MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Physical education lesson in the middle group using “non-standard” equipment. Municipal budget preschool
Progress of the lesson Show the children pictures of mushrooms, describe each mushroom with the children. Please pay
“Bread is the head of everything” - every adult on Earth knows this saying. C
Project in kindergarten in the senior group. Wintering birds Project “Wintering birds of our region”
Fairy tales are different. There are those written by famous writers, or Russian folk tales. There are amazingly wonderful ones,
Studying the seasons An interesting option for research activities in kindergarten is studying
Simple patterns of origami animals for kids For the simplest crafts, a sheet of paper needs to be rolled up
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Mini-museum “Fabrics can do anything” in the senior
Pedagogical project “My native land” Introduction On the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people
I QUARTER (September – October – November) Objectives Systematization of knowledge about autumn (reducing the duration