Educational and research project “Miracle garden on the windowsill” in the junior group of kindergarten

Educational and research project “Miracle garden on the windowsill” in the junior group of kindergarten

Objective of the project:

nurturing the ecological culture of children, developing interest in cognitive and research activities, instilling in children a love of nature, creating a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group, as well as developing the aesthetic feelings of preschoolers.

Project objectives:

1. Expand children’s knowledge about cultivated plants, their structure and plant growth conditions;

2. To generate interest in cognitive and research activities;

3. Give children a primary idea of ​​certain living conditions of plants and organisms (soil, moisture, temperature, sun, light);

4. Continue to acquaint children with the features of growing cultivated plants - onions, dill, wheat;

5. Develop children's creative abilities, a sense of responsibility for the growth and development of plants;

6. Develop children’s coherent speech, activate children’s vocabulary according to this project;

7. Foster respect for work, careful and caring attitude towards plants.

Expected results:

With the help of a vegetable garden on the window, we will not only tell you, but also show you how you can grow a plant from a seed, bulb, or grain that will grow, then bloom and bear fruit. Children will develop an interest in plants. They will be able to distinguish between certain types of plants (tomato, pepper, onion, cucumber, etc.). Learn and consolidate knowledge about the structure of a plant. They will learn a lot of interesting things about plant life. The children will learn to make observations and draw the first conclusions in their lives.

Project implementation plan:


Studying methodological literature and collecting information material to create the “Miracle of the Vegetable Garden on the Window.” Drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities. Creating conditions for the project.


carrying out planned activities for the implementation of the project (conversations, experiments, observations, experiments, creative activities, reading, looking at illustrations).


Analyze and summarize the results obtained in the process of research activities. Children's book competition "Riddles about vegetables". Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip". Processing and design of materials in the form of a presentation.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory:

• Defining the goals and objectives of the project.

• Studying methodological literature on the topic.

• Drawing up a work plan for the project “Miracle - vegetable garden on the window.”

• A selection of games, conversations, visuals, fiction and scientific literature, material for various activities, purchasing the necessary equipment and seeds.

• Creation of conditions for the project.

• Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the window.” Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate among parents an interest in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

Project “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” in the second junior group

Project type:

  • Focus: informational and educational.
  • By number of participants: group.
  • Duration: short-term.

Project participants:

  • Children of the 2nd junior group.
  • Educators.
  • Parents.

Project activity base:

MBDOU "Kilemarsky kindergarten "Teremok"

Implementation time: 1 month.

Relevance of the project.

Many parents who have their own gardens (dachas) do not suspect that the green kingdom will begin to arouse the child’s great interest if adults teach them to observe the plant, to see in the green sprout a special living creature, whose life depends entirely on whether it receives care or not. Only with the help of adults can a preschooler understand that the life of a plant depends on the presence of heat, light and good soil, and learn to distinguish a healthy and strong plant from a weak, frail one that requires “treatment.” Having learned to understand the condition of plants, the child will sympathize and care for the plants.


We assume that a preschooler who has gone through the “school” of caring for garden crops on the windowsill will participate in feasible labor of growing vegetables in the garden along with his parents. And parents, having received the necessary advice and recommendations, will involve the child in joint activities in growing vegetables.


Children of primary preschool age do not have sufficient understanding of plants, where they grow, the necessary conditions for their growth, and their interest in cognitive and research activities is not sufficiently developed.

Children do not have enough knowledge about habits that are beneficial to human health.

Objective of the project.

  • To develop children's interest in experimental and research activities in growing cultivated plants indoors.
  • To instill in children a love of nature.
  • Create a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group.

Project objectives.

  • To provide knowledge that plants are alive, they are watered, planted, and grown from seeds.
  • Expand children's knowledge and understanding of the beneficial properties of vegetables (onions, garlic, beetroot, lettuce), their structure and the conditions necessary for their growth.
  • Clarify adults’ ideas about work, teach children to correctly name labor actions.
  • To foster a caring attitude towards one’s health, to clarify children’s knowledge about habits that are beneficial to human health.
  • Foster hard work and respect for plants.
  • Get positive emotions from the results obtained.
  • Enrich vocabulary, develop children's coherent speech.
  • Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.

Main directions of the project.

  • Working with preschoolers.
  • Working with parents as a result of the implementation of the “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” project.

Expected results.

  • Children will gain knowledge that plants are alive, they are watered, planted, and grown from seeds.
  • Children will gain an understanding of the work of adults and will learn to correctly name labor actions.
  • Children will take care of their health.
  • The work carried out allows us to cultivate hard work and caring attitude towards plants.
  • All project participants (children, teachers, parents) will receive positive emotions from the results obtained.

The success of the implementation of tasks is ensured by the construction of a system of work in this area, which includes the following components:

  • Creation of a subject-developing environment;
  • Working with parents.

One of the most important conditions for solving problems is the organization of a developing subject environment. The object environment surrounds the child and has a certain influence on him from the first minutes of his life. It is important that it becomes developmental, that is, it ensures the development of active independent children's activities. However, in order for the subject material that is given to children for free use to become a stimulant, a source of research and search activity for preschoolers, they must have a minimum of knowledge and methods of action on which to rely.

