A 2-year-old child’s daily routine by the hour: at home and in kindergarten

Components of the regime

To begin with, it’s worth identifying all the important components of the daily routine of two-year-old children:

  • Nutrition. At two years old, the number of meals is 4 or 5. If parents eat a healthy and balanced diet, then their son or daughter can be transferred to a common table. But you need to offer dishes that correspond to the age characteristics of the baby.
  • Dream. Rest is extremely important, as it allows you to restore strength, absorb and process the information received, and “reboot” the nervous system.
  • Development: emotional, physical and intellectual. This component includes active games and gymnastics, various developmental activities, creativity, communication with family members and peers.
  • Walks. Fresh air is also essential for well-being and good health.

Mode of a child not attending kindergarten

If the child is still sitting at home and does not attend a general education preschool institution, then his regime may be something like this:

Time intervalsActions
From 7:30 to 8.00Waking up, changing clothes, hygiene procedures (washing and brushing teeth)
From 8.00 to 8:15Morning exercises
From 8:15 to 8:30Breakfast
From 8:30 to 9.00Preparing for the walk
From 9.00 to 10:30Morning walk
From 10:30 to 12.00Leisure at home: games, activities, creativity
From 12.00 to 12:30Dinner
From 12:30 to 13.00Preparing for the day's rest
From 13.00 to 15.00Dream
From 15.00 to 16.00Waking up, changing clothes, quiet games, communicating with family members, preparing for afternoon snack
From 16.00 to 16:30Afternoon snack
From 16:30 to 18:00Walk
From 18.00 to 18:30Games, activities
From 18:30 to 19.00Dinner
From 19.00 to 20.00Quiet entertainment at home, communication with family
From 20.00 to 20:30-20:40Getting ready for bed: light snack if desired (a glass of kefir or milk), hygiene procedures (bathing and brushing teeth), putting on pajamas
From 20:30-20:40 to 21:00Setting the mood for sleep: reading a fairy tale or singing a lullaby, calm conversations, stroking the head
From 21.00 to 6.00-7.00A good night's sleep

The daily schedule presented above is approximate. It is necessary to create and organize a regimen taking into account the individual needs and characteristics of each specific child. So, if the baby wakes up later or earlier, then awakening and, accordingly, going to bed at night may shift. Still, you should adhere to the recommended intervals between activities so that the periods of wakefulness and rest are not too short or, on the contrary, long.

Article on the topic “Daily routine in early preschool age, its meaning and organization”

Daily routine in early preschool age, its meaning and organization

The daily routine of a preschooler is a rational, clear alternation of wakefulness, sleep, nutrition, hygiene and health procedures, classes and independent activities of children, repeated daily in a certain sequence. The daily routine for children is the basis of education, teaching the child to use time resources responsibly, self-discipline, developing character and willpower [1].

The regime must provide favorable conditions for development, therefore it varies depending on the age of the child, his state of health, the characteristics of the work of adults, the life of the family and the institution in which the child is being raised. If the daily routine is not followed, the following consequences may occur for the child: tearfulness, irritability; instability of psycho-emotional state; developmental disabilities; difficulties in accustoming the child to the routine of kindergarten or school.

The daily routine in a preschool educational institution is a rational duration and reasonable alternation of various types of activities and rest for children during a 12-hour stay in kindergarten. The basic principles of constructing a regime in a preschool educational institution are its compliance with the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children, systematicity and consistency [2].

The main components of the regime in a preschool educational institution are: sleep, staying in the open air (walk), direct educational activities, play activities and rest of one's own choice (free time), eating, personal hygiene. The daily routine is considered correct if it provides sufficient time to perform all the necessary elements of life and high performance throughout the entire period of wakefulness, prevents the development of fatigue, and increases the overall resistance of the body [3].

When conducting regime processes, the preschool educational institution adheres to the following rules:

— Complete and timely satisfaction of all organic needs of children (sleep, nutrition).

— Thorough hygienic care, ensuring cleanliness of the body, clothes, bed.

— Involving children in participating in regime processes within their means; encouraging independence and activity.

— Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

— Emotional communication during routine processes.

— Taking into account the needs and individual characteristics of each child.

— Calm and friendly tone of address, careful attitude towards the child, elimination of long expectations, since the appetite and sleep of babies directly depend on the state of their nervous system [4].

The accuracy of the daily routine largely depends on how the child himself regulates his behavior on the basis of developed habits and self-care skills. Experience shows that strict adherence to the established routine day after day gradually develops the child’s active desire to carry out the routine independently, without prompting from adults, without coercion, and this contributes to the formation of such important qualities of behavior as organization and self-discipline, a sense of time, and the ability to save it.

The daily routine is of great importance for the health and comprehensive physical development of preschool children. As the great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov pointed out, constant time for eating, sleeping, walking in the air, and playing outdoor games is a prerequisite for the proper physical education of young children [5].

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, an approximate daily routine has been developed for each age group of preschool educational institution [6]. The standard regime is designed for a 12-hour stay of children in a preschool institution. For each age period, a regimen is recommended that takes into account the physiological needs and physical capabilities of children of a given age.

In a preschool educational institution, the maximum volume of children’s workload during direct educational activities has been established in accordance with the requirements imposed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, sanitary and hygienic standards and programs implemented in the preschool educational institution.

The preschool educational institution in its activities is guided by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13, which regulate the activities of preschool organizations regardless of type, organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, except for family groups located in residential apartments (residential buildings). They were approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 and are aimed at protecting the health of pupils when carrying out activities related to: training, education, development and health improvement, care and supervision. Monitoring the implementation of these sanitary rules is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor [7].

