Long-term work plan for life safety in the preparatory group Long-term plan for the formation of safety fundamentals
Card index. “Observations in the spring on a walk in the middle group.” Transcript 1 Card file “Observations in the spring on
Work on self-education in the first junior group during the adaptation period “Hello, kindergarten!” Games
How to choose a topic for self-education? There are only two main criteria: the requirement to study the topic from the outside
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF "Formation of the fundamentals of life safety in preschool children." From work experience. Life
Thematic planning in the middle group Elena Pavlova Thematic planning in the middle group September Topic
Experience of preschool educational institutions in organizing joint leisure activities with families of pupils Municipal budgetary preschool
Slide captions: Kindergarten “Scarlet Flower” Pedagogical technologies in teaching preschoolers with the help
CARD FILE OF EXPERIMENTS WITH WATER FOR YOUNGER GROUP card file (junior group) on the topic “Let’s find out what