Leisure summary for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Leisure summary for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Leisure time dedicated to Mother's Day in pre-school groups "Miss Mom"
​​Goal : To establish relationships of trust and cooperation with families, to popularize International Mother's Day. Objectives: - provide an opportunity for parents to communicate with each other. Share experiences of family education; — cultivate respect for mothers; — create conditions for full communication, promote the manifestation of creative abilities. Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, guests, guys! We are glad to meet you at the “Miss MOTHER” competition, which is dedicated to the holiday “Mother’s Day”. Our mothers will take part in the competition. Let's greet them together. (Music sounds, mothers enter the hall to applause.) At number ONE, we welcome (full name). At number two, we welcome (full name). The presenter introduces the participants, telling what number each of them is performing under. (All mothers take designated places in the hall.) Show slides with photographs of mothers. The presenter reads a poem against the background of music. Presenter: Mom, mommy, mommy... In this word, every sound is imbued with warmth, tenderness and endless love. Mom is a wise advisor and reliable friend. Mom is the best healer of our spiritual wounds and grievances. Mom is an assistant in all our endeavors. Mom is a faithful guardian angel who vigilantly cares about our happiness and well-being in this world. Children read poetry.
Mother's Day.
Child 1: The clouds have covered the sun, The rain is beating on the cornice, All the leaves have scattered, A maple branch is scraping the window. So what, November, autumn! Puddles, cold, raining. Mom has a holiday in November. How can I please her? 2nd child: I’ll draw a sun, I’ll put it on the window, Sun, shine, shine. Bring joy to mom. I love my mommy, I’ll hug her tightly. 3rd child: Even if I go around the whole planet in half a century, I can’t find a person dearer to me than my mother. 4th child: Mom loves unselfishly, Knows all my secrets. Answers questions very quickly. Finds the right answers. 5th child: And today, on a glorious holiday, On a frosty day in November, I congratulate my mother, Happy Mother’s Day, loving! 6th child: May your health not fail you, May the years slow down, May your problems all go away, May you always be happy! All children in chorus: Happy holiday, our mothers! Children sing a song about their mother. Presenter : Dear mothers, your children strive to become your helpers.
Let's find out how this happens! Ditties for mother's holiday
1 child: Today, with dad, with grandfather, we cleaned the whole house. We put everything in order, we sit together, we wait for the holiday. Child 2: I got up this morning and put away the toys myself. I made some tea this morning and gave my mother some tea. Child 3: I wanted to wash the pan, says sister Yulia: “Well, why wash it under the tap? Put it in the washing machine straight.” 4th child: Broom in hand, I took it and swept everything in the house. I'll wipe the floor until it shines, toys, everything in its place! Child 5: I found flour on the shelf, sugar, salt and milk. I kneaded so much dough, everything comes out of the pan! Child 6: My dad and I are baking a pie with raspberries. Dad is in dough, I am in flour, and the pie is filled. Child 7: The kettle is on the table, the tea has already been poured into the cups. We are treating Mom to pies and tea. 8th child : Dad, grandfather and I are buying flowers. We bought a whole cart of bright scarlet and white roses, congratulations to Mom! 9th child: Eh, I’ll stamp my foot, and I’ll stamp the other one, We’ll congratulate Mom, we’ll celebrate the holiday. All together: Dear mothers, congratulations on the holiday! Sweet, beautiful, most beloved! Presenter: The word “mother” sounds the same in almost all languages. This is the first thing most babies say, and many consider their mother to be the main person in their life. Mother's Day in Russia was established relatively recently, but the roots of this holiday go back to ancient times. You are the most beautiful, the most charming and attractive. To make sure of this, we decided to hold a Miss Mom competition. I would like to introduce you to our distinguished jury. (represented by the jury). Of course, we want to get to know the competition participants better, so we’ll start by asking the mothers to tell us about themselves. 1 task CARD. Mothers take turns, in any form, talk about themselves, their profession, hobbies). You can prepare a video file with self-presentation in advance. Task 2. Questions for ingenuity Presenter: When completing the next task, mothers need to show ingenuity, resourcefulness, quick wits and quickly give answers to unusual questions. Blitz survey: Mathematics: - how many fingers are on one hand - 5 - how correct is 5 + 7 to be Eleven or Eleven - 12 - how many pigs were there in the famous fairy tale - 3 - how many wonders of the world are there - 7 - how many robbers were there in the fairy tale about Ali Baba - 40 - how many moments of spring are there in the title of the film about Stirlitz - 17 - how many pedals does a tricycle have - 2 - how many heroes came out of the sea with uncle Chernomor - 33 - the very first mother on Earth? (Eva) Presenter: Now let’s check how well you know the fairy tales and stories that you read to your children in childhood? Continue the fairy tales and stories: - Kolobok - I left my grandfather - (I left my grandmother) - Leopold to the mice - Guys, (let's live together) - Ryaba the hen - I'll lay another egg for him, (not just a simple one, but a golden one) - children's tease - red-haired, red-haired, freckled - (killed grandfather with a shovel) - Ivan Tsarevich - hut, hut, turn around (back to the forest - to me in front) - Who, who lives in the little house - (who, who lives in the low one) - Fly , fly petal - (through the west to the east) - We are responsible for those - (whom we have tamed) - Am I the cutest in the world, the most ruddy and... (whiter) Presenter: How well do our mothers understand geography? - in which city is the Leaning Tower of Pisa - the city of Pisa - where is the Lenin Mausoleum - in Moscow - the pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx - Egypt - where is the Eiffel Tower - in France - where are the drawbridges - (in St. Petersburg) - where is the amphitheater - the Colosseum (in Italy, Rome) - Which continent stretches from the letter “A” to the letter “Z”? (Australia.) Presenter : And now a comic competition! Quiz - Comic questions 1. A girl's daughter. (Doll.) 2. Not having bad weather. (Nature.) 3. Part of the body that is offered along with the heart. (Hand.) 4. An institution where illiterate people are admitted. (School.) 5. Rubber nurse. (Nipple.) 6. Dormitory for horses. (Stable.) 7. Monkey swing. (Lianas.) 8. Bedroom for the Ryaba chicken. (Roost) 9. House for firewood. (Barn.) Presenter: Let's relax a little and remember how you played fairy tales with your children! Task 3 “Playing a fairy tale.” On the coffee table are laid out: a wreath or crown of Autumn, a crown for the Princess, wooden spoons, a wooden horse. Mothers take turns drawing lots, figuring out what role each of them will play: Autumn, Breeze, Rain, Leafs, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on Horse. Presenter: Now mothers know who they have to portray in our fairy tale. Now I’ll ask them to take the items they need from the table, and then read the story. Each participant in the competition will depict the actions of her character in the right place. Fairy tale . Autumn came. The wind blew timidly, a heavy autumn rain began to fall, the trees rustled their leaves and fell. Far in the forest, a hungry Wolf howled. The Dog barked furiously in response. And in the beautiful castle the Princess cried bitterly: she was not allowed to go to the ball. Suddenly the clatter of hooves was heard from afar; it was the Prince who had arrived. He put the princess on a horse and they rode to the ball. Presenter: Today is Mother's Day, and the eyes of all mothers in the world shine in a special way, because they are congratulated by the dearest people in their lives - their children. Dance “Let's Dance” Presenter: Our mothers are the most dexterous, the fastest, they can do everything, they dance wonderfully. Now each mother will have her own music. You can perform a dance to this music that would reflect the nature of the melody. You can dance with your child too. Presenter: Well done, you danced wonderfully! And now our mothers will remember what kind of porridge they cooked for their children, and guess the cereals by touch. Competition for mothers “Guess the cereal” (blindfolded, guess the cereal by touch) Presenter : The first word that each of us pronounces is the word mom.
And no matter how old you are, 5 or 50, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. Our beloved mothers and grandmothers, have you ever asked the question “where did I come from?” Dramatization of the poem “Tell me where I came from...?”