SanPiN requirements for kindergartens, as amended as of 2019-2020, are aimed at protecting children's health in the process of caring for pupils, supervising them, educating them and teaching them in groups that are located in residential premises of the housing stock. This document spells out the provisions on what conditions should be provided in a preschool educational institution, how the educational process should be organized, what products can be fed to children in kindergarten, etc. The requirements are periodically updated, and newer and newer requirements arise for the microclimate and placement of children in the kindergarten. garden, new norms and rules of nutrition, lighting, temperature conditions, dishwashing standards, epidemiological requirements, technological nuances.

A rational regime is based on the optimal ratio of wakefulness and sleep, mental and physical activity, and taking into account the rhythm of digestion [8].

Staying outdoors (walking) is the most effective type of recreation, allowing you to harden the body and increase physical activity. Walks are especially important for preschool children: in winter, at least 4-4.5 hours, and in summer, if possible, all day. The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day - before lunch and in the second half of the day - after a nap or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below minus 15° C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below minus 15° C and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s with children under 4 years old. Daytime sleep for children 4 years of age is at least 2 hours. Independent activity takes at least 3–4 hours during the day [7].

The duration of continuous direct educational activity is: for children of the 4th year of life - no more than 15 minutes. The maximum permissible weekly educational load, including the implementation of additional educational programs, in the younger group (children of the fourth year of life) is 2 hours 45 minutes. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the younger group does not exceed 30 minutes. In the middle of the year (January), week-long holidays are organized for pupils of preschool groups, during which the content of educational activities is aimed at the aesthetic and health development of children (musical, sports games and entertainment, visual arts). Educational activities on the physical development of children of the 4th year of life are organized in preschool educational institutions 3 times a week. Its duration depends on the age of the children and is 15 minutes in the younger group. In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, educational activities on physical development are organized as much as possible in the open air [9].

Sleep ensures complete functional restoration of all body systems. The physiological need for sleep in children of different ages depends on the characteristics of their nervous system and health status. A good night's sleep is important for both preschoolers and schoolchildren. A child under 5 years old is supposed to sleep 12.5-12 hours a day (of which approximately 10-11 hours at night and 1.5-2.5 hours during the day). The time allotted for night sleep is from 9-9 hours 30 minutes in the evening to 7-7 hours 30 minutes in the morning. Preschool children sleep once during the day. They are put to bed so that they wake up at 15-15 hours 30 minutes. It is not advisable to organize daytime sleep later - this would inevitably cause a later bedtime at night [7].

Activity is the main factor in the development of a child’s growing body. The alternation of activities of different nature and load causes alternate excitation of different parts of the cortex, and the cortex as a whole is protected from overwork. Nowadays, when neuro-emotional stress and the flow of information have increased significantly, this is of particular importance. In total, 75-80% of the time spent in kindergarten is spent on sedentary activities, while the child has an inherent need for active movements.

A child's wakefulness should include educational games, being in the fresh air, and communicating with peers. Do not forget about “free time” for the child, when he is not busy with other activities and can do what interests him.

A child’s performance and activity levels are not the same throughout the day. Their rise is observed from 8 to 2 hours and from 16 to 18 hours, and the minimum period occurs at 14-16 hours. The best performance indicators are observed on Tuesday and Wednesday, and starting from Thursday, it worsens again, reaching its lowest performance on Friday and Saturday. Consequently, by the end of the week, gradual and steady age-related fatigue occurs. To a certain extent, this is due to the long duration of the sedentary state of children engaged in quiet games, household work, and educational work [10].

Meals are an obligatory component of the regime, which is organized taking into account the breaks between breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner within 4 hours. It is unacceptable for children to sit at the table waiting for food and after eating it - this contributes to fatigue. Good nutrition is the key to a child’s health. Nutrition should be balanced, combining proteins, fats and vitamins in equal quantities.

Rest should ensure complete restoration of all physiological systems of the body. In a child accustomed to a strict routine, the need for food, sleep, and rest occurs at certain intervals and is accompanied by rhythmic changes in the activity of all internal organs. The body, as it were, adjusts in advance to the upcoming activity, so it is carried out quite efficiently, without unnecessary waste of nervous energy and does not cause pronounced fatigue.

The daily routine in a preschool educational institution should be varied, taking into account all possible situations: bad weather, lack of staff, quarantines and periods of increased morbidity. This mode is usually called flexible, since it is developed on the basis of a system of quick response to a suddenly changed situation. When transforming the daily routine into a flexible one, the age of the children, their individual mental characteristics, and the program according to which the preschool educational institution operates are taken into account [11].

During periods of increased morbidity, the daily routine increases the total duration of children’s stay in the fresh air, provides time for therapeutic and preventive procedures, and reduces the volume of educational activities with increased physical and intellectual stress [10]. Children who do not follow a daily routine are more susceptible to colds.

The optimal daily routine is compiled in accordance with the following principles:

— Monday and Friday should not be intellectually loaded;

- each day should be different from the previous one in the nature of gaming and educational activities, the place and form of their organization;

— time should be provided for informal communication between teacher and child, joint games between adults and children; carrying out preventive measures, relaxation and musical breaks.

Thus, the daily routine is the routine of life. The daily routine is carried out throughout the entire period of raising children in a preschool educational institution, maintaining consistency, constancy and gradualness, and corresponds to the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children. And the more carefully parents and educators think through the daily routine and try to implement it into life, the more it will have a positive impact on all aspects of the child’s life and health.

