Card file of finger gymnastics for children of the second junior group.

The purpose of finger gymnastics

Improving children's speech depends on the development of fine motor skills. The better a preschooler moves his fingers, the easier it is for him to construct clear and intelligible speech. That’s why finger gymnastics for 3-year-old children is so important. It stimulates the development of articulatory organs, trains hands to hold writing and creative instruments, and improves thinking and creative abilities.

Tasks of finger games:

  • general speech development, stimulation of the speech center in the brain;
  • expansion of individual vocabulary;
  • development of perseverance, attentiveness, interest in the educational process;
  • improvement of auditory and visual memory;
  • formation of ideas about poems and fairy tales as literary forms;
  • training fine motor skills, improving the flexibility of the wrist joints;
  • creative development, improvement of imagination.

What is finger gymnastics

This is a fun and simple finger workout aimed at improving memory, fine motor skills, the ability to think creatively, and concentrate. Children are supposed to do finger gymnastics from an early age. The classes do not require preparation or special physical skills.

You can start gymnastics when the child is 3 months old. First, the parent bends the baby's fingers. Having reached the age of 2, the child acts independently, repeating the movements of an adult. As the child gets older, the movements should become more complex.

For maximum effectiveness, gymnastics are recommended to be performed daily. The lesson should not last more than 4-5 minutes.

The movements are accompanied by poems and fairy tales. Text support should be changed every 3-5 days. But if a child asks to repeat an old poem, there is no need to refuse him. If a preschooler refuses to play, you should not force him; it is better to postpone finger gymnastics to another time.

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