All together: Tell me, where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question. 1st child: Grandfather answered me like this: “The stork brought you to us.” 2nd child: And my grandmother told me: “They found you in the cabbage.” 3rd child: And they told me: “They brought you to our house in a basket.” 4th child: And dad said: They bought you in the store, in the nursery! For this purpose, all the relatives collected money! 5th child: I know it’s not true! Mother gave birth to us all! All together: Yes, but we don’t know the answer. Where did mommy take us? 6th child: And to answer my question, my dad kept looking for words... 7th child: And I started over: Where did I live before my mother? 8th child: None of the adults could explain this secret to me. 9th child: Only mother answered simply: 10th child: - YOU LIVED IN MY HEART, SON!!! Presenter: Mom! What a great word! A mother gives life to her child. Mom is worried and sad so that her child is healthy, well-fed, and happy. Mom is a window to the world! She helps the child understand the beauty of the world. Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most tender, most caring hands that can do everything. Love never fades in her heart. Now...(child's name) will tell us about this, the poem is performed to calm background music. Poem “To Mom” Dear tender mommy, There is a lot of affection and kindness in you, Again and again I discover in you, Warm sounds like silver strings. Honey, I love you, and I miss you very much day and night. I don’t fly to you in a dream, Little loving daughter? Presenter: Dear guys, dear mothers, dear jury! Our Miss Mom competition is over. You will probably agree with me that it is very difficult to choose the best mother, because they were all charming, attractive, resourceful, smart, fast, and skillful. Therefore, each of them became the winner of our competition in different categories. The jury gives the floor. Each mother is awarded in one of the categories, for example: Miss Grace, Miss Resourcefulness, Miss Charm, Miss Perfection, Miss Smile, Miss Tenderness, Miss Virtue, Miss Charm, mothers receive diplomas. Parable about mother. A parable sounds to the soft sound of “Ave Maria.” Presenter: It was a long time ago. The day before his birthday, the child said to God: “I don’t know what to do in this world.” God answered: “I will give you an angel who will always be by your side.” “But I don’t understand his language.” - The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles. - What is the name of my angel? - It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him Mom." Presenter: Angels are good spirits, protectors, amulets, and helpers in business. Angels made by yourself give special warmth, light and mood. Angel figures turn into strong amulets for your home. (children give their mothers hand-made angel figurines) Presenter: Happy Mother’s Day! With all our hearts, we wish all mothers good health, happy eyes, good nights, gentle smiles, and many, many wonderful and unforgettable moments! Thank you for life, for support, for love and a soul full of warmth! Source: https://kladraz.ru/blogs/lyudmila-aleksandrovna-schukina/konkurs-mis-mama.html