List of used literature:

  1. Fomin, N.A. Physiological bases of motor activity [Text] / N.A. Fomin, Yu.N. Vavilov. — M.: Physical education and sports. - 2013. - 224 p.
  2. Vasilyeva, M.A. Education and training program in kindergarten [Text] / M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis. - 2015. - 157 p.
  3. Pozdnyak, L.V. Management of preschool education [Text]: textbook / L.V. Pozdnyak [and others]. - M.: Publishing Center Academy. - 1999. - 432 p.
  4. Organization of the daily routine in kindergarten [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: https://xn-3-7sblbduo6ci.xn, free.
  5. Pavlov, I.P. Physiology. Selected works [Text] / I.P. Pavlov. 2nd ed. — M.: Jurayt. — 2016. — 395 p.
  6. Federal state standard of preschool education. – M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2022. – 34 p.
  7. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN as of 2022 / current edition [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://xn—-etbdbxf0aacqne0a.xn--p1ai/zakon/rebenok/sanpin_detski_sad.
  8. Kudryavtsev, V.T. Principles of developmental pedagogy of health improvement [Text] / V.T. Kudryavtsev // Health and physical development of children in preschool educational institutions: problems and ways of optimization: collection of articles. articles and documents. — ed. T.I. Overchuk. — 2nd edition. Corrected and additional - M.: GNOM and D. - 2012. - P. 84-92.
  9. Educational program of preschool education of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Sevastopol “Kindergarten No. 126 of a combined type” [

    . - Sevastopol. - 2016. - 86 p.

  10. Organization of the daily routine, its importance in raising children [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: https://xreferat.com/71/3137-1-organizaciya-rezhima-dnya-ego-znachenie-v-vospitanii-deteiy.html, free.
  11. Pozdnyak, L.V. Management of preschool education [Text]: textbook / L.V. Pozdnyak [and others]. - M.: Publishing Center Academy. - 1999. - 432 p.

The routine of a child attending kindergarten

If a child already goes to kindergarten at two years old, then his routine should be adapted to attending a preschool educational institution. The regime in preschool educational institutions complies with generally accepted educational federal state standards (FSES), and it must be communicated to parents in an accessible form. You can find information at the information stand in the kindergarten or on its official website.

Below is a table by the hour, which describes the daily routine for children in kindergarten:

6.00-7.00Getting up, hygiene procedures, preparing for going to kindergarten (dressing, getting ready)
From 7.00 to 8.00Reception of children in kindergarten, examination by a doctor, gymnastics and games
From 8.00 to 8:30Preparing for meals and breakfast
From 8:30 to 9.00Group classes
From 9.00 to 9:10-9:15Second light breakfast in the form of a small snack
From 9:15 to 9:30Preparing children for a walk: dressing, collecting toys for playing outside
From 9:30 to 11-11:30Walk around the facility in the fresh air under the supervision of teachers
From 11-11:30 to 12.00Free children's activities
From 12.00 to 13.00Preparing for meals and lunch
From 13.00 to 15.00Preparing for daytime rest, sleep
From 15.00 to 15:30Awakening and subsequent water procedures
From 15:30 to 16:00Afternoon snack
From 16.00 to 16:30Group activities and games
From 16:30 to 17:40Second walk
From 17:40 until approximately 18:15-18:20Preparing for meals and dinner
From 18:20 to 19.00Going home
From 19.00 to 20.00Quiet entertainment at home, communication with family
From 20.00 to 20:30-20:40Getting ready for bed: light snack if desired (a glass of kefir or milk), hygiene procedures (bathing and brushing teeth), putting on pajamas
From 20:30-20:40 to 21:00Setting the mood for sleep: reading a fairy tale or singing a lullaby, calm conversations, stroking the head
From 21.00 to 6.00-7.00A good night's sleep

In bad weather, walks are replaced by group activities, such as creativity or different activities.

Important! At home on weekends you should follow approximately the same regime that applies in kindergartens. Of course, it is quite possible to allow your baby to sleep an extra hour in the morning and go to bed a little later in the evening. But you should not neglect the regime on weekends, holidays and periods of illness: having relaxed, the child will have difficulty adjusting back to the previous kindergarten regime.

Consultation “Day routine. Sleep in the first junior group"

Valentina Vilchinskaya

Consultation “Day routine. Sleep in the first junior group"

The daily routine is of great importance for the health and physical development of children . Constant time for eating, sleeping, walking, playing and studying is a prerequisite for the proper upbringing of a child.

routine is a system of distribution of periods of sleep and wakefulness, meals, hygiene and health procedures, classes and independent activities of children. The cheerful, cheerful and at the same time balanced mood of children largely depends on strict adherence to the regime . Delays in eating, sleeping, and walking have a negative impact on the nervous system of children: they become lethargic or, conversely, excited, begin to be capricious, lose appetite, have trouble falling asleep and sleep restlessly.

When organizing sleep, it is important not only to maintain its duration, but also to ensure that children sleep well. Good deep sleep of sufficient duration is very important for the health and well-being of children. If the daily routine , then children develop a rhythm in the change of day and wakefulness. After a good night's sleep, children are usually alert and active.

With a lack of sleep, the endurance of nerve cells in children weakens, a decrease in activity and lethargy occurs. Lack of sleep immediately affects the mood: the child becomes lethargic or, on the contrary, excited, gets irritated easily and at the slightest provocation, cries a lot and often.

When organizing daytime sleep, the following rules are taken into account:

1. When preparing children for bed, the environment should be calm, noisy games are excluded 30 minutes before bedtime.

2. Children with poor health are the first go to bed first .

3. Before going to bed, the bedroom is ventilated with a decrease in the air temperature in the room by 3 - 5 degrees.

In kindergarten, putting children to sleep is much more difficult than at home. The teacher needs to put not one, but many children to sleep at the same time in a relatively short time. Since there are many children, they can naturally disturb each other and fall asleep. Therefore, putting children to bed in a group requires very clearly thought out organization.

