Non-traditional physical education lesson for children of the senior group “Flower Glade”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Physical education class in the middle group using “non-standard” equipment.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "General developmental kindergarten"

with priority implementation of activities in the cognitive and speech direction of children's development No. 57 "Vesnyanka" city of Naberezhnye Chelny Republic of Tatarstan

Prepared by Elena Valerievna Kudaikina, physical education instructor at preschool educational institution


  • colored ropes
  • hemispheres
  • cymbal noisemakers
  • traffic jam paths
  • arcs
  • tunnel


Health saving:

  • improve children's health.
  • carry out the prevention of colds with the help of breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova.
  • strengthen proper breathing skills.
  • create a positive emotional and psychological atmosphere.


  • practice variations of walking and running, and jumping forward.
  • consolidate the skills of basic types of movements.
  • generate motivation for joint activities.


  • develop physical qualities (speed, agility, flexibility, endurance).
  • thinking, imagination, memory, visual perception.
  • spatial and coordination-rhythmic abilities.
  • include the body in an active harmonious mode of life.


  • cultivate moral and morally volitional qualities.
  • skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious attitude towards one’s health.
  • to develop in children a conscious attitude towards performing exercises and games.

Educational areas:

1. Physical culture. Communication. Socialization. Safety. Health.

Software tasks:

Reinforce the basic types of movements;

The ability to land softly on two feet after jumping over objects;

Practice stepping over and crawling under an arch in a group.

Educational areas:

1. Physical culture. Communication. Socialization. Safety. Health.

Program tasks: to consolidate the basic types of movements, the ability to land softly on two legs after jumping over objects, to practice stepping over, crawling under an arc in a group.

Introductory part. Children in sportswear enter the gym. Formation in a line, greeting.

Hello guys! Are you ready to go on the most unusual journey? Today we will go to visit the wolf and play with him. Do you guys want to play with the wolf? (children's answer).

Normal walking in a column, alternating with walking on toes, arms up; raising your knees high (like herons), hands on your belt;

on the outer arches of the feet, hands on the belt;

jumping forward from foot to foot, spread your arms in front of your chest (like frogs).

Running in a column one after another.

Walking as usual to restore breathing - inhale with your arms up one at a time, exhale with the word exhale and lower your arms. Guys, look what this is (shows noisemakers).

A set of exercises with noisemakers.

I. p. - art. feet shoulder-width apart, noisemaker plates in both hands below. 1-rise on your toes, make noise with your hands up. 2- I. p. 3-4 too.

I. p. - art. feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, bend forward, move your arms back (make noise). 2. I.p. 3-4 too.

Breathing exercises

The porridge is boiling. While sitting, one hand rests on the stomach and the other on the chest. Drawing in your stomach and drawing air into your lungs - inhale, lowering your chest, exhaling air and sticking out your stomach - exhale. When exhaling, pronounce the sound f-f-f-f-f loudly. Repeat 4 times for 8 breaths.

Bug. And. n. the baby stands or sits with his arms crossed over his chest. He spreads his arms to the sides, raises his head - inhales, crosses his arms on his chest, lowers his head - zhuuuk said the winged beetle, sizzling and buzzing. Repeat 4 times for 8 breaths.

Scissors. And. n. sitting on the floor cross-legged. Straight arms are extended forward or to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing down. With an inhalation, the left hand rises up, the right hand goes down. Exhale – left hand down, right hand up. After the child has mastered this exercise, it can be changed; it is not the arms that move, but only the hands. Repeat 4 times for 8 breaths.

Main part. Well done, everyone completed the task! Now you can move on! (these tasks are carried out in a row, by the whole group) Stand behind each other and go.

In order to find the wolf, we all need to walk along the path (walking along paths made of traffic jams).

Raise your feet higher, don’t step on the stumps. (walking while stepping over buckets).

We'll bend our backs and crawl under the bushes. (crawling under the arches).

There’s a snake lying ahead, it’s sleeping, you can’t make any noise! (jumping colored ropes from traffic jams).

There is a stream babbling somewhere here, we jump over the pebbles as quickly as possible. (jumping over hemispheres).

We are crawling in a dark cave, after which we will get to the wolf. (climbing through the tunnel).

Well, here we are on the forest lawn. We overcame such difficulties! Look how beautiful it is here. Oh, what is this? Someone's house is standing. Who lives here?

Wolf. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU its! Who's making noise here, who's having fun here?

Leading. Wolf, don’t be angry, we came with the kids to play with you. You're sad in the forest alone.

Wolf. Really, guys? Have you all come to me? Play with me? (children's answer). I know there are a lot of games and now I’ll play with you. The outdoor game “Sticky Stumps” , yes, well done guys! And I know another fun, interesting game called plate-noisemaker. Stand in a circle guys, and I will be the driver. The wolf stands in a circle and says the words: you rattle the plate, jingle loudly cheerfully, calls (child’s name), takes it and starts playing with it, passes the plate to another. (the driver stands in a circle and performs various movements to the music) the rest of the children clap their hands. Well done guys, you made me happy. Did you like it in my forest? (children's answer). Come to the forest, let's jump, run, and play more often! Says goodbye to the guys and leaves.

Final part.

Did you guys like our trip? (children's answer) Who did we visit? What was the most difficult task for you? Well done, you all completed the task correctly. This concludes our lesson.

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Physical education lesson with non-standard equipment in the middle group “Wand is a lifesaver”


strengthening the muscles of the arms and legs, developing flexibility
Software tasks:

  • increase children's interest in physical education;
  • in a playful way, develop qualities such as speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, and the ability to navigate in space;
  • form correct posture, balance, strengthen the muscular “corset” of the spine and the muscular system of the feet;
  • bring joy to children;
  • cultivate a friendly and respectful attitude towards each other.

The purpose of the massage and breathing exercise complex

is not only to prevent colds and other diseases, but also to instill in them a sense of responsibility for their health, confidence that they themselves can help themselves improve their well-being.


colored foam sticks, “snakes”, “stomp pillows”, massage paths, music (recorded).
Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the music, holding a long multi-colored stick (colored sticks held together).


Children, today we will play little wizards.

Let's make the first miracle: turn one large stick into several small rings (separate the stick, fasten the rings).

— The rings turned out to be different,


If we start playing with them,

We will bring ourselves a lot of joy.

Place the rings on the floor and stand in your house.

Listen carefully to my assignments. We walk or run to the music, jump around the hall. At the end of the music we occupy our house.

  1. walking on pillows, massage paths, snakes
  2. running like a snake between rings and pillows
  3. walking with high knees
  4. jumping on two legs while moving forward
  5. walking "monkeys", "ants"
  6. running in all directions
  7. calm walking along massage paths
  8. breathing exercise (inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth into a ring)

Exercise for the eyes. "Eyes"


Eyes to the left, eyes to the right, up and down, and all over again
(6 times)

“You need to open your eyes, it’s a miracle so as not to miss it” (open and close your eyes wide with an interval of 30 seconds, 6 times).

“Quickly - blink quickly, then give your eyes a rest” (blink quickly for 1 - 2 minutes).

- Now the children do the second miracle: we take the rings, turn them into sticks and play with them.

General developmental exercises with chopsticks

  1. IP: legs slightly apart, arms down.

1-raise the stick up with both hands, stand on your toes, look at it,


  1. IP: the same. 1-hands forward with a stick, 2-turn to the right, 3-forward, 4-IP, same to the left.
  2. IP: the same. 1-bend to the right leg, hook the ring on the leg, 2-inc., 3-incline to the left leg, 4-inc.
  3. IP: legs slightly apart, arms down. 1- sit down, bring your hands forward with a stick, 2-IP.
  1. IP: standing, arms down. 1-bend over, put the stick on the floor, 2-step over it, 3-jump back, 4-p.
  2. IP: sitting on the floor, legs apart. 1 – raise your hands with a stick up,

2 – bend forward, put the stick on the floor, 3 – straighten up, 4 – take the stick, 5 – return to the starting position.

  1. IP: lying on your back, legs fastened with a ring, arms to the sides, 1 – raise your legs up, 2 – lower.
  2. IP: lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, 1 – bend over, raise your arms, shoulders, legs up, 2 – return to the starting position.

Breathing exercise


9.ip. – legs together, hands with a ring in front of the chest.

“The trumpeter calls for him, he gives us health. 1 – inhale; 2 – exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound “u u u”.


- “Wash” your hands.

- “Swan neck”. Lightly stroke the neck from the chest to the chin.

- Yawn and stretch several times.

- Guys, today we are wizards, let's turn into animals.

Relay races:

  1. “kangaroo” (we “tie” the child’s legs with a stick, you need to jump so as not to tear it);
  1. “giraffes” walking on a gymnastic bench, with a ring on the head, we go back, jumping over the “snakes”, passing the baton to another.

Fun training “Caterpillar”.

Get on all fours, stepping your hands forward, go into a lying position, pulling your legs up, take a crouching position. This is how the caterpillar moves in search of food. And now you are all caterpillars. Let's crawl!

Instructor: Let's play with you. Outdoor game "Find your match." Children are divided into pairs and take two sticks of the same color. Everyone runs around the hall to the music, and at the teacher’s signal they stop and find their mate.

- Well done! They played well, quickly found their pairs, let's relax, listen to the birds singing (a recording is playing), and collect a chain of our color, and then connect it into a big chain.

It's time to go home, we hold on to the chain and leave the hall.

Author: Kashperko Tamara Nikolaevna,

physical education instructor

MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Fairy Tale”,

NSO Kochenevsky district, r.p. Kochenevo.

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