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Leisure time with mothers “Mother’s Day!”

Goal: To develop a respectful attitude towards mother; contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.


O.O. Cognitive development:

  • expand knowledge about the Mother's Day holiday;

O.O. Social and communicative development:

  • to cultivate in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards their mother, towards their family, a desire to help and please.
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, and emotional support between children, parents and teachers.

O.O. Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • Develop performing abilities, skills and abilities;
  • To develop in children the ability to cooperate and engage in joint creativity in collective musical activities;
  • To cultivate children’s musical taste and an evaluative attitude towards their own creativity and the creativity of their comrades.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and poems about mother;
  • Drawing a portrait of my mother, looking at reproductions of paintings, talking with children about my mother, designing posters with photographs and congratulations, making gifts for mothers.


Leisure activities:

Children, to the minus of Fidget's song "Mama", go out into the hall and stand up.

Presenter: - It’s very nice that the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers came to visit us. The word “Mom” , “Mother” is one of the most ancient on earth. All people love and honor mothers. The word “Mother” is also used to call one’s homeland. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day . People congratulate their mothers, come to visit them, give gifts, and organize a holiday for them.

Children: Happy Mother's Day, my dear! I want to kiss you! With all my heart, I wish you great happiness, Mommy!

Let life be beautiful, easy, May you have enough strength for everything! So that you can make all your dreams and desires come true in life!

There are many mothers in this world. Children love them with all their souls. There is only one mother, She is dearer to me than anyone else.

I promised my mother to forget about my whims. Go to kindergarten without delay, go every morning!

Eat soup without persuasion, do not be naughty, do not be greedy. I want to become very soon a kind, nice boy.

Become like a knight Very brave and good! So that mom smiles and remains happy!

Oh, beloved mothers, How glad we are to see you. And our hearts, like telegrams, are flying to you now.

In the world there is no one more dear to you, no one more kind and gentle, no one more beautiful and younger, no mother’s look warmer!