By encouraging children to undress on their own, the teacher distracts them from pranks. If the teacher is busy with one child, the rest of the children are not idle at this time, they are busy with something useful and interesting for them - undressing. This is of great importance in kindergarten, where the teacher needs to place not one child, but a group of 20 - 25 children . Children's active participation in undressing ensures their interest and positive attitude towards the process.

Still, children 2 and even 3 years old need, of course, a lot of help from adults. At this age, they still cannot do everything - unbutton a button, untie shoelaces, etc. Sometimes children do all this very slowly, get distracted, and, finally, sometimes refuse to undress not because they don’t know how, but because they are tired or Bad mood. Therefore, the teacher not only helps the children undress, but sometimes undresses them herself, especially those who are weak, tired, or for some reason refuse to undress themselves. However, here too we must try not to leave the child passive, but to involve him in some kind of active participation in a form accessible to him.

Depending on the characteristics of each child, educational techniques should be different. If a child is playing around and doesn’t want to sleep, then you can distract his attention by offering to do something yourself (for example, turn on the other side, adjust his pillow, etc.)

or influence him with calm, affectionate conversation.
If the child is easily excitable and moves a lot, you need to sit next to him, preventing him from moving and having a calming effect on him, but without entertaining him with conversation (pat him, lightly pat him on the back, etc.)
For a good sleep, there should be no bright light in the bedroom light, hot, noisy.

During awakening, a teacher should always be near the children. This circumstance is very important, since not all children get up right away. Usually only a few children wake up at first, while the rest continue to sleep. Therefore, you need to maintain silence for a while so as not to disturb the peace of the children who have not yet woken up. After waking up, each child needs to be lifted out of bed and dressed, without waiting for the others to wake up. When dressing, the teacher encourages children to be independent. When helping one child put on, for example, a dress, you need to monitor the independent dressing of another, older one, and give him instructions: “Kolya, are you wearing your socks? Now take your pants and put them on"

Thus, awakened children do not wait until the teacher can dress them - they themselves are busy and therefore calm. It is good to involve children in mutual assistance.

With all these techniques, the teacher not only develops some skills in children, but also promotes their active behavior, general development and creates a more favorable environment for simultaneously serving a group of children .

Features of sleep of a two-year-old child

A two-year-old child should sleep about 13 hours a day. Approximately 10-11 hours are spent on night rest, and during the day the baby sleeps for about 2.5-3 hours, once. At two years old, another transition period may begin, along with which some sleep problems will come. The baby actively learns everything, develops and has fun, so he can go on vacation with whims, indignation and reluctance. Some psychologists call this behavior a false refusal to sleep.

A false refusal to rest may be a feature of emotional development, but sometimes it is provoked by the influence of certain factors, such as the absence or non-compliance with the daily routine, overwork or, conversely, the lack of activity and the possibility of an outburst of energy, overeating and abuse of sweets, an excited state or quarrels between parents, watching TV or games with smartphones and tablets.

Important! Be sure to observe your child’s behavior, because it indicates the need for rest. If the baby is lethargic, capricious, drowsy, irritable and yawns, it’s time for him to rest. But sometimes the decline in activity is preceded by a period of excitement, when the baby jumps, runs, screams and plays pranks. And such a surge of energy will likely be followed by an urgent need for a break, expressed in apathy, whims and yawning.

To improve night and daytime sleep, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Compliance with certain rituals - a sequence of actions preceding bedtime. This could be hygiene procedures, changing into pajamas, reading a fairy tale or singing a lullaby, dimming the lights, stroking the baby on the head. The ritual gives a feeling of calm and suggests that sleep will follow.
  • Favorable atmosphere in the bedroom: temperature about 20-22 degrees, ventilated room, absence of loud sounds and noises, dim light.
  • A walk before bed is advisable. It saturates the body with oxygen and relaxes.
  • A burst of energy during the waking period. If the baby is tired enough (but not overtired!), then he will probably want to rest and quickly fall asleep.
  • Preparing for bed in advance. Laying should not be done suddenly and abruptly. It is advisable to reduce activity half an hour to an hour before falling asleep and switch to quiet activities, eliminating all external stimuli (bright sunlight, sounds).
  • Increasing the time interval between eating and sleeping. If the baby has just eaten a heavy meal, he will not be able to fall asleep quickly and soundly. You need to wait 30-60 minutes so that the food has time to partially digest.

Consultation for parents “Daily routine for young children”

Daily routine for a 2-3 year old child. Consultation for parents

Children are conservative by nature. They need everything to be a certain way.

order and corresponded to some kind of system. You've probably noticed that children

prefer to eat from the same plate with the same spoon (that

called “favorite plate”, “favorite spoon”, etc.).

Or another example. Children quickly remember that they eat porridge in the morning,

lunch is soup, and before bed they drink yogurt. And then they themselves remind you what their


The same applies to the daily routine. If the child has a certain order

activities throughout the day, he feels calm and confident. Subsequently he and

he himself begins to remind you that it is time to eat, sleep or swim.

If every day is “like a surprise” for a child, then this can provoke

he has disinhibition, hyperactivity, anxiety, and sometimes aggressiveness.

In order to understand the baby’s condition, an adult only needs to put himself on the

his place: how will he feel if he needs something different every day?

time to go to work, fulfill various duties and requirements, sometimes directly

opposite to what they were yesterday?

What should happen to a child every day? This is definitely

nutrition, walks, games and sleep, hygiene procedures in the morning and evening.

