleased with the young shift. Competent, erudite, young specialists who love children have joined our team: teacher-defectologist A.A. Marchenko, teachers N.V. Leonov and N.S. Shupilova.

Teachers are full of inventions and imaginations! Each kindergarten employee is an artist, an artist, a jack of all trades. They are characterized by conscientiousness, initiative and sincere interest. The team has developed a favorable psychological environment, creative enthusiasm, and an atmosphere of friendship and mutual assistance. More experienced teachers share the secrets of their profession with young specialists, mentoring and a system for exchanging teaching experience have been established.

Over the course of eleven years, 8 teachers from our kindergarten became winners of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year”: N.V. Andreeva, N. V. Feonova, N.V. Vanyushina, T.V. Andreeva, S.E. Prokofieva, A.V. Danilova, Yu.B. Chekmareva, T.V. Krymova. Two teachers are winners of the regional stage (T.V. Krymova, Yu.B. Chekmareva), three are participants in the regional stage, included in the top ten (N.V. Vanyushina, S.E. Prokofieva, A.V. Danilova).

Three colleagues won the title of winners of the All-Russian competition “My Best Lesson” (T.V. Andreeva, Yu.B. Chekmareva, A.V. Danilova). The creative experience of teachers is published on the pages of federal magazines.

Five people have the highest qualification category.

Professional excellence, great boundless love for children, outstanding achievements in teaching and educating the younger generation were awarded with state awards. Two educators are Honorary Education Workers, three were awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The kindergarten has its own wonderful traditions. We raise children in the spirit of patriotism, love for their native land, and respect for the older generation. On the great Victory Day, veterans come to us, eyewitnesses of terrible events. Thematic events dedicated to the city of Staritsa are systematically held. The kindergarten hosts poetry and musical creative evenings, sports competitions, family and environmental holidays and events.

The “School for Parents and Future First-Graders” has been operating for three years under the guidance of educational psychologist T.V. Andreeva. Tatyana Viktorovna manages to build effective interaction with adults thanks to interesting forms of work (master classes, trainings, game modeling, etc.), which makes it possible to increase the level of involvement of parents in the activities of the preschool institution.

Pupils do not lag behind adults. Children are winners and active participants in district and regional competitions. For three years in a row, participants of the “Beads” circle (headed by Yu.B. Chekmareva) take part in the preschool creativity festival “Talents of the New Century” in the city of Rzhev, in the regional children’s creativity festival “Constellation of Talents” and city events at the House of Culture. It has become a tradition to hold music festivals for children of the city and region at our kindergarten.

All these achievements are the fruits of the labor of a professional, competent, creative teaching team.

We have excellent specialists working next to us, masters of their craft: head nurse L.V. Vasilyeva, accountant S.V. Mouraova, head of the farm L.I. Volkova, storekeeper T.N. Khrenova, laundress L.I. Kartashov, cook N.M. Dvoretskaya and E.Yu. Patsoeva, kitchen worker E. Morozova, building maintenance worker A.I. Ilyin and our watchmen I.A. Kalashnikov and V.V. Netesa.

Assistant teachers are the second mothers for the children: N.A. Malkova, G.V. Cherepova, Yu.V. Bubnova, T.E. Kozlova, E.V. Petrova, I.M. Netes.

Thanks to their efforts, the kindergarten greets pupils with freshness, cleanliness, and delicious aromas from the kitchen, which return every visitor to our institution to the unique atmosphere of childhood.

I am happy that the kindergarten team is just like this. It is a pleasure to work in a friendly, close-knit team.

I would like to express my gratitude to the senior teacher O.N. Ignatova, under whose leadership our teachers honed their professional skills for many years, introduced innovations, and generalized their teaching experience. Now Olga Nikolaevna is working in a new position as deputy head of the education department of the Staritsky district administration, and we heartily congratulate her on her high appointment and wish her creative success.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the fortieth anniversary of our preschool institution is fruitful years of hard and daily work in educating young citizens. The kindergarten has educated and sent dozens of generations of children to school. Now, having entered adulthood, graduates are happy to bring their children to us.