Mom is the dearest, Mom is a dear word, Mom is the warmth of gentle hands, Mom is always light with her.

Mom gave me life, Mom forgave me for pranks, Mom loves without looking back, Mom is a game of hide and seek,

Mom is forever, Mom is not afraid of trouble. Mom will heal a bruise, Mom is my beacon in life.

All together: Be happy always!

Mom, happy holiday to you!

Children perform a dance to the song of the group Fidgets “Mama”


Early in the morning I wake up from your eyes.

They will replace the sun for me.

The world, believe me, exists only for the two of us.

The sun in you laughs.


Mom, I love you madly, Mom, and I adore you, Mom, I am without your gaze, like a bird without a wing, A bird without a wing.

Mom, you know, there is no one dearer than you, Mom, hug me quickly, Mom, let me warm up, mom, Near your hands, as if by a fire.


Let adversity and sorrow be far away, and let happiness be closer. You and I will not be able to live in sadness and melancholy And we will drive away the bad weather.


Presenter: Now we will sit down, sit

We'll see what happens next.

(Children run to the chairs. There are portraits of mothers on the chairs. The children take them in their hands and sit on the chairs)

Children love to play with their mothers. But often with household chores, mothers simply do not have enough time to play with their precious child. And today, on Mother's Day, we decided to have a playdate with mom.

Children love their mother very much, and not only! Everyone in the world - * They adore their mothers And now - a task for you,

Our mothers are different! Everyone is always wonderful. You have the answer to everything. Guess where your portrait is.

The children drew them themselves, but we didn’t sign them... Recognize your portrait among everyone else. If you recognize it, take it!

Game with moms. "Find your portrait" .

Mothers approach the exhibition of portraits (portraits are held by children in their hands) and look for their child’s work, that is, they try to recognize themselves in them. Having guessed it, they take the portrait for themselves. If someone can’t guess, the children can help.

Presenter: Well done. We found our portrait. Place the portrait on your chair and come out to us again. We will play unusual musical hide and seek with you. You mothers stand in a circle. Children come up to their mothers and stand behind them. While the first part of the music is playing, the children run from mother to mother, hiding behind each mother. For the second part of the music, children go to the center of the circle and move in a circle. At the end of the phrase, mothers stretch out their hands to their children, and the children look for their mother and stand in front of her. The music repeats, but now the mothers are hiding. You are ready?

Musical game "Search" .

Host: It’s so fun to play with mom, but it’s time to relax. Both mothers and children, sit down on the chairs. Sometimes it happens that mother is not at home. And the children play on their own. And Eduard Uspensky wrote a poem about one such case. Let's listen to what happened there.

A boy and a girl come out and act out E. Uspensky’s poem “Destruction”

Mom comes home from work, Mom takes off her boots, Mom goes into the house, Mom looks around.

Was the apartment raided? No. Has a hippopotamus visited us? No.

Maybe the house is not ours? Our. Maybe not our floor? Our.

Seryozhka just came and we played a little. So this is not a collapse? No.

Didn't our elephant dance? No. I am very happy. It turned out,

I had no reason to worry!

Presenter: Well, moms, have you ever had such stories? And we continue to play. Now I need three brave mothers. Come out. Were we playing hide and seek? Now it's your turn to show us how much you know your children. We'll blindfold you. Children will stand around you and call you, say “mom” . And you must recognize your child by his voice and approach him. Guys, start a round dance around your mothers. Are moms ready? Are the children ready? Then let's begin.

Game "Find by voice"

Mothers stand in the center of the hall, blindfolded. Children stand in a round dance around them and call their mothers to them, say the words “mom” , and mothers should hear their child and approach their child.

Host: You found your kids. Well done. Take your seats. With play and worries, the day passes unnoticed and night comes. Our kids go to bed. What are they thinking about, listen to mom.

Child: Mom. K. Kubilinskas.

Mom, I love you very, very much! I love it so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night.

I peer into the darkness, hurrying Zorka. I love you all the time, Mommy!

The dawn is shining. It's already dawn. There is no one in the world better than mom!

Host: So that children would not be afraid to sleep at night, from time immemorial mothers sang lullabies to their children. I know that your mothers can sing lullabies too. Let's listen to them.