They should be alternated in a certain order and in accordance with age


Feeding a child, unfortunately, often becomes the “meaning of life” for adults.

It seems to them that if the baby eats with appetite, then everything is fine with him. However, not

you need to make a “cult” out of food. A child's appetite is directly proportional to

his motor activity. A hungry child eats everything. So this is another one

a reason to think about a properly organized daily routine.

Walks. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends forming

child's need for walks. Then walks will be perceived by him as

“the norm, as a prerequisite for a reasonable lifestyle.” The longer you walk,

all the better. And you should stick to this rule every day. An obstacle for

Walking is only possible in windy weather.

The games are understandable and close to the child’s level of consciousness. This is the most

a natural and joyful activity that builds the character of children. Playing

they learn and develop. The main thing is to consider the child’s age and characteristics

attention. With a child under 3 years of age, it is necessary to change the type of game every 5—

10 minutes. For example, we assembled a pyramid, then threw a ball, after that

pasted pictures, etc.

Dream. The child’s body functions according to special rules that determine

period and duration of sleep. And this must be taken into account. If

to paraphrase a well-known proverb, we get the following statement: “How

the child sleeps, this is how he will behave while he is awake.” Pediatricians

They believe that it is good when a child falls asleep in the evening before 21.00.

Having a well-established daily routine is a necessary condition for growth and

child development. The younger the baby, the clearer the schedule should be,

because small children get used to it very well. The child's body with

easily adapts to the established daily routine and at set hours

will always be ready for sleep or feeding.

The regime is the key to psychological and physiological health. If from day to day

Every day parents adhere to a certain schedule, then the baby does not experience

no negative feelings about going to bed or

go for a walk.

Let us consider in detail the approximate daily routine of a 2-3 year old child, which

is considered the most favorable for the development and growth of the child, according to

pediatricians and child psychologists.

Approximate regimen of a child 2 - 3 years old

6:30 - 7:30 - Wake up after a night's sleep, go to the potty,

washing, exercise.

Waking up will be easy and fun for your child if you use

morning games or organize exercises. After the baby has woken up, you should

put him on the potty (in any case, try inviting the child to go

to the toilet). When planting on a pot is part of the regime (occurs according to

hours), this does not cause negative emotions in the child. The next step is

washing. Now it is good to use poems and nursery rhymes for washing, which

will help make the process enjoyable and developing. After the baby has washed

hands and washed your face, you should brush your teeth.

7:30 - 8:30 - Preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

Breakfast is a necessary meal! It should be composed of several dishes.

A healthy breakfast for toddlers should include:

- carbohydrates that charge the body with “quick” energy, helping the baby start

the day is as cheerful as possible,

- proteins that will become a source of energy for a longer time (until the very


- fiber, which will give you a feeling of fullness and improve digestion.

The child’s menu should be drawn up taking into account the baby’s age and characteristics.

development (have all teeth erupted in accordance with age, is the child able to

chew food).

Breakfast for a 2-year-old child may consist of the following dishes and products:

- porridge with milk or water (vegetable or cottage cheese casserole)

- sandwich (white bread with butter or jam)

- tea or compote (other healthy drink)

Let's figure out what foods make breakfast truly healthy

and nutritious.


Carbohydrates enter the body of crumbs, mainly from grains. Ready porridge with

Milk is the staple food consumed for breakfast.

Choose cereals keeping in mind their usefulness. Add chopped

fruits (it is best to add ripe soft fruits: peaches and bananas for

for babies, strawberries or other berries for older children).


The main protein source for breakfast is the egg. Many parents

Offer children hard-boiled eggs. However, it happens that the baby eats and

omelette (you can add healthy vegetables and herbs to the omelette) - such an omelette can be

give to children only from 2 years old. As a rule, children from the age of 2 are already ready to

Breakfast eat one whole egg.


Fruits and vegetables provide the body with fiber, as well as many other

nutrients. Tough raw fruits and vegetables may present

danger of suffocation, so apples, pears and carrots should be boiled before

serving the baby to the table. Soft fruits (bananas and peaches) are good not to add

only in porridge, but also in yogurt.

8:30 - 11:30 - Game and walk.

The first half of the day is a good time for developmental activities (usually

in kindergartens at this time, children have several successive

"classes"). You can keep your child busy with drawing, teach him to count, read

or just talk! Try to use your walking time as well

developmental purposes. During this walk, the baby can play as active as possible.


11:30 - 12:30 - Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Lunch for a child 2 - 3 years old should consist of the following, alternately

alternating dishes:

Salad - 30 g (it is best to serve a salad of fresh vegetables or fruits,

seasoned with sunflower oil or sour cream). Vegetables and fruits can no longer be

grind into a homogeneous mass (use a larger grater if your baby has

all the teeth came out on time).

Soup - 100 - 150 g (vegetable, meat broth).

Cutlets, meatballs or meatballs with a side dish (50 - 60 g each).

Compotes, water with juices, tea or other drinks (70 - 100 g).

Rye bread (10 - 30 g).

Children at this age sit very poorly at the table, eat little and dirty,

are easily distracted, so some parents try to speed up the process,

adding mashed potatoes, a meat cutlet and pieces of bread to the soup. Is it possible to do this

do? Child psychologists say that this method of nutrition will not allow

the child will form taste preferences, and the baby will not be able to understand

the order of dishes and the very meaning of lunch. After all, in this form, lunch is just

“pushing” everything useful into the baby’s body. Quite often children who

My parents feed me this way and I feel sick while eating.

What to do if a child does not eat certain foods? And if the baby never

finishes lunch? Pediatricians reassure parents: “If a child looks

healthy, active and cheerful, then he probably gets enough

calories and nutrients and from the amount of food one eats.”