The work of a teacher is unique. After all, only this profession gives you the opportunity to touch childhood - joke, jump, play mischief, travel, look for treasures with children, and relive the unique time of childhood.

This is not just a profession - it is our life path. Kindergarten is a special world. It looks like a cheerful meadow with flowers - amazing and unique. And flowers grow, smell fragrant and delight with their beauty only when conditions are created for them, they are looked after and loved. And they truly love, without falsehood or deception.

We do not spare the warmth of our hearts when working with children. After all, they are the ones who can make our world more beautiful, better, brighter.

Work in kindergarten is impossible without the participation of parents. Teachers and parents are partners in a common important and difficult task - raising children. Our relations are based on mutual respect, goodwill, and cooperation. We are grateful to the mothers and fathers, grandparents, who actively participate in the life of our institution. After all, children are our future. And it depends on the cooperation between the family and the kindergarten whether it will be happy and harmonious. Whatever “fruits” we grow, these are the ones we will harvest.

Our motto is: “Learn without compulsion, learn with passion.” You don't have to be rich to be happy. The main thing is to realize your creative potential in your favorite work, to live in peace and harmony with yourself and the people around you.

Let us wish our kindergarten success, good luck and prosperity for many, many years to come.

  • Happy anniversary to our fourth kindergarten!
  • Let smiles bloom and songs sound joyful.
  • And, of course, we wish you long years, happy days,
  • He will leave a good memory in the hearts of his children.

Natalya ANDREEVA, head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4".





VRF News

Skits for teachers for the anniversary of the kindergarten

Do you want to stage a congratulations skit for your kindergarten anniversary? We offer a scenario that includes performances by teachers, comic skits and the presentation of prizes to teachers in various categories.

The presenter appears on stage: “Good evening, dear children and parents, dear teachers! Today is our anniversary, and I want to give the floor to our teachers.”

The skit for teachers for the anniversary of the kindergarten begins with the following verses.

An anniversary is a special date. This holiday cannot be compared with anything. Someone wise once came up with the idea of ​​giving joy to birthday people.

The kindergarten is celebrating its anniversary birthday, and, without a doubt, everyone is talking about it today!

Today is our anniversary birthday, and we cannot hide our excitement. We ask you to open our festive evening without further ado!

Then a comic skit is played out for the anniversary of the kindergarten. Savages in animal skins appear on stage, and teachers perform a song based on the song “Wonderful Neighbor.”

It was difficult for a person ten thousand years ago: Stone Age people did not go to kindergarten. Without a program of education, everyone grew up as savages. Therefore, of course, they grew up to be savages.

But the dark era was being replaced by steady progress. Everyone left the caves and forgot the path into the forest. It was then that there was a breakthrough in education. They began to inculcate education from a very young age.

The congratulations sketch for the anniversary of the kindergarten continues, and the presenter suggests: “Let's remember how it all began.”

Next it says that we want to remember those who devote themselves to raising children, sparing no effort and time. We want to talk about those who don’t know the words “I don’t want”, “I can’t”, “I don’t know how”, about those who love their work and rush here every day to raise their children and be needed by them...

Then follows this quatrain:

What is an anniversary? This is a close circle of friends, This is a sea of ​​impressions, This is a meeting of generations!

The song “Do you remember how it all began” sounds and the oldest teachers appear on stage. The presenter gives the floor to everyone and them and talks about their career path.

In our garden, like in a little house, we live together, we work, create, sing and rarely get tired. Here, as in any other family, the law is the same for everyone. Here everyone is needed, everyone is dear to everyone, and everyone is loved here.

The performance for teachers on the anniversary of the kindergarten continues with the presentation of prizes in various categories.

These can be the nominations “Jack of all trades”, “Chief Mom”, “Mistress Innovation”, “Master of Pedagogy”, “Junior of Pedagogy”, “Miracle Nanny” and others. The presentation of prizes can be interspersed with comic skits for the anniversary of the kindergarten, songs and poems in honor of teachers.

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