Mothers sing the lullaby “Go to sleep, sunshine” The golden month is looking out the window at us. How good it is to be next to you. That beautiful month will tell us a fairy tale.

it's gonna be all right. At night, a moon cat wanders in the yard On the threshold of dreams, he lurks and waits A new day comes to visit us and brings us

It's gonna be all right.


Bye-bye, the sun is falling asleep. Bye-bye, tender, warm. Tomorrow the day will come to visit us. Everything will be fine.

A dream comes to us, night comes Tomorrow at dawn a new day will come Bright and wonderful from poems and songs Everything will be fine.

Let him bring this new day Everything from the world of dreams to the world of ordinary people All paths are open, new orbits Everything will be fine for you.


Host: It’s so good when mom is nearby. When he hugs, caresses and plays with us. Mom is the most important person in a child’s life. Mom is the first word a child says. And we, dear mothers, have prepared an affectionate and gentle song for you.

Children perform the song “Mama” from a musical fairy tale.

Mom is the first word, the Main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, she gave peace to me and you.

It happens like this - on a sleepless night, Mom will slowly cry, How is her daughter, how is her son - Only in the morning will Mom fall asleep.


It happens - if suddenly grief or misfortune happens in your house, Mom - the best, most reliable friend - will always be by your side.


Mom the earth and the sun, Life gave me and you. It happens - you will become more mature and, like a bird, you will fly high,

Whoever you are, know that for your mother you are, as before, a dear baby.


Host: Take care of your children, don’t scold them for their pranks. The evil of your bad days Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them, Even if they have done something wrong, Nothing is more valuable than the tears that have rolled off the eyelashes of your loved ones.

If fatigue knocks you off your feet, You can’t cope with it, Well, your son will come up to you, Or your daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tightly, Cherish the children's affection. This happiness is a short moment. Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring, These golden days will flash by and your children will leave their native hearth as they grow up.


My mother gave me everything in the world, warmth, affection, and love. She always gave me advice, When I didn’t know the right words.

She opened her eyes to the world, And showed the way in life. I have always loved so sincerely, And dispersed grief and sadness.

When I cried, she consoled me, When it was hard for me. You always hugged me tenderly, I felt your warmth.

I am happy that you exist, dear, You are the best, the most valuable. You are my happiness, dear, You don’t need anything else.

When there is a mother, life is beautiful, She is an angel on earth. She is like a clear ray of sunshine, She is like all the stars in the sky.

Host: Friends, you value mothers,

After all, they won’t always be nearby. Love them and cherish them, Never forget! Lyrics of the song “Thank you, moms!”


The moon rose stealthily and lit up the sky. The kids are in their cribs, taking a break from their worries.

And caring mothers don’t sleep until midnight And sit quietly next to you, With a mother’s kind gaze

They look at their children.


Thank you, mothers, for your kindness, for your tenderness, affection and warmth! For the life that you gave us, Thank you, mothers!


Mothers, affectionate mothers! We are lucky to have you! We trust you with secrets and unvarnished secrets.

We hasten to please you with our achievements, For love and understanding, For patience and attention

We say “thank you” to you.


Thank you, mothers, for your kindness, for your tenderness, affection and warmth! For the life that you gave us, Thank you, mothers!

Thank you, moms, for every hour, When, worried, you wait for us, That you forgive us everything, Thank you, moms, to you!


I've been dreaming for a month now. He hasn't slept for a long time. And one day he confessed to us that he was sad for mommy.

Apparently, it’s lonely in the sky and sometimes it’s alarming. We fall asleep calmly, Because we know for sure:

Mom is always nearby!


Thank you, mothers, for your kindness, for your tenderness, affection and warmth! For the life that you gave us, Thank you, mothers!

Thank you, moms, for every hour, When, worried, you wait for us, That you forgive us everything, Thank you, moms, to you!

Host: Dear mothers, thank you for being here. For raising such wonderful, talented children. May your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often! Let smiles shine on your faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in your eyes when you are together! And it’s time for us to part, so that in the evening we can unite again in warm embraces. Happy holiday, dear mothers. Happy Mother's Day!

The children leave the hall to the music.

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