12:30 - 15:30 - Preparing for daytime sleep, sleep. Daytime naps never cause

problems if you go to bed on schedule!

15:30 - 16:30 - Afternoon snack.

An afternoon snack for a child is no less important a meal than breakfast, lunch or dinner.

It is no coincidence that children are entitled to four meals: babies have an accelerated metabolism

substances, and an afternoon snack helps them restore their energy and nutrients

after a nap. As a rule, the child is most active at midday

(after afternoon tea, many go for a walk, play and play pranks). That's why

The afternoon snack should consist of those foods that can give the child a “quick”


What to give your child for an afternoon snack?

The afternoon snack should restore the body's supply of carbohydrates and proteins.

crumbs. Therefore, most often children receive fruits (berries, puree or

fruit salads), yogurt or cottage cheese. Good as drinks

diluted juices, as well as compotes. When choosing fruits, it is better to give

preference for those that are “our own” (grew up and matured in our region).

The ideal afternoon snack is an afternoon snack that includes fruits and vegetables,

grown in our own garden.

For younger children, it’s good to give children’s kefir, cookies and

fruit puree or baked fruit (for example, baked apple).

When should you feed your child an afternoon snack?

The afternoon snack should be organized after the food that the baby has eaten has been digested.

during lunch (it takes at least three seconds to digest the previous meal)

half - four hours). The countdown should begin from the start

lunch. If the baby was seated at the table at 13:00, then the afternoon snack should not start

later 16:30 - 17:00.

A complete afternoon snack should not be too filling!

Remember that the afternoon snack is an intermediate meal that helps the baby

“hold on until dinner.” Therefore, you should not turn it into a second lunch.

Use the afternoon snack to diversify your child’s menu, as well as

pamper him with interesting and tasty dishes. So, for example, if during

day the child does not receive enough fruit, then it’s time

fill this gap during afternoon tea.

16:30 - 19:00 - Game and walk. The walk should be a little calmer now,

than in the first half of the day. Time to get ready for a night's sleep!

19:00 - 19:30 - Preparing for dinner, dinner.

Dinner for a baby is important, but not the main meal. This should be remembered

choosing products for a children's dinner. What should you cook for your child for dinner? AND

What dishes should make up a complete, but not excessive dinner?

What to feed your child for dinner?

Children's dinner should include those products that the baby lacked in

during the day. For example, the child did not eat fruits and dairy products -

these are the ones that should be offered to him for dinner.

If your baby doesn’t sleep well after a hearty “full” dinner, you shouldn’t

load the stomach with boiled and baked food (heat treatment makes

products are heavier for the baby’s stomach).

What to cook for your child for dinner?

The following products are suitable for dinner:

Main course: curd products (curd dishes, children's curds),

egg dishes (omelettes, vegetables with eggs, boiled eggs), vegetable dishes (mashed potatoes, stews,

cutlets, salads), fruit dishes (baked fruits, salads and fresh purees



Drink: fermented milk drinks, compote.

Is it possible to give your child a “hearty” dinner to help him sleep better?

Modern children live in a special regime. And if earlier the second half

day was calm, filled with sedentary games and activities, but now

babies remain in an excited state longer and longer. What's the matter? Why

Is your baby unable to calm down in the evening and then sleep peacefully all night? Answer

lies on the surface: modern children are surrounded by too much

irritants and "pathogens". What is the value of the TV alone?

flashes all the colors of the rainbow, makes all kinds of sounds and distracts the child from

his no less interesting toys! And if the room is always on

computer? And how often do parents, trying to “calm down” their child, set him up to

approaching sleep, sit him in front of the monitor and turn on educational

cartoons! Impressions, emotions and even new knowledge do not give the baby

calm down until very late! What to do? Maybe use

dinner time to calm your baby's energy?

Some mothers strive to prepare as nourishing a meal for their baby as possible.

dinner. After all, then the child’s body will be busy digesting, the child will fall asleep

faster. It is impossible not to notice that there is some truth in such reasoning (after eating

in people, the parasympathetic nervous system comes into play, the person is drawn to

dream). However, experts urge parents to practice moderation: “Dinner for a child

should be easy." If you feed a child everything that is in the house, he will not be able to

get a good night's rest. Instead of sound and healthy sleep, the body

will be busy digesting food.

19:30 - 20:30 - Independent game. Try not to drop your child off in front of

TV (a large number of impressions will not let the baby fall asleep).

20:30 - 21:00 - Swimming.

21:00 - 6:30 - Getting ready for bed, night's sleep. You can read it to your baby at night

a simple fairy tale with a simple plot.

Planting on a pot can be done according to a schedule, but you

you should watch your baby and find out when he really needs it

necessary. Otherwise, time spent on the potty may be

ineffective. This daily routine is approximate. You can add to it

any amendments. It is compiled individually for each child. However, not

the baby's night sleep should be shortened, and the sequence and

number of meals.


A two-year-old eats at least 4 times a day, but if desired, you can add an additional meal, for example, in the form of a second light breakfast-snack between the main breakfast and lunch.

The diet should include the following products in certain quantities:

  • wheat bread – 60-70 g
  • rye bread – 30 g
  • pasta or cereals (dry) – 40 g
  • meat – 60-70 g
  • fish – 60-70 g
  • potatoes – up to 100-150 g
  • other various vegetables – 150 g
  • cottage cheese – up to 80-100 g
  • milk – 200 g
  • yogurt or kefir – 200 g
  • cottage cheese – up to 100 g
  • butter - a tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • sour cream - a teaspoon;
  • eggs – a whole small egg;
  • dried fruits – 10-15 g
  • hard cheese with a fat content of 45% - a five-gram piece.