Professional training of teachers: seminars, round table, visiting educational activities, taking courses.

Work with preschoolers includes:

  • Selection and examination of illustrations.
  • Organization and conduct of experimental activities: “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.” Planting vegetables: onions, beets, oats, radishes, beans, etc.
  • NOD “I am friendly with health, I want to be healthy.”
  • Conversation: “Caution – germs.”
  • Carrying out observations of plant growth with recording changes in growth (photo, “Observation Diary”).
  • Planting vegetables at home with parents (recommendations).
  • Caring for planted plants through observation (watering, loosening the soil).
  • Selection and reading of fiction.
  • Selection and guessing of riddles on the topic “Vegetables”, poems.
  • Children's independent activities, coloring vegetables, drawing microbes.
  • Organization and conduct of didactic games to consolidate knowledge about vegetables: “Wonderful bag”, “What has changed”, “What is being planted in the garden”, “Guess by the description”, “Fold the picture”, “The fourth one is extra”.
  • Decorating a vegetable garden in the style of a small rural courtyard: “A house in the village” where they live, Grandfather dressed in a hundred fur coats and Lukovka. They “grow” vegetables in the garden beds. Children in a playful way get acquainted with everyday life and farming, the inhabitants of a rural courtyard, with tools, agricultural machinery, and observe the growth of plants.

Joint activities of children and parents:

  • Planting some crops (flowers - bulbous) at home with children.

Working with parents:

  • Discussion of this issue at the parent meeting, February 27.
  • Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” (at a meeting).
  • Help from parents in purchasing equipment, seed material for a garden on the window, in making attributes for the garden: Grandfather - a hundred - fur coats - dressed, Onion, stuffed animal, well, hen with chicks, “dog”, tree, rug, sun and clouds , zone: “Pond”; planting some crops at home with children.
  • Consultation: “Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods”

Working with society: cooperation with colleagues.

Stages of work:

Stage 1 – information and analytical (end of February beginning of March).


  • Study methodological, popular science and fiction literature on the topic.
  • problem definition,
  • choosing a project goal,
  • collection of information material,
  • creating conditions for organizing work in the “window garden”,
  • drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities
  • introducing children to a problematic play situation,
  • children’s entry into a problematic play situation (the leading role of the teacher).

At this stage it is necessary to identify the problem:

Preschool childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person’s personality and his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, towards the “man-made world”, towards oneself and towards the people around them is formed.

The formation of the beginning of an ecological culture in children contains a variant of specific technologies built on organizing the interaction of preschool children with nature, the immediate environment, and knowledge of what grows and lives next to them.

In connection with this, it seems important to create a developing ecological environment, which, if properly structured, improved and subsequently used in pedagogical activities, acts as a method of environmental education of children.

Action plan:

  • Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.

Purpose: Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

  • Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material, natural material, fiction and scientific literature, acquisition of necessary equipment.

Goal: To create conditions for the implementation of the project “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.

2nd stage – implementation (collection and analysis of information), (1st - 3rd week of March)

Inclusion of each child in practical activities to achieve a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Implementation of the project: “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” - planned activities are carried out to implement the project (conversations, experiences, experiments, creative activities, viewing illustrations, reading, independent activities of children).

Action plan:

  • Looking at books and illustrations about plants.
  • Practical activities: planting onions, beets, oats, radishes.
  • Experience - observing the growth of onions, beets, oats, beans, flower crops (gladiolus, lily).
  • Examining flower seeds through a magnifying glass.
  • Practical activity: growing seedlings.
  • Experience - observing the growth of onions in different conditions (water, soil).
  • Didactic game “Wonderful bag”, “What has changed”, “What is being planted in the garden”, “Guess by the description”, “Fold the picture”, “The fourth is extra”.
  • Observations: “Are our plants growing?”
  • Making an observation diary.
  • Final conversation “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.”
  • NOD “I am friendly with health, I want to be healthy.”

3rd stage – final, (4th week of March)

  • GCD (final) “I am friendly with health, I want to be healthy.”
  • Final conversation, summing up.

Project support:

Technical: stereo system, computer, digital device, video projector.

Personnel: relationship with the methodologist of the preschool educational institution.

Informational: methodological and fiction literature, materials for events with preschoolers, illustrations, card indexes on the topic.

Regulatory: compliance with SanPiN in terms of regime, organization of children's activities in preschool educational institutions.

Financial: from own funds, sponsors’ funds.


  • The children got acquainted with wild and cultivated plants.
  • Children develop an interest in experimental and research activities in growing cultivated plants indoors.
  • As a result of practical and experimental activities, children received the necessary knowledge and skills (conditions for plant growth).
  • We learned all about the benefits of vegetables, fruits and taking care of our health. Strengthened good habits for human health.
  • The children saw the variety of seeding material.
  • Children have become more careful about the plant world.
  • The group created a vegetable garden on the window.
  • Children have become more respectful of work.
  • Observations of plants were recorded in an observation diary.
  • Parents took an active part in the “Garden on the Window” project.

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