Let's look at a sample menu for one day in the table:

EatingDishes (examples)
Breakfast60 g steamed omelette, 150 g porridge cooked in milk, 150 ml tea or juice
Dinner100 ml of vegetable soup, steamed cutlet (60 g), 50 g of vermicelli, 50 g of seasonal vegetables (in the form of a salad dressed with sour cream or butter), 150 ml of compote (for example, from dried fruits)
Afternoon snack100 grams of yogurt or kefir, 50 g of cookies or rolls, fruit (apple, pear, peaches)
Dinner100 g mashed potatoes with butter, 100 g vegetable stew, 50 g fish (soufflé, cutlet)

There is no longer a need for breastfeeding at two years old, but the mother can breastfeed if the baby needs it.

Daily routine in kindergarten

The routine in kindergarten is the same for all children.
Therefore, if at home you are used to sleeping until lunch, not putting your child to bed and eating whenever you want, then before entering a preschool institution you need to bring your home daily routine as close as possible to the routine in kindergarten. This will help the child during the adaptation period. Typically, three-year-olds easily adapt to kindergarten. At this age, they are ready to communicate with their peers and other adults and gain new knowledge. Being raised at home, the child does not receive the necessary social communication. In addition, in kindergarten, classes with the child are conducted according to a special program that corresponds to his age characteristics.

In a group of peers, it is much easier for a child to learn to communicate or gain self-service skills by looking at other children. And in order for your child to endure the adaptation period even easier, you need to accustom him to the regime within 2-3 months. It is very difficult to maintain a rigid daily routine at home. And in kindergarten it is built optimally for a little person and contributes to his physiological and psychological development.

The regime in different kindergartens may differ, but its principle is the same everywhere.

Approximate daily routine in kindergarten

Meals and sleep remain constant in the daily routine. The walk depends on weather conditions and time of year. If the weather is bad, games or activities are held at this time. Some kindergartens also have a second breakfast.

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Also read on our website: Mistakes of parents in raising children

Requirements for the daily routine in kindergarten according to SanPiN

Children are provided with four meals a day at the group premises. The interval between meals is no more than 4 hours. For more information about diet, diet and menu, see here.

A walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day and after sleep, which is a total of 3 - 4 hours. At temperatures below -15°C and wind speeds of more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced.

Daytime sleep for children from 3 to 7 years old is 2 - 2.5 hours. During nap time, the presence of a teacher in the bedroom is mandatory. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to conduct active and emotional games and activities.

Independent activity of children 3–7 years old should take at least 3–4 hours a day. This includes independent play, preparation for educational activities, and personal hygiene.

All rooms must be ventilated daily. Through ventilation is carried out at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours in the absence of children, 30 minutes before they arrive from a walk or activity. In the presence of children, ventilation is permissible only in the warm season without a draft. When ventilating, the air temperature should not drop by more than 2-4°C.

Bed linen is changed at least once a week.

Have you already chosen what to give your baby for New Year? How to please and surprise your beloved baby? The New Year family holiday is an opportunity to give your child bright emotions from shared entertainment. Let your baby remember this magic and fairy tale for the rest of his life! The best New Year's greetings for a baby - personal interactive greetings!

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Organization of classes

It is mandatory for the harmonious development of the child to include developmental activities in the daily routine according to SanPiN, which subsequently serve as preparation for school.

Also read on our website: How to choose a nanny. Tips from an experienced nanny

Classes in kindergarten are conducted in the main areas:

  • musical;
  • physical training;
  • art;
  • classes to develop fine motor skills;
  • speech development classes;
  • introduction to basic mathematical knowledge.

Activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are held in the first half of the day and alternate with physical education and music classes to avoid overworking the child.

The continuous duration of an educational lesson for a preschooler does not exceed:

  • 10 minutes for children 3 - 4 years old (younger group);
  • 15 minutes for children 4 - 5 years old (middle group);
  • 20 minutes for children 5 - 6 years old (older group);
  • 30 minutes for children 6 - 7 years old (preparatory group).

No more than 3 classes are held per day. Breaks between classes are at least 10 minutes.

Physical development classes

Physical development classes are held at least 3 times a week. Their duration ranges from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the age group. In summer, such activities are recommended to be carried out outdoors.

In addition to physical development classes, other forms of physical activity are also used: morning exercises, physical exercises, outdoor games, and in some kindergartens - exercise classes, swimming, etc.

Morning reception for children

Reception of children should be carried out by educators and (or) medical workers. Identified sick children or children with suspected illness are not accepted. If a child falls ill during the day, he is isolated from healthy children (placed in a medical room) until the parents arrive or are hospitalized, with the parents informed.


At two years old, the following games and entertainment will be useful and interesting for the baby:

  • role-playing games, including with dolls, sets for different professions;
  • games with interactive toys;
  • puzzles, sorters, busy boards,
  • cubes, pyramids, construction sets with large parts;
  • dancing, performing movements to music;
  • hide and seek;
  • singing.


Activities with a two-year-old child may include:

  • drawing with pencils or paints;
  • modeling from salt dough or plasticine;
  • Reading books;
  • simple crafts, such as appliqués;
  • cards with different objects or animals;
  • sorting cereals and putting them into different containers;
  • learning new words with an explanation of their meaning;
  • getting help around the house.

Development and education

At two years old, a child can do a lot: pronounce from 50 to 300 words, try to speak in short sentences, fulfill requests, express emotions, play without the participation of adults, ask to go to the potty (not always), eat food independently, dress or try to do this, repeat the movements and actions of adults, show and defend their desires, be actively interested in the world around them and communicate with peers, go down and up stairs, draw “doodles” and lines, dance and sing primitively (repeat the rhythm), try to disassemble and assemble objects, wipe hands and try to brush your teeth, actively participate in different games, and perform sequential complex actions.

Parenting includes the active involvement of the child in familiar everyday processes: dressing, hygiene procedures, preparing for meals, cleaning, and so on. Parents must also set boundaries and boundaries of what is permitted, stopping the child in case of incorrect or prohibited actions. Communication is very important, including discussing everything that is happening.

Physical activity

The physical development of a two-year-old is an important component of the regime. The baby is actively moving, but his coordination is not quite perfect yet. And this is important to consider when practicing games or any exercises. To develop dexterity, coordination and endurance, you can offer your child the following games and exercises:

  • walking in place or in a straight line;
  • jumping in place;
  • squats, bends in different directions, back and forth;
  • ball games;
  • exercise “bicycle” in a lying position;
  • dancing to rhythmic music;
  • moving “in single file” (squatting);
  • lifting objects from the floor;
  • hanging on gymnastic rings.

Gymnastics should definitely be done in the morning. Also, physical activity at home is desirable if walking in the fresh air is not yet possible for some reason.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010 08:40 + in the quote book Daily routine and menu for the nursery group of a kindergarten Growing up, kids gradually join adult life, the laws of which are sometimes very different from the carefree pastime at home. Of course, having plunged into the world of kindergarten, it will be difficult for a child to immediately accept and understand the rhythm of his life. Therefore, if you know for sure that after a few months your baby will be going out into the world, try to gradually and very gently introduce her to the nursery daily routine and, perhaps, even make some adjustments to her usual home schedule. Regime for the nursery group for children (1.5 -2 years old) 8:00 morning exercises (running, jumping, games). 8:10-8:40 breakfast, for which the children are offered cottage cheese soufflés and casseroles (1-2 times a week), milk kazhi, steamed omelet or egg porridge with fresh vegetable salad, a warm drink. 9:10-9:20 and 9:20-9:30 classes aimed at the diversified development of the child: music, physical education, dancing, sensory skills with elements of mathematics, drawing, modeling, knowledge of the surrounding world, speech development. In this case, two activities should not overlap or repeat each other, so as not to tire the child. It is optimal when classes to develop thinking, imagination, and speech are replaced by fast and active games, dancing, and physical exercises. 9:30-11:30 walk. Outdoor games. 11:30-12:00 lunch. At this time, children are given pureed vegetarian soups, steamed meat dishes (meatballs, cutlets) or boiled fish, side dishes in the form of cereal dishes or mashed potatoes, salads from fresh vegetables (daily). For the third course every day, children receive fortified drinks (compote, jelly). 12:15-15:00 nap. 15:00-15:30 gradual rise, carrying out hygiene and health measures (light warm-up). 15:30-15:45 afternoon snack, which can consist of a drink (milk, kefir, barley coffee drink and flour product (loaf with butter or jam, waffles, cookies). 15:45-16:45 time of active wakefulness. During this during this period, classes are held for the diversified development of the child, but they in no way repeat the morning ones. For example, if in the morning there was drawing and dancing, then in the evening you can sing songs or do modeling. 16:45-17:15 dinner. For which the children are offered dairy products porridge, pureed vegetable dishes, egg omelet with fresh vegetable salad, etc. 17:15 walk, active games, reading fairy tales and just chatting in a pleasant and friendly company.At the same time, dinner in the kindergarten should not be the last meal in the daily diet baby, and in the evening (19:00-20:00) at home the child must be fed a home-made dinner.It is best if the evening meal is vegetable dishes: stew of a mixture of vegetables, stewed cabbage, carrot or beet caviar, vegetable cottage cheese casserole soufflés and puddings or milk porridges. This healthy meal will be perfectly complemented by fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk), fresh fruits and juices, the abundance of which, unfortunately, the kindergarten menu cannot boast of. Deciding on the main kindergarten dishes is a task of increased complexity, since all the “basic” ones are collected in a thick book called “Collection of recipes for dishes for early and school age” and their number exceeds well over a thousand. The management, nutritionist and cook of each individual preschool institution are free to choose from this list those dishes whose recipes correspond to the kindergarten’s food supplies and optimally satisfy the needs and, of course, the taste requirements of the children. Practice shows that the set of “favorite” dishes in kindergartens can differ markedly. However, do not be alarmed, because tomato and cucumber salad, mashed potatoes, vegetarian borscht and steamed meat cutlet, which your baby is used to at home, occupy a worthy place on the menu in almost all kindergartens. https://www.razumniki.ru/rasporyadok_dnya_v_detsadu.html

Series of messages “children’s”:
Part 1 - children's furniture Part 2 - hairstyles ... Part 16 - Weekly menu for children 1-1.5 years old for home feeding Part 17 - Nutrition for children 1-1.5 years old Part 18 - Daily routine and menu for the nursery group kindergarten Part 19 - Daily routine in the nursery group Part 20 - Entertaining, educational and educational sites only for children... Part 44 - Finger painting. For activities with children from 1 to 2 Part 45 - Plasticine modeling for children Part 46 - Poems for the New Year

children's regime and nutrition

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During walks, a two-year-old child must explore the world around him, contact and communicate with peers, recognize natural phenomena, examine objects and analyze the actions of other people, and also be sure to be physically active.

Important! Dress your baby according to the weather so that he does not freeze or sweat. Cancel walks when sick or in bad weather.

A competently and clearly organized daily routine for a two-year-old child will ensure the comfort of the whole family and help them learn discipline. And parents will be able to free up time for personal